Best Practices Essays (Examples)

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8. Gradual Adjustment, Adaptation and Improvement

It is not an untold secret that no leadership or management training program is a success in the start. This is the reason why companies today tend to work towards the persistent modification of the leadership programs after receiving the feedback. This is exceedingly important to base new programs on the feedback that is not only provided by the participants but also from their supervising managers. Continuous transformation of the program helps in meeting the organizational needs ("Building a Management Development Program: 8 Best Practices").

9. Outcomes' Measurement and Following

The organizations today that are employing the mentioned practices for developing leadership and management also use a number of tools for the measurement of the impact of the pursued training/program/activity. The assessments that are recorded before and after the program are used for measuring the improvements in the skills' area. Feedback tools help in the determination of….

Best Practices
Evidence-Based Best Practices:

Interpersonal Psychotherapy and Depression

Psychological diagnoses are often resistant to many treatments because the therapist is conducting therapy based on what they have seen works in the past. The problem with this approach is that although it may be a correct assumption and the therapist may have many years' experience to fall back on, this is actually an anecdotal means to a therapeutic end. The therapist most likely has the consumers best interests in mind, but they are not focused on the individual as much as what has worked in the past and may not be the best treatment for what the consumer is bringing to the sessions. The fact is that therapists, well-meaning of course, often fall into a rut in which therapy is much the same regardless the diagnosis. If examined carefully, this is not only shoddy practice it can be considered malpractice because the wrong….

Best Practices
Almost every organization, from teachers to medical professionals, has what it calls a "best practices" paradigm. What these organizations really mean by "best practices" is using knowledge management to take what was learned by trial and error in the past and making sure the same mistakes are not repeated. This, of course, is logical -- who doesn't want to profit from past errors. Best practices are designed, in fact, to ensure that everyone is treated equally -- not that everyone is treated the same. Individuals are not equal -- each uses unique learning styles, ability and foci -- to treat everyone the same under a Best Practices scenario would be counterproductive. Instead, the idea of best practices is to put forward a method or technique that, over time, has clearly and consistently shown results that are superior to other means. This then becomes the measurable benchmark to drive innovation….

Best Pactices - Ailines
Best Pactices:


When choosing an ailine, it is impotant to know what you ae paying fo. Fo this eason, it is a smat idea to bowse though an ailine's "best pactices" section in ode to see just how well that company teats its patons. Out of the five ailines examined fo this execise, fo instance, all five had "best pactices" listed clealy fo the public, yet only Ameican Ailines took the time to povide an easily-accessible, clea document that povided all details necessay to the public. This pape will summaize this document, and povide a context in which it ought to be analyzed, below.

Best pactices ae defined as methods, o techniques, that have shown esults "supeio to those achieved with othe means," and which ae, theefoe, utilized as benchmaks.[footnoteRef:1] Ameican Ailines povides its customes with a full page of details as to its best pactices. This is easily….

Best Practices in Corrections
Correctional best practices

A well-established body of best practices supporting humane, decent, and effective approaches to rehabilitation exists in U.S. correctional facilities. This is particularly to high-risk offenders confined in correctional facilities. This study focuses on Correctional Health Care program as a practice contributing towards effective service delivery in various correctional centers.

Assess offender risk: risk factors tend to be static since they never change. This focuses on criminological risks and needs, which put offenders in at risk of continued criminal behavior. For instance, particular criminal acts are linked to deficits associated with lack of education, lack of employment and substance abuse (Alarid, 2013). Assessing offender risk and needs assists to identify these areas of service needs and risks. Systematically identifying and mediating in these areas of criminogenic risk and need is effective at reducing recidivism.

Enhance offender motivation: human beings respond better when motivated and not when persuaded to….

Field trips were a frequent component of Andrew's class, to various historical landmarks. The community was used as a resource, in this case the city of New York. Students traveled to lower Manhattan to take a walking tour of historical sites of colonial New York and to the Museum of the City of New York. As well as such engaging assignments, Andrews also met frequently with other teachers and school administrators over the course of the year to ensure that her lesson plan continued to satisfy state standards. She used a variety of means of assessment and instruction, including but not limited to simply circulating around the classroom, rather than anchoring at her desk during assignments; scheduling individualized meetings with students and their parents; using progress reports, rubrics, and setting clear expectations; offering creative assignments like imaginary role plays and creative 'what if' prompts; and she also scheduled review periods….

