Break Even Analysis Essays (Examples)

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Break Even Analysis and Modeling
Pages: 4 Words: 497

Excel Modeling: Sports Feet Manufacturing
Planning and Implementing the Model

The first step in this modeling exercise was to plan for the variables that will later be used in the desired calculations. Annual fixed cost ($52,000), unit variable cost ($9), and unit selling price ($25) need to be utilized as inputs for calculations on outputs such as annual revenue, annual total cost, and annual profit / loss (). This data was then placed in a Spreadsheet model for the Profit / Loss analysis. Calculations an outputs used Excel calculations to calculate annual revenue (unit sales*quantity sold), annual variable cost (quantity sold*unit variable cost), annual total cost (annual revenue+annual fixed cost), and annual profit/loss (annual revenue-annual total cost). The model is shown below with the appropriate calculations as well as on the original spreadsheet.

Profit / Loss for Sports Feet Manufacturing


Unit Sales Price


Annual Fixed Cost


Unit Variable Cost


Quantity Made and Sold

Caculations and Outputs

Annual Revenue


Annual Variable…...

Healthcare Break Even Analysis Break Even Analysis
Pages: 1 Words: 369

Healthcare Break Even Analysis
Break Even Analysis



Weekly Groceries

Dining Out

Gasoline and auto repairs



Rent or Mortgage


Repairs & Maintenance


Car Payment


axes (Real Estate, Etc.)

Other (Specify)

Miscellaneous Expenses




ransition from ICD9 to ICD

he transition from ICD9 to ICD10 is definitely a complicated process that must be accomplished with a certain degree of reliability in order to ensure that there is a smooth roll out of ICD10. his process has to be successful by October of 2015, because the entire activities of Pacific Ocean Hospital are at stake if it is not. As manager of the HIM department, I play an important role within that transition.

First and foremost, I must be the voice to keep the process going on track. Even though there is a full year before the hospital has to be fully compliant with the transition, the pace of the work towards ICD10 cannot slow down. here is still so much to…...


The transition from ICD9 to ICD10 is definitely a complicated process that must be accomplished with a certain degree of reliability in order to ensure that there is a smooth roll out of ICD10. This process has to be successful by October of 2015, because the entire activities of Pacific Ocean Hospital are at stake if it is not. As manager of the HIM department, I play an important role within that transition.

First and foremost, I must be the voice to keep the process going on track. Even though there is a full year before the hospital has to be fully compliant with the transition, the pace of the work towards ICD10 cannot slow down. There is still so much to do, and we need room for adjustments in case there are any problems along the road. Thus, it is my duty as HIM manager to keep a strong pace. I can accomplish this by working with HIM and other hospital staff to set goals for process completion steps and then working with the staff to ensure that those goals are met on the designated due dates.

Additionally, it will be my job to spearhead communications between the departments to ensure a smooth transition. The complicated classification and coding procedures in ICD10 will require that hospital staff learn the differences between ICD9 and ICD 10. I must facilitate an open dialogue that allows departments to ask questions and seek answers about any new changes within the ICD10 systems to be put in place. The AHIMA has recently released a Leadership Model for HIM managers that can help clarify how I can work through certain situations and provide strong leadership for my team at the hospital. This requires that I understand ICD10 very thoroughly so that I can then be a source of knowledge for my staff who may be having issues understanding or digesting the new coding and classification material.

Break Even Analysis and Planning
Pages: 3 Words: 1062

Costing Case Study
The managers at Pringly Division need to make a decision regarding the pricing of a new product. There are two strategies suggested; the first is for the product to be sold at $170, the second strategy is to increase the marketing and increase the price. In both cases, the firm has a requirement that they will make a $4,000,000 profit. In order to assess which is likely to provide the best opportunity for Pringly each of the pricing strategies may be assessed individually, looking at the number of units required to break even, and then at the number of units that need to be sold to realize the desired level of profit.

$170 Selling Price

If the product is sold at a $170 price, there will be a total of $200,000,000 in fixed costs. Knowing that the variable cost per unit is $30, one can work out the contrition…...



