Americanism Essays (Examples)

83+ documents containing “americanism”.

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The figure of Elvis, the king of rock and roll, the scenes of famous blockbuster productions, McDonalds and Coca Cola, the fashion presentations in New York or Los Angeles, the Super Bowl, all these are symbols of the American culture and a means through which the U.S. is manifesting its Americanism.
On the other side, there is the notion of Americanism as a means of politically controlling the war. The most recent manifestation of this was the 2003 war in Iraq that was often justified through three components, as Francis Fukuyama suggests, "the Bush Administration based its arguments for the war in Iraq on three elements: firstly, this country had weapons of mass destruction and it was about to build many more; secondly, this country had ties with the Al Qaeda terrorist network; thirdly, Iraq was yet another dictatorial tyranny and its people disserved to be rescued from under its….

Americanism and Multiculturalism
Definition of the concepts



Strategies for synthesizing

Differences between right wing and left wing

Education and Multiculturalism

Education and Americanism

Role of intelligentsia

Political ideals have shaped the history of America more than any other element. This factor has had an influence on the multi-cultural outlook of America and subsequently educational disciplines have struggled with balancing multiculturalism and Americanism within the educational realm. Providing expansive definitions for both Americanism and multiculturalism will help elaborate how Americanism and multiculturalism can be incorporated in education while not divorcing any one of them from the field of education.

Thesis statement

Educators can communicate Americanism and embrace multiculturalism in education by synthesizing the theoretical perspective and purpose of both the concepts whilst not disregarding true tenets of ideological foundations of both Americanism and multiculturalism. Having elaborately defined the theoretical perspective of Americanism and multiculturalism, it can state that both the ideological concepts are not mutually exclusive but mutually inclusive. The….

Moreover, while the U.S. did not seem to be particularly affected with the fact that North Korea was in possession of nuclear weapons, it was reluctant to support South Korea in developing a nuclear weapon program, in point of fact emphasizing that this would come in disagreement with the country's international obligations (Shorrock 18).
Tensions grew significantly in the last few years, given that the U.S. is still reluctant to accept North Korea's actions, in spite of the fact that South Korea becomes more and more exposed with the passing of time. Strong anti-American feelings developed in South Korea as a result of the fact that Americans expressed little interest in consolidating its security and because the overall state of affairs pointed toward a significant crisis experienced by their country (Shorrock 18).

Roh Moo-hyun, the sixteenth South Korean president was much more determined in expressing an anti-American behavior than his precursor.….

"Communities of all types also were affected by the growth of roadside business establishments that catered to the automobile. The two most important generic categories in this regard are facilities that provide fuel (the gas/filling / service station) and food (roadside/fast-food restaurants)." (Berger 2001, 193)
There is even a great deal of evidence that the hamburger and the fast food industry have transformed marketing and even the architecture of the U.S. through transforming the ease of use and creating iconography that represents the image of America all over the world, but particularly American roads.

More specific in terms of food, but not necessarily of architecture, is Jeffrey Tennyson's Hamburger Heaven: The Illustrated History of the Hamburger, which, among other things, treats the design of hamburger restaurants and fast-food chains in a chapter entitled "Architecture and Signage." broader perspective is offered in John F. Mariani's America Eats Out, wherein the author argues….

Pictures on the news of American flags being burned seem to appear more often than they used to. Perhaps my generation just isn't used to having our nation criticized to the extent that it has been since our response to September 11; we all know there have been anti-American protests in the past, that flags have been burned and protests against certain American military endeavors waged. Anti-Americanism has many definitions and encompasses many things, but "new" is not an applicable descriptor. Sentiments deriding American values, attitudes, and actions have existed since the establishment of the colonies, expressed in a variety of formats and with various causes. What has changed is not the existence of anti-Americanism, but what it means for the nation in international relations today.
his essay will examine anti-Americanism: first, its history and various forms throughout the world; at the same time, the causes of anti-American sentiment will be….

Anti-Americanism in Iran

Anti Americanism & Iranian Revolution
Anti-Americanism is not a new concept in Iran and has been characterized by increased calls and support for death to America. Anti-Americanism sentiments started in Iran in 1979 following the Islamic Revolution in Iran, which had considerable impacts on the relations between the United States and Iran. hen the Islamic Revolution occurred in 1979, Iranian Islamic radicals captured the American Embassy in Tehran and brought widespread anti-Americanism throughout the country. Anti-Americanism in the Iranian Revolution of 1979 was characterized by various factors including statements that the United States was "the Great Satan" and the fall of Mohammad Mossadeqh. There were also other incidents related to this revolution including the Shah's modernization of Iran and human rights violations under the Shah. The evaluation of anti-Americanism and the Iranian Revolution also require examining the significance of Iran in the context of the Cold ar.

Importance of Anti-Americanism in the….

KKK and Americanism

Klan's Fight for Americanism
*hy do you think this document was written?

