Media Essays (Examples)

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Media Ownership Concentration the Author of This
Pages: 5 Words: 1700

Media Ownership Concentration
The author of this report is asked to do a Marxist analysis of a media conglomerate and what does or tends to happen when a single corporate structure owns multiple publications and how the forcing out or limiting of other publications can lead to a stunted and incomplete view of reality due to an artificially limited marketplace. The company used as an example in this report is Time Incorporated, a subsidiary of Time Warner, that owns a number of publications numbering nearly twelve dozen including magazines in the fashion, television, entertainment and sports spheres. The three magazines that will be used for analysis will be People, InStyle and Marie Claire, as these magazines are owned by the same conglomerate and are used to push an image and a lifestyle in the name of making money. However, this is done at great expense to society and the media sphere…...



Lee, S. (2013, August 15). 'Duck Dynasty' premiere recap: Wait, did I just cry? | PopWatch | Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch Blog | PopWatch | Retrieved October 5, 2013, from 

Mongretta, E. (2013, September 25). Miley Cyrus Disses Taylor Swift In 'Rolling Stone' -- " Calls Her Vanna White - Hollywood Life. Hollywood Life - Latest Hollywood Gossip, News & Celeb Pics. Retrieved October 5, 2013, from 

Pearson, C. (2013, October 5). Fashion And Eating Disorders: How Much Responsibility Does Industry Have?. Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post. Retrieved October 5, 2013, from  

Media Audiences
Pages: 5 Words: 1397

Media Audiences
Marxist media theorists discuss the media in terms of their role as 'ideological apparatuses'. Explain the key notions behind this research, paying particular attention to the concept of hegemony and the media's role within it. What is 'hegemony', and why is it important to audience studies?

Marxist theorists emphasizes on the role of mass media in reproduction of status quo, however there is no school of thought regarding his theories. He viewed the society where he lives as being a domination class; therefore it was seen as an ideological arena where many class views are fought out, although it happened within the dominance context of certain classes. Marxist argues that mass media is a means of production in the capitalist society since it disseminate the views of the classes which are ruling and defusing the alternative ideas. He concluded by pointing out that the role of the mass media is…...



Shaun Moores, (2005). Media/Thery: Thinking About Media and Communications. Pg 35.

Retrieved July 17, 2012 from,+K.+%282003%29.+Understanding+media+theory&source=bl&ots=BWE_LcXXAF&sig=opuUoqiVYOSCYvdU9vKJufkOIcA&hl=sw&sa=X&ei=WX8GUOngN-7R4QS77On9CA&ved=0CFYQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=Williams%2C%20K.%20%282003%29.%20Understanding%20media%20theory&f=false 

Daniel Chandler, (2012). Marxist Media Theory. Retrieved July 18, 2012, from 

Artz, L., Macek, S., & Cloud, D.L. (2006). Marxism and communication studies: the point is to change it. New York: P. Lang.

Media in Contemporary Culture Gender Roles in Sex and the City
Pages: 5 Words: 1791

Media Communications
Representation of characters and role models in different media outlets is based on perceptions and preconceived notions held by the producer, co-producers, and audiences at large. Only those representations are drawn that largely resonate with current meanings given to people, characters, places, and objects.The paper presents two theoretical approaches to study media and its impact at large. Theory of social constructivism provides framework to assess the meanings given to gender roles, objects, and places. Social construction of ideals, role models, and images keep changing as their meanings constantly transform from one generation to another and from one society to another. Theory of agenda setting is another framework that explains media and its influence. Though widely criticized as well, agenda setting theory has been used by researchers to highlight media role in political as well as entertainment, news, and infotainment segments. Media has played vital role in promoting culture as…...



Brooks, DE & Hebert, LP 2006. 'Gender, race and media representation'. Handbook of gender and communication, Vol. 16, pp. 297-317.

