African Philosophy Essays (Examples)

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role of African philosophy/philosopher in the anti-Colonial struggle in Africa
Anti-Colonial Struggle and African Philosophers

In spite of moving into a post-colonial modern world, there continue to be issues about developed nations' engagement within the Under-developed. Along with massive invasions as well as prolonged occupations of nations such as Iraq, Afghanistan, along with speculation of designed invasions in other places, the concept of encouraging coups as well as propping up warm and friendly regimes carries on. Whilst help of coups has been not necessarily direct, instant acknowledgement of the coup-led authorities (as took place in 2002 where a new federal government briefly ousted Hugo Chavez from power) or perhaps a sluggish reaction accompanied by a sanguine approval of the brand-new status quo (like the current coup within Honduras in opposition to Zelaya) enhance the image of the U.S.A. And also the West as even now hesitant to allow the Under developed….

Mbiti and Tempels
There have been many religious theories previously based on the part of the world it originates from and the people it represents. One of such theories is the Africano theory which is further represented by two different theories which represent the religious beliefs of the African people. These theories have been named Mbiti and Tempels.

These theories have in common the fact that both of them believe that Africans and religiously notorious and people have their own set of beliefs and practices. Though Africa is a country which tend to represent people who have more or less a similar background but it is an undeniable fact all of them have their own sets of beliefs.

The major reason why Africa has so many religions is the fact that Africa is represented by tribal people and each tribe has its own religion. The renowned fact about African religions and their philosophy….

It also represents a series of extremely ingrained economic problems. The African Union proceeds from the OAU's ambition to bring some level of cohesiveness to the fiscal and monetary policies driving the continent. Like the EU and APEC before it, the AU takes the position that in the scheme of globalization, its interests are likely best represented in some mode of unity. Accordingly, we find that "economic and monetary union is one of the aims of the African Union. Current African development initiatives envision regional integration in the context of effective macroeconomic management and corporate governance, and enhanced partnership between Africa's best- performers and international development partners. This entails promoting increased regional trade and convergence of monetary policies." (Amoako & Essy, p. 4)
This more concrete orientation suggests that in many ways, the AU would be a natural point in the evolution of the modern African continent, bringing greater practical….

ecent proposals to privatize Social Security and cut Medicaid funding would thus exacerbate the equity gaps that already exist." (Center for American Progress, 2004)
When a young black man is accepted into a university-based wholly on quota requirements even though he may have had less success in High School compared to a young white man, then we must again redefine our word - inequality. Who is worse off in this case? Consider that in this scenario, it may in fact be an advantage for a person to be young and black but as the scale tips with age, that same advantage becomes a liability. The answer to our question then, at least for this example, is maybe.

Third Assumption

Economic independence may be the outcome when wage work is an option. but, there are many scenarios where wage work puts people into an even worse economic setting. Consider that minorities such as….

Social dissent and unrest should not be the result of multiculturalism, the authors point out, but nonetheless those are the social realities, in many instances, of the new global picture. There is now, like it or not, a "blurring of cultural borderlines," the authors report; and as a result, the notion of culture within the word "multiculturalism" no longer refers to habits and customs of a people in anthropological terms. Rather, "culture" in the term "multiculturalism" alludes to race, creed, sexual orientation, gender, and lifestyles of various and divers groups within the greater culture.

A very poignant quote is offered in the conclusion of the editorial, a quote which cries out to be read to those reporting on, studying and/or dealing with today's dramatic cultural changes in estern societies; it is a statement by Aijza Ahmad, who reflects the perspective of "the less-well-to-do colonial states," according to the editorial. "It is….


In keeping with the theme of individuality highlighted above, each of the main characters in the assigned readings struggle to define his or her identity in terms of the dichotomies in the society they observe. Each point-of-view differs according to the person's stage of life and background, and each person seeks to establish an identity by means of the cultural and social tools they have at their disposal. At times these tools comprise family members, friends, or teachers, and at others they are something much more focused and personal, such as the intellect or determination.

Sylvia, the main character of "The Lesson," establishes her identity in terms of the financial contrast between her own social construct and those who can spend $1,000 on a toy. For her, the concept of financial security provides a platform for constructing an identity. Her determination to contend with the rich for a place in the….

Self-esteem and self-efficacy are issues that are of primary importance. These are affected by a number of environmental factors, including immediate family, but also the environment in which a person moves, as well as the wider social environment.


Contextualism was promoted in 1942 by S.C. Pepper, and was previously known as "pragmatism." This term was often used in the work of Charles S. Peirce, William James, Henri

ergson, John Dewey, and George Herbert Mead (Morris, 1997). In psychological development, contextualism suggests the influence of a broad number of categories, beginning with the immediate family, and broadening to the peer group, society, and global environment. ehavior is therefore to be seen in the context not only of immediate family and peer influence, but also in the context of broader society.

