Air Travel Essays (Examples)

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Other aircrafts in the category of A380, produced in the last few years, included the A350, oeing 777, oeing 787 and the other 747's. GKN and other similarly-motivated companies have been focused on reducing harmful acoustic emissions of aircraft jet engines (Hilpern).
UK Prime Minister Tony lair endorsed the report made by economist Sir Nicholas Stern on October 30, 2006 about the global economy shrinking by 20% because of global warming (C News 2007). In his 700-page study, Stern said, however, that taking appropriate measures now would incur only 1% of the world's gross domestic product. Prime Minister lair used the scientific evidence on global warming from Stern's report to describe the phenomenon as "overwhelming" and its consequences as "disastrous." At about the same time, the United Nations released information on the rising volume of emissions of greenhouse gases, which would affect rich countries more. Among the most immediate responses….

It states how airlines knowing the risk of pulmonary embolism had completely avoided "providing the proper seats, equipment and warnings to the traveling public who are totally within their care and control while on board the aircraft" (Louis S. Franecke, Esq.).
Out of the three websites, the last one which I visited was a long read and the information in it did not relate to my situation. It was focused more upon the fact that air travel increases the risk of pulmonary embolism but the airlines did nothing to solve the issue. Although it did deal with air travel and pulmonary embolism, the information in it was not well presented and it addressed to other issues not related to me. I spent about 1 hour reading through the three websites. The second website, being the news article did address to my issue but to check whether it had anything to….

Bringing Quality Back to Commercial Air Travel

In 1988, ten years after deregulation of the aviation industry in the U.S., Gourdin's article titled "Bringing Quality Back to Commercial Air Travel" was published in the Transportation Journal. The article gives a good overview into the way that the aviation industry has developed following deregulation. The article focuses on quality issues, demonstrating the way in which interpretation and satisfaction of quality issues varies across the three main stakeholders; the carriers themselves, passengers, and the government (Gourdin, 1988). This is an interesting piece written by the author using their knowledge, therefore, when reviewing this article it should be noted that it is more of an opinion piece rather than a research article found in peer reviewed journals.

When examining the article, it maybe argued that although Gourdin obviously has a strong knowledge of the airline industry, and the way it operates, that a great deal….

boom of commercial air travel peaked in the late sixties and early seventies, the cost levied by the most popular and powerful airlines had virtually no standard of limitation. There was little competition in Great Britain for economic command of the air industry. British Parliament's cozy relationship with British Airways ensured a monopolistic situation in which the consumer was not offered the advantages of a competitive market. This changed for a brief period in 1971 when Freddie Laker, former managing director of British United Airways, unveiled some of the groundbreaking features of his fledgling Laker Airways.
Freddie Laker, millionaire maverick of commercial traveling, fashioned his airline around a fleet of modern jet airliners, derived of the highest technological standards of the time. This did not prevent him from providing stripped down, affordable flights. Laker's entrepreneurial notion, pioneering in its execution of the obvious and necessary, set out "to launch a….

air traffic
PAGES 102 WORDS 28110

air traffic has continued to increase and it now constitutes a considerable proportion of the travelling public. The amount of long-hour flights has increased significantly. Based on the International Civil Aviation authority, air traffic can be anticipated to double amid till 2020. Airline travel, especially over longer distances, makes air travelers vulnerable to numerous facets that will impact their health and well-being. Particularly, the speed with which influenza spreads and mutates, via transportation routes, is the reason why the influenza pandemic is considered to be a huge threat to the human population. Pandemic is a term, which is used for a virus or microbe when it spreads over a large area, in severe cases even the whole world and large number of people start getting affecting by it (CDC, 2009).
In the past 300 years, there have been ten significant influenza pandemics outbreaks that have taken place in this world. The….

Air Cargo Security

Air Cargo Security
Since the events of 911, airport security has been an important issue. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA)" is responsible for ensuring the security of all modes of transportation, including cargo placed aboard airplaines and particularly focuses on passenger-carrying planes" (TSA). The TSA is part of the Department of Homeland Security. According to the latest information available, the TSA employs 620 Cargo Transportation Security Inspectors who are exclusively dedicated to the oversight of air cargo. One hundred twenty of these are canine teams. The numbers of security inspectors and canine teams has increased significantly since 2006 (TSA).

