Organizational Communication And Culture Essay


Interviewing Project Introduction

Organizational culture and communication happen to be closely connected as they are interdependent and have a major impact on the operation and performance of the organization. According to Kayworth & Leidner (2014) organizational culture influences the kinds of communication within the organization and the communication within an organization also helps to shape the culture. This paper seeks to determine identify the kinds of communication that shape the organizational culture and how culture shapes communication within Prima Community College. This is done through the use of face-to-face interview with a non-freshman expectant student. The discussion will be done on the premise of interaction with teachers and socialization with fellow students.

Interaction with teachers

The college has a laissez faire-oriented culture that is characterized by academic freedom, inviolable values, and autonomy. These characters impact the connection amid teachers and students, and the communication methods used, and even the content of the message being communicated by teachers to the students. First of all, the interaction with teachers is mainly limited to academic and professional reasons. Given this is an institute if higher education, the culture of the organization is founded on the understanding that students...


As the interviewee states, “…teacher would try to prevent failure by giving study guides…” which is an indication of the respectful culture and interaction which is based on the fact that, the students are adults thus, they are not to be pushed around. The interviewee also states that there is room for independence and that teacher will only help when needed. The input by teachers seems to be more pronounced in training the students for the corporate world after graduating. To ensure students are adequately prepared, they hold mock interviews for training purposes and show the students how to “dress for success.”
Socialization between students

The organization allows for students to interact with each other and engage in social events and groupings freely. Social events students engage in include hanging out together and talking about other topics other the curriculum. In addition, they drink tequila and even have a special handout zone. This would be considered as an opportunity to expand the organizational culture to accommodate each individual student, and allow each student to…

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