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What is considered as being the media influence on the ordinary person and on young people?

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By PD Tutor#2
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Influence of Media on Ordinary People

Media, encompassing traditional forms like print and broadcast to digital platforms and social media, exerts a profound influence on ordinary individuals. Its ability to inform, shape opinions, and drive behaviors has far-reaching implications for society.

1. Information Dissemination:

Media serves as a primary source of information for most people. News outlets provide updates on current events, while documentaries and investigative reporting shed light on important societal issues. This information empowers ordinary individuals to make informed decisions and participate in democratic processes.

2. Agenda Setting:

Media has the power to set the agenda for public discourse. By selecting and prioritizing certain issues, media outlets influence what people think about and how they prioritize their concerns. This agenda-setting ability can affect public opinion on policy issues, social movements, and even personal beliefs.

3. Framing:

Media not only presents information but also shapes how people perceive it. The way issues are framed can significantly influence individual attitudes. For example, framing climate change as a political issue rather than a scientific one can polarize opinions and hinder consensus-building efforts.

4. Reinforcement of Social Norms:

Media reflects and reinforces social norms. By portraying certain behaviors, lifestyles, and values, media can influence individuals' perceptions of what is considered acceptable or desirable. This can shape how people view themselves, others, and their place in society.

Influence of Media on Young People

Young people are particularly susceptible to media influence due to their developing cognitive abilities and increased exposure to digital technologies.

1. Identity Formation:

Media plays a crucial role in shaping young people's sense of self and identity. They seek role models and examples of how to navigate the complexities of adolescence through media portrayals. Media representations of gender, race, and sexuality can influence their self-perception and aspirations.

2. Socialization and Peer Influence:

Media platforms facilitate social connections among young people, fostering a sense of community and belonging. However, peer influence can be both positive and negative, and media can amplify the impact of both. Cyberbullying, body image pressures, and exposure to inappropriate content are potential risks that parents and educators should consider.

3. Cognitive Development:

While media can enhance young people's knowledge and critical thinking skills, excessive consumption of certain types of media can have negative effects. Passive viewing of highly stimulating content can impair attention spans, reduce vocabulary acquisition, and promote distractibility.

4. Risk-Taking Behavior:

Media portrayals of risky behaviors can influence young people's perceptions of consequences and their own invincibility. Exposure to alcohol, drug use, and unsafe sexual practices can encourage experimentation and increase the likelihood of negative outcomes.

Strategies for Minimizing Negative Media Influence:

For Ordinary People:

Critical Media Literacy: Develop critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate media content.
Media Diversification: Seek information from a variety of credible sources to avoid bias.
Mindful Consumption: Limit exposure to sensationalistic or harmful content.

For Young People:

Parental Guidance: Supervise media use, discuss media messages, and encourage critical thinking.
Media Education: Incorporate media literacy into school curricula to equip young people with analytical skills.
Positive Role Models: Provide young people with positive media representations that promote healthy behaviors and values.


Media exerts a powerful influence on both ordinary people and young people. Its ability to inform, shape opinions, and influence behaviors has both positive and negative implications. By understanding these influences and adopting strategies to mitigate potential risks, individuals can harness the benefits of media while minimizing its negative effects.

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By PD Tutor#1
Best Answer

Media influence on the ordinary person:

- Shaping opinions and beliefs: The media can influence individuals' perceptions and beliefs on various issues through news coverage and editorial content.
- Setting trends: Media platforms like social media and celebrity culture can shape people's preferences and behaviors in terms of fashion, lifestyle, and consumption.
- Creating fear and anxiety: Sensationalized news reporting can instill fear and anxiety in people, affecting their mental well-being.
- Normalizing certain behaviors: Depictions of certain behaviors, such as violence or substance abuse, in entertainment media can normalize them in society.
- Influencing political views: Media coverage of political events and campaigns can sway individuals' opinions and voting behaviors.

Media influence on young people:

- Shaping identity and self-esteem: Media portrayals of beauty standards, success, and relationships can impact young people's self-image and self-esteem.
- Influencing values and attitudes: Media content can shape young people's values, attitudes, and beliefs on various issues, such as gender roles, diversity, and social justice.
- Encouraging risky behaviors: Portrayals of risky behaviors like substance abuse, violence, and unprotected sex in media can influence young people to engage in similar behaviors.
- Impacting mental health: Exposure to unrealistic beauty standards, cyberbullying, and other harmful content online can negatively affect young people's mental health.
- Promoting materialism: Advertising and media content can promote materialistic values and consumption patterns among young people.
- Reinforcing stereotypes: Media representations of different social groups can reinforce stereotypes and perpetuate discrimination and prejudice among young people.
- Influencing decision-making: Media messages about relationships, career choices, and lifestyle can influence young people's decision-making processes and future aspirations.
- Shaping political engagement: Media platforms and social media play a significant role in shaping young people's political awareness, engagement, and activism.
- Fostering social comparison: Constant exposure to idealized images and lifestyles on social media can lead young people to compare themselves negatively to others, impacting their self-esteem and mental well-being.
- Facilitating learning and education: Media platforms can provide valuable educational content and resources for young people, enhancing their knowledge and skills in various fields.
- Instilling values of tolerance and diversity: Positive representations of diverse identities and experiences in media can promote values of tolerance, acceptance, and diversity among young people.

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