Letter Of Appeal Dear Xxxx, Admission Essay


I also was able to learn how to better manage my time and set my priorities in order. I have applied this knowledge in my work and family life and I have seen how effective I was in implementing them. Given the chance to get readmitted at university, I know I will be equally successful in applying time management and priority setting skills and knowledge. The last year has indeed accorded me enough time to rethink and revisit my situation and the conclusion I derived thereto is that continuing with university and finishing my degree will be the only way to improve my life and provide a better one for my family. I am well aware of the challenges and obstacles ahead should I be given the chance to continue but I am more cognizant now of what is expected of me. I...


It is in this regard that I ask for reconsideration and allow me to go back and finish what I have started. I am doing all these not only for me but for my family to ensure that my children will have a better future because their father will be able to be a better person and a learned man when I complete the program.
I am hoping for your most favorable response on behalf of this request. Thank you very much and I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Respectfully yours,

Fadlseed Ammer

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