Obviously, no one wants to see another tragedy. Terrorism continues to be a threat and security measures must try to keep pace with ever-changing strategies that terrorists try to employ. There has been much in the news about passenger screening, x-ray technology, and rights to privacy. Passengers do not present the only possible….

46). To date, though, these reforms have not materialized and the air traffic control system remains mired in the FAA bureaucracy (McDougall & oberts, 2008). In this regard, Poole (2008) emphasizes that, "[the air traffic control system] is managed by an unwieldy government bureaucracy, micromanaged by Congress, and subjected to the ups and downs of the federal budget process. And as air travel continues to grow, the air traffic control system is less and less able to keep pace" (p. 11).
Based on the importance of sound air traffic control systems, there have been a number of studies conducted to determine the primary causes of existing air traffic control system deficiencies. The research to date has identified five main causes as follows:

1. Procurement: cumbersome federal procurement processes end up taking five to seven years to acquire new radar and computer systems -- at a time when a new generation of….

Travelling and Tourism contributes to U.S. Economy
How travelling and tourism contribute to U.S. economy



United States Department of Commerce

Commerce Department Data Show U.S. Travel and Tourism Exports Contributed $87.1 Billion to U.S. Economy in First Six Months of 2013

The official website of the U.S. Department of Commerce takes keen interest in finding who enters the country for the purpose of traveling and tourism and what is the impact of traveling on the economy of the country. The department oversees International Trade Administration. It is found that the international investors contribute multibillions to the economy of country every year. During the month of June this year, the international investors contribute about $14.6 billion. The contribution is increasing every year and from June 2012 to June 2013, the investment increased about 5%. The role of international travelers and tourists is positive on the economy of USA. Only in the first half of the….

Air Safety What Are the

The NAAP structural integrity program includes three tests including Widespread Fatigue Damage (WFD), Damage tolerance analysis (DTA) and DTA based airframe repair assessment. The supplemental inspection programs of the FAA ensure that commercial airlines fulfill the structural safety requirements. Any structural defects that are observed during the normal operation of an airplane or those that are revealed after an accident are issued as Airworthiness Directives (AD). The FAA periodically conducts certification reviews and aircrafts that report recurrent problems due to design issues will require compulsory design modifications. [FAA]
6. What is the purpose of flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders? How are they be used for accident-prevention purposes?

Flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders are very useful tools that can be used to understand the events that lead to the accident. Familiarly known as the 'black boxes' these units are helpful for aircraft investigators in reconstructing the disaster. Today….

Air Industry
The cost to run an airline is not cheap by far. Millions and millions of dollars are being spent every. In fact, the Middle Seat requested U.S. Airways and referring firm Oliver Wyman to crunch airline expenditures down to the percentages that an individual passenger earns, taking a difficult look at expenditures of running an air company. With that said, this essay will explain what expenses and costs face today's air industry and also evaluate what the current fuel costs due to the industry and how they affect the ticket prices and the patrons' flying occurrences.

Fuel and Labor

Research shows that Fuel is considered to be the most vital operating expenditure of a commercial airline (28%), the next is by labor (25%). Furthermore, studies show that Labor represents about 75% of all non-fixed prices of airline procedures (Airlines for America, 2015). Downsizings are therefore the first strategy utilized by the….

Air Asia Has'so Far

Given that the profitability rate is already very low and that other costs have already been cut, the only practical response to rising fuel costs (assuming that they do not fall drastically very quickly) is to raise fares.
This will be problematic for the company, of course, since it has established as its major selling point the fact that it offers the lowest fares possible. However, having to raise fares is something that will no doubt happen at other companies as well since all companies will be affected. Thus it is entirely possible that the company will be able to raise fares and yet remain the lowest priced company in its market (Creaton, 2007, p. 48).

While rising fuel costs are the most significant costs that are beyond the control of the company, other external factors can have important impacts as well. Among potential issues in terms of overall costs to….

