Birth Control Essays (Examples)

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Birth Control
Pros and Cons of Birth Control

Birth control refers to different methods used to prevent pregnancy. It is also known as contraception or fertility control. Different steps or planning done for birth control is called family planning. As the pregnancies taking place at teenage are more at risk of its harmful outcomes; it is suggested that the youngsters should be given proper sex education and should be introduced to different birth control methods. Birth control can help to protect from the delivery side effects and also increases the survival chances of the children.

It is important for the birth control method to be effective in order to avoid unintended pregnancies. The birth control method being applied can be made effective by using the method correctly and consistently as directed by the physicians. Among different methods of birth control, contraceptive pills are considered to be the most effective method if applied and….

By definition, that would include an IUD, as well as Norplant and similar implantables. It also includes the costs of sterilization for women and vasectomies for men" (Erb 2013).
When deducting the birth control, it is also important to itemize the expense. "You must itemize your deductions (i.e.; Schedule a) in order to qualify. You cannot use the standard deduction and claim medical and dental expenses" (Patton 2014). It is also essential that these medical expenses are tabulated accurately. "You must have paid medical expenses during the calendar year. If you paid by check, the date you mailed or delivered the check is usually the qualifying date of payment" (Patton 2014). In other words, what is reimbursed is what the patient pays, not the actual cost, if some of the expense was covered by insurance. If the birth control pill is covered by insurance, it is not deductible. If only….

Birth Control Movement

Birth Control - Then and Now Birth Control in Ancient Times
Birth control has existed since the beginning of time, or at least from the time a man and a woman realized the connection between the sex act and pregnancy. This subject's history has been rich in conflict and controversy. Religious leaders have banned it and called it sinful, the United States Congress has made laws against it, and people have gone to jail for disseminating information concerning it. If ever there were a volatile issue with countless proponents and opponents, birth control is it.

The use of birth control began in antiquity. Drawings of condoms over three thousand years old have been found in Egypt. From 1850 B.C. people have used many and sometimes dreadful means in their efforts to prevent pregnancy. The first written mention is in the Christian Bible, Genesis 8:9 in which it describes Onan "... And it….

Birth Control Practices in the Ancient World Annotated Bib
Bujalkova, M. "Birth Control in Antiquity." Bratisl Lek Listy. (108:3), 2007. 163-66. he research conducted by ancient medical scholars led to some of the most extensive of early medical inquiries. Bujalkova explores what he feels is a fairly serious problem in examining ancient texts and the forms of birth control and contraception that they employed. his problem is that many of the writers of ancient times did not clearly identify the difference between contraceptives and abortive agents. Part of the reason for this, the author asserts, is the ancient perception that humans were not people until birth and thus there was no difference between preventing a pregnancy and termination of one already progressing.

Bujalkova's article is useful as it mainly discusses the psychological, philosophical, and sociological perspectives of the ancients. It is necessary to understand as much about the culture of the ancients….

irth Control and ureau

Women have always been concerned with birth control issues since it directly impacts their health, freedom, sense of personhood and sexuality. When a woman knows she can control her reproductive system to any extent, she feels more liberated to enjoy her intimate relationships. irth control has been as old as issue as time itself though it was only in modern times that it gained any prominence. Women since early 20th century have been trying for legalized birth control since it was found that old and unscientific measures were leading to high death rates among expectant mothers. Margaret Sanger is one well-known name in the field of birth control. orn in 1879, Sanger was 29 and a mother of three when she found her calling. Trained as a public health nurse, Sanger devoted her time and attention to the field of birth control after….

I will consider taking the pill in the future if I am in a committed relationship and do not want to get pregnant. However, because the pill does not prevent disease, I do feel that women on the pill should use condoms when they meet new men.
Because my awareness on the topic of birth control and safe sex is currently quite strong, I have made the decision to use condoms when I have sex. I have in fact only used condoms as a form of birth control and have never experimented with other "barrier" methods. I did try taking the pill for a short while but felt it was not the right choice for me; the choice was not based on its effectiveness as a form of birth control so much as it was based on concerns about side-effects. I also know that the pill does not prevent sexually….