Best Practices in Outsourcing the Advertising
Best Practices in Outsourcing Advertising:

Outsourcing is the most prevalent strategy companies are using today to control costs, increase their time-to-market, and gain access to expertise they may not be able to afford on their own. Outsourcing advertising and other areas of marketing reduced one large banks' budget by 40%, with smaller banks gaining a 30% cost improvement using outsourcing over hiring and retaining their own in-house staffs (ussell, 1997). Outsourcing advertising and creative production projects to India has increasingly become commonplace, with both Lifebuoy and Fair & Lovely brands outsourcing pan-Asian production and European production to Indian advertising firms (Businessline, 2005). IT outsourcing, the largest proportion fo total outsourcing completed globally has steadily increased from 19% of total IT budgets (AM esearch, 2003) to a projected level of at leas 30% by 2015 (Goodman, amer, 2007). Outsourcing will continue to flourish across all industries, as….

Best Practices Investment Promotion
It's common knowledge in the business arena that eastern nations are developing at a rapid and wild pace. Countries like China and Japan have experience a tremendous amount of development in the past few decades and the growth has been steady, making them formidable opponent and allies on the world stage. But on closer examination one knows that growth is not the singular reason to invest in a given country. One needs to look at the entire climate of the country in order to assess if that's a viable option, examining each factor of the country's make up and dynamics. This paper will attempt to do exactly that, comparing the viability of China vs. Japan in terms of the factors which will directly influence the soundness of foreign investment.

China's Political and Economic Climate

"Thirty years ago, China was one of the world's poorest countries, with 80% of its….

Best Practices or Best Fit

When one considers the idea of personal expectancy into the reward system it would appear that the best fit model provides the framework to individualize reward systems in order to match the needs of and expectations of the individual employee. Expectancy theory supports that the one size fits all approach of best practices that does not result in the highest level of employee motivation. A system will only be effective if it results in a high level of innovation if the reward system happens to match an individual's values. Best fit theory supports the idea that rewards must be individualized to meet that person's specific needs of if they are to achieve maximum benefit. From the standpoint of expectancy theory it would seem as if best fit represents the most effective model.
Work Systems

Work systems refer to the processes that make up the daily business routines of the organization. The….

Best Practices in Nursing

Practice-Specific Concepts
Within this report will be two major points of analysis and detail. The first shall be two practice-specific concepts that the author has identified and experienced through real-world personal experience. The second will be a set of five personal propositions or assumptions based on the same. These statements, assertions and propositions will be based in part on the personal opinion and perspective of the author of this report but there will also be support and information that was culled from the scholarly literature information base that exists in academia and the world. While there are many diverse and differing opinions out there regarding healthcare and how it should be done, there are some themes that ring true and through more than others and the realm of behavioral health is no different..


Both of the practice-specific concepts that the author of this report will focus on are centered on the same….

Of course, it becomes a very difficult matter to overcome sparse levels of availability when they are encountered (e.g. In the more remote regions of Western Australia).
Taken together, the issues suggest that the impact of availability policy on the use of alcohol may be as heterogeneous as patterns of availability themselves. The reduction of one outlet in an urban area has significantly different meaning and implications than the reduction of one outlet in a rural outpost. Similarly, the reduction of one outlet on one side of town has different meaning and implications than the reduction of one outlet on another. In this regard, Heather and Stockwell emphasize that, "The outlet in the rural outpost may be the only one for 300 miles. The bar closed at the end of the street may be frequented by most of the neighbourhood, the bar across town rarely used" (218).

For these reasons, although….

