Att Essays (Examples)

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ATT & Antitrust
The history of antitrust law in the United States has been heavily affected by the AT&T Corporation. AT&T has been seemingly involved in one form of dispute or another with the U.S. Justice Department and other Government agencies regarding its business activities. Subsequent to the storied breakup of AT&T in the early 80's, there has been little discussion regarding antitrust activity involving AT&T but with their recent announcement that they intend to takeover TMobile AT&T finds itself again in the center of antitrust controversy. How AT&T has responded to these antitrust charges will be reviewed herein.

AT & T. was, for many years, the dominant company in the United States telecommunication industry. Through its various subsidiaries (Western Electric, Bell Operating Companies, Bell Laboratories, and AT & T) AT & T. enjoyed many years when they faced few, if any, challenges to their domination. Through the years when they dominated….

ATT Market Strategies

Today AT&T faces a serious dilemma in whether or not to continue a relationship with their least profitable customers. AT&T's customer base today perfectly fits the 80/20 rule first devised by Italian economist Vilfredo Paereto in the 19th century (Krotz). Currently, over 80% of AT&T's revenue is generated by the top 20% of customers. By eliminating the least profitable 80% of customers, the company would make a profit similar to what is currently being seen. This raises the serious question of whether AT&T should consider eliminating these customers from their customer base. In the solution proposed today, this lower 80% of customers would be "sold" or outsourced to other firms that offer higher rates than AT&T.


The most obvious advantage of getting rid of these least-profitable customers would be financial. Eliminating these customers would free the company from spending money on maintaining a customer relationship that is not profitable. Company resources….

The first is by demographically-based segmentation attributes, and the second is through services offered. Neither of these is optimal for understanding and responding to unmet needs in the users bases, a point discussed in the following section of this paper.
Demographic segments include the following:

General Consumer/Residential: The largest segment of users, this is the segment that also generates the highest level of price competition and pressure in the market as well. Churn is highest in this segment.

Small and Medium businesses:

The primary segment where bundling is used for generating high loyalty due to the ability of members of this segment to overcome price pressure due to the need to have services in place to support their business models.


The most profitable of segments and also the more difficult to penetrate and sustain customers, AT&T Wireless has successfully served this segment with Wide Area Networks (WLAN) and hotspot technologies in addition to the….

In the case of retirees of 65 and over, it decreased from 7.5% in 2007 to 6.36% in 2008. The rate to which the cost trend is assumed to decline was maintained at a constant level of 5% in 2007 and 2008.
Given the company's financial situation and the current global economic conditions, it is estimated that the compensation and benefit costs will decrease in the following years. The company estimated the following evolution:

Pension benefits: $4,964 in 2008, $4,841 in 2009, $4,864 in 2010

Postretirement benefits: $2,520 in 2008, $2,636 in 2009, $2,733 in 2010

Medicare subsidy receipts: $120 in 2008, $130 in 2009, $140 in 2010

The company is very active in the stock-based compensation plan. This type of compensation is encouraged by the company's board of directors. The compensation cost in 2005 reached $143, in 2006 it reached $301, and in 2007 it reached $720.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the pension….

AT&T Cost and Price
Cost and Price Analysis -- AT&T

Company Overview

The AT&T Government Solutions business is currently headquartered in Oakton, VA and is composed of over four thousand scientists, engineers, and analysts; many of which have already obtained the needed security clearance to work more sensitive projects (AT&T Government, 2012). The company's niche is focused on providing a range of IT managed solutions that include network leadership in voice, data, video, and managed services. The company previously operated under the name GRC International which was originally founded in 1961 (Bloomberg Business, 2012). However the name was changed to AT&T Government Solutions, Inc. In March of 2000 and operates as a subsidiary of AT&T Inc.

AT&T Government Solutions received a majority of its work from the defense industry in 2011 which represented close to three hundred eighty million dollars' worth of revenue. By contrast, the civilian sector represented nearly one hundred eighty million….

