Anesthesia Essays (Examples)

204+ documents containing “anesthesia”.

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In year 1799 anesthetic properties of Nitric Oxide were discovered by Humphery Davy (1778-1829) he advised that the by using nitric oxide, pain and shock of the surgical procedure can be negated. Third person who continue with Morton and ells philosophy was Charles T. Jackson. The Fourth man who contributed to anesthetics was Thomas Mortan (Blatner, 2009). In the year 1848 James Simpson used chloroform in obstetric surgery, he used diethyl ether to anesthetize a women with a pelvic deformity for delivery (kodali, 2009) and in year 1853 John Snow did a successful induction of chloroform to her Majesty Queen Victoria at the time of Prince Leopold's Birth and also on Fenny Longfellow who wrote to her poet brother that this use of ether is certainly the greatest blessing of this era (Longfellow, 1956). In the year 1885-illiam Halsted introduced the nerve block. In 1891 Heinrich Quincke demonstrated the….

Gurkan, Y., Canatay, H., Agacdiken, a., Ural, E., & Toker, K. (2003). Effects of halothane and sevoflurane on QT dispersion in paediatric patients. Paediatr Anaesth, 13(3), 223-227.

Kerssens, C., Ouchi, T., & Sebel, P.S. (2005). No evidence of memory function during anesthesia with propofol or isoflurane with close control of hypnotic state. Anesthesiology, 102(1), 57-62.

Macario, a., Dexter, F., & Lubarsky, D. (2005). Meta-analysis of trials comparing postoperative recovery after anesthesia with sevoflurane or desflurane. Am J. Health Syst Pharm, 62(1), 63-68.

Marczin, N. (2004). Editorial I: Tiny wonders of tiny impurities of nitrous oxide during anaesthesia. Br J. Anaesth, 93(5), 619-623.

Ng, a. (2005). Sevoflurane sedation in infants - a fine line between sedation and general anesthesia. Paediatr Anaesth, 15(1), 1-2.

Preckel, B., Mullenheim, J., Hoff, J., Obal, D., Heiderhoff, M., Thamer, V., et al. (2004). Haemodynamic changes during halothane, sevoflurane and desflurane anaesthesia in dogs before and after the induction of severe heart….

competition increasing in every field including nursing, it is not desirable for any professional nurse to just be content with a bachelor's degree in Nursing. It should be noted here that as the subspecialties and subfields are evolving with betterment and improvement in the field of nursing and healthcare, the responsibility of the nurses is being further increased with respect to their professional competence. After my attaining my bachelor's degree in nursing, I would now like to go on to become a Certified egistered Nurse Anesthetics, for which I would like to explore the universities that are offering this program. As a part of this paper, I would include some of the top universities where I plan to apply and get in to complete my degree as a certified nurse anesthetic. However, there are some aspects that I need to consider before applying to these universities, pertaining to the….

In addition, it is not apparent whether the injections may relieve pain, but for those without surgical lesions the injections may delay requisite surgery and result to permanent neurological deficits. It is evident that some risks associated with infectious epidural steroid injections result to fatal meningitis, but those performing epidural do not make pregnant women opting for epidural aware. I feel that such risks are matters of life and death and women must know them before considering epidurals. In addition, there are common risks of these injections. They include; increased neurological deterioration, paralysis, and quadriplegia Epstein (2013, p. 74-93).
All these researches provide information on the risks of epidurals in different aspects. The epidural procedure may also affect the child. The drugs administered to the mother directly enter the child. The levels may be as high as those of the mother may, and because of the immature liver of the….

Howeve, befoe giving the medicine, anesthesiologist caefully examines the condition of the pegnant woman to whom anesthesia is to be given. Epidual anesthesia duing labo and nomal delivey does not cause unconsciousness; thus, patients do not lose thei psychological aletness (Halpen and Douglas 2008).
Dissetation Pat

Accoding to (Oebaugh 2011), epidual anesthesia is commonly administeed by injecting the medicine in the lumba egion of the back, specifically in the epidual egion. The detailed pocedue egading the administation of epidual anesthesia has aleady been discussed in the pevious section of the pape. Howeve, the anesthetic dug injected in the epidual space inteupts the passage of neve impulses that oiginate in epoductive ogans and tavel though neves to lowe spine and then to bain. This hindes the feeling of sensation/pain that is poduced in the lowe pats of the body.