There has to be room for instructor and instructional adaptation as well, as diversity in practices is generally good for any organization and in educational institutions in particular, and it is through ongoing learning in all leaders -- which means instructors and administrators alike -- that the best practices can truly be found and through which the students are most effectively served (Hirsh & Killion, 2009). The change in my institution as initially implemented stifled innovation and creativity and attempted to force many students to think in ways that were ore difficult and less productive for these students, and also were seen as a waste of valuable class time by distracting from necessary skill and knowledge areas, focusing too much on the methods and less on the content. When the policy was reversed, the situation eased considerably and there was actually an increased interest in using certain of the….


Some employees or members of management may be resistant to certain performance evaluation members and may fear that they will have to engage in activities above and beyond the call of duty to ensure a fair evaluation (Morrison, 1992).

Best Practice #4

Best practice number 4 includes providing an environment that promotes diversity and appropriate management and professional development in the field of recruitment and retention (eichenberg, 2001; Dell, 2005).

Industry Example

Dell Corporation is an example of a company currently following this practice. The company currently prides itself on its efforts to reach out to minority and women candidates and promotes its varying relationships with multiple diversity job boards (Dell, 2005).


Companies are currently scrambling to recruit diverse practices (Aronson, 2002). The more diversity is naturally incorporated into the selection and recruitment process, the easier a time corporations will have managing complexity and diversity and establishing an competitive edge in a diverse and international….

This particular report is an evaluation on AIS through case analysis and presentation involving AIS failure, possible alternatives the firm may have had and just how the management should have strategized to avert the failure. In the end, the paper reveals best practices for migration from another system to AIS.
To change the Accounting Information System (AIS) best practices

Accounting info systems (AIS) has transformed business processes on a worldwide scale. When financial data is entered into the AIS, financial statements and reports are created at several business levels to make profitability certain. Steinbart and romney (2012) revealed that the accounting systems process information to offer data to users so that they can not only plan, but also manage and operate respective businesses. Given this situation, accounting info system are viewed as a method which helps management in their planning and balance processes by offering data that is both reliable and relevant….

Applying Critical Thinking
Best Practices in Critical Thinking

"Applying Critical Thinking Skills to Making Post-Graduate Education Decisions"

"Applying Critical Thinking Skills to Making Post-Graduate Education Decisions"

Introduction/Critical Thinking Defined

Using critical thinking skills nearly always results in better decision making and therefore better actions. Personal change is always accompanied by a long list of critical issues that require thought and development in order to cement into a cost-benefit balance. Long-term goals are likely to be those best developed with critical thinking skills, but sometimes long-term goals do not actually create a beneficial outcome, largely as a result of those goals not being well thought out or well researched. Seeking to further one's education is a higher goal that can and often does result in greater long-term earning potential but is also often associated with immediate sacrifices and challenges, such as limiting income in the present for deferred promises of greater income in the future, or….

Looking for the best practices on endotracheal suctioning often involves determining whether open or closed suctioning is better.  Open suctioning requires disconnecting the patient from the ventilator, while closed suctioning allows the patient to remain connected to the ventilator.  While closed suctioning is generally preferred, it is not always the best practice, but the research investigated looked specifically at closed suctioning because of the research question presented.   

In 1999, Kinloch ran an observational study that compared oxygenation in patients that either had normal saline instilled at the start of endotracheal tube suctioning or did not have saline instilled.  Until....

In our opinion, at this time the most pressing challenge faced by school leaders is safely continuing with student education while also managing the risk of disease posed to people by the current COVID-19 pandemic.  Many school districts immediately scrambled to get technology into place to support distance-learning, but quickly found that while the technology is important for delivery of classroom materials, the technology is only a tool in the hands of educators.  Educators need to be able to teach using the technology, and, if they are unable to do so, they put their students at a disadvantage.

Moving forward,....

Below is an example essay to help give you ideas when writing your own paper.

Title: Bridging the Skills Gap in the South African Supply Chain Industry

In today's rapidly evolving global economy, the supply chain industry plays a vital role in ensuring the efficient flow of goods and services. However, South Africa's supply chain sector faces a significant skills gap, hindering its growth and competitiveness. To address this challenge, it is essential to identify and cultivate generic, transferable, core, or key attributes that can bridge this gap effectively. This essay will discuss the different forms of such attributes....

Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) like AdventHealth aim to improve healthcare quality by enhancing care coordination, reducing unnecessary spending, and focusing on preventative care. Metrics often used to evaluate their impact include patient satisfaction scores, hospital readmission rates, and the management of chronic conditions. ACOs are compared through benchmarks in these areas, cost savings, and quality of care improvements.

Determining the impact of AdventHealth ACO on healthcare quality and metrics requires a deep dive into several factors. Here's a breakdown of key aspects to consider:

Metrics used for evaluation:

  • Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) scores: These standardized measures assess preventive....

9 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Best Practices Leadership and Management

Words: 2627
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

8. Gradual Adjustment, Adaptation and Improvement It is not an untold secret that no leadership or management training program is a success in the start. This is the reason why…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Best Practices Evidence-Based Best Practices Interpersonal Psychotherapy

Words: 1219
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Best Practices Evidence-Based Best Practices: Interpersonal Psychotherapy and Depression Psychological diagnoses are often resistant to many treatments because the therapist is conducting therapy based on what they have seen works in the…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Law

Best Practices Almost Every Organization From Teachers

Words: 600
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Best Practices Almost every organization, from teachers to medical professionals, has what it calls a "best practices" paradigm. What these organizations really mean by "best practices" is using knowledge management…

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2 Pages


Best Practices - Airlines Best Practices Airlines

Words: 570
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Best Pactices - Ailines Best Pactices: Ailines When choosing an ailine, it is impotant to know what you ae paying fo. Fo this eason, it is a smat idea to bowse though…

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3 Pages
Case Study

Criminal Justice

Best Practices in Corrections

Words: 965
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Best Practices in Corrections Correctional best practices A well-established body of best practices supporting humane, decent, and effective approaches to rehabilitation exists in U.S. correctional facilities. This is particularly to high-risk…

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4 Pages


Best Practices Teaching Elementary School

Words: 1453
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Field trips were a frequent component of Andrew's class, to various historical landmarks. The community was used as a resource, in this case the city of New York. Students…

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7 Pages

Business - Advertising

Best Practices in Outsourcing the Advertising Best

Words: 2147
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Best Practices in Outsourcing the Advertising Best Practices in Outsourcing Advertising: Outsourcing is the most prevalent strategy companies are using today to control costs, increase their time-to-market, and gain access to…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Best Practices Investment Promotion

Words: 3387
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Best Practices Investment Promotion It's common knowledge in the business arena that eastern nations are developing at a rapid and wild pace. Countries like China and Japan have experience a…

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10 Pages

Business - Management

Best Practices or Best Fit

Words: 3541
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

When one considers the idea of personal expectancy into the reward system it would appear that the best fit model provides the framework to individualize reward systems in…

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3 Pages

Health - Nursing

Best Practices in Nursing

Words: 916
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Practice-Specific Concepts Within this report will be two major points of analysis and detail. The first shall be two practice-specific concepts that the author has identified and experienced through real-world…

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40 Pages
Research Proposal

Sports - Drugs

Best Practices in Policing Alcohol

Words: 17761
Length: 40 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Of course, it becomes a very difficult matter to overcome sparse levels of availability when they are encountered (e.g. In the more remote regions of Western Australia). Taken together,…

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2 Pages


Best Practice Change Initiatives in

Words: 564
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

There has to be room for instructor and instructional adaptation as well, as diversity in practices is generally good for any organization and in educational institutions in particular,…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Best Practices Overview According to

Words: 1228
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Disadvantages Some employees or members of management may be resistant to certain performance evaluation members and may fear that they will have to engage in activities above and beyond the…

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10 Pages

Accounting / Finance

Best practices involved in changing the Accounting Information System AIS

Words: 2874
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Abstract This particular report is an evaluation on AIS through case analysis and presentation involving AIS failure, possible alternatives the firm may have had and just how the management should…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Best Practices in Critical Thinking

Words: 1566
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Applying Critical Thinking Best Practices in Critical Thinking "Applying Critical Thinking Skills to Making Post-Graduate Education Decisions" "Applying Critical Thinking Skills to Making Post-Graduate Education Decisions" Introduction/Critical Thinking Defined Using critical thinking skills nearly…

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