Global Environment

AT&T's code of ethics can be found on its website (2014). The code exists in accordance with the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission, according to the company. The code contains nine items: honest and ethical conduct, conflicts of interest, disclosure, compliance, reporting and accountability, corporate opportunities, confidentiality, fair dealing and protection and proper use of company assets. Under each category, the company explains its policies. Under "honest and ethical conduct," AT&T says it will "act with integrity," using a synonym to make a redundant statement. It also says it will "observe both the form and spirit of laws and government rules and regulations," which is the same as line IV, compliance. It will "adhere to a high standard of business ethics," another redundant statement, and without defining "high standard."

The company rather curiously defines "conflict of interest:" as arising when a personal interest interferes with the interests….

Global business environment is an environment within different sovereign countries and exogenous factors to the home of an organization influence the process of making decisions when it comes to the use of resources and capabilities. These include political, social, economic, legal, cultural, tax, regulatory and technological environments.

Global business environment is an environment within different sovereign countries whereby factors that are exogenous to the home environment of a particular organization have an influence on the process of making decisions when it comes to the use of resources and capabilities. These include political, social, economic, legal, cultural, tax, regulatory and technological environments.

Challenges to global business environment

Unethical business practices,

Failure to embrace technology advancements.

Stiff competition among the businesses.

Unethical business practices exist due to the lack of established ethical code of conduct within an organization

There are serious challenges on the global business environment which are mostly attributed to unethical business practices, failure….

Wireless although the performance of Cingular has been mediocre also. The new Cingular expects that the added network coverage from at & T. Wireless will assist in opposing that belief nearly from the very beginning. (FCC OKs Cingular, at&T Wireless Merger)
The merger is regarding placing two companies in unison that do not have the metrics to go for the optimum services. Whereas there is scanty reservations regarding the amalgamation gives Cingular instruments to perk up customer satisfaction, the company has to proceed very speedily. Since in excess of 170 million subscribers are at present using a mobile phone in the United States, the phenomenal surge in the recent years is sure of slowing down. Meanwhile, the customers of at & T. Wireless has been deserting at the rate of 3.5% per month during 2004 which is worrying given that rivals Verizon and Nextel Comunications Inc. has been losing their….

Private University is selling a share, or something else. At the outset of the Act, "security" is defined as "any note, stock, treasury stock, security future, security-based swap, bond, debenture, evidence of indebtedness, certificate of interest or participation in any profit-sharing agreement, collateral-trust certificate…" and many others are subject to the law. The key is that the security creates a share of income for the holder, whether in the form of debt or equity. Options for later purchase are also included in the definition of security.
The asset in question is a "share" that entitles the bearer to college credits in any school at the future date. A college credit is not a claim to a cash flow, nor it is claim to equity. Therefore, this is not a security. Rather, it is a coupon by which a product can later be acquired. There is no difference between this asset….

AT&T is in basic terms a telecommunications services provider with operations not only in the U.S. But also in other parts of the world. In this text, I conduct an analysis of the company. In so doing, I will amongst other things explore its accounting systems and internal controls. Further, I will also conduct a brief review of its financial statements.
Company Overview

In so many ways, AT&T can be regarded an industry leader in the provision of wireless voice communications. The company gives its mission as "to connect people with their world, everywhere they live and work, and do it better than anyone else" (AT&T, 2013). Some of the main competitors of AT&T in the Telecom Services industry include but they are not limited to Verizon Communications Inc. And Sprint Nextel Corp. Currently, the company is headquartered in Dallas, Texas.

Accounting Systems

Accounting systems include but they are not limited to all those….

Written Assignment: Case study1. Why is important that businesses maintain a high level of visibility on SEPs?Maintaining high visibility on SEPs increases a businesss visibility on search engines, translating to increased website traffic. With high visibility, more people will see the businesss content in search results and interact with the content by visiting the business website. A company that maintains high visibility on SEPs indicates that the business is credible, and more people will trust the business (Schulthei & Lewandowski, 2021). When a business appears on the first page of SEPs, visitors will subconsciously trust the business, assuming the business must be doing something right to have such a high ranking. Visitors are more likely to make a purchase or recommend the company to others, increasing the businesss organic traffic. Domain authority is another benefit the business will get from high visibility on SEPs. Having a high domain authority leads….

