Bill Clinton Essays (Examples)

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Bill Clinton William Jefferson Clinton
Pages: 10 Words: 3317

As a result, by the late 1980s, the job-creation rate in Arkansas was among the highest in the country.
During all this time, Clinton never left sight of his life-long ambition of getting to the highest political office in the country. He methodically prepared himself for the job by learning the ropes and by gradually assuming a number of national leadership roles, e.g., in 1985 and 1986 he served as chairman of the Southern Growth Policies Board, became chairman of the National Governors Association in 1986 and 1987, led a movement to change the nation's system of providing welfare to poor people, and headed the Democratic Leadership Council 1990 and 1991.

Risk Taking

Calculated risk-taking ability is one of the key characteristic of a successful leader. In 1990 / 91, the incumbent President, George H.. Bush enjoyed very high approval ratings in the wake of the First Gulf ar. Not many politicians…...


Works Cited

Bill Clinton's Draft Letter" Frontline. 2000. May 9, 2007. 

Campbell, Colin, and Bert a. Rockman, eds. The Clinton Legacy. New York: Chatham House, 2000.

Denton, Robert E., and Rachel L. Holloway, eds. The Clinton Presidency: Images, Issues, and Communication Strategies. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1996.

Dumas, Ernest C. "Bill Clinton." Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia, 2007. May 9, 2007.

Clinton the Main Purpose of Bill Clinton's
Pages: 6 Words: 1963

The main purpose of Bill Clinton's 2004 autobiography entitled My Life is for the author primarily to tell his story. Included within the framework of this primary purpose is for Clinton to place his stance and opinions on the record, which is to say he hopes to annul the opinions of his detractors and critics while bolstering the opinions of those who would laud his legacy. Clinton undoubtedly also writes his autobiography to receive accolades, and garner attention his career and legacy.As McCrum puts it, Clinton's autobiography extends "his continuing appeal for history's mandate." Similarly, Kakutani states that the purpose of the autobiography is "not for the reader, but for himself and some distant recording angel of history." In other words, Clinton does not necessarily need to reach out personally to the reader for the autobiography to have a political purpose. For Clinton, the autobiography needed to be told because…...


Works Cited

Clinton, Bill. My Life. Retrieved online:

Kakutani, Michiko. "Books of The Times; A Pastiche of a Presidency, Imitating a Life, in 957 Pages." The New York Times. Retrieved online: 

McCrum, Robert. "Still Pressing the Flesh." The Guardian. 27 June 2004. Retrieved online: 

McMurty, Larry. "My Life: His True Love is Politics." New York Times. Retrieved online:

Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich Both Bill
Pages: 2 Words: 521

Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich
Both Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich have served in very powerful positions in the United States government. In fact, their terms of service have overlapped. They are both recognized as eminent experts in the fields of economics, government and world history.

Both are also authors who have penned bestselling books in the non-fiction genre.

There are many similarities in terms of their personal lives as well. Both men hail from southern states. Gingrich was raised in Georgia, which he represented in Congress. They were also both involved in extra-marital scandals that tainted their public careers. Clinton's affair with intern Monica Lewinsky, for example, led to his impeachment. Gingrich, on the other hand, admitted to a 6-year affair that eventually led to his divorce in 1999.

However, additional similarities between the two men are few. Bill Clinton, a Democrat, has served two terms as President of the United States.


Bill Clinton Try to Re-Frame the Story
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Bill Clinton try to re-frame the story of his extra-Marital affair during the 1992 campaign?
When Gennifer Flowers came forward in 1992 to claim she had an affair with Bill Clinton while he was Governor of Arkansas -- what Clinton's staff would term the first of several "bimbo eruptions" -- Clinton managed to reframe the story by immediately giving two interviews, with "60 Minutes" and he Washington Post. In both cases, Clinton insisted on being jointly interviewed with his wife Hillary. he implication seemed to be that, if this man's wife knew he was "a hard dog to keep on the porch" and could still forgive him, then his adultery was hardly a matter of great concern for voters.

What do we mean when we say that Americans are "fair-weather voters?"?

Fair-weather voters are only likely to turn up at the polls if the weather is good. Voting to them as a…...


The U.S. Supreme Court (part of the judicial branch of the federal government) chose to hear Brown v. Board of Education because the case had been decided in favor of plaintiff in court, then was reversed upon appeal. The Court's chief interest was not in public school policy in Kansas per se, but rather in revisiting their own judicial precedent in Plessy v. Ferguson just over fifty years earlier -- the Plessy decision had stated that separate but equal treatment did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment. Presumably the chief impetus for the Court re-opening in 1953-4 the question of whether segregation was permitted by the Fourteenth Amendment was President Truman's executive order desegregating the armed forces, signed five years earlier in July 1948.