The degee of insensitivity induced depends on few factos that include the quantity and….

Spinal vs. General Anesthesia
The outcome of patients after undergoing transurethral resection of the prostate is examined under varying clinical situations to assess whether spinal anesthesia is associated with greater likelihood of positive outcome. Also examined in great detail are the potential for increased morbidity and mortality based on whether patients underwent general or spinal anesthesia during surgery. A large body of evidence indicates that there is no statistically significant difference between patient outcomes regardless of choice of anesthetic technique. This paper concludes that patients should be well educated and informed so they may make the choice most appropriate to their personal situation and comfort level preferences. An equal number of adverse side effects are associated with each anesthetic technique; as such patients should choose the technique that will result in the greatest post-operative satisfaction. The implications for practice suggest that physicians and anesthetists have an obligation to educate and….

Veterinary Nursing Anesthesia and Analgesia Case Journal
The objective of this study is to address anesthesia needs in two specific cases with the first being a 12-week-old Jack Russell puppy and the second being a 12-year-old geriatric cat.

12-Week-old Jack Russell Puppy

This 12-week-old Jack Russell Puppy has eaten a babies dummy. This case study will highlight the anesthesia requirements and protocol and highlight the relevance of effect on renal function, speed of recovery, analgesia, emphasis on knowledge and understanding. Even at 12-weeks of age, this puppy is considered a pediatric patient according to the work of Gleed and Seymour (1991). This means that the patient has a higher oxygen requirement that the adult. The tongue of this patient due to his age is large and the airway is small in diameter. As well, there is a lower functional renal capacity in this age patient all of which make the patient at risk….

Cardiac Stress Response: The Use of Anesthetic Technique to Promote Positive Outcome; Analyzing the Pros and Cons of Technique
Cardiac surgery by nature elicits a powerful stress response resulting from activation of stress hormones including epinephrine, norpinephine and cortisol hormones among others. Surgical trauma and blood loss may contribute to this stress response. Some surgeons have suggested that cardio pulmonary bypass surgery in and of itself activates an inflammatory response that results in a stress reaction.

The role of the anesthesiologist in cardiac surgery is to as much extent as possible, to reduce the stress response that results form cardiac surgery. Stress response can be mitigated by a variety of anesthetic technique, including use of opioids and epidural anesthesia. These ideas are explored in greater detail below.

Cardiac Stress Response: The Use of Anesthetic Technique to Promote Positive Outcome; Analyzing the Pros and Cons of Technique

INTRODUCTION stress response may be "semantically complex in….

Modafinil on the rate of recovery after general anesthesia before the work of Larijani et al. (2004) are rare. However, after the publication of their article, a series of articles on Modafinil followed. Galvin et at., (2010) carried out a study to prove that modafinil can effectively reduce the level of patient-reported tiredness that is experienced after sedation or analgesia. Their article however was an improvement on the work of Larijani since it also investigated the proposition that in the process of reducing the level of tiredness, the drug has no improvement on the psychomotor skills of the patient.Their article was written against a backdrop of information that suggest that the early recovery of patients who have been sedated as well as after anesthesia in the ambulatory practice. The aim of their study was to conclusively assess if modafinil employed for the treatment of narcolepsy significantly improves the recovery….

Post Anesthesia Care Unit

Interventions that might be adopted by PACU staff include oxygenation, ventilation, circulation and temperature checks; in addition pulse oximetry might be used during the initial phases of recovery (Tilton, 2003). To further ensure client safety PACU staff will manage the patient's airway and provide oxygen, and record vital signs for communication of overall patient condition to the anesthesiologist (Tilton, 2003).

Other monitoring that might be conducted may include cardiac rhythms and blood pressure (Tilton, 2003). The utilization of such monitoring equipment and procedures will depend on the patient's health both pre and post operative, and the type of procedure the patient has undergone that facilitated use of anesthesia.

Procedures necessary to ensure asepsis include utilization of sterile equipment within the sterile field, which consists primarily of the patient and the surrounding table and equipment (Operating, n.d; Courtenay, 2000). In addition nurses are required to keep hands gloved and should be in a….