Atzerodt also made a statement claiming knowledge of a Confederate plot to bomb the White House. The Union's failed raid on Richmond was also approved by Lincoln, and it was later believed that he ordered the death of Jeff Davis in a strategy to end the war. Such speculations were extremely damaging for the strength of the government, and similar conspiracy theories fascinate historians to this day. In this, at least one part of ooth's ideal was realized: government weakness. This however did not result in a revival for the South, which was in fact the ultimate aim.
In conclusion, Lincoln's death meant that his attempts at countrywide reform were immediately nullified. Without his leadership, and in concomitance with the many conspiracy theories at the time, the government was unable to carry further such work. The country was not nearly strong enough to benefit from the good work done by….

raising IQ scores/Education. Question: Should the IQ cutoff for mental retardation be raised to 80? Six sources. APA.
Should the IQ Cutoff for Mental Retardation be raised to 80?

The debate regarding IQ tests continues to rage into the new millennium. Every decade has a myriad of new studies supporting or contradicting the last accepted theories and studies. There are new studies which indicate that the IQ scores in the United States has risen by 3 points per decade, "indicating that intelligence is not stable but is flexible with regards to environmental influences." However, after vast research, no one knows just exactly what is causing the rise in IQ scores. Moreover, there is an ongoing debate in regards to raising the IQ cutoff scores for the mental retardation assessment. The American Association of Mental Retardation's definition of mental retardation is "a disability characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning and….

AT&T company and how its pending merger with T-Mobile major will affect mission and vision of the company. Also, its goals and objectives will be analyzed and the author will comment on whether or not this merger is in line with the needs of the major stakeholders that involved, that is, the customers, the employees and similar parties. The sources of information will be telecommunication blogs and publications analyzing the potential merger.
On both sides of the divide, there are "winners" and "losers" and a balancing act that is going on between competitive benefits of pricing vs. The stability of industry standards when there is oligopoly competition between only a small number of large corporations. This balancing act is never easy and is the reason for Federal regulation and legislation in an attempt to keep at least a reasonable amount of competition in the markets and yet take advantage of….

Mobile/Sprint Merger?
Investigating the Possibility of a Sprint and T-Mobile Merger

Sprint and T-Mobile Merger (?)

AT&T Acquisition of T-Mobile (?)

Advantages to AT&T

Effects to the Consumer

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the feasibility of a Sprint and T-Mobile merger. The two companies utilize similar technology and it was thought that a merger of the two telecommunications giants would offer a certain synergy that would add value not only to the combined organization but also to consumers. ith the increased competitiveness that would be gained with this merger the new conglomerate would be in a better market position to compete with industry leaders such as AT&T and Verizon. However, the business world moves very quickly and the possibility of a Sprint and T-Mobile merger no longer seems to be a remote possibility.

Instead, the giant telecommunication leader AT&T has recently made a move to purchase T-Mobile instead. So now the merger of….

Choosing a research paper topic doesn't have to be difficult. In many cases, an instructor will choose a topic for you. Some instructors allow you to choose your own topic, but request that you get approval from them before beginning your paper. If you're left completely alone to choose a topic and start writing, consider the following questions as you're thinking about topic ideas: • What is the class about? • What are some of the main points or themes addressed by the instructor? • What about the class specifically interests you? • What ideas or themes from the class naturally lend themselves to research? • Is your topic idea....

You can find information to create this thesis statement by using several different types of sources. In addition to the standard Google search for websites about the topic, there are online and offline books and magazines that deal with religious subjects. Ministry Magazine is a good source to consider, along with Enrichment Journal and Christian Standard. Liberty University's Digital Commons also provides a lot of good insight into growing small churches. Any church can be successful in a small city, as long as it provides the community with what the people need in order to feel their lives are being....