This document was written because of the author's growing admiration for the KKK and from a desire to demonstrate clear and public support for it. By demonstrating such public support for the KKK, Evans is essentially making this organization stronger and more vital. Evans is pushing the organization forward through this publicity, by taking a clear and positive stance on it. Evans is also asserting himself as a supporter of the racist, white-power movement, and is fundamentally lending his name to help strengthen the cause of the KKK in general. In this sense, there is a sort of symbiotic association which is present through Evan drafting this material: by aligning himself with the KKK, he is feeding off their power and strength, and vice versa. Furthermore, Evans is asserting himself as an expert on the KKK and the journey….

Liberal Racism
Racial division in American society has always been a critical social, political and economic issue. Andrew Hacker in his work 'Tow Nations' argues that racism still plagues our society and its various sectors and also accounts for poor performance or low representation of blacks in various job and educational sectors. Glenn Loury attacks Hacker for his oversimplified vision in his own review of Two Nations entitled 'Liberal Racism'. I agree that Hacker's is probably the most cliched argument we have ever heard and what is even more hackneyed about the whole writing is the way Hacker tries to impose his views without presented any evidence to support his thesis. Granted, blacks are not as dominant in medicine or that black children's performance on SATs and other standardized tests is at par with their white counterparts but how can we prove that it is due to poor exposure which restricts….

Power and Nationalism

Power & Nationalism
Koreans seems to have grown tired of the American presence in their country. Is this a fact? What are its causes and how has it come to this status? The American presence in the Korean Peninsula dates from the Korean War, which was the first major war after the Second World War. The war started in 1950 with the invasion of South Korea by the Communist North. The war had been predictable for some time, as the Communist threat had become more persistent in that part of Asia, with the Communists having gained power in China in 1949, however, the United Stats had previously stated that it held no interest in the area and that it would not intervene.

Albeit this, Harry Truman and his advisors decided to send air strikes in North Korea and gained a United Nations mandate to send troops under its emblem to the Peninsula.….

Therefore, regardless of their system of manifestation, they are considered by the law suspicious of any possible acts of violence.
The government is the highest authority to impose rules and regulations. Despite the fact that there are local governments as well, at the level of the federal one, action needs to be taken. For instance in schools, the government may offer free access to the internet. Possible programs that would ensure the communication may be available for getting to know one's country and develop a sense of acceptance of different vaues.

5. Give your overall assessment of the U.S.A. PATIOT ACT. Do you think it has contributed to the lack of terror attacks in the United States since 9/11? If you were in Congress, would you vote to renew the act as is? Would you change anything? Why or why not?

The U.S. Patriot Act is the result of the 9/11 attaches….

Even if the torture of these people would save lives it is a slippery slope that we do not want to begin. Once we allow the torture of suspects or terrorists it could begin a landslide witch-hunt in which people who are not terrorists and have not committed any crimes could be tortured based on suspect or circumstantial evidence.

While there is justified outrage at what happened in this country we, as Americans, must maintain our ethical standards at all times. It is only by maintaining these standards that we can hope to set and example worldwide about the strength and dignity of our nation and all that it stands for.

The history of "just war" philosophy stems from religious and secular issues. One of the longest standing Just War traditions centers on religious differences including the differences between Muslim and Christian faiths. In addition the "Just War" theories support the idea….

Browne and S Keeley What

Among these statements include:
1. "We must oppose this action now, or we do a disservice to our members and will regret it later."

2. "I had lunch the other day with a group of members, and everyone was in agreement that if you opposed this measure, they would vote for you…. This will set the stage for your re-election next year at the end of your present term." The lace of threat of a negative consequence for the decision maker is also palpable in this statement, as it appeals to self-preservation.

3. "I speak for truth and common sense…" is also a shot at arguing based on the fallacy of glittering generality.

While statistics are used to support the arguments, questionable authority on the matter are used such as the case of the brother-in-law, who has not demonstrated as an expert on the issue at hand, and Wikipedia, which is a helpful….

Huckleberry Finn and What Makes an American
What Makes Twain's Huckleberry Finn American?

"Those canonic ideals -- self-government, equal opportunity, freedom of speech and association, a belief in progress, were first proclaimed during the era of the evolution and the early republic and have developed more expansive meanings since then," these are the basic core ideals which make something truly American (Kazin & McCartin 1). The freedom to live as we want, say what we want, and govern ourselves -- these are what make us Americans in culture and ideology. In literature, these core elements are also often what define a book or character as truly American. Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn adheres to the very ideals of what it is to be an American, which is what makes the work and its author truly Americanized in style and content.

One of the most important ideals in the concept of Americanism is the idea….

Americanized Cultures
Is the world becoming ineluctably American? This anxious thought has taken off and occasioned substantial discussion in the twenty-first century. But in some sense, asking the question betrays a species of anti-Americanism already. I hope by examining the arguments of three writers who claim that Americanization is rampant and unstoppable -- Mark Rice-Oxley, Vicente Verdu, and Brendon O'Connor -- to show that their anxiety is overstated. Their concerns about America's present military and cultural ubiquity should be contextualized within history itself.

