You're alert to the most important things, and your nervous system blocks out the information that isn't important to you. Companies need to have that same kind of nervous system -- the ability to run smoothly and efficiently, to respond quickly to emergencies and opportunities, to quickly get valuable information to the people in the company who need it, the ability to quickly make decisions and interact with customers." (Gates, Introduction, Business at the speed of Thought)
Gates thus has developed the Microsoft philosophy, not simply as a computer technology and software system, but under an entire corporate philosophy of growth, research, and development that spurns pretension, and grabs the capitalist bull by the horns, making an effort to control all in its grasp. One reason for the ire Gates draws as a figure at the corporate 'mast,' however, might be that he embraces both corporate as well as computer…...
mlaWorks Cited
Biography." Microsoft Corporate Website. Last updated December 2004. 20 Dec 2004.
Gates, Bill. "Executive email -- Security." Microsoft Official Website. March 31, 2004. 20 Dec 2004.
Gates, Bill. "The Enduring Magic of Software," Information Week, October 18, 2004. 20 Dec 2004.
Gates, Bill. "Q&a." 2004. 20 Dec 2004.
If the user was a home user, most likely a suite like MS Office Home would have enough applications needed by someone who was only using the suite at home. On the other hand, MS Office for usiness would have included extra applications needed in the workplace. Integration and correlation between the different applications in the suite was an essential factor pushing forward the computer industry.
On the other hand, we wouldn't be through with describing ill Gates contribution to the development of the computer world if we didn't briefly refer to particular individual applications that changed the way things are perceived or presented. One of these was MS Powerpoint, usually part of the Microsoft Office suite. Up to that point, ideas in meetings could be presented without any background support or with the help of drawing boards. All these obviously needed more time than a simple creation of a…...
1. Sept 29, 1996,
Bill's Life, At .Last updated September 1996. Last retrieved on October 28, 2007
2. Gates, Bill. June 1999. Microprocessors Upgraded the way we live. On the Internet at retrieved on October 28, 2007
3. Robinson, Daniel. August 2006. The beige box that changed the world. It Week. On the Internet at retrieved on October 28, 2007
Each of the core values of Bill Gates continue to make the attainment of this mission highly efficient. Being with optimism, Bill Gates creates a culture of goal attainment in his foundation, making the possible attainable through a combination of innovation, rigor of analytical insight and strong reliance on collaboration (Kenny, 2011). Bill Gates has learned how to orchestrate an optimistic mindset of goal attainment along with strong rigor of analysis around educational options for underprivileged regions of the world, along with a continual focus on collaboration to build a world-class foundation. Bill Gates also relies on a very strong set of transformational skills to ensure that the focus on social justice stays constantly at the center of all activity in the foundation (Stack, Ozawa, Bishai, et. al., 2011).
As Gates is very familiar with how rapidly tasks and projects can change in response to market conditions, he has also…...
Kenny, C. (2011). The Foreign Policy Interview of Bill Gates. Foreign Policy, (190), 50-51.
Stack, M.L., Ozawa, S., Bishai, D.M., Mirelman, a., Tam, Y., Niessen, L., . . . Levine, O.S. (2011). Estimated economic benefits during the 'decade of vaccines' include treatment savings, gains in labor productivity. Health Affairs, 30(6), 1021-8.
Bill Gates
Though it seems obvious that we are living in a world which has acquired immense technology and industrialization achieved never in he history of human civilization. It is also believed that today we have more resources, skills and power over nature like never before. Thus we are more powerful, more progressed and more civilized from all the previous civilization on the face of planet. And as Bill Gates says that "the world is progressing and resources are becoming abundant" we have at our disposal technologies and resources that has changed life on the planet earth. Our new progressive world is so attractive and it is filled with so many diverse things that Bill Gates says, "I'd rather be in a grocery store today than to a king's banquet a hundred years ago." This means not only that we have achieved immense technology but also that we have now a…...
