Another Country Essays (Examples)

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And this is just the beginning. eligious aspects interfere in politics and in the Iranians everyday life. Their views on lifestyle are completely different from those of Western civilizations. Also, the United States has no diplomatic representation in Iran, and Iran does not have diplomatic representation in the United States.

In order to benefit from the best perspective over Iran's environment, it is recommended to conduct a market analysis from a specialized company. It is recommended to address this matter to an Iranian company that would be suitable for conducting such an analysis without having to deal with cultural barriers.

As mentioned above, it is not recommended to open a business in Iran, given the unstable overall environment and the risk factors discussed above. As a general opinion, companies working in the technical services area might have a profitable presence in Iran. Another solution consists in exporting foodstuffs.

eference List

Iran (2009). The….

In describing a photograph of musicians dressed in borrowed formal wear he is presenting a "reading" that is not unintelligent, but is hardly "native." (And hardly compassionate.) He writes:
Their suits deform them. earing them, they look as though they were physically misshapen. A past style in clothes often looks absurd until it is re-incorporated into fashion. Indeed the economic logic of fashion depends on making the old-fashioned look absurd. But here we are not faced primarily with that kind of absurdity; here the clothes look less absurd, less "abnormal" than the men's bodies which are in them.

The musicians give the impression of being uncoordinated, bandy-legged, barrel-chested, low-hipped, twisted or scalene. The violinist on the right is made to look almost like a dwarf. None of the abnormalities is extreme. They do not provoke pity. They are just sufficient to undermine physical dignity. e look at bodies which appear coarse,….

1% and agriculture 6.0%. ("Jamaica," 2010) The U.S. is more heavily focused on services, with this accounting for 76.9% of the GDP. This is followed by: industry (coming in at 21.9%) and agriculture (accounting for 1.2%). ("United States," 2010)
Labor Force

The labor force of Jamaica is currently 1.311 million people. ("Jamaica," 2010) While the labor force of the United States is 154.2 million. ("United States," 2010)

Labor Force by Occupation

The labor force by occupation for Jamaica would include: 64% working in services, 19% in industry and 17% in agriculture. ("Jamaica," 2010) In the U.S. The labor force is divided differently with: 37% working in managerial / professional positions, 24.2% in sales / services, 20.3% in manufacturing, 17.6% in other services and .7% in farming. ("United States," 2010)

Population below the Poverty Line

The total population that is living below the poverty line in Jamaica is: 14.8%. ("Jamaica," 2010) In the United States this number….

An interesting trend has been registered in the service industry, especially in the field of tourism. One of the main engines of Spanish economy in the past, now tourism in this country faces fierce competition from Eastern Europe countries. The beautiful resorts in Palma del Majorca and Costa rava must compete with low cost sea side resort, which offer similar services at incredibly low prices. Another field which needs reforms and reformulation policy is the agricultural and fishery one, which accounts only 4.1% out of GDP, although the important political forces attached to this sensible sector.

In order to be able to face the challenges and the opportunities on the regional and global market, Spain needs reforms in most fields of activity. Unemployment level is one of the highest in EU 9.2% at the end of 2005, while the rate of inflation was around 3.4 per cent in 2005, which is….

Country of Origin Effect on

With this in mind communications strategy has to be developed and implemented. The central debate remains that of degree of uniformity. The pros and cons are obvious, i.e. economies of scale, consistent message across markets, centralized control, different market characteristics, media availability and costs and government regulations (alabanis & Diamantopoulos, 2011). The stronger argument appears to be that different strategy appears to work in different situations, rather than a totally standardized campaign. Once these geographical issues are decided upon then the scope of the campaign, objectives and elements of strategy can be worked on. If the organization develops a message for one market and then transposes this intact into others or if it develops a message with a number of markets in mind from the start, it may be centrally conceived in both cases (Han, 2009; Wills & Ryans, 1977).
This is popular because of co-ordination and control providing the….

Pizza Hut has also managed to open franchise stores across Iraq and they could also pose serious competition. But there also exists the chance that the Iraqi consumer will not make a major difference between the American fast food stores, but will compare them to the local food providers in the street. This would also bring about serious competition.

4. McDonald's Social esponsibility

McDonald's corporate website presents the user with a wide variety of reports on their implemented social responsibility practices. These include the employment practices, relationships with the suppliers, animal and environment welfare, corporate giving or educational programs and scholarships as well as the promotion of a healthy life style or the continual support offered to the development of the communities where McDonald's operates. The primary aim of these programs is to help the company better adapt and function in accordance to the changes affecting the micro and macro environments. While….