According to Morris (1997), Pepper's use of the term "contextualism" first occurred during 1932, where he referred to John Dewey's pragmatism. According to this….

As with water methods of visually perceiving patterns, divination serves as a literal mirror for the cosmos. The visual cues of divination such as cowry shells or the patterns made by mice sometimes serves as a pictorial language spoken between nonhuman and human participants. That language is not one used in human communications, even though it may inform human social order and modes of cognition.
The language of divination represents communication between human and super-human forces. A diviner acts much like a translator would, communicating the perceived patterns of cosmic order to an individual or to the community. Divination is integral to all traditional African religions as well as to the religions of most other cultures. The function of divination is artistic, epistemological, and expressive. Divination also creates, maintains, and interprets social and spiritual order.

orks Cited

Bourgeois, Arthur P. "Insight and Artistry in African Divination - Book Review." African Arts. Summer….

Of course, a separation of the races meant really the preservation of white superiority at the expense of those formerly enslaved. The law mandated distinct facilities for hites and Blacks. Everything from schools, to transportation, movie theaters, hotels, and even public restrooms were carefully segregated. Few Black only facilities approached white ones in quality or amount of money expended on their upkeep. Black public schools were notoriously inferior as were hospitals and other essential services. As arguments about the disparities became more apparent toward the mid-Twentieth Century, the South sought to defend its segregationist policies by - in the case of medical schools - expanding and consolidating its physician training facilities so as to avoid providing more facilities for Blacks. A plan was actually floated, not to increase Black enrollment at the South's twenty-six medical colleges, but rather to consolidate all training of Black medical personnel at a single….

four-year college, California State University Long Beach (CSULB) was my first choice. However, since CSULB could not accept my application, I decided to apply to California State University Dominguez Hills (CSUDH), which was listed as an alternative location option on the CSULB application. I took this decision independently after examining CSUDH's Human Services Program material. In fact, I did not even attend an orientation meeting, although I had received an invitation.
Thus, it is evident that I had decided on Human Services as my major before enrolling in classes at Dominguez Hills. My choice was influenced by my current career objective of working as a child counselor in Social Services. Therefore, my choice of major was shaped by my future career goals rather than any previous work experience. To be honest, however, I did not choose CSUDH because of the reputation of its Human Services program. Instead, I chose it….

African-American Perspectives on Education for African-Americans
Education has been an issue at the forefront of the African-American community since the first Africans were brought to the colonies hundreds of years ago. For centuries, education was forbidden to enslaved Africans in the United States with penalties such as whipping and lynching for demonstrating such skills as literacy. As the abolitionist movement gained strength and the Civil War commenced, more and more enslaved Africans saw education as a sign of freedom and a representation of the many ways in which they were held back yet simultaneously integral to American culture. Two African-American writers, scholars, and leaders, W.E.B. Du Bois and Frederick Douglass, discuss the power and the potential for education in the African-American Community. Douglass wrote his seminal work, his autobiography, in the middle of the 19th century, before the Civil War, econstruction, the industrial revolution, and the turn of the 20th….

features that characterize an "African" outlook to the world as represented by Mbiti and Tempels. How coherent and how convincing do you find them, and why?
For the Bantu, it appears that the unique experience which influence and shape an "African" outlook to the world is one which the African sees himself as a being of force. For the Bantu, a great deal of their specific perspective on the world is shaped by the fact that they find the concepts of being and force absolutely inextricable from one another. Tempels is quick to explain that this concept represents a truly fundamental difference between Western thought and the thought which largely shapes the world of the Bantu people. "Force' in his thought is a necessary element in 'being', and the concept 'force' is inseparable from the definition of 'being'. There is no idea among Bantu of 'being' divorced from the idea….

Whereas in 1963, 70% of all African-American families were headed by married couples, that rate had dipped to 46.1% by 1996. In 2001, the rate had increased to 47.9%, the first uptrend in 40 years (Kinnon, 2003). The rate of African-American crime and incarceration, which is closely linked to males from single-parent households, has also dipped since 1996.
Concerns about TANF and current welfare programs

While the statistics are compelling, there are a series of questions which have not been addressed by these welfare reforms. There are still about 50% of the former welfare population which has not been able to graduate from the welfare-poverty cycle, nor have they been able to find work. In states where the TANF provisions were enacted, including the 5-year limitation on welfare benefits, there has been a back-sliding on the part of state legislatures to extend welfare assistance for the "hard core" unemployed.

The effects on….

However, conventional beliefs that there is low rate for African-American involvement in suicidal activities, there exists minimal focus on learning the possible suicide patterns among African-Americans. Social workers are not aware of the risks and protectiveness among African-Americans. This gives room for misinterpretation of facts concerning self-destructive activities of African-Americans. The research further stresses the importance of social workers to the study of suicide among African-Americans. They also have the capacity for influencing national policies and strategies for the mitigation of suicidal cases. Through the research, it was evident that there exists extremely little information about the empirical knowledge of social workers practicing in this sector with regard to the works featured by the social work researchers.