Business communication plays a significant role in day to day activities, because nearly every transaction a person engages in is a form of business. At work, business communication is more than just talking with the boss about important matters. It's also small interactions between colleagues, how you talk to customers and vendors, and non-verbal communication concerns like posture and facial expression. In an increasingly global society, proper business communication is becoming more significant. You can find information on this issue in business journals. The website provides you with access to a large number of business journals from a wide variety....

To write a journal about Wampanoag, you need to know about the people and the area. You can find information on that here: If you're supposed to write personal experience and immerse yourself in the culture, as if you were one of them, you'll want to think carefully about what it would feel like to be a part of that community and the time period. Consider what types of activities you would do, and the kinds of things that might matter to you. That will help make your journal well thought out, realistic, and believable.....

4 Pages


ATT & Antitrust the History of Antitrust

Words: 1659
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

ATT & Antitrust The history of antitrust law in the United States has been heavily affected by the AT&T Corporation. AT&T has been seemingly involved in one form of dispute…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


ATT Market Strategies

Words: 676
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

AT&T Today AT&T faces a serious dilemma in whether or not to continue a relationship with their least profitable customers. AT&T's customer base today perfectly fits the 80/20 rule first…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Companies

AT&T Wireless The objective of

Words: 2685
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The first is by demographically-based segmentation attributes, and the second is through services offered. Neither of these is optimal for understanding and responding to unmet needs in the…

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5 Pages


At& t's Compensation and Benefits AT& T

Words: 1315
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

In the case of retirees of 65 and over, it decreased from 7.5% in 2007 to 6.36% in 2008. The rate to which the cost trend is assumed…

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4 Pages


AT& T Cost and Price Cost and Price

Words: 1128
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

AT&T Cost and Price Cost and Price Analysis -- AT&T Company Overview The AT&T Government Solutions business is currently headquartered in Oakton, VA and is composed of over four thousand scientists, engineers,…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Challenges in the Global Business Environment

Words: 2228
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Global Environment AT&T AT&T's code of ethics can be found on its website (2014). The code exists in accordance with the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission, according to…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


AT& T Standards and Business Global Business Environment

Words: 2552
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

AT&T STANDARDS AND Business Global business environment is an environment within different sovereign countries and exogenous factors to the home of an organization influence the process of making decisions when…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Telecom Industry the Total Business

Words: 2045
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Wireless although the performance of Cingular has been mediocre also. The new Cingular expects that the added network coverage from at & T. Wireless will assist in opposing…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Private University Is Selling a Share or

Words: 1077
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Private University is selling a share, or something else. At the outset of the Act, "security" is defined as "any note, stock, treasury stock, security future, security-based swap,…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


AT& T Is in Basic Terms a Telecommunications

Words: 1498
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

AT&T is in basic terms a telecommunications services provider with operations not only in the U.S. But also in other parts of the world. In this text, I conduct…

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4 Pages

Business - Information Systems

Using SEO to Increase SERP Ranking

Words: 1245
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Written Assignment: Case study1. Why is important that businesses maintain a high level of visibility on SEPs?Maintaining high visibility on SEPs increases a businesss visibility on search engines, translating…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

American History

President Lincoln Abraham Lincoln's Life

Words: 1642
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Atzerodt also made a statement claiming knowledge of a Confederate plot to bomb the White House. The Union's failed raid on Richmond was also approved by Lincoln, and…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Raising IQ Scores Education

Words: 1459
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

raising IQ scores/Education. Question: Should the IQ cutoff for mental retardation be raised to 80? Six sources. APA. Should the IQ Cutoff for Mental Retardation be raised to 80? The…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

AT& T Company and How Its Pending Merger

Words: 708
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

AT&T company and how its pending merger with T-Mobile major will affect mission and vision of the company. Also, its goals and objectives will be analyzed and the…

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5 Pages


Mobile Sprint Merger Investigating the Possibility of a

Words: 1522
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Mobile/Sprint Merger? Investigating the Possibility of a Sprint and T-Mobile Merger Sprint and T-Mobile Merger (?) AT&T Acquisition of T-Mobile (?) Advantages to AT&T Effects to the Consumer The purpose of this paper is…

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