They have been committed to the development of what they deem to be Consciousness Cosmetics for more than a decade. Entry into the Portuguese market offers certain benefits, such as the Portuguese people's commitment to high moral standards, which would be conducive to cruelty-free, environmentally responsible products such as Alba Organics. However, there are risks as well that need to be taken into consideration.
The Portuguese market is small and growing at only a nominal rate, in comparison to other EU countries. The population is still primarily located in rural areas. Although the euro is quite stable currently, that could change, affecting Alba's profitability. and, there are three primary, well-established competitors that control the majority of the market share currently, with large financial backing that could out compete Alba.


About us. (2005). etrieved July 11, 2005, at

Alba: FAQs. (2005). etrieved July 11, 2005, at

Carioca, M., Diniz, ., Pietracci, B.….

ussia has accused Georgia of allowing Chechen rebels to move freely and providing safe haven to them for launching terrorist attacks from across the border.
elations with Neighboring Countries

The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was formed by 12 of the 15 former Soviet epublics after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 to preserve some of the political and economic ties. ussia's relations with the CIS countries have, however, been dogged by mutual distrust. Sources of tension between ussia and CIS members include the issue of claim over military assets belonging to the Soviet Union and the status of ussians settled in the former Soviet republics. Most of the disputes about assets have now been settled but such disputes have left a bad taste in the mouth and the initial optimism about the CIS becoming even a loose confederation has not been realized. ("ussia: Foreign elations," 2005)

ussia's relations with….

Country Development: Economic, Social, Political, And Moral
On a very basic level, development means 'growing.' In the language of political science, development is often referred to in terms of 'developed' and 'least developed' countries. Development has thus become synonymous with industrialization, and being able to provide a certain level of material comfort for all citizens. Poverty may be common to all nations, but 'least developed' countries have entrenched forms of poverty in which even basic necessities like sanitary water are scarce. According to the United Nations, a country is deemed to be 'developed' when its citizens can be able to 'lead long and healthy lives, to be knowledgeable, to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living and to be able to participate in the life of the community" ("hat is development," Volunteering Options, 2013). Nations that are considered to be 'developing' like China and India, are….

Developing country that will be focused upon for this report is Haiti. The reason the author of this report chose Haiti for this report is because the recent earthquake there that claimed roughly 50,000 lives brought it to the forefront. This is in contrast to the Dominican epublic (which is on the other end of the same island) had little to no notable news coverage during the same aftermath. Haiti is certainly not at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to developing countries but it shares a colonial past (French) with many other countries and it faces many challenges including starkly low incomes, very low literacy rates and other major life challenges for normal every-day Haitians. Facts to be covered include the name of the country, which of course is Haiti, when it became independent, its location, in what ways the country is less develop than more advanced….

tax system of one country with that of another is an exercise fraught with dificulties and ultimately doomed to failure . tax system will never be much more than a reflection of strongly national cultures and forces. discuss this statement in the light of your knowledge of comparative tax system in developing and/or developed countries i
Tax Systems

The following pages focus on analyzing the factors of influence on different countries' taxation systems. The paper begins with an introductory section that allows readers understand the point-of-view used in this paper. The following section refers to describing the taxes pand taxation systems used by most countries and their objectives, in order to understand the similarities and differences between these taxation systems. The paper continues with the analysis of several factors that influence countries' tax system design, like cultural factors, technological developments, and natural resources. In order to exemplify this, the taxation systems….

Global Marketing -- Country Penetration Strategies
Global Marketing

Global marketing refers to the degree to which a business organization strategizes to operate in an international market in a competitive way. This paper focuses on the Country Penetration strategies that are formulated to ensure a potential entry and a sustainable future into a new international market (Lord & anft, 2000). The increasing trend towards Globalization has opened attractive opportunities for large-size organizations to expand their business operations in potential international markets. In order to thrive and develop their strong presence in those markets, organizations need to perform a comprehensive situational analysis and formulate marketing strategies so that they can avail the attractive opportunities and encounter the possible threats (Lord & anft, 2000).

This paper covers all those country penetration strategies that are devised by large MNCs when they target some international market as a part of their expansion or growth strategy. These include; a….

A recent artifact that came as a product of this intercultural relationship is an article concerning an American woman's imprisonment -- which included beatings from the police and forcing her to sign false confessions -- simply for being seen eating in public with her male business partner. Even though the woman (who allowed her name to be printed only as "Yara," fearing retribution for telling her story) was wearing the traditional full-length gown and headscarf required of women when in public or in the company of men in Saudi Arabia,

she was approached by several men "with very long beards and white dresses" and told that what she was doing was "a great sin," a statement that reflects the disparity between the two cultures (Dhimmi Watch 2008). Ironically, the event took place at a Starbuck's, a place that has come to be a symbol of America's capitalism, freedom, and to many….