Birth Control and Population
According to Paul Ehrlich cited in the article "Too Many People," population issues in underdeveloped countries (UDCs) encompass rapid growth rates, birth rates vastly exceeding the death rate because of high percentages of young people, inadequate living standards, and serious problems with high urban concentrations.

The consequences include resource depletion, ecosystem destruction, mass starvation, and a further deterioration of living stands. And, although not directly articulated, Ehrlich hits at political instability because rising expectations based on the knowledge of affluence in overdeveloped countries (ODCs) can't be realized. The conclusion Ehrlich reaches is that the overpopulation crisis justifies the imposition of mandatory birth control measures in UDCs that will result in zero population growth. While this view may initially seem undemocratic in nature, the reality is that his proposal is the only way to cope with the situation. To illustrate this point, this paper explores questions related to the….

Birth Control
Many issues in the United States are divisive. Conservative politicians and voters are always at odds with liberal politicians and voters. It does not seem to matter what the issue is, there is always going to be a fundamental difference of opinion. One of these issues is whether to allow public schools to provide contraceptives to their students. It is a difficult problem that both conservatives who oppose the issue, and more centrist and liberal individuals who support it have not yet found an answer to. Since it is a fact that prophylactics almost completely eliminate sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies (Dailard; Knox), it is the given opinion in this essay that public schools should be allowed to continue the practice.

There has actually been broad legislation passed which has allowed the practice since 2007 in all United States public schools (Associated Press). In a poll, that several different….

2. Birth control, contraception and abortion are often linked in legal and Ideological arguments proposed by those on the right side of the aisle.

B. Many conservative law-makers will often exploit deep passions over women's rights issues in order to bring religious voters to the polls.

1. This most recent election saw an emphasis on issues such as the protection of planned parenthood.

2. Particularly in reference to the issue of contraception, many female voters perceived the hostility shown by the Republican party toward effective birth control as an attack on women's rights.

C. Debates over the Affordable Care Act have focused on the desire of some conservatives to cut funding for contraception assistance.

1. This has been one of the thorniest sticking points as President Obama has worked to legislate the ACA.

2. According to IU, with its implementation next year, the ACA would help contraceptive rights by "making preventive care features such as contraception….

Studies indicate that most teen mothers do not finish high school, and spend much of their lives in poverty. They also indicate many children of teenage mothers will grow up to be teenage mothers themselves (Simmons A21). Thus, teenage pregnancy has ramifications far beyond the birth of a child. To give a fair chance to all children, teens should have access to birth control without parental consent, allowing older, more mature women to have children, and reducing the number of teen pregnancies across the country.

Besharov, Douglas J. "A oral Choice: Would Norplant Simply Stop Unwanted Pregnancies - or Increase Destructive Teen Sex?" National Review 9 Aug. 1993: 50+.

Curran, Carla, and Virginia Witt. "Talking about Sex: Sex Can Be Hard to Talk about with Children. But with U.S. Teen Pregnancy Rates the Highest in the Developed World, Sex Education Can't Be Ignored." State Legislatures Oct.-Nov. 2002: 24+.

Kasun, Jacqueline R. "Condom….

To be most effective, a woman must then take the pill everyday, at roughly the same time each day.
One of the most common reasons for the failure of the pill is forgetfulness. Women can forget to take the bill, reducing its effectiveness rate. As a reminder, women can keep their pills next to their toothbrush. This makes it easier for a woman to remember the pill.

Some women may experience nausea when taking the pill for the first time. Vomiting soon after taking the pill may also disrupt the hormonal cycle. Women who experience these symptoms can cope by taking the pill right before going to bed or with a snack. The nausea should go away after the initial weeks.

