Airline Essays (Examples)

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4). The return on this modest investment was impressive: "We saw that mobile is five-to-ten times more effective than online advertising" (Butcher, 2009, para. 4). The contest also increased visitors to the company's WAP site (Butcher, 2009).

Description of Location

The same location will be used for the envisioned marketing campaign as the "Back for a while" initiative which targeted Hispanic males and females ranging in age from 27 to 45 years, in the New York and Houston metro areas; both English as well as Spanish consumers will be included in the campaign.


Pricing Strategy

Because of skyrocketing energy costs, the company is already operating on razor-thing profit margins. Therefore, the company's general pricing strategy that is associated with the marketing initiative envisioned herein, "Llevar a un amigo" ["Take a friend"] will remain unchanged from current practice, but the content will offer Hispanic consumers in the targeted areas with the opportunity to purchase….

Airline Industry Analysis

Airline Industry Analysis
This report aims to present a summary of findings for a research study regarding the airline industry. The objective of this project was to first, gain new experience in the analysis process of an entire industry from an economic and business perspective as well as an environmental and social viewpoint. Secondly, the research attempts to provide direction for potential employment opportunities within the various aspects of the direct and indirect aeronautic and airline industry professions. The assessment of the airline industry entailed centralizing facts through a combination of case studies, governmental studies and reviews of both primary and secondary data research sources. In this scenario, case study and the vast amounts of secondary data offer a plethora of information which constitutes a comprehensive review of the aspects of the industry. Thus, the information was acquired through sources such as:

Physical Searches: searching core journals, relevant books and articles

Database Search:….

One-to-one marketing allows premium pricing as well as increased sales volume to particular unique micro markets. Studies show that as customer satisfaction and loyalty increases, consumers are less sensitive to price changes. Generally, they are willing to pay more for their preferred brand because they perceive some unique value that other alternatives do not provide (Giddens, 2002).
Long-haul international business travelers and short/medium-haul domestic business travelers are the customers that are not price sensitive and are, therefore, the best market segments for the legacy carriers to target. However, as legacy airlines have tried to compete with low-cost carriers on price, they've had to cut back on things business travels value such as a large selection of destinations and flight options leg room, meal service, and airline clubs. As a result, legacy service really isn't that differentiated from the low-cost carriers. Legacy airlines need to think of inexpensive ways to set….

Airline is the dream of many countries and it is a difficult dream to achieve for a small country like Haiti. The country is a wonderful place to visit and the reputation of different areas of the country is due to different reasons -- Jacmel in the south eastern part of the country is supposed to have a reputation for very good coffee. Another very famous product of the country is Voodoo and that is known by many people in the United States. They have all heard about it, do not know what it is, but would surely like to go to the place where it started from. The country is beautiful with wonderful sandy beaches, but the people there are very poor and their life certainly deserves an improvement. There are many places to visit even in Port au Prince and they can be listed as Marche de Fer….

Airline Terrorism

Airline Terrorism
As the name implies, terrorism is an attempt to provoke fear and intimidation. Therefore, terrorist acts are intended to attract wide publicity and provoke public shock, outrage, and/or fear. The intent may be to provoke disproportionate reactions from governments, and they are intended to achieve political or religious goals, not personal gain.

Many definitions of terrorism exist, produced by the politicians, media, academics, think tanks, and of course by government. Law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies have formulated most of these official definitions. Official definitions have the most impact, because they determine anti-terrorism policy. Most of them outline primary criteria: the target, objective, motive, perpetrator, and legitimacy or legality of the act.

It is commonly held that the distinctive nature of terrorism lies in its deliberate and specific selection of civilians as targets. Furthermore, an act is more likely to be considered terrorism if it targets a general populace rather than….

Airline industry has had a very tough last decade where growth rate was consistently slowing down and profit margins were shrinking every year. This year too, the industry does not mean to have very favorable outlook because macro-environmental factors are not very encouraging. The government on its part has been trying to improve conditions for airline industry which has resulted in more privatization. This means the government itself has lower involvement directly in airline industry thus allowing private sector to have higher control on prices. This helps in improving profit margins because price control measures are not very stringent. However the government has announced that from now on, ticket agents will not be allowed to advertise prices without taxes and other fee. They will have to mention the whole price that would include everything from taxes to various surcharges. This means that airline industry can no longer try to attract….

While the industry appears to be heading to a less prescriptive approach to fatigue management there is still a place for traditional regulations that limit the number of hours worked vs. The new thoughts of "comprehensive plans" that help identify fatigue and mitigate risks. It is possible that a flight attendant error, due to fatigue, could possibly result in the death or serious injury to some of our passengers. (Battelle,1998)
Therefore, it is crucial that we be just as concerned with flight attendant fatigue as pilot and mechanic fatigue if we hope to achieve the aviation goal of preventing accidents and saving lives.