6. How did the Supreme Court determine the Constitution includes a right to privacy?

According to the Supreme Court, the Constitutional basis for the right to privacy is found in the First Amendment (freedom of assembly), the Fourth Amendment (protecting against unreasonable search and seizure), and the Ninth Amendment (guaranteeing unenumerated rights). This is why the

Bill Clinton vs Princess Diana
Pages: 7 Words: 2361

Princess Diana and President Clinton
hen taking some time to think about it, is easy to both compare and contrast Princess Diana and President Clinton. Both are (or indeed were) prominent political figures, hounded by the press. Both attempted at some point to promote an image of marital bliss when in fact the opposite was the case. In each case sexual indiscretion on the part of one or both of the marital partners enjoyed a high public profile. On the other hand, both Diana and Clinton devoted a significant amount of time to political or social causes close to their hearts. So both could be viewed as fairly ambiguous figures in the eyes of both the public and the press. And indeed there are both comparisons and extreme contrasts that are examined below.

In terms of positive influence, both Diana and President Clinton exuded a large amount of charm. This element helped…...


Works Cited

Bowman, Marion. (1998). "Folklore: Diana, Princess of Wales." Folklore Society.

Jet. (2002, Nov. 11). "Bill Clinton inducted into Arkansas Black Hall of Fame." Johnson Publishing Co.

Rush, Paul.

2003, Sept. 2). "Morris Calls for Heads to Roll." Insight on the News. News World Communications, Inc.

Bill Clinton William Jefferson Clinton's Time as
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Bill linton
William Jefferson linton's time as the forty-second president was not marked by any major successes or failures. Much of his presidency was spent trying to implement economic and social reform, including a balanced budget and major changes to the national health care system. He used his roles as chief executive and chief economic planner to pursue his social and economic reform agenda, but also extended those goals to the international stage, using his powers as commander-in-chief as well as chief diplomat to influence foreign policy and international politics. However, his presidency will perhaps be marked by three major achievements: his tarnished reputation as chief of state because of the constant scandals surrounding his presidency, the weakening of the presidency as a result of his impeachment despite his role as chief judge, and his revival of the Democratic Party as political party chief.

hief of State

From his 1992 campaign, linton…...


Clinton's most significant influences as chief executive circulated around his efforts to improve the government's administration in terms of economic and social services. In both his plans to balance the federal budget and reform the nation's health care system, he often clashed with Republicans, producing mixed results. While the first balanced budget in three decades was produced during his administration, there were also two partial federal government shutdowns as a result of disagreements about budget cuts and priorities ("Clinton"). Additionally, his hopes to reform the nation's health care system, a campaign in which his wife, Hillary, played a large role, faced widespread opposition and in the end, did not come to fruition.


Clinton faced much skepticism about his ability to serve as commander-in-chief during his 1992 campaign because of his lack of military experience and allegations of draft dodging during the Vietnam War (Hayden 79). During his presidency, Clinton commanded three main military movements: he sent troops to Haiti to restore Jean-Bertrand Aristide's presidency in 1994, withdrew troops providing famine relief in Somalia in 1994 after a failed attempt at capturing a Somali warlord, and led NATO peacekeeping efforts in Yugoslavia in 1999 ("Clinton"). All of these missions were

My Life by Bill Clinton
Pages: 1 Words: 346

linton, Bill. My Life. New York: Knopf, 2004
Speeches of contemporary politicians -- particularly presidents who must at least strive to please all of the American public, all of the time -- tend to be formulaic and laden with cliches. However, the medium of the retrospective (as opposed to election year) presidential memoir holds for the reader the tantalizing possibility that the unfolding narrative may reveal the secret details and private speculations of an otherwise public individual, who has been a witness to history. Bill linton was legendary for his charismatic relationship with the American public, as well as his verbosity. On sheer heft alone, his 957-page tome My Life promises that the former president can command a platform in print even more lengthy than his legendary 1988 Democratic Platform speech that was so long the only line that drew applause was "In onclusion." However, does linton's famous Rhode Scholar intellect…...


Clinton, Bill. My Life. New York: Knopf, 2004

Speeches of contemporary politicians -- particularly presidents who must at least strive to please all of the American public, all of the time -- tend to be formulaic and laden with cliches. However, the medium of the retrospective (as opposed to election year) presidential memoir holds for the reader the tantalizing possibility that the unfolding narrative may reveal the secret details and private speculations of an otherwise public individual, who has been a witness to history. Bill Clinton was legendary for his charismatic relationship with the American public, as well as his verbosity. On sheer heft alone, his 957-page tome My Life promises that the former president can command a platform in print even more lengthy than his legendary 1988 Democratic Platform speech that was so long the only line that drew applause was "In Conclusion." However, does Clinton's famous Rhode Scholar intellect play out equally well in prose as it often, but not always, did in person?