Women who forget to take the pill during their designated time should take one as soon as they remember. If a woman does not remember until the next day, then she….

Birth control [...] why I am in favor of birth control for women. Birth control is certainly a personal choice, and it should be a personal choice, not a societal or religious choice. Ultimately, the choice to have a child should rest between a man and a woman, and not in the mores of a society or outdated religious beliefs. Those who raise a child should be the ones to decide whether they have a child or not.
In Support of Birth Control

I am in support of birth control for a number of reasons. First, it is a safe alternative to unwanted pregnancies. Teen pregnancy is down in America today, however, teen pregnancy is still an enormous problem, with over 1 million teens getting pregnant every year ("Gift of Life"). This is an enormous number of young women giving birth to mostly unwanted babies, and birth control could have saved….

Another use of the system: When a physician orders a radiological procedure that involves intravenous dye, the computer automatically checks to determine whether the appropriate blood tests on kidney functions have been completed.
The second most effective mode is that the integration of the integrated system into the floor communications. When a patient calls for a nurse, the master station provides the responding staff member with background information about the patient, thereby ensuring a personalized response to every call. The wall-mounted stations enable staff members to locate each other and communicate directly between any two stations in the network. Both types of station are equipped with a control wheel that gives the workstations a simple, non-intimidating appearance. Rotating the control wheel sequentially highlights all available options on the associated computer display, thereby eliminating guesswork and errors. Corridor lights allow staff to identify quickly which patient in a semi-private room is….

Today, even teens that have access to birth control do not use it all the time. One reporter notes that a National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy study shows, "Nearly nine out of 10 teens say it's important to use birth control every time they have sex. [...]Yet the Child Trends data show that 31% of sexually experienced teens used no birth control at their most recent sexual intercourse" (Wetzstein, 2002, p. 3). Thus, the educational implications are strong. Birth control education is not a one-time aspect of education. This education should continue throughout middle- and high-school, and it should be reiterated that birth control must be used every time a couple engages in sex. eporter Wetzstein continues, "Teens - especially boys - need to hear that contraceptives have to be used every time they have sex to avoid pregnancy" (Wetzstein, 2002, p. 3). Therefore, birth control education can….

Birth Control Advantages

Introduction Birth control, also known as contraception, is a method or device used to prevent pregnancy. It gives individuals the ability to control when and if they want to have children and has numerous advantages. One of the main benefits of birth control is its effectiveness in preventing unwanted pregnancies. By using birth control methods correctly, individuals can significantly reduce their chances of becoming pregnant, allowing them to plan their families and have children when they are ready.

Moreover, birth control methods such as the pill, IUDs, and condoms can help regulate menstrual cycles and reduce menstrual cramps and heavy bleeding. This can be especially beneficial for individuals with conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or endometriosis. Additionally, certain types of birth control can reduce the risk of developing certain cancers, such as ovarian and endometrial cancer.

Another advantage of birth control is its ability to improve overall reproductive health. Birth control….

Teen pregnancy is a complex topic that can relate to a variety of other topics, making it possible to include body paragraphs that touch on everything from child sexual abuse to educational attainment by teen mothers.  That is because teen pregnancy does not generally exist in a vacuum, but is the result of a combination of varied social factors including race, socioeconomic status, religious affiliation, educational level, and residency.

Some topics that you could include in a body paragraph in a teen pregnancy essay include:

  1. The relationship between religious practices and teen pregnancy rates; are teenage girls....

There are a few different ways that you could approach a speech about birth control.  You could focus on contraceptive and reproductive rights as basic human rights and look at the legal controversies surrounding access to birth control.  You could discuss types of birth control.  You could discuss how birth control policies impact things like teen pregnancy and teen sexual activity.  You could even discuss birth control and the religious implications of its use or widespread availability.  In other words, there are many ways that you could go.   We are providing three....