Ewen, S 2001. 'Captains of Consciousness Advertising andthe Social Roots ofthe Consumer Culture'. Basic Books.

Featherstone, M 2007. 'Consumer culture and postmodernism'. Sage Publications Limited.

Littlejohn, SW & Foss, KA2009. 'Encyclopedia of Communication Theory' (Vol. 1). Cal: SAGE.

Media Review News Story - Union Serves
Pages: 8 Words: 2918

Media eview
News story - Union Serves 72-Hour Strike Notice at Viking Air

The CAW (Canadian Auto Workers Union) has announced a 72 hours strike while making a bargain with the Viking Air management. As per the notice, the Union will go on strike by 12 noon on Thursday, 19th January (CAW, 2012).

The union's national spokesperson Gavin McGarrigle said that it had been over a year since skilful workers had been waiting for renewal of job contracts, benefits, and other on the job issues. However, Viking Air had been reluctant to go for the new contract on the patterns of Cascade Aerospace which went into a contract with union previous year at Abbotsford (CAW, 2012).

The voting conducted on 28th October, 2011 showed that over 94% of the Viking Air staffers are in favor of strike. According to McGarrigle, this start of the year, they were going to try their level best to…...



Bloomberg. (2012). Canadian Auto Workers Union Serves 72-Hour Strike Notice at Viking Air Limited. Accessed March 5th, 2012 from: 

Bloomberg. (2011). Viking Air Limited Workers Vote 94% in Favor of Strike Action. Accessed March 5th, 2012 from:

Media if 911 Had Not Happened Do
Pages: 3 Words: 1197

If 911 had not happened do you think the Summer of the Shark would have become the Year of the Shark? If not, what do you think the next big story would have been? (search news sites and other online references to find other news stories that could have been big, but were overshadowed by 9/11)

The term "summer of the shark" has become a joke to refer to the way the media flailed about in order to find its next big story to lure and hook viewers. The University of Florida News reports that the summer of the shark was the summer that never was; the numbers were already exaggerated and it would not have been a viable lead for news agencies (Keen, 2002). In fact, Keen (2002) points out that actual numbers of shark attacks were down that year, not up.

In spite of this, sharks still could have stolen…...



Keen, C. (2002). 'Summer of the shark; In 2001 more hype than fact, new numbers show. University of Florida News. Feb 18, 2002. Retrieved online: 

"To Ten News Stories of 2004." Retrieved online: 

"Top Ten World News Events of 2001." Retrieved online: 

"Words in the News -- Archives, 2001," (n.d.). Retrieved online:

Media Coverage of the 2012
Pages: 12 Words: 3960

One can be certain that many millions of dollars will flow through the hands of right wing fundraisers like Karl Rove into attack ads against Obama's reform legislation, called "Obamacare" by many who oppose it and even by some who have embraced it.
On the subject of public health, in the National Public Radio blog on campaign spending (Kramer, 2010), the reporter interviewed Peter Stone with the Center for Public Integrity. Stone noted the three best-known independent groups that are raising millions for attack ads against Democrats in general, Obama in particular, and against those supporting healthcare reform.

Stone noted that Crossroads GPS (Karl Rove's fundraising organization), the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and Americans for Prosperity were running "…these so-called issue ads which tell the viewer that so-and-so is not very good on healthcare issues and (ask viewers) to please call or write ashington with your concerns" (Kramer, p. 1). The…...


Works Cited

Badash, David. (2012). Gun Pointed at Obama's Head in Sen. Rand Paul's Fraudulent

Fundraiser. The New Civil Rights Movement. Retrieved June 1, 2012, from .

Boehlert, Eric. (2012). Birthers, Billionaires and FOX: The GOP Freak Show in Full Effect.

Media Matters for America. Retrieved June 2, 2012, from .