The answer is, surprisingly yes. For a lengthy presidential memoir, My Life is fairly short on self-praise and puffery, and unlike the aforementioned 1988 speech (treated with great humor by the author) the text moves surprisingly quickly, despite its long length. The most interesting sections of the book are perhaps the early chapters, which deal Clinton's inspiring struggles as a young man determined to succeed, despite the poverty of his circumstances and an abusive, alcoholic stepfather. They provide revealing insight into Clinton's policies, such as his popularity with African-Americans, as well as the difficulties of the administration, such as the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Clinton's anxiousness to please and to be self-critical did not always stand him in good stead while in office -- he admits his administration made many mistakes, such as his foreign policy waffling in Serbia and Rwanda -- but what made his administration less than perfect, such as the Clinton 'woman problem' and the 'waffling problem' only enhances this president's value as an entertaining and candid author and a perceptive and surprisingly objective analyst of his own life and politics.

President Bill Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky Scandal
Pages: 8 Words: 2629

President Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky Scandal
Bill Clinton was one of the most popular American presidents in modern times and the first democrat since Franklin Roosevelt to have been elected as the U.S. president for two terms. It is ironic, therefore, that despite his popularity and despite having presided over the longest period of economic prosperity in the history of the United States he is likely to be remembered in history as only the second U.S. President to have been impeached -- the result of his sexual affair with a hite House intern.

In this paper we shall take a brief look at the main characters in the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal and the roles they played in it; discuss the background of the scandal and how it developed. e shall also discuss how different people (including the public and the major parties) viewed the affair and the effect it had on the office of…...


Works Cited

Bill Clinton. Key Player. Clinton Accused: Special Report. Retrieved on April 2, 2003 at 

Chronology of Events." Investigating the President: the Trial. / inside politics. 2003. Retrieved on April 2, 2003 at

Dumas, Ernest C. "Bill Clinton." Article in Encarta Encyclopedia, CD-ROM Version, 2003

Gibbs, Nancy. "Nightmare's end." Time Magazine. February 15, 1999. Retrieved on April 2, 2003 at

Applying Negotiation Skills to Bill Clinton Approach
Pages: 15 Words: 4723

Applying Negotiation Skills to Bill Clinton Approach to Freeing the Two Journalist for North Korea
For any solution to be reached, it is important that the two involved parties are ready to talk and come to a point of solution, which would be best for all concerned. It also means that a certain spirit of sacrifice and patience if required to better understand the point-of-view of the other party.

There seems to be a growing emphasis on the power of dialogue to resolve issues between various parties, so much so that today, dialoguing and negotiation is fast becoming an art form, which requires thorough research about the other party as well as a knowledge of every aspect that may play a part in securing the deal in the manner in which you want it to play out.

But things do tend to get a bit distorted when the political arena is involved. In…...


Works Cited

Associated Press. (2011, April 14). North Korea detains U.S. citizen. Retrieved September 15th, 2011, from The Guardian: 

Collin, K. w. (2009). Clinton's Coup in Pyongyang: North Korean Denuclearisation Next? Singapore: S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies.

Foster-Carter, A. (2009). North Korea-South Korea Relations: On the Mend? Comparitive Connections .

Garcha, A. Diplomatic Culture or Cultural Diplomacy: The role for culture in International negotiation?

Life and Career of Bill Clinton the Comeback Kid
Pages: 3 Words: 938

Bill Clinton's personality, his aura, his life and his extraordinary career have always been a great source of awe, inspiration and intrigue for millions of Americans. The man who was chosen President of the United States for two consecutive terms for described by many as a "Comeback Kid" for his remarkable resilience and his determination to survive amid scandals, impeachment threats and possible collapse of personal and professional life. Bill Clinton survived it all almost unscathed and with a reputation as one of the most effective presidents of the U.S. The persona extraordinaire of this man spurred a storm of biographies that promised to reveal the real Bill Clinton. The one such biography that many believe did manage to achieve this objective was Charles Allen's Ph.D. thesis "The Comeback Kid- Life and Career of Bill Clinton" co-written with Jonathan Portis.

Published in 1992, the book is an in-depth look at…...