Libby, Robert; Libby, Patricia; Short, Daniel G, (2011), Financial Accounting, McGraw-Hill Higher Education

Mankiw, Gregory; Taylor, Mark; Ashwin, Andrew, (2013), Business Economics, Cengage Learning

Break Even Analysis and Planning
Pages: 3 Words: 898

Flexible udgeting
Flexible udget

Levels (in millions)




10% Rate

9% Rate

% Rate


Company Operating Stores

Licensed Stores

CPG, food service, & other

Total Revenue

Cost of Sales

Total Operating Expenses

Total Cost

Income from equity investees

Operating Income

Interest Income

Interest Expense

Earnings efore Tax

Income Tax

Net Earnings

This flexible budget was done for Starbucks Corporation and is an annual budget for the year 2012. Caribou Coffee is one of Starbucks Corporation's largest competitors. Caribou Coffee's annual projected sales growth for 2012 is 10%. (Caribou Coffee Reports Fourth Quarter and fiscal Year 2011 Results, 2012). Even though Caribou had a consolidated sales increase of 15.0% for the year 2011, for a competitive basis, a flexible budget was done based on the 10% annual projected increase for the year 2012.

Starbucks had a sales growth of 6% decrease for 2009, 7% increase for 2010, and an 8% increase for 2011. (Starbucks Investor Relations, 2011). The tax rate for 2011 was 31.1% and for 2010 was 34.0%, with 2012 tax rate…...



Starbucks Investor Relations. (2011). Retrieved from Starbucks Corporation Fiscal 2011 Annual Report: 

Caribou Coffee Reports Fourth Quarter and fiscal Year 2011 Results. (2012, Feb 22). Retrieved from Business Wire: 

United States GDP Growth Rate. (2012, May 7). Retrieved from Trading Economics:

Accounting Principles, 8th Ed. (n.d.). Retrieved from Budgetary Control and Responsibility Accounting:

Pricing Production and Break-Even Analysis
Pages: 4 Words: 1330

Leadership within the movie "We Were Soldiers Once and Young"
Perhaps due to the very nature of the United States military, it regularly provides examples for some of the most salient concepts associated with leadership and the roles that supervisors must play while guiding others in an organization. This fact explains why there is a reoccurrence of military themed movies to populate the U.S. filmmaking market -- these films are about more than simply patriotic propaganda; they actually show some of the most difficult challenges that human beings face while in positions of leadership. This explanation accounts for the original research performed in this paper, which merely consists of viewing the 2002 film We Were Soldiers and identifying some of the most visible aspects of leadership that the movie presented. These aspects are in turn deconstructed so that they can provide insight into the role of leaders for virtually any organization.…...



Arnold, W. (2012). Powerful, realistic 'We Were Soldiers' aims straight for the gut. Retrieved from 

Hope, J.A. (2012). Leading by example. American Thinker. Retrieved from 

Scott, A.O. (2002). We were soldiers. The New York Times. Retrieved from 

Schmidt, A. (Producer), Wallace, R. (Director). (2002). We Were Soldiers [Motion Picture]. United States: Paramount.

Contribution Margin and Breakeven Analysis
Pages: 5 Words: 1755

CONTIBTION MAGIN AND BEAKEVEN ANALYSIS a) Breakeven analysis implies the estimation of the revenue level necessary to run a business on a breakeven basis. Every manager should make sure that the sale price for a product or service will cover the variable costs incurred during the production of that product or service, and that there is a sales margin that covers fixed costs as well. Obviously, at this point, the company doesn't make any money, so some profit margin is also necessary. Performing a breakeven analysis reveals the real factors behind the profit potential of an organization, as varying the assumptions regarding sales levels and costs gives a more clear picture of the issues in question. Factors and assumptions in a buyer's business plan (such as the ability to set prices) are emphasized as a result of this type of analysis.
Before Maria should accept a large bulk order, she should…...



1. Mergent Online: Company Analysis Oracle Corp. (NMS: ORCL) Income Statement

2. Breakeven Analysis - basics

3. Cost Structure of Enterprises and Break-Even Charts by Joel Dean, Columbia University, The American Economic Review, Vol. 38, No. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the Sixtieth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association (May, 1948), 153-164

Breakeven Analysis Cisco Wireless Solutions in This
Pages: 2 Words: 414

Breakeven Analysis: Cisco Wireless Solutions
In this SLP, I will apply breakeven analysis to one of Cisco's Wireless Solutions for small business. The unit of measurement that we are looking at is the sale of individual Outdoor Wireless Access Points -- these devices allow companies to extend their wireless networking capabilities outdoors to courtyards, porches, balconies, and parks. Outdoor wi-fi access points have also been used by civic organizations to create "wireless clouds" in cities like Portland, O and Atlanta, GA. The activity I am applying breakeven analysis to is a possible change of supplier for the weatherproof plastic casing of the outdoor access points. This change would reduce each unit's cost by $5.