Media and Political Process
Pages: 3 Words: 867

Media devices are particularly influential when considering the way that they can manipulate the masses in developing thinking that they would not otherwise put across. The International Crisis Group online article "Deja Vu All Over Again? Iraq's Escalating Political Crisis" relates to one of the hottest topics currently under discussion in international circles. Similarly, Bradley Burston's article "Romney, a subdued pilgrim, walks a wary line in Jerusalem" induces intense feelings in the general public as the U.S. presidential elections are closing. hen analyzing both of these articles, one is likely to observe that they have a tendency to induce particular sentiments into their readers.
Conditions are critical in Iraq and there are very little people around the world who are not acquainted with this subject. It is difficult for an outsider to assess the problem accurately and to come up with an effective solution because both Prime Minister Maliki and his…...


Works cited:

Burston, Bradley, "Romney, a subdued pilgrim, walks a wary line in Jerusalem," Retrieved July 31, 2012, from the CNN Website: 

"Deja Vu All Over Again? Iraq's Escalating Political Crisis," Retrieved July 31, 2012, from the International Crisis Group Website:

Media and United States Foreign
Pages: 8 Words: 2319



International Media played vital role when the United States was in search of enough evidence for launching military attacks against Iraq. The government was provided with accounts of significant importance and relevance related to the Sadam Hussein and his government. The media secretly photographed different installations that were alleged by the Security Council and United States as sites for nuclear weaponry and plants. The United States submitted all those references quoted by the media, and tried to convince the international community for conducting military operations against Iraqi regime. After the military attack was launched by the United States with the support of United Kingdom, Australia and other European States, it was media that provided the foreign military troops with sufficient geographical, social and political knowledge of the region. The media acted as an interface between the Iraqi people and the foreign troops.

However it was the same media…...



United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs., Impact of Television on U.S. Foreign Policy: Hearing Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

W. Lance Bennett, David L. Paletz., Taken by Storm: The Media, Public Opinion, and U.S. Foreign Policy in the Gulf War.

William Yandell Elliott., United States Foreign Policy: Its Organization and Control.

R.C. Nelson, E. Donald Briggs, Walter C. Soderlund., Mass Media and Foreign Policy: Post-Cold War Crises in the Caribbean.

Media and Communication in Canada
Pages: 8 Words: 3166

The name of the town also changed from Bytown to Ottawa about fifty years later. The future of the town permanently changed when Queen Victoria decided to change the capital to the city in 1857 for the entire United Province of Canada. Then came the fires and "The Great Fire of 1900 started in Hull, turned into an inferno at the lumber mills and crossed the river into Ottawa." (History of Canada's Capital egion) This fire cut down half of the town and destroyed the main source of occupation for the town - lumber mills. It also destroyed over 2000 houses. Again the fire struck in 1916 and this time the attack was at Parliament Hill. Everything was destroyed and the only item left was the library of the Parliament. Yet the town was destined to be the capital and in 1958, the full area of 4,600 square kilometers…...



Communications in Canada. Retrieved at on 24 June, 2005;jsessionid=241j7biggxb81?method=4&dsid=2222&dekey=Communications+in+Canada&gwp=8&curtab=2222_1&sbid=lc04aAccessed

Ethnic Media in Canada. Retrieved at on 23 June, 2005

French Canadian Emigration to the United States, 1840-1930. Retrieved at Accessed on 23 June, 2005

History of Canada's Capital Region. Retrieved at Accessed on 23 June, 2005

Media Ownership
Pages: 5 Words: 1473

Media Ownership
It is very telling that mass media today is often referred to as a "media industry." This term implies that mass media is no longer concerned with merely relaying information to the general public. Instead, media is engaged in producing a product, akin to industries such as manufacturing.

This paper examines the media industry from the production perspective. It looks at how news coverage is itself a manufactured product, a result of specific corporate interests. hile "mass media" itself is a broad term, this paper focuses specifically on broadcast and print news coverage, a part of media that is supposed to be tailored to the public interests.