The Fight for Women's Suffrage and Its Impact on American Society in the 20th Century
The fight for women's suffrage, the right for women to vote, was a pivotal chapter in American history that left an enduring legacy on society. It not only granted women political power but also catalyzed numerous other social and political changes.
Expansion of Political Participation
Prior to the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920, women were excluded from participating in the democratic process. The suffrage movement played a crucial role in breaking down this barrier and allowing women to fully engage in civic life. By gaining the....

1. Menstrual cycle regulation: Birth control can help regulate the menstrual cycle, reducing symptoms of irregular or heavy periods, and potentially decreasing the risk of conditions like endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome.

2. Acne treatment: Certain types of birth control can help improve acne by regulating hormone levels that contribute to breakouts.

3. Reduced risk of ovarian and endometrial cancers: Birth control can lower the risk of developing ovarian and endometrial cancers by regulating hormone levels and reducing the number of menstrual cycles a person has over their lifetime.

4. Treatment of menstrual pain: Birth control can help alleviate symptoms of menstrual pain,....

6 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Birth Control Pros and Cons of Birth

Words: 1912
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Birth Control Pros and Cons of Birth Control Birth control refers to different methods used to prevent pregnancy. It is also known as contraception or fertility control. Different steps or planning…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Birth Control as a Medical Expense Tax Deductions

Words: 828
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

By definition, that would include an IUD, as well as Norplant and similar implantables. It also includes the costs of sterilization for women and vasectomies for men" (Erb…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Birth Control Movement

Words: 1783
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Birth Control - Then and Now Birth Control in Ancient Times Birth control has existed since the beginning of time, or at least from the time a man and a…

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4 Pages
Annotated Bibliography

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Birth Control Practices in the Ancient World

Words: 1463
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Birth Control Practices in the Ancient World Annotated Bib Bujalkova, M. "Birth Control in Antiquity." Bratisl Lek Listy. (108:3), 2007. 163-66. he research conducted by ancient medical scholars led to…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Birth Control and Children's Bureau

Words: 379
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

irth Control and ureau IRTH CONTROL AND CHILDREN'S UREAU Women have always been concerned with birth control issues since it directly impacts their health, freedom, sense of personhood and sexuality. When…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Birth Control Safe Sex as a

Words: 1030
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

I will consider taking the pill in the future if I am in a committed relationship and do not want to get pregnant. However, because the pill does…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Birth Control and Population

Words: 1118
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Birth Control and Population According to Paul Ehrlich cited in the article "Too Many People," population issues in underdeveloped countries (UDCs) encompass rapid growth rates, birth rates vastly exceeding the…

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2 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Birth Control Many Issues in the United

Words: 676
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Birth Control Many issues in the United States are divisive. Conservative politicians and voters are always at odds with liberal politicians and voters. It does not seem to matter what…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Birth Control Short Message Service

Words: 1834
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

2. Birth control, contraception and abortion are often linked in legal and Ideological arguments proposed by those on the right side of the aisle. B. Many conservative law-makers will often…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Birth Control Teenage Birth Control

Words: 442
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Studies indicate that most teen mothers do not finish high school, and spend much of their lives in poverty. They also indicate many children of teenage mothers will…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Birth Control Methods There Are

Words: 817
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

To be most effective, a woman must then take the pill everyday, at roughly the same time each day. One of the most common reasons for the failure of…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Birth Control Why I Am in Favor

Words: 799
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Birth control [...] why I am in favor of birth control for women. Birth control is certainly a personal choice, and it should be a personal choice, not…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Birth Control Pill Affect Women

Words: 820
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Another use of the system: When a physician orders a radiological procedure that involves intravenous dye, the computer automatically checks to determine whether the appropriate blood tests on…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Birth Control and Argue Why

Words: 996
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Today, even teens that have access to birth control do not use it all the time. One reporter notes that a National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy study…

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8 Pages

Birth Control Advantages

Words: 2193
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Introduction Birth control, also known as contraception, is a method or device used to prevent pregnancy. It gives individuals the ability to control when and if they want to have…

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