As an example, the retail sale price of a Cisco 1310 Aironet Access Point is $849.00 through Tiger Direct. Fixed costs for this item would cover the. Variable costs would include electronic components, research and development, casing, packaging,…...



Cisco, Quarterly Financial Results FY2011. Retrieved from   July 28, 2011. ,

Break Even Planning and Analysis
Pages: 4 Words: 1228

assist the Pringly Division to set up the appropriate pricing for the new product. To achieve this objective, the paper carries out the break-even analysis that will assist the company to fix the appropriate pricing and quantity for the new product.
The company had not been able to achieve its sales target in the past making the company to lose some profits. Thus, the company has decided to reduce its budget to avoid disappointment of the past. Thus, the company has set up different targets to follow and the targets will be evaluated to assist the company to make appropriate decision on the pricing of the new product:

The first strategy is to fix the selling price of the new product to $170 per unit carrying the annual fixed costs of $20,000,000.

The second alternative is to increase the cost of promotion and advertising and set the selling price of the new…...

Break Even Point Evaluation
Pages: 2 Words: 566

Break Even Point Analysis
Using the "Front Lines" case study, various Break Even points can be calculated with the given data provided. In order to calculate these Break Even Points for Total Fixed Costs, Average Net evenue, and Average Variable Costs, the following equations will need to be used:

Break Even TFC= V x (AN-AVC)

Break Even AN= AVC + (TFC / V)

Break Even AVC= AN-(TFC / V)




Average Payment


Fixed Costs of Overhead


Fixed Costs of Salaries


Variable Medical Supplies Costs

Break Even Point for Operations



Per Visit



Variable Laundry


Variable Lab



Variable Pharmacy


Fixed ent


Fixed Janitorial


Variable Billing



Fixed Staff Costs





Number of Visits per Year


Average Net evenue per Visit


Break Even Point Operations




Exercise 3



Average Net evenue Per Day


Average Variable Cost Per Day


Fixed Costs Total


Break-Even Point for Days



Full Capacity


Occuacy Break Even Percentage


New Days


Break Even AN


AVC+TFC / Days

Exercise 4



Average Net evenue Yearly


Average Variable Costs


Total Fixed Costs


Break Even Enrollees



New Enrollment


Break Even AVC


AN-TFC / Enrollees

The various costs of reimbursements tend…...



Cost Volume Profit Analysis. Chapter 6.

Smith, Donna. (2013). Reimbursement impact of ICD-10: Should you be concerned? Healthcare Executive Insight. Web.

Financial Break Even Point Given the Incomplete
Pages: 2 Words: 563

financial break even point?
Given the incomplete data, it is hard to quote any specific figure. Elements that need to be conidered include the amount of workers that the agenyc employs, the calibre and brand of tools that they purchase as well as the details of other 'material' and quality and quanitty of this material.

Their location needs to be considered; their amount of rental; expense for utilities; travel expense, detials of office equiqment, and so forth. Only once these and related information is known can one figure out the financial break even point that the agency needs to make in order to make a profit.

What is the source of investment capital?

The company partners with financial and real estate corporation will invest in agency.

How will you use financial information to craft a business strategy?

Financial information will be used in both self-evaluation of organization and competitor analysis, in which, as competition, I…...



NetMBA. Financial ratios 

Lamb, Robert, Boyden Competitive strategic management, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1984

Break Even Point Between Revenue and Cost of the School Stadium
Pages: 6 Words: 1613

Total Design Process such as product design specification. It explores all the details of product design and development process while handling all the basic concepts of the initial design. It also gives all the details of the embodiment design and all the important attributes that are a must in the process of Total Design Process. The paper also explores the utilization of the common tools and techniques of design such as DFMA and FMEA. The paper succinctly explores all the aspects that are of importance to the success of any process of material design and general manufacturing process.
A product design specification (PDS) is an expression of a not yet designed that product is meant to be produced from scratch. Its objective is to make sure that the resulting design and development of a certain product meets the standards expected by the end user.

The PDS acts as the very first…...



CROSS, N., (2006). T211 Design and Designing: Block 2,-page 99.

Hollins, W & Hollins G.Total Design: Managing the Design Process in the Service Sector

The Open University (UK), (2001). T881 Manufacture Materials Design: Block 1: The design activity model,-page 10. Milton Keynes: The Open University.