(Dunn, 2009)
Arumemi-Ikhide believes that Arik can succeed due to a combination of the opportunity -- helped by economic and air transport reforms in Nigeria -- and the capability to deliver a high quality product." (Dunn, 2009) Also stated by Arumemi-Ikhide is that this "will be a key in differentiating it in the international market and providing feeder traffic. That will be the lifeline for the international network. That's what sets up apart from our rivals." (Dunn, 2009)

Martin Russell states in the report entitled: "Arik Air: The Future of African Aviation" that both the "internal opinion of African air travel and that of onlookers overseas was bleak before the arrival of Nigeria's newest treasure, Arik Air." (2008) Russell states that the aviation industry is African is "hampered by somewhat less predictable weather and frequent storms" resulting in aviation in African being "far from predictable with temperamental skies that readily unleash….

History of Air Cargo IT's

It's oeing. Starting from their first aircraft models oeing &W and Douglas DT/C-1 and up to the modern airfreight oeing 747-400, company oeing and oeing-related enterprises had been always on the frontier of air cargo industry, and nowadays oeing airfreights stand for 90% of commercial air cargo companies.
Everything started with mail delivery. Today lots of us associate aircrafts with people transportation, but primary oeing was responsible only for cargo.

The company was started in 1916, when ill oeing and his partner George Westervelt made a first model of future civil aviation's world leader- jet &W. &W had later become the first plane that was delivering cargo and mail to New Zealand. Three years later ill oeing and Eddie Hubbard delivered 60 letters from Vancouver, Canada to Seattle, which became the first event in the history of international air shipping.

Nearly at the same time, company Douglas Aircraft had signed a contract….

Greyhound is part of the travel services industry, providing intercity travel within the United States as well as travel packages and mail services. The environment that Greyhound operates in his been effected by the events of September 11. The safety concerns, the decline in air travel and the decline in international travel creates opportunities for Greyhound. In the current environment, there would be increased interest in travel arrangements other than air travel. This creates an opportunity for Greyhound to take advantage of the situation and promote its services. The main problem that Greyhound faces is how to maintain current demand after the environment has stabilized. After analyzing the various problems and the future scenarios the recommendation is that Greyhound expand its services and create an extensive marketing campaign to promote its services. To ensure that increased demand is maintained there should also be a focus on ensuring new customers become….

egional Airports Feasibility In 2025 - A Comparison on Competing Travel ModesIntroductionThe global economy is recovering after the recession caused by the novel Covid-19 pandemic. International air travel came to a standstill after closing borders, leading to large losses and limited growth for international and regional airlines. However, global air travel is expected to grow (Gelhausen, Berster, and Wilken, 2021). However, the maturity of the demand dictates the growth. In regions like the United States, where there is a high likelihood to fly, the demand is mature; thus, the growth rates are expected to be low compared to other markets. However, changes in the strategic approach of air travel as a strategic instrument in the local economy have led to rapid or planning of more integrated transport systems that are not heavily reliant on air travel for connection between major transport hubs.In line with the National Plan of Integrated Airport….

Your thesis statement should be bold, but also something you can back up with facts throughout the paper. If you say, for example, that airline travel is becoming more dangerous, you will need statistics to prove that. You might want to focus your thesis on the risks vs. benefits of air travel, instead. You could use a thesis statement like \"despite the recent disasters occurring in the field of air travel, it remains the safest way for people to get from one place to another.\" As for structure, you could have an intro, information about the most recent disasters, what....

I. Introduction
A. Overview of airplanes
B. Importance of airplanes in transportation

II. History of airplanes
A. Wright brothers and the invention of the first airplane
B. Development of airplane technology over the years

III. Types of airplanes
A. Commercial airplanes
B. Military airplanes
C. Private airplanes

IV. Components of an airplane
A. Fuselage
B. Wings
C. Engines
D. Landing gear

V. How airplanes work
A. Principles of flight
B. Role of lift, thrust, drag, and weight
C. Takeoff, cruising, and landing

VI. Advantages of airplanes
A. Speed and efficiency in transportation
B. Global connectivity
C. Emergency response and rescue operations

COVID-19's Devastating Impact on Global Travel and Tourism: A Trend Analysis

The COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed a seismic shock on the global travel and tourism industry, leaving a trail of unprecedented disruption and economic turmoil. As governments imposed travel restrictions and lockdowns to contain the virus, the once-bustling travel sector came to a screeching halt, with dire consequences for businesses and destinations worldwide. Here's an in-depth analysis of the profound impact of COVID-19 on global travel and tourism trends:

Crumbling Travel Demand and Economic Losses

The pandemic has decimated travel demand, leading to a catastrophic decline in international arrivals. According to the World....