The first part of this paper looks at the concentration of media interests. In a democracy, the competing individual news outfits are supposed to act as independent checks and balances. However, the concentration of media ownership into a few corporate giants has significant effects…...


Works Cited

"FCC Loosens Restrictions on Big Media Ownership." 6 June 2003. Articles. Changing the Channel. 17 Oct 2004 .

Hertman, Craig,, and . "Corporate Ownership and News Bias." Journal of Politics May 2000. ProQuest. Earthlink. Los Angeles Public Library. 17 Oct 2004

Jackman, John. "What are the effects on democracy." 2004. Changing the Channels. Changing the Channels. 17 Oct 2004 .

Schmelzer, Paul. "The Death of Local News." Alternet 23 April 2004. 17 Oct 2004 .

Media Conglomeration A Monopoly While
Pages: 4 Words: 1115

Thus, they set off a great deal of protest. Americans did not appreciate the fact that a small group of powerful corporations are given more control of the most important element of our democracy: our access to information. They are right to feel this way. The media monopoly allows a small amount of companies power over media outlets (independent and corporate alike, including on the Web). This is far too much power for them to possess, but this is the future face of media consolidation.
Unfortunately, as most monopolies do, the media conglomerates operate mainly for their stockholders-major media in the United States can be very profitable (McChesney and Nichols, 2002). To ensure their profitability, they serve the major corporate interests that fund much of the media with large advertising checks.

However, new initiatives, such as the Democratic Media Legal Project (DMLP), are preparing to present legal challenges to the entire…...



Gutierrez, M. (M McChesney, Robert. Nichols, John. (2002).Our Media, Not Theirs. Seven Stories Press.arch, 2004). Fewer Player, Less Freedom, Inter-Press Service.

McChesney, R. (November, 1999). The New Global Media; it's a Small World of Big Conglomerates. The Nation Magazine.

Bagdikian, Ben. (2000). The Media Monopoly, Sixth Edition. Beacon Press. pp. xx.

Free Press. (2005). Media Monopoly Made Simple. Retrieved from the Internet at .

Media and Conflict the Existence of a
Pages: 10 Words: 3245

Media and Conflict
The existence of a pro-business, pro-government bias led to ineffectual journalistic coverage of U.S. unemployment during the period leading up to the 2008-2009 recession. In what has come to be known as the Great Recession because of its comparability to the Great Depression, the U.S. unemployment rate reached historic highs. The magnitude of the recession was such that economists and policy-makers should have been better prepared to manage the looming crisis, but instead were caught unawares because they relied on self-serving forecasts that minimized unemployment forecasts. The news media was complicit in its minimalist coverage of the unrealistic projections that the Bush hite House and administration served up.

In that context, and given the far-reaching effects on U.S. economy, the abbreviated reports of unemployment forecasts deserve closer scrutiny. This paper explores reasons the news media rarely challenged the consistently inaccurate unemployment forecasting, projections that should have informed policy decisions…...


Works Cited

Bandyk, Matthew. "Is Unemployment the Worst Since the Great Depression? Hidden behind the unemployment rate are some startling numbers." U.S. News and World Report. 27 Aug 2009. Web. 19 Jan. 19, 2012. <>.

Isidore, Chris. "Fed Sees Economy Getting Worse." CNNMoney. 21 May 2008. Web. 19 Jan. 19, 2012. < >.

McChesney, Robert W. "September 11 and the structural limitations of U.S. journalism." Communication and terrorism: Public and media responses to 9/11. Ed. Bradley S. Greenberg. Hampton Press, 2002. Print.

Motley Fool. " -- They called it right (Plus predictions for 2009)." 23 Dec. 2008. Web. 19 Jan. 19, 2012. < >.

Media Culture My Opinion of
Pages: 3 Words: 871

Another way that media literacy messages are suppressed is by having them changed. When this happens, the message is not received as intended. The recipient of the message does not learn as much about media literacy as he or she should. This disrupts the ability of the recipient to understand and be critical of the media to which he or she is exposed.

