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By ruby

Describe the 2 theoretical perspectives behind research. Develop a research question. Justify the theoretical perspectives chosen to answer your research question. Critically review appropriate literature literature?

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By PD Tutor#1
Best Answer

1. The two theoretical perspectives behind research are the positivist perspective and the interpretivist perspective.

- Positivist perspective: This perspective focuses on the idea that knowledge can be gained through objective observation and measurement. Positivists believe that there is an objective reality that can be studied and understood through empirical evidence and scientific methods.

- Interpretivist perspective: This perspective emphasizes the importance of understanding the subjective meanings and interpretations that individuals attach to their experiences. Interpretivists believe that reality is socially constructed and that individuals' interpretations of the world are shaped by their unique perspectives, beliefs, and values.

2. Research question: How does social media influence self-esteem in adolescents?

3. Justification of theoretical perspectives: To answer this research question, both the positivist and interpretivist perspectives can provide valuable insights.

- Positivist perspective: This perspective could involve conducting surveys or experiments to measure the correlation between social media use and self-esteem levels in adolescents. By collecting quantitative data, researchers can identify patterns and trends that may suggest a causal relationship between these variables.

- Interpretivist perspective: This perspective could involve conducting interviews or focus groups to explore how adolescents perceive and experience social media's impact on their self-esteem. By gathering qualitative data, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the subjective meanings and interpretations that adolescents attach to their social media usage.

4. Critical review of literature: In reviewing appropriate literature on the topic of social media and self-esteem in adolescents, studies from both positivist and interpretivist perspectives should be considered. This will provide a comprehensive understanding of the research findings and theories that have been proposed in this area. Additionally, examining studies that utilize a mixed methods approach can help to integrate both perspectives and offer a more holistic view of the complex relationship between social media and self-esteem in adolescents.
Further review of the literature on the topic reveals a wide range of findings and theories surrounding the impact of social media on adolescents' self-esteem. From the positivist perspective, studies have shown correlations between increased social media use and lower self-esteem in adolescents, suggesting a potential negative impact on mental well-being. Additionally, research utilizing experimental designs has provided further evidence of a causal relationship between social media exposure and self-esteem levels.

On the other hand, the interpretivist perspective has highlighted the nuanced ways in which adolescents interpret and make meaning of their social media experiences. Qualitative studies have explored how factors such as comparison with others, social interactions, and validation through likes and comments can shape adolescents' self-perceptions and self-worth in the context of social media use. These findings emphasize the importance of understanding the subjective experiences of adolescents in order to fully grasp the complexity of the relationship between social media and self-esteem.

Overall, combining insights from both theoretical perspectives can offer a more comprehensive understanding of how social media influences self-esteem in adolescents. By synthesizing findings from diverse research approaches, researchers can gain a more nuanced and holistic view of this complex phenomenon, ultimately contributing to the development of effective interventions and strategies to promote positive mental health outcomes in adolescents.

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