Advancements in Transportation Technology: A Catalyst for Enhanced Daily Living

The relentless march of technological progress has profoundly transformed every facet of human existence, and the realm of transportation is no exception. Over the centuries, a myriad of groundbreaking innovations have revolutionized the way we move from one place to another, unlocking unprecedented opportunities and conveniences that have indelibly shaped our daily lives.

1. Enhanced Mobility and Accessibility

Modern transportation technologies have dramatically increased our mobility, allowing us to traverse distances that were once considered insurmountable. The advent of high-speed rail networks, for instance, has drastically reduced travel times between major cities, facilitating....

9 Pages
Term Paper


Air Travel and the Environment

Words: 2763
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Other aircrafts in the category of A380, produced in the last few years, included the A350, oeing 777, oeing 787 and the other 747's. GKN and other similarly-motivated…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Pulmonary Embolism and Air Travel

Words: 1288
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It states how airlines knowing the risk of pulmonary embolism had completely avoided "providing the proper seats, equipment and warnings to the traveling public who are totally within…

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4 Pages


Gourdin's 1988 Article Bringing Quality Back to Commercial Air Travel

Words: 1505
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Business Bringing Quality Back to Commercial Air Travel In 1988, ten years after deregulation of the aviation industry in the U.S., Gourdin's article titled "Bringing Quality Back to Commercial Air Travel"…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Boom of Commercial Air Travel Peaked in

Words: 1255
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

boom of commercial air travel peaked in the late sixties and early seventies, the cost levied by the most popular and powerful airlines had virtually no standard of…

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102 Pages

Medical - Diseases

air traffic

Words: 28110
Length: 102 Pages
Type: Thesis

air traffic has continued to increase and it now constitutes a considerable proportion of the travelling public. The amount of long-hour flights has increased significantly. Based on the International…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Air Cargo Security

Words: 1406
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Air Cargo Security Since the events of 911, airport security has been an important issue. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA)" is responsible for ensuring the security of all modes of…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Air Traffic Control Systems in

Words: 1343
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

46). To date, though, these reforms have not materialized and the air traffic control system remains mired in the FAA bureaucracy (McDougall & oberts, 2008). In this regard,…

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13 Pages
Research Paper


How Traveling and Tourism Contribute to U S Economy

Words: 4137
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Travelling and Tourism contributes to U.S. Economy How travelling and tourism contribute to U.S. economy Annotation Websites United States Department of Commerce Commerce Department Data Show U.S. Travel and Tourism Exports Contributed $87.1 Billion…

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8 Pages


Air Safety What Are the

Words: 2643
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Assessment

The NAAP structural integrity program includes three tests including Widespread Fatigue Damage (WFD), Damage tolerance analysis (DTA) and DTA based airframe repair assessment. The supplemental inspection programs of…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Air Industry How the Fuel Cost Effect Airline Tickets in the World

Words: 862
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Air Industry The cost to run an airline is not cheap by far. Millions and millions of dollars are being spent every. In fact, the Middle Seat requested U.S. Airways…

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2 Pages


Air Asia Has'so Far

Words: 670
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Given that the profitability rate is already very low and that other costs have already been cut, the only practical response to rising fuel costs (assuming that they…

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13 Pages
Research Proposal


Market Analysis Arik Air Based

Words: 3615
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

(Dunn, 2009) Arumemi-Ikhide believes that Arik can succeed due to a combination of the opportunity -- helped by economic and air transport reforms in Nigeria -- and the capability…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


History of Air Cargo IT's

Words: 3792
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It's oeing. Starting from their first aircraft models oeing &W and Douglas DT/C-1 and up to the modern airfreight oeing 747-400, company oeing and oeing-related enterprises had been…

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11 Pages
Case Study


Greyhound Is Part of the Travel Services

Words: 3315
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Case Study

Greyhound is part of the travel services industry, providing intercity travel within the United States as well as travel packages and mail services. The environment that Greyhound operates in…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


A Comparison on Competing Travel Modes

Words: 1664
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

egional Airports Feasibility In 2025 - A Comparison on Competing Travel ModesIntroductionThe global economy is recovering after the recession caused by the novel Covid-19 pandemic. International air travel came…

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