Beyond the cognitive dispositions, there is emotional disruption when framing guides us to have an emotional response to media literacy messages. This is challenging, because the recipient must overcome the temptation to be guided by emotion when evaluating the messages that are in the media. Understanding the role of emotional manipulation in media messages is an essential skill to develop to improve one's media literacy.

3. A media stereotype that embodies all three reasons is the budget crisis concept. While there is a long-term budget issue, it is far…...

Media Conglomerates Have Resulted in
Pages: 1 Words: 385

In the absence of alternative media outlets, independent journalists have no means of getting their ideas out to the public.
If media corporations are not limited in how many outlets they can own in a particular market or medium, then consumers suffer from a homogenous media. Moreover, American citizens do not enjoy their full First Amendment rights. Alternative media sources are not only hard to find and expensive to acquire, but many consumers don't have time to search for alternative media websites or magazines. With television news one of the only options for current event information, consumers deserve a plethora of sources, not just a handful, owned by the same few corporations. Similarly, corporate-owned media conglomerates usually neglect the voices of minorities and of women because the heads of the corporations are too far distanced from minority issues and points-of-view.

Mistrust of the government to regulate the media is understandable. Therefore,…...

Media I Saw Two Ads
Pages: 2 Words: 806

The advertiser (Toyota) is reinforcing dominant ideology in one promotion and attempting to forge a new one in the other promotion.
There are no real stereotypes in these promotions, as there are no real characters, other than the fake bug. It is worth considering, however, that the audience in both cases is viewed as a stereotype. Those concerned about mileage are taken as very concerned, and enamored almost solely with this aspect of the car. The Internet community at large is taken as having little moral qualm with the co-opting of user-generated content to create an ad campaign -- the complicity of the audience is assumed and that may too be a stereotype of the typical Internet user.

e. hat a Girl ants illustrates the power of the media in terms of defining image for consumers. It reflects dominant ideology -- what those with the media power want is projected onto…...


Works Cited:

Toyota Yaris YouTube ad: 

Yaris viral campaign:

Shah, A. (2009). Media conglomerates, mergers and concentrations of ownership. Global Issues. Retrieved November 2, 2011 from

Men portrayed in more positive or negative way by mass media?
Words: 120

In order to handle this argument, you will need to choose a side based on what you believe. If you think mass media is portraying men negatively, look for a TV show or movie where a man was portrayed in a very positive light. Sometimes these can be religious shows or other types of shows with strong moral backgrounds, but that does not have to be the case. Part of the concern with this question is that what is considered positive or negative may be different depending on who is answering the question. Because of that, consider what you view....

What is copyright infringement and fair use?
Words: 129

Copyright infringement is very similar to plagiarizing. It involves taking other people\'s ideas without giving them credit, or even posting large portions of their work on your website or using it in some other, public way. Fair use means there are a number of words or a portion of another type of work (like a picture, etc.) that can be used without infringing on copyright. Using information available on the web can be a good choice to add to a blog or website, but it is very important to cite where the information came from. If it is possible to....

What are good Titles for an essay on Police Brutality?
Words: 135

Police Brutality Essay Titles:

  1. Media’s Spin on Police Brutality vs. Actual Nationwide Statistics
  2. How to Interpret Police Brutality through Various Sociological Lenses
  3. Police Brutality and Critical Race Theory:  Implications for Policing
  4. Is Police Brutality as Bad as They Say It Is?
  5. From Rodney King to George Floyd:  The Evolution of Depictions and Responses to Police Brutality in America
  6. How the Militarized Police State Has Institutionalized Police Brutality
  7. Police Brutality as a Symptom of the (In)Justice System
  8. Community Policing as a Solution to Police Brutality
  9. Can Alternative Sentencing and Restorative Justice Reduce Police Brutality Rates?
  10. Police Brutality is Accepted When Police are Mobilized in Force

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