Another broad theme used in this article is the fact that technology is complicated, and it is difficult to assess whether or not a person is a great thinker using technology. The person may, truly, be an original, or he or she may just know how to adapt others' findings to the modern world and customer desires. Finally, Celernter discusses Gates' personality in terms of his contribution to society. Celernter believes that those who label Gates in a negative way are mistaken, and Gates is actually a decent person who does not expect his views to be taken as fact just because he is wealthy. He contributes his wealth to charity and does not subject his family to the Hollywood limelight. Although he is vilified because he is wealthy, Gates does not engage in any false pretenses regarding how he obtained his success. Instead, he managed to run a…...
He sets the vision and tone for many billionaires, and it is this vision and tone that helps Bill Gates to make a far greater contribution to the world than his corporate endeavors would ever allow.
Bill Gates has donated billions to charity, and in this he is showing ethical leadership. His approach to leadership emphasizes the ability of a fortunate few to deliver the greatest good for the greatest number. Gates has long been a proponent, for example, of using his wealth to help those less fortunate. More importantly, his approach has encouraged other leaders to rethink their own strategies with respect to charitable giving,
orks Cited
Guth, R. (2008) Bill Gates issues call for kinder capitalism. all Street Journal. Retrieved November 23, 2012 from
Driver, J. (2009) the history of utilitarianism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved November 23, 2012 from
Collins, J. (2005) Level 5 leadership: the triumph of humility…...
mlaWorks Cited
Guth, R. (2008) Bill Gates issues call for kinder capitalism. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved November 23, 2012 from
Driver, J. (2009) the history of utilitarianism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved November 23, 2012 from
Collins, J. (2005) Level 5 leadership: the triumph of humility and fierce resolve. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved November 23, 2012 from
Darling, J.R., Keeffe, M.J., & Ross, J.K. (2007). Entrepreneurial Leadership Strategies and Values: Keys to Operational Excellence. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 20(1), 41-54.
Leadership and Organizations: Bill Gates and Steve Jobs
The theories of leadership date way back to when dynasties existed and people were led by kings. The leader took control and made decisions whenever disputes arose. The question of leadership qualities may not have been all that important then, but people still considered some to be better leaders than others. It would be prudent to begin by giving the fundamentals of the terms that are most crucial to this discussion; leadership and management. The two are commonly used synonymously, but they indeed are different. Although all leaders are managers, not all managers are leaders. The end of management marks the beginning of leadership, because whereas management is "concerned with stability and the best way to get the job done," leadership places more emphasis on change and innovation (Lussier and Achua, 2009, p.17). This text explores the theories and the differences and similarities…...
mlaReference List
Jackson, J. And Bosse-Smith, L., 2011. Leveraging Your Leadership Style. Nashville, Tennessee: Abingdon Press.
Lussier, R.N. And Achua, C.F., 2009. Leadership: Theory, Application and Skill Development. 4th ed. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
Lussier, R.N., n.d. Leadership: Theory, Application and Skill Development. 5th ed. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
Lussier, R.N., 2011. Management Fundamentals: Concept, Application, Skill Development. 5th ed. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
It is clear that the authors have an axe to grind -- Edstrom is the daughter of a once-prominent Microsoft executive, Pen was booted from Microsoft after his work on a project proved unsuccessful. But perhaps the main reason the book seems like 'scorekeeping' is that the first and primary 'lesson' to be learned from the book, according to the authors is the seeming virtue of luck. Over and over, it is stressed that Gates was not necessarily the only person to come up with the ideas behind modern personal computing, even while they grant he was often technologically insightful. Market circumstances more than managing genius favored his company. Microsoft triumphed, but this was not necessarily by design. Microsoft is an intensely factional company, and often only after certain key power-players within the firm were able to advocate for the importance of the Internet was Microsoft able to gain a…...
Proposing a New Inductee to the Hall of Fame for Great Americans: William “Bill” Henry Gates III
The purpose of this paper is to develop a relevant definition of what it means to be a “great American” today, and to demonstrate what it takes to satisfy these definitional criteria. In the information technology field, one name stands above the rest in personifying the types of enduring contributions to the nation that make an individual a “great American.” Indeed, William “Bill” Henry Gates III is an exemplary model of a highly successful modern business leader, entrepreneur and philanthropist. In support of this nomination, an informative summary of Gates’ life and description of his contributions to the nation are followed by a summary of the biographical research and important findings concerning nominating Gates for the Hall of Fame for Great Americans in the conclusion.
