Self-Concept Is The Mental Image Or Idea Research Paper


Self-concept is the mental image or idea that I have of myself and my strengths, weaknesses and status such as self-image. These are the whole set of opinions, attitudes and cognitions individuals have on themselves. The paper is a response that I will examine the origins of my self-concept. This will be in four parts all of which are all exploring a source of self-concept. There is a lot that I have learned about myself in the past few weeks through this course. I have learned so much about myself particularly my self-concept. I have learned that I am very compassionate. This is because I am a very good listener hence making me compassionate to the pleas and the details that I am keen to get. I always try to help anyone that is in need of my help without asking or expecting anything in return. Even though I do not have so much I...


I try putting myself in the shoes of people who are suffering and try to give them support in any way .I am willing to sacrifice a lot for my family, friends or anyone who might be in need. I believe that my compassionate aspect is biological since my parents are very compassionate people. Ever since I was young I used to see them help those in need. They sponsor so many needy children by paying their school fees. They even go visit the children in orphanages. I must have picked this aspect from compassionate nature has made me have very many friends. It has also made my relationships with my friends stronger. This is because my friends know that I am a person they can count on whenever they have a problem.
My parents played a major…

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