The Acme Air Planned Solutions

Acme's first step was to gather crew input. Categories of the changes recommended by crews and adopted by Acme Air to reduce fatigue include:



est Eliminate scheduled reduced rest

Eliminate reduced rest

Longer rest periods

Shorter duty Shorter duty days

Limit number of duty hours allowed

CDOs Eliminate CDOs

No consecutive….

Added security restrictions can cause delays that may result in flights being canceled, which are more difficult for smaller airlines to deal with. The weather-related delays that paralyzed Jet Blue during the Valentine's Day storm of 2007 are further evidence of this fact.

However, the entire airline industry may suffer if the burdens and troubles of flying become too great. Industries are able to use technology to connect with different corporate branches, such as the Internet and video conferencing. Families may wish to forgo the possible hassles of air travel, and stay closer to home on vacations. This could result in decreased demand, especially for business travelers and flights to popular vacation destinations. The culture of the nation could deemphasize making travel part of the traditional family vacation, and part of the organizational culture of some critical industries.


Advances in communicative technology could thus work against the airline industry. As communication….

Airline ticket prices might seem illogical at times, but they are actually based on careful consideration of the different contributing factors. To the outside observer, the distance between airports is probably the most important factor, but in reality there many other considerations that are just as important if not moreso. The cost inputs are a factor and these affected by the distance, but competition also plays a critical role, as does the perishability of the product.
McAfee (2006) argues that the most important variable is competition. The number of airlines competing on a given route has become a critical variable since the deregulation of the airline industry in the United States brought about conditions of competition on most routes. Thus, the most popular routes are highly competitive and it is with these routes that prices are the lowest. This explains why some routes to smaller centers are subject to higher prices….

Airline & Airport Security
ith the United States at war with Iraq and after the devastating effects of September 11th, airline and airport security are paramount to most American travelers. But, even before terrorists used two jetliners as weapons of mass destruction and flew them into the orld Trade Center, airline and airport security was a major concern for most of us.

Before we take a closer look at the state of security today in the airline industry, it is important to understand the history of aviation security. The first major incident that happened on a U.S. airplane was the D.B. Cooper skyjacking in 1971. The man, who bought a ticket under the name of D.B. Cooper, demanded a large sum of money. If he didn't get it, he threatened to blow up the plane with explosives he was able to smuggle onto the aircraft in his carry on luggage. The airline….

Airline Industry
SWOT Analysis of the Airline Industry

The airline industry offers transport services of people, cargo, and mail. Its development began in the 19th century, where the conception of the airships and, eventually, the flights of the Wilbur brothers via their airplane invention made flying for leisure possible. The development of air transportation for people includes the provision of cargo and mail services, made possible through air freights (such as the Federal Express service).

The SWOT analysis of the current situation of the airline industry in the country today shows, interestingly, a direct link to socio-political issues that are prevalent nowadays, be these issues national (or domestic) and international.

Strengths of the airline industry include are its privilege of deregulation, development of new aircraft technologies, and geographical landscape of the United States, making it imperative for people to travel (at their convenience) via airplane flights. Deregulation of the airline industry at the domestic….

Airline Fares
First off, I am compelled to suggest a caveat. There have been times when my dry cleaning bill has exceeded the cost of my ticket to fly. I have been singularly struck with the inappropriateness of that disparity. Airfare has become commoditized -- travelers expect an extraordinary service and convenience for a small price. Consider the cost to travel a distance equal to that attained in a flight by any other means of travel, including meal and lodging costs -- airfare is remarkably inexpensive. All things considered, there are amazing bargains to be had in airfare, such that, tacking on a, say, $50 each way for two checked bags seems a small price to pay.

That said, my position is that airlines should continue to charge for baggage -- both checked and carry on. Different pricing schedules should apply to baggage, depending on where the baggage will be carried in….

These inconveniences associated with air travel have led many passengers to choose other forms of transportation including driving and taking the train. The research also found that the development of the Travel Promotion Act which is designed to specifically assist in reversing the decline in international travel to the United States.
Problems Arising from deregulation in the Airline Industry

Airline Industry dominated by a limited number of players

Indeed, although there have been many researchers that have praised the presence of deregulation in the airline industry, many have regarded deregulation as the primary source of the demise of the airline industry. According to Goetz & Vowles (2009) as a result of deregulation there have been many mergers and consolidations that have led to a small number of airlines dominating the airline industry in some markets in the United States. In addition, "The widespread adoption of hub-and-spoke networks, in conjunction with industry consolidation….

Airline Marketing Approaches
Importance of Airlines marketing, and types of marketing approaches

a) Briefly explain the concept of airline marketing approach

Airline marketing is a vital activity for air transportation. As with any marketing activity, it is aimed at increasing the number of passengers and satisfying their travelling needs. Marketing involves analysis of consumer trends and specifying products that are in line with these trends. Pricing considerations are also vital, and they are carried out in marketing. Airline marketing should ensure that ticket prices are pocket friendly and attractive (Miseti?, Steiner, & Tatalovi?, 2012). The prices should not be so low that the airline is not able to meet its cost nor too high that consumers are unable to afford. The concept of airline marketing is involved with specifying the different products, coming up with the product prices, informing consumers regarding the products, and coordinating the delivery of the products. In the airline….