Review and Discussion
Established in 1900 to honor the best of…...
mlaWorks Cited
“About the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.” Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2018. “Bill Gates biography.”, A&E Networks Television, 15 Mar. 2018,“Bill Gates Biography: Success Story of Microsoft Co-Founder.” Astrum People, 2018,, Sarah. “Awareness to Action: Regina Rabinovich Manages a Portfolio of More Than US$ 1 Billion of Grants in Infectious Disease Work at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. She Talks with Sarah Cumberland about the Challenges and Successes of Working in Global Health.” Bulletin of the World Health Organization, vol. 89, no. 6 (June 2011), pp. 400-403.Dolnick, Sam. “A Hall of Fame, Forgotten and Forlorn.” The New York Times, 2009,, Bryan. (2018) “What percentage of Boy Scouts become Eagle Scouts?” Bryan on Scouting.
Leader in the Business World
Leadership style
Bill Gates' leadership style is purely autocratic or sometimes called authoritarian (Thielen, 2000). This kind of a leader makes most or all of the organizational decisions without the input or involvement of the employees. As an autocratic leader, control is the cornerstone of Gates' nature and his management practice. He is obsessed with detail, and this is illustrated in how he used to sign expenses for his personal assistant, Steve Ballmer. Following his leadership approach, Gates has tried to monopolize the global software industry, which eventually landed him into a legal web with the Justice Department. Bill Gates restricted the ability of his internal partners to deal with competitors. This is because he dislikes complaints. He has a tendency of informing his subordinates what they must do, how they should do it and when they must complete. He naturally ignored suggestions and opinions forwarded by…...
Fridson, M. S. (2000). How To Be A Billionaire: Proven Strategies from the Titans Of Wealth. New York: Wiley.
Koontz, H., & Weihrich, H. (2010). Essentials of Management. New Delhi [U.A.: McGraw-Hill.
Thielen, D. (2000). The 12 Simple Secrets of Microsoft Management: How To Think and Act Like A Microsoft Manager And Take Your Company to the Top. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Azim Premji
Azim Hasham Premji was born in July, 1945, in Karachi, India.
In 1966, as he was a 21-year-old engineering student at Stanford University in California, when he learned that his father had passed away in India; he went back to India to attend his father's funeral (his father died at the age of 51) and discovered that his father had picked him to run the company (Ivaravl, 2010).
Some biographies say he abandoned his Stanford education to jump start his father's company, others say he graduated; for example, Gale Biography in Context (2012) claims he got a "bachelor's degree in arts and science"; The Gale Biography in Context (2003) reports that he interrupted his engineering studies "midway through his degree at Stanford" when his father died. Michigan State University (which invited him to speak to the graduating class in 2014), claims he is "a graduate in electrical engineering" from Stanford (States…...
mlaWorks Cited
Gale Biography in Context (2003). Azim Hasham Premji. Retrieved July 24, 2014, from Detroit: Gale, 2003.
Gale Biography in Context. (2012). Azim Premji. Retrieved July 24, 2014. Detroit: Gale,
Gee, Marcus (2008). Leave it to Premji. Globe & Mail. Biography in Context.
Bill Gates: An Ethical leader
Ranking among the richest men in the world, Bill Gates has unsurprisingly been a widely debated-upon personality. His business and leadership practices have been considered as innovative but ruthless. The term ‘innovative’ is used to define a person who introduces novel, creative and original ideas, whereas a ‘ruthless’ person is one without empathy or pity for other people (Merriam-Webster, 2018).
Bill Gates is regarded as one among the most highly influential twentieth-century computer magnates, founding Microsoft which created the most widely-utilized PC OS (operating system) besides a broad range of popular organizational software. At present, he heads the largest charitable organization across the globe – the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Americans That Matter, n.d). Thirty years as the leader of Microsoft gave Gates the reputation of one among the globe’s most ruthless capitalist leaders. However, ever since his focus shifted to charitable works, he has begun…...