With the evidently increasing need for social workers, it is necessary to study the capacities of knowledge of social workers regarding issued of suicide. This is relevant to the increase of social workers in….

Philosophy of Martin Luther King Jr.
As great a figure as the Noble-prize winning civil rights leader Martin King Luther Jr. may be accounted in the annals of world and American history, and in political, religious, and social rights activism, no man's thought stands alone -- no man's thought springs from simply his own brain in isolation. Every great thinker and leader is part of a larger and complex history of human thought and social influences. Martin King Luther Jr. was a Christian minister and philosopher whose nonviolent philosophy of civil disobedience was profoundly influenced by Biblical, New Testament documents of Jesus and other Christian spiritual writers, as interpreted through the African-American tradition. King also wrote during a time period when the philosophy of the Indian nonviolent leader Gandhi had shown the world how, through nonviolence, the oppressing power's wrongful influence could unintentionally act as a public relations force of….

One of the biggest differences between African philosophy and sociology and Western and Eastern philosophies and social structures is the role that religion, individuals, and the community play.  While many Western and Eastern philosophical forces are focused on external elements and often feature a monotheistic God, African philosophy is more focused on the concept of a vital force which is not only the force of life for the individual but also for the rest of the world.   This is a fairly consistent concept across central and southern Africa, though it becomes less....

8 Pages
Term Paper


Task or the Role of African Philosophy Philosopher in the Anti-Colonial Struggle in Africa

Words: 2662
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

role of African philosophy/philosopher in the anti-Colonial struggle in Africa Anti-Colonial Struggle and African Philosophers In spite of moving into a post-colonial modern world, there continue to be issues about…

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6 Pages

Mythology - Religion

African Civilization an Africa Outlook Characterized by Mbiti and Temples

Words: 2445
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Mbiti and Tempels There have been many religious theories previously based on the part of the world it originates from and the people it represents. One of such theories is…

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5 Pages

Literature - African

African Unity the Organization for

Words: 1504
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

It also represents a series of extremely ingrained economic problems. The African Union proceeds from the OAU's ambition to bring some level of cohesiveness to the fiscal and…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Philosophy Inequalities This Report Aims

Words: 1390
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ecent proposals to privatize Social Security and cut Medicaid funding would thus exacerbate the equity gaps that already exist." (Center for American Progress, 2004) When a young black man…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


African Studies and Multiculturalism an

Words: 3354
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Social dissent and unrest should not be the result of multiculturalism, the authors point out, but nonetheless those are the social realities, in many instances, of the new global…

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2 Pages


African-American in the Third Chapter

Words: 665
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

2. In keeping with the theme of individuality highlighted above, each of the main characters in the assigned readings struggle to define his or her identity in terms of the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


African-American Males Developmental Pathways Model

Words: 981
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Self-esteem and self-efficacy are issues that are of primary importance. These are affected by a number of environmental factors, including immediate family, but also the environment in which a…

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5 Pages

Mythology - Religion

African Religion African Traditional Religions

Words: 1535
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

As with water methods of visually perceiving patterns, divination serves as a literal mirror for the cosmos. The visual cues of divination such as cowry shells or the…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


African Studies Racial Policy The

Words: 2852
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Of course, a separation of the races meant really the preservation of white superiority at the expense of those formerly enslaved. The law mandated distinct facilities for hites…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Sociology and African Diaspora

Words: 1541
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

four-year college, California State University Long Beach (CSULB) was my first choice. However, since CSULB could not accept my application, I decided to apply to California State University…

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4 Pages

Black Studies

African-American Perspectives on Education for African-Americans Education

Words: 1468
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

African-American Perspectives on Education for African-Americans Education has been an issue at the forefront of the African-American community since the first Africans were brought to the colonies hundreds of…

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6 Pages

Mythology - Religion

African Civilization and What it Means to Have an African Outlook

Words: 1826
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

features that characterize an "African" outlook to the world as represented by Mbiti and Tempels. How coherent and how convincing do you find them, and why? For the Bantu,…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies

African-American Mothers and Poverty the

Words: 2159
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Whereas in 1963, 70% of all African-American families were headed by married couples, that rate had dipped to 46.1% by 1996. In 2001, the rate had increased to…

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17 Pages
PhD Model Answer

Death and Dying  (general)

African-American Women Who Have Lost

Words: 7688
Length: 17 Pages
Type: PhD Model Answer

However, conventional beliefs that there is low rate for African-American involvement in suicidal activities, there exists minimal focus on learning the possible suicide patterns among African-Americans. Social workers are…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Philosophy of Martin Luther King Jr As

Words: 1686
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Philosophy of Martin Luther King Jr. As great a figure as the Noble-prize winning civil rights leader Martin King Luther Jr. may be accounted in the annals of world…

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