, 1992). However, the daily problem was the most central component of the crew-pairing optimization process. The first step in the solution of the daily problem involved the use of a code that that attempted to adapt the daily solution from previous months into the month at hand. Then, another code was used to select and solve a sub-problem so that the initial solution could be improved upon. This latter step consisted of three sub-phases (Anbil et al., 1992). First is the selection of the subproblem, which is instigated by choosing a number of pairings that cover the daily flight segments from all the available pairings. This results in the sub-problem consisting of segments that are covered by the newly chosen set of pairings, which leads to the second phase, pairing generation. This phase takes the smaller number of segments from the first phase and generates all possible pairings. At….

Your thesis statement should be bold, but also something you can back up with facts throughout the paper. If you say, for example, that airline travel is becoming more dangerous, you will need statistics to prove that. You might want to focus your thesis on the risks vs. benefits of air travel, instead. You could use a thesis statement like \"despite the recent disasters occurring in the field of air travel, it remains the safest way for people to get from one place to another.\" As for structure, you could have an intro, information about the most recent disasters, what....

A comparison and contrast essay on two specific service providers is a little different from comparison and contrast essays on ideas or people because you are going to always want to focus on the customer’s experience.  However, if you are writing the essay for a business class, you would be focusing on different aspects such as corporate structure, stock price, etc.  So, keep that in mind when writing your essay.  Are you providing more of a user review or a business analysis and structure your essay accordingly.

It is also important to keep in mind that the COVID-19 pandemic has really....

8 Pages
Research Paper


Airline Industry Flying Full-Service on

Words: 2128
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

4). The return on this modest investment was impressive: "We saw that mobile is five-to-ten times more effective than online advertising" (Butcher, 2009, para. 4). The contest also…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Airline Industry Analysis

Words: 3663
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Airline Industry Analysis This report aims to present a summary of findings for a research study regarding the airline industry. The objective of this project was to first, gain new…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Airline Industry There Are Two

Words: 2188
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

One-to-one marketing allows premium pricing as well as increased sales volume to particular unique micro markets. Studies show that as customer satisfaction and loyalty increases, consumers are less…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Airline Is the Dream of Many Countries

Words: 2112
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Airline is the dream of many countries and it is a difficult dream to achieve for a small country like Haiti. The country is a wonderful place to visit…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Airline Terrorism

Words: 4442
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Airline Terrorism As the name implies, terrorism is an attempt to provoke fear and intimidation. Therefore, terrorist acts are intended to attract wide publicity and provoke public shock, outrage, and/or…

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2 Pages


Airline Industry Has Had a Very Tough

Words: 562
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Airline industry has had a very tough last decade where growth rate was consistently slowing down and profit margins were shrinking every year. This year too, the industry does…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Airline Crew Fatigue an Airline

Words: 2472
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

While the industry appears to be heading to a less prescriptive approach to fatigue management there is still a place for traditional regulations that limit the number of…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Airline Trends in the Airline

Words: 656
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Added security restrictions can cause delays that may result in flights being canceled, which are more difficult for smaller airlines to deal with. The weather-related delays that paralyzed…

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2 Pages


Airline Ticket Prices Might Seem Illogical at

Words: 689
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Airline ticket prices might seem illogical at times, but they are actually based on careful consideration of the different contributing factors. To the outside observer, the distance between airports…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Airline and Airport Security

Words: 1097
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Airline & Airport Security ith the United States at war with Iraq and after the devastating effects of September 11th, airline and airport security are paramount to most American travelers.…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Airline Industry SWOT Analysis of the Airline

Words: 508
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Airline Industry SWOT Analysis of the Airline Industry The airline industry offers transport services of people, cargo, and mail. Its development began in the 19th century, where the conception of the…

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3 Pages


Airline Fares First Off I Am Compelled

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Airline Fares First off, I am compelled to suggest a caveat. There have been times when my dry cleaning bill has exceeded the cost of my ticket to fly. I…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Airline Industry Over the Years

Words: 2927
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

These inconveniences associated with air travel have led many passengers to choose other forms of transportation including driving and taking the train. The research also found that the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Airline Marketing Approaches

Words: 1139
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Airline Marketing Approaches Importance of Airlines marketing, and types of marketing approaches a) Briefly explain the concept of airline marketing approach Airline marketing is a vital activity for air transportation. As with…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Airline Crew Scheduling Problem Airlines

Words: 1301
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

, 1992). However, the daily problem was the most central component of the crew-pairing optimization process. The first step in the solution of the daily problem involved the use…

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