Some of these people not only gave United States a claim to fame, but they also protected Americans through national security and scientific achievements.
Thus, immigration is, ultimately, beneficial to the United States. hile some have recently taken the other side of the debate, it can be seen that the benefits of immigration clearly outweigh to consequences. Immigration impacts the United States greatly in the area of diversity, which allows the country to from better domestic and international relations, seeking peace. Immigration also impacts the United States economy in a positive way through creating a larger workforce and a larger consumer base, while also providing more workers who pay into the social security system. In addition, the United States would be pained without the immigrants who have made it the place it is today, whether they were unskilled workers helping to boost the profits of a farm or Albert Einstein….

saying that one country's terrorist is another country's freedom fighter. If you were to use the definition of terrorism provided by Hall (2003) above, what other techniques would factor into counter-terrorism operations besides military tactics and investigation?
Hall says that whatever the reason, killing an innocent other is always 'terrorism'. This is so regardless of whether the act was for political, religious, sociological, or other reasons. The only case when terrorism may be excuse is if the act of murder was committed in self-defense; only when the perpetrator is in immediate danger of being harmed and he is trying to evade violence from the other.

Given that one country's terrorist is another country's freedom fighter, issues of terrorism may become quite complex since denouncement of terrorism by one factor may be refuted by another as heroism. The only way to make the distinction -- and this is too following Hall's (2003)….

We would really love to know which country you are writing about, because the immigrant experience varies tremendously depending on both the country of origin and the destination country.  There are other factors that can impact the psychological impact of the immigrant experience as well.  Is a person immigrating with their family or on their own?  Will they be able to have continued contact with their family?  What are the reasons for immigrating?  Is the immigrant escaping trauma, such as in many refugee scenarios, moving for better economic opportunities, or moving for another reason?  All....

6 Pages

History - Israel

Business in Another Country Iran

Words: 1712
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

And this is just the beginning. eligious aspects interfere in politics and in the Iranians everyday life. Their views on lifestyle are completely different from those of Western…

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7 Pages


Travel in Another Country Has

Words: 2277
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

In describing a photograph of musicians dressed in borrowed formal wear he is presenting a "reading" that is not unintelligent, but is hardly "native." (And hardly compassionate.) He…

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3 Pages

American History

Country Economic Analysis Report When

Words: 890
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

1% and agriculture 6.0%. ("Jamaica," 2010) The U.S. is more heavily focused on services, with this accounting for 76.9% of the GDP. This is followed by: industry (coming in…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Country Report Spain This Report

Words: 2642
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

An interesting trend has been registered in the service industry, especially in the field of tourism. One of the main engines of Spanish economy in the past, now tourism…

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20 Pages
Literature Review

Business - Advertising

Country of Origin Effect on

Words: 6167
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Literature Review

With this in mind communications strategy has to be developed and implemented. The central debate remains that of degree of uniformity. The pros and cons are obvious, i.e.…

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7 Pages

History - Israel

Country Company Social Responsibility Mcdonald's in

Words: 2118
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Thesis

Pizza Hut has also managed to open franchise stores across Iraq and they could also pose serious competition. But there also exists the chance that the Iraqi consumer will…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Country Entry Risk Assessment Alba

Words: 1735
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

They have been committed to the development of what they deem to be Consciousness Cosmetics for more than a decade. Entry into the Portuguese market offers certain benefits,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Country Report Russia Key Recent

Words: 967
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ussia has accused Georgia of allowing Chechen rebels to move freely and providing safe haven to them for launching terrorist attacks from across the border. elations with Neighboring Countries The…

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3 Pages


Country Development Economic Social Political and Moral

Words: 952
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Country Development: Economic, Social, Political, And Moral On a very basic level, development means 'growing.' In the language of political science, development is often referred to in terms of 'developed'…

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8 Pages

Literature - Latin-American

Developing Country That Will Be Focused Upon

Words: 2357
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Developing country that will be focused upon for this report is Haiti. The reason the author of this report chose Haiti for this report is because the recent earthquake…

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15 Pages
Research Paper


Tax System of One Country With That

Words: 4394
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

tax system of one country with that of another is an exercise fraught with dificulties and ultimately doomed to failure . tax system will never be much more…

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7 Pages


Global Marketing -- Country Penetration Strategies Global

Words: 2086
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Global Marketing -- Country Penetration Strategies Global Marketing Global marketing refers to the degree to which a business organization strategizes to operate in an international market in a competitive way. This…

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3 Pages

History - Israel

Americans in Muslim Countries American

Words: 951
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

A recent artifact that came as a product of this intercultural relationship is an article concerning an American woman's imprisonment -- which included beatings from the police and forcing…

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5 Pages

American History

Immigration Good for the Country

Words: 1598
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Some of these people not only gave United States a claim to fame, but they also protected Americans through national security and scientific achievements. Thus, immigration is, ultimately, beneficial…

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2 Pages


Saying That One Country's Terrorist Is Another

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

saying that one country's terrorist is another country's freedom fighter. If you were to use the definition of terrorism provided by Hall (2003) above, what other techniques would…

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