1) The Comeback Kid, by Charles F. Allen and Jonathan Portis, New York: Birch Lane Press, 1992

Bill Clinton and the Oklahoma Memorial Service Speech
Pages: 3 Words: 1054

Clinton’s Speech The Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in which more than 150 people lost their lives served as the occasion for William Jefferson Clinton’s speech at the Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Prayer Service Address. Although it is a prayer service address, Clinton never once mentions the word prayer in his speech. Instead he attempts to cheaply inspire the audience by using the tragedy of the bombing as an occasion to talk about a community coming together, how great America is, and how important it is for the legacy of the lost to be lived out in the lives of the living. Full of platitudes by light on actual sentiment, the speech fails to rise above its mawkish pretensions and deliver a satisfying response to the tragedy that had occurred in Oklahoma City just four days prior.
The speech is organized poorly. It begins by acknowledging…...


Works Cited

Clinton, William J. “Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Prayer Service Address.”

Hood, Christopher. The art of the state: Culture, rhetoric, and public management. Oxford University Press, 2000.

Kennedy, John F. “Berlin Speech.” American History.

McGee, Michael C. “In search of ‘the people’: A rhetorical alternative.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 61.3 (1975): 235-249.

William Jefferson Clinton v Paula Corbin Jones Case Analysis
Pages: 2 Words: 561

Case AnalysisWilliam Jefferson Clinton v. Paula Corbin Jonesa) FactsThis text concerns itself with the William Jefferson Clinton v. Paula Corbin Jones (1997) case. Paula Corbin (the plaintiff) worked as an employee of the state when she first encountered Bill Clinton (the defendant) who was at the time serving as the Arkansas Governor (Chemerinsky, 2019). At the time of the encounter, the plaintiff was manning the reception desk in a hotel where the defendant was attending an event as a speaker. As Chemerinsky (2019) points out, the plaintiff alleged that the defendant made multiple sexual advances towards her which she promptly turned down. The plaintiff further indicated that her decision was not taken well by her supervisors and she ended up being punished with a change of duties. This prompted her to later on sue the defendant who at the time of the suit filing was a sitting President of the…...



Chemerinsky, E. (2019). Constitutional Law. Wolters Kluwer Law and Business.

Dennett, A. (2021). Public Law Directions. Oxford University.

Internet Disagree Then a Response Bill Clinton
Pages: 2 Words: 658

Internet disagree. Then, a response
Bill Clinton, it was, who once said that he smoked marijuana, but he didn't inhale. This famous assertion was made during his presidency of the United States, and helps to marginalize the effect of certain recreational drugs. If a person can become president of a country as powerful as the U.S. And smoke a little marijuana, then it should be noted that all illegal drugs are not as bad as others. This distinction between illegal drugs is of particular importance in the debate to test welfare users for drugs in certain states, where the penalty can have significant impacts upon the user's family, including the cutting of state funds for up to three years. When one pauses to consider the damage done to a person's family by curtailing their state funding for three years, it becomes clear that there should not be drug testing for…...



No author. (2011, August 12). EDITORIAL: Kick Junkies Off Welfare. The Washington Times. Retrieved from

Clinton's Speech After Lewinsky's Scandal
Pages: 15 Words: 4945

Clinton's Lewinsky Speech
Presidential scandal speeches should be considered a unique form of discoursed that follow a common pattern and have similar elements. All of these may not be found in every single speech but most certainly will, including ichard Nixon's Second Watergate Speech (1973), onald eagan's Iran-Contra Speech (1987), and Bill Clinton's Monica Lewinsky Speech (1998). All the presidents used strong, direct and active voice when making these speeches, with Clinton seeming to be particularly prone to narcissism and use of the first-person singular. A standard feature of all such speeches is for the president to take responsibility for what went wrong, express regret, and then call on the country to move on so the government can return to dealing with the nation's 'real' business. Both Nixon and Clinton also had a strong tendency to blame their political enemies for their predicament, and with good reason, although in Nixon's case…...



Clinton, B. (1998). Monica Lewinsky Speech. 

Nixon, R. (1973). Second Watergate Speech.

Clinton Healthcare President Clinton by
Pages: 2 Words: 605

Oddly, as a number of more objective critics have pointed out, Clinton's bill was "a compromise between market-oriented and government-centered reform ideas," (Carter 116). Although Clinton was concerned with creating a national healthcare system, he was also concerned with eliminating the federal budget crisis that he had inherited. The result was that Clinton offered a stepwise approach towards a socialistic healthcare system with an initial period, at least, of allowing the market to share some of the burden of insuring so many Americans. Doubtlessly, this is not to say that Clinton's plan would necessarily have been successful; merely that the reasons for which it was attacked and subsequently defeated were largely unfounded.

Overall, the true threat that the Clinton healthcare plan posed was to the Republicans. If Clinton had been successful in passing his bill, the legitimacy of the Democratic Party would have been restored; they could once again have claimed…...


Works Cited

Carter, Dan. "Rightward Currents: Bill Clinton and the Politics of the 1990s." From the Clinton Riddle edited by Todd G. Shields. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 2004. Pages 111-134.

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