Post Anesthesia Care Unit

Postoperative Complications in Patients Undergoing Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC)In the dynamic healthcare landscape, Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC) administration has become increasingly prevalent, offering a viable option for a spectrum of surgical procedures. While MAC anesthesia is generally considered safe and advantageous, the potential for postoperative complications poses a significant challenge that warrants careful consideration (Lee et al., 2021). This proposed capstone project addresses the intricacies associated with postoperative complications in patients undergoing MAC anesthesia, focusing on the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) setting. The PACU serves as a critical bridge between the controlled environment of the operating room and the patient's journey to recovery (Majumdar et al., 2019). By delving into the nuances of complications such as respiratory depression, nausea, pain management challenges, and delayed emergence, this initiative aims to enhance nursing practice, optimize patient outcomes, and contribute to the overarching goal of delivering high-quality, evidence-based care in the postoperative….

Postoperative Complications of Patients Undergoing Monitored Anesthesia CareIntroductionMonitored anesthesia care (MAC) is commonly used for various surgical and diagnostic procedures, including endoscopies, minor orthopedic surgeries, and certain types of interventional radiology procedures. The goal of this intervention is to provide a comfortable and safe experience for the patient while allowing the healthcare team to perform the necessary, sometimes invasive procedures. The level of sedation can vary, ranging from minimal (light sedation) to moderate (conscious sedation) depending on the requirements of the procedure and patients individual needs. The purpose of this literature review is to develop the findings needed to articulate a comprehensive PICOT question that can serve as the foundation for a capstone project change proposal, addressing the clinical problem associated with postoperative complications in patients who have received MAC.A comparison of research questionsThe research questions in the first two studies (numbers correspond to evaluation table numbering) reviewed examined optimal….

This analysis illustrates Lamb's historical impact in the profession of anesthesia, embodied and projected through the AANA's vision and mission as a medical organization. Lamb and AANA made a significant contribution to the medical community and society in general by not only revolutionizing and professionalizing anesthesia care, but also on re-centering the medical community's attention to patient welfare and safety.


This discussion and analysis paper collates literature available on Helen Lamb, who helped found and develop the profession of anesthesia. From the analysis of the available literature, it is found that Lamb's historical impact to anesthesia care is best reflected through the works of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists or AANA. AANA's vision, mission, and goals as a medical organization showed that it lives up to the value that Lamb put, not only on quality training and development of anesthesia care, but also (and more importantly), on the patient's welfare….

An old adage states that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This captures well my feelings about anesthesiology, which is an overlooked sub-specialty in the medical profession. When one spends time working within the field, they come to recognize the often emotionally complex nature of the job. In many ways, the anesthesiologist must be prepared to act as the guardian angel of the patient, providing nothing less than the final say in whether a patient is ready for surgery.

Perhaps it is so that most people enter into the medical profession in order to help others. Truly, anesthesia is a field where I believe I have the greatest opportunity to do so. I look forward to being the one to tell a patient inbound for surgery that everything will be okay.

The job of an anesthesiologist is nuanced and requires a versatile professional; one who is prepared for all of….

In 1976 Lamb received the AANA's Agatha Hodgins Award for Outstanding Accomplishment

Lamb experienced sickness, particularly pneumonia, during the last few years of her life. Her husband assumed that this was caused by her job of administering anesthesia where she was always exposed to nitrous and oxygen gases. Lamb died on September 3, 1979.

Helen Lamb had been a dedicated nurse anesthetist. From the time she finished her nursing degree, she already dedicated public service to health care as well as to teaching its practice. Her friend, Joyce Kelly, another nurse anesthetist, summed her life as "one whose life was giving anesthesia and teaching"(Schwartz, 2003). Hence, she was honored by many of her health care colleagues, as well as her students, for the contributions that she brought in the study and practice of anesthesiology.

After Lamb's death, the American Association of Nurse Anesthetist established the Helen Lamb Outstanding Educator Award in honor of….