Mark Rice-Oxley's view of Americanization is largely cultural. He notes that "as the unrivaled global superpower, America exports its culture on an unprecedented scale. From music to media, film to fast food, language to literature and sport, the American idea is spreading inexorably, not unlike the influence of empires that preceded it" (Rice-Oxley 2004). Yet there are a number of assumptions underlying this view of encroaching Americanization that deserve….

Primary Source Analysis
One of the key ideas of this document was to reveal to Americans the Klu Klux Klan's perception on white supremacy and also why they considered themselves to be the greatest race in the world. In particular, Evans employs patriotism in some manner to proclaim to Americans that one important element of being American, is to understand that they are superior to other people. In addition, Evans attempts to justify the actions and ideas of the group by linking them to "the mass of the old-stock Americans" who cannot be linked to the "intellectually mongrelized Liberals." In addition, Evans delineates the aspect of Americanism, which he ties to his notion of anti-aliens. He asserts that the immigrants are the ones that should be considered a threat against Americanism. He considered aliens to be a threat because he thought that they blatantly lacked the qualities that made Americans great….

Cultural Influences Shaping Puerto Rico's Unique Identity

Puerto Rico, a vibrant Caribbean island, has a multifaceted identity forged by a rich tapestry of cultural influences. Throughout its history, the island has been influenced by its indigenous, Spanish, African, and American colonial experiences, which have left an indelible mark on its language, music, dance, cuisine, and traditions.

Indigenous Legacy

Puerto Rico's original inhabitants, the Taíno people, were the first to shape the island's culture. Their traditions, beliefs, and rituals left a lasting imprint on the island's customs and folklore. Taíno words, such as "coquí" (the island's signature frog) and "arepa" (a cornmeal patty), are....

2 Pages
Term Paper


Americanism it Is Rather Hard

Words: 727
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The figure of Elvis, the king of rock and roll, the scenes of famous blockbuster productions, McDonalds and Coca Cola, the fashion presentations in New York or Los…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Communicate Americanism and Embrace Multiculturalism in Education

Words: 2087
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Americanism and Multiculturalism Definition of the concepts Americanism Multiculturalism Strategies for synthesizing Differences between right wing and left wing Education and Multiculturalism Education and Americanism Role of intelligentsia Political ideals have shaped the history of America more than…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

History - Asian

Anti-Americanism in Korea the Diverging

Words: 2190
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Moreover, while the U.S. did not seem to be particularly affected with the fact that North Korea was in possession of nuclear weapons, it was reluctant to support…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Hamburgers and Americanism We Often

Words: 1459
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

"Communities of all types also were affected by the growth of roadside business establishments that catered to the automobile. The two most important generic categories in this regard…

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11 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

America's International Relations Americanization and Anti-Americanism

Words: 3764
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Pictures on the news of American flags being burned seem to appear more often than they used to. Perhaps my generation just isn't used to having our nation criticized…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

History - Israel

Anti-Americanism in Iran

Words: 1388
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Anti Americanism & Iranian Revolution Anti-Americanism is not a new concept in Iran and has been characterized by increased calls and support for death to America. Anti-Americanism sentiments started in…

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5 Pages


KKK and Americanism

Words: 1514
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Klan's Fight for Americanism *hy do you think this document was written? This document was written because of the author's growing admiration for the KKK and from a desire to…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


America's International Relations Americanization and Anti-Americanism

Words: 668
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Liberal Racism Racial division in American society has always been a critical social, political and economic issue. Andrew Hacker in his work 'Tow Nations' argues that racism still plagues our…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Power and Nationalism

Words: 1660
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Power & Nationalism Koreans seems to have grown tired of the American presence in their country. Is this a fact? What are its causes and how has it come to…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Counter Terrorism You Are a

Words: 1939
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Therefore, regardless of their system of manifestation, they are considered by the law suspicious of any possible acts of violence. The government is the highest authority to impose rules…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Counter Terrorism Issues The Writer

Words: 3245
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Even if the torture of these people would save lives it is a slippery slope that we do not want to begin. Once we allow the torture of suspects…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Browne and S Keeley What

Words: 2535
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Among these statements include: 1. "We must oppose this action now, or we do a disservice to our members and will regret it later." 2. "I had lunch the other…

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4 Pages


Huckleberry Finn and What Makes an American

Words: 1401
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Huckleberry Finn and What Makes an American What Makes Twain's Huckleberry Finn American? "Those canonic ideals -- self-government, equal opportunity, freedom of speech and association, a belief in progress, were first…

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3 Pages

Drama - World

Who's Afraid of Americanization

Words: 1076
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Americanized Cultures Is the world becoming ineluctably American? This anxious thought has taken off and occasioned substantial discussion in the twenty-first century. But in some sense, asking the question betrays…

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3 Pages


Historical Context and Americans

Words: 1009
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Primary Source Analysis One of the key ideas of this document was to reveal to Americans the Klu Klux Klan's perception on white supremacy and also why they considered themselves…

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