Leadership style sued by Bill Gates
Having left his classroom studies at high school level, Bill Gates went on to form and lead one of the most successful computer manufacturing business of all times at the global level, the Microsoft. This would not be possible without vision, focus, passion and above all good leadership style that Gates exhibits among his employees. Bill gates has been known to display a mix of three major leadership styles, the autocratic style of leadership, participatory leadership and laissez faire leadership style.
Bill gates is known to be a leader who makes decisions on critical matters with little consultation or with very little consultation among the top leadership, the autocratic leadership style. This has been leadership style that comes out due to his character traits of being intelligent, skillful, determined and a person of high integrity. He known to be less social especially at the work environment…...
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Myths and Realities of Bill Gates' Autocratic Leadership: Exploring the Duality
This essay will examine the common perceptions of Bill Gates as an autocratic leader, contrasting them with real-world examples from his tenure at Microsoft. It will analyze how his leadership style, while often deemed as top-down, also showed tendencies towards collaboration and empowerment, indicating a more complex leadership dynamic.
2. Autocratic Leadership in the Tech Industry: The Case of Bill Gates
This topic will delve into the particular demands of the tech industry and how Bill Gates autocratic leadership style functioned within this context. The essay will cover the times when this leadership style brought Microsoft success and when it may have hindered the company's growth, providing a sector-specific examination of autocratic leadership.
3. Bill Gates and the Drive for Innovation: Autocracy versus Creativity
The essay will explore the impact of Gates perceived autocratic leadership on the innovation culture within…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Gates, Bill. \"How I Work.\" Fortune, vol. 153, no. 7, 13 Apr. 2006, pp. 40-46.
Gates, Bill. \"Business @ the Speed of Thought.\" Penguin, 1999.Friedman, Thomas L. \"The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century.\" Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005.Isaacson, Walter. \"The Innovators: How a Group of Inventors, Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution.\" Simon & Schuster, 2014.Vance, Ashlee. \"Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future.\" Ecco, 2015.
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Autocratic Leadership of Bill Gates: A Double-Edged Sword
This topic explores how Bill Gates' autocratic leadership style has both propelled Microsoft to success and created challenges within the company's culture.
2. Bill Gates' Leadership: Autocracy in Innovation
Discusses how Gates' autocratic approach influenced Microsoft's innovation strategy, examining the benefits and drawbacks.
3. Autocratic Leadership and Employee Morale at Microsoft
An analysis of how Gates' leadership style affected employee satisfaction, motivation, and turnover rates.
4. The Evolution of Bill Gates' Leadership Style
This topic would look at how Gates' leadership evolved from autocratic to a more collaborative approach over time.
5. Comparing Autocratic Leadership: Bill Gates vs. Other Tech Leaders
A comparative study of Gates' leadership style with other notable tech leaders to understand the effectiveness of autocracy in tech industries.
Essay Title Examples
1. "The Autocratic Architect: Bill Gates' Leadership at Microsoft"
2. "Command and Control: The…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Primary SourcesBill Gates: A Biography by Michael B. BecraftGates: How Microsoft\'s Mogul Reinvented an Industry by Stephen Manes and Paul AndrewsHard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire by James Wallace and Jim EricksonThe Road Ahead by Bill GatesBusiness @ the Speed of Thought by Bill Gates
1. The impact of Steve Jobs on technology and innovation
2. The leadership style of Steve Jobs and its effectiveness
3. Steve Jobs' role in the rise of Apple Inc.
4. The marketing strategies employed by Steve Jobs at Apple
5. Steve Jobs as a visionary and his predictions for the future of technology
6. Steve Jobs' personal and professional struggles
7. The legacy of Steve Jobs and his lasting influence on the tech industry
8. The relationship between Steve Jobs and his co-founder, Steve Wozniak
9. Steve Jobs' management style and its impact on Apple's success
10. The public....
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