1. The role of electronic handoff tools in improving patient safety and care coordination in the post-anesthesia care unit
2. The benefits and challenges of implementing a PACU electronic handoff tool in a healthcare setting
3. Comparing the effectiveness of electronic handoff tools versus traditional paper-based handoff methods in the PACU
4. The impact of electronic handoff tools on communication and information exchange between healthcare professionals in the PACU
5. Strategies for successful adoption and utilization of a PACU electronic handoff tool in a healthcare organization
6. The potential for integrating electronic handoff tools with other healthcare technologies to enhance patient outcomes in the PACU

12 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Anesthesia Means Temporary Loss of

Words: 3728
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

In year 1799 anesthetic properties of Nitric Oxide were discovered by Humphery Davy (1778-1829) he advised that the by using nitric oxide, pain and shock of the surgical…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Anesthesia Inhalation Agents Effects on

Words: 1587
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Gurkan, Y., Canatay, H., Agacdiken, a., Ural, E., & Toker, K. (2003). Effects of halothane and sevoflurane on QT dispersion in paediatric patients. Paediatr Anaesth, 13(3), 223-227. Kerssens, C., Ouchi,…

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5 Pages

Health - Nursing

Anesthesia in Rural American

Words: 1467
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

competition increasing in every field including nursing, it is not desirable for any professional nurse to just be content with a bachelor's degree in Nursing. It should be…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Women

Risks of Epidural Anesthesia in

Words: 981
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

In addition, it is not apparent whether the injections may relieve pain, but for those without surgical lesions the injections may delay requisite surgery and result to permanent…

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11 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Risks of Epidural Anesthesia in

Words: 4208
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Howeve, befoe giving the medicine, anesthesiologist caefully examines the condition of the pegnant woman to whom anesthesia is to be given. Epidual anesthesia duing labo and nomal delivey…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Spinal Subarachnoid Block Versus General Anesthesia for Turp Transurethral Resection of the Prostate

Words: 1845
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Spinal vs. General Anesthesia The outcome of patients after undergoing transurethral resection of the prostate is examined under varying clinical situations to assess whether spinal anesthesia is associated with…

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4 Pages
Case Study

Health - Nursing

Veterinary Nursing Anesthesia and Analgesia Case Journal

Words: 1318
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Veterinary Nursing Anesthesia and Analgesia Case Journal The objective of this study is to address anesthesia needs in two specific cases with the first being a 12-week-old Jack Russell puppy…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Stress Response Associated With Cardiac Bypass Surgery and Anesthesia Concerns

Words: 2550
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Cardiac Stress Response: The Use of Anesthetic Technique to Promote Positive Outcome; Analyzing the Pros and Cons of Technique Cardiac surgery by nature elicits a powerful stress response resulting from…

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6 Pages

Health - Nursing

Modafinil Improves Recovery After General Anesthesia

Words: 1717
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Modafinil on the rate of recovery after general anesthesia before the work of Larijani et al. (2004) are rare. However, after the publication of their article, a series…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Post Anesthesia Care Unit

Words: 634
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Interventions that might be adopted by PACU staff include oxygenation, ventilation, circulation and temperature checks; in addition pulse oximetry might be used during the initial phases of recovery (Tilton,…

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4 Pages
Capstone Project


Post Anesthesia Care Unit

Words: 1107
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Postoperative Complications in Patients Undergoing Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC)In the dynamic healthcare landscape, Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC) administration has become increasingly prevalent, offering a viable option for a spectrum…

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5 Pages


Postoperative Complications with Monitored Anesthesia Care

Words: 1350
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Postoperative Complications of Patients Undergoing Monitored Anesthesia CareIntroductionMonitored anesthesia care (MAC) is commonly used for various surgical and diagnostic procedures, including endoscopies, minor orthopedic surgeries, and certain types of…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Helen Lamb on the Profession

Words: 1531
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This analysis illustrates Lamb's historical impact in the profession of anesthesia, embodied and projected through the AANA's vision and mission as a medical organization. Lamb and AANA made a…

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1 Pages
Research Proposal

Health - Nursing

Anesthesiology Residency Letter As I

Words: 385
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

An old adage states that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This captures well my feelings about anesthesiology, which is an overlooked sub-specialty in the medical profession.…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Helen Lamb the American Association

Words: 1377
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In 1976 Lamb received the AANA's Agatha Hodgins Award for Outstanding Accomplishment Lamb experienced sickness, particularly pneumonia, during the last few years of her life. Her husband assumed that this…

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