Costing the Analysis Is Based
Pages: 10 Words: 2854

Dibsa should turn towards the market-based pricing strategy, which sees the implementation of competitive prices for the 3-in-1 Lawnmower. The selection of this combination of strategies would generate several impacts upon the company, but most of them would be obvious at product lifecycle level. In this order of ideas:
The sales revenues would be significantly high throughout the first six months and they would allow the company to cover for the large costs incurred in the manufacturing of the product as well as register profits; they would however decrease with the implementation of the market pricing strategy and the 3-in-1 Lawnmower would metamorphose from a star product into a cash cow

The costs incurred in the manufacturing of the new lawnmower have already begun to decrease and will continue to do so; the actual impact of the pricing strategy is limited, with the specification however that these costs will not be…...



Berman, K., Knight, J., Case, J., 2006, Financial Intelligence: A Manager's Guide to Knowing what the Numbers Really Mean, Harvard Business Press

Bolander, S.F., Gooding, C.W., Mister, W.G., 1999, Transfer Pricing Strategies and Lot Sizing Decisions, Journal of Managerial Issues, Vol. 11

Drudy, C., 2004, Management and Cost Accounting, 6th Edition, Cengage Learning EMEA

Goetz, Jr., J.F., 1985, the Pricing Decision: A Service Industry's Experience, Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. 23

Profit Analysis CVP Analysis Is
Pages: 3 Words: 857

The above table indicates that the sales volume which is required in order to achieve a $100 M. profit at a price of $245 with an &D investment of 30% is 1,676,190 units. This is calculated by dividing the total revenue accrued by the unit price.


The product X6 has been in the market for a total of 2 years. Unlike the product x5, the customers take great consideration of the product quality while making the purchase decision. The provision of a better quality can be achieved by increasing the &D investment for the product. There is also a need for a price increase in order to take advantage of the investment. The expected target profits is considerably higher than the one for X6 due to the fact that the product would soon reach its peak moments and then roll into maturity phase.

The X6 product will attract a maximum number of…...



Cafferky, M and Wentworth, J (2010.Break Even Analysis. Business Expert Press, 2010

Horngren, CT., Datar, SM., Foster, GM (2006).Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, Twelfth Edition, Pearson Education, Inc.

Variance Analysis Finance
Pages: 2 Words: 650

Finance: Variance Analysis
Describe how variance analysis can be applied to flexible and static budgets

A variance is the difference between an actual amount and a budgeted amount. Budget variances are used by management in their control and planning decisions, particularly in the case of management by exception, which entails identifying areas that are not performing according to plan, and dedicating more attention to the same. Variance analysis has to do with the calculation of variances, and identification of the possible causes of the same. It essentially involves comparing and monitoring actual vs. planned costs, with the aim of identifying trends, threats, and opportunities - and adjusting strategies, goals and objectives if need be (Steffan, 2008). Towards this end, variance analysis helps managers evaluate business performance by assessing the level of effectiveness -- the degree to which targets have been met; and the level of efficiency -- the input cost being incurred…...



Jackson, S., Sawyers, R. & Jenkins, G. (2008). Managerial Accounting: A Focus on Ethical Decision-Making (5th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Steffan, B. (2008). Essential Management Accounting: How to Maximize Profit and Boost Financial Performance. London: Kogan Page Ltd.

Profit CVP Analysis Is Noted by Cafferky
Pages: 3 Words: 696

Profit (CVP) analysis is noted by Cafferky and Wentworth (2010) to be an important decision making tool for managers. CVP helps managers in understanding the connection between the cost and volume with organizational profits in mind.In our previous exercise, we contemplated going back in time and then coming up with the best choices regarding the manufacture of the three handheld devices- X5, X6 and X7. In this study, we use CVP analysis in guiding our decisions on the manufacture of the three product ranges.As Harngren, Datar and Foster (2006) noted, CVP analysis is important in the formulation of product strategy and policy. Our reliance of CVP analysis is based on the fact that it can help in the making of the right choices on our 3 product ranges since the year 2006.This is done without the need for concentrating on the beginning and end of each and every year's…...



Cafferky, M and Wentworth, J (2010.Break Even Analysis. Business Expert Press, 2010

Horngren, CT., Datar, SM., Foster, GM (2006).Cost accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, Twelfth Edition, Pearson Education, Inc.

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