Breakfast Essays (Examples)

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Breakfast at Tiffany's What's in a Name
Pages: 2 Words: 775

Breakfast at Tiffany's
hat's in a Name? The Characters in Breakfast at Tiffany's

Breakfast at Tiffany's is a novella, a short work of fiction that has little more than one hundred pages. One of the devices used by author Truman Capote is the choice of unique and interesting character names. The device allows him to create a sense of time and place as well as portray his characters more vividly. Capote's considerable skill as a writer brings orld ar II-era New York alive, despite the economy of words required by the novella format.

The story's protagonist first learns about his neighbor by reading the name on her mailbox: Miss Holiday Golightly. The reader knows at once she is a special, almost magical, person who takes nothing seriously in life. "Miss" makes us think of a young, single woman. "Holiday" calls to mind parties, celebrations and time away from work. That she is nicknamed…...


Work Cited

Capote, Truman. Breakfast at Tiffany's. New York: Random House, 1958. Print.

Breakfast at Aj's it Has Become a
Pages: 2 Words: 618

Breakfast at AJ's
It has become a weekly tradition, a chance to gather our family right before church. AJ's is one of those places we assume will be around forever.

We pile in through the door and we're first hit by the smell of strong coffee. AJ's is bustling with cash register noises, orders screamed to the kitchen, and the clattering of knives and forks.

It is still early, and we are lucky to find a booth. My family scoots into position. Michael, my fiance, sits next to me. The girls, Dawn and Carolyn, sit across from us. Carolyn is seven, and is predictably complaining that there is not enough room for her doll "Jillian." She thinks the doll is real, so out of respect I ask what she is ordering for breakfast.

The waitress walks past us and is skillfully balancing three plates down her left arm to her hand. Managing a coffee…...

Breakfast at Tiffany's Was Released
Pages: 1 Words: 353

Another aspect I deeply enjoyed is the fact that similarly to its protagonist -- suggestively named Holly Golightly -- the film is bittersweet, leaving the viewer to reflect on issues such as the essence of life, and the definition of happiness. In addition, the musical score is brilliant and fits the plot beautifully. In fact, reakfast at Tiffany's won two Academy Awards -- for est Song and Original Music Score. Last but not least, whenever discussing this film, one cannot overlook the costumes -- Hubert de Givenchy's gowns for Ms. Hepburn successfully uphold Capote's style even when the plot of the film deviates from his writing. The only less positive remark to be made about the film is precisely the fact that it deviates from Capote's text. However, this is a double-edged sword because for instance, by not exploring both Holly's and Paul's sources of income, the film gains…...


Breakfast at Tiffany's was released on October 5, 1961 in the United States. It was directed by Blake Edwards, and distributed by Paramount Pictures. Starring Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard, the movie is loosely based on Truman Capote's novella of the same name, which had been published along with three short stories in 1958. Audrey Hepburn, who was 32 years old at the time, delivered what has been generally considered her most memorable role. Moreover, she also performed the song "Moon River" which helped composed Henry Mancini to win an Oscar for Best Song. Breakfast at Tiffany's is the story of a woman trying to make it on her own in the big city, and her friendship which eventually evolves into love, with a young man who has just moved into her building.

The plot is rather simple, and although the movie is merely loosely based on Capote's novella, it gains an unforgettable comedic touch which has the power to enhance its darker, more serious aspects, such as Holly Golightly's desire to marry rich in an attempt to find both a husband, and a father who would provide for her. Another aspect I deeply enjoyed is the fact that similarly to its protagonist -- suggestively named Holly Golightly -- the film is bittersweet, leaving the viewer to reflect on issues such as the essence of life, and the definition of happiness. In addition, the musical score is brilliant and fits the plot beautifully. In fact, Breakfast at Tiffany's won two Academy Awards -- for Best Song and Original Music Score. Last but not least, whenever discussing this film, one cannot overlook the costumes -- Hubert de Givenchy's gowns for Ms. Hepburn successfully uphold Capote's style even when the plot of the film deviates from his writing. The only less positive remark to be made about the film is precisely the fact that it deviates from Capote's text. However, this is a double-edged sword because for instance, by not exploring both Holly's and Paul's sources of income, the film gains grace and sensitivity, and allows the audience to deduce the truth rather than just offer them an answer.

Breakfast 1916 by Eugene O'
Pages: 2 Words: 709

The audience at this time could remain entirely unsuspicious of what is actually happening to Alfred, if it weren't from the casual commentaries Mrs. Rowland drops as to his appearance and gestures. Also, the event is intentionally trivialized; the title deceives the audience to think that the play is about the domestic life of a family "before breakfast." The suicide is done again at a trivial moment, when Alfred is shaving in his bedroom. The drama that erupts in the middle of domestic life is thus much more shocking. The rising action can only be noticed by the able reader who grasps the signals of the husband's real state of mind. The structure is so built nevertheless that everything is seen from Mrs. Rowling's perspective, emphasizing the fact that she is completely unaware of what is going on to her husband. To her, the haggard look on his face…...


Works Cited

O'Neill, Eugene. Plays: Beyond the Horizon, the Straw and Before Breakfast. New York: Horace Liveright, 1925.

Breakfast in the Classroom on
Pages: 10 Words: 3293

Cereal eaters get more vitamins, minerals and fiber. They eat less fat and are less depressed, stressed and tend to be smarter than those who do not eat breakfast. Studies funded by the cereal industry listed benefits from eating breakfast. One of these was that student cereal-eaters got higher reading marks and had better mental health. Evidence showed that those with higher incomes and education levels have healthier breakfasts than those with less incomes and lower education levels. Cereals are not only low in fat and high in fiber but are fortified in vitamins and minerals. They make healthier diets and because cereals are most often eaten with milk (Liebman).
Article 5

Sufficient attention span is necessary for learning. Learning is a body and mind activity. The body, in turn, needs adequate and regular nourishment for proper brain function. A full day's diet is, hence, a basic requirement for the attention…...



Basiotis (1999). Eating Breakfast Greatly Improves Schoolchildren's Diet Quality. 3 pages. Family Economics and Nutrition Review: Superintendent of Documents

Jet (1997). A Healthy Breakfast is Key to a Child's Good Day. 2 pages. Johnson Publishing Company: Gale Group

Liebman, B. (1999). The Great Breakfast Debate. 2 pages. Nutrition Action Healthletter: Center for Science in the Public Interest.

School Administration (2002). Breakfast Impact. American Association of School Administrators: Gale Group

Breakfast By O'Neill Introduction Short
Pages: 2 Words: 893

Her personality is opposed to that of her husband; she is a pragmatic whereas he is a dreamer and an artist.
This opposition in terms of personality and lifestyle is what makes their relationship unbearable for both of them. Also, it is this difference in temperament and ways of channeling anger that drives a wedge between the spouses. Mr. Rowland chooses to be quiet and not leave the bedroom whereas Mrs. Rowland confronts and openly attacks him. Mr. Rowland is also isolated and alone; nonetheless, we are told by his wife that he turns to alcohol, friends, and other women to ease his loneliness. His wife rejects his artistic nature and mocks him for it which in turn, makes communication impossible between the spouses.

The isolation of Mr. And Mrs. Rowland is obvious but the audience does not know which of the spouses is responsible for this breach in communication. In…...

School Breakfast Clubs on Children's Health and
Pages: 8 Words: 3384

School Breakfast Clubs on Children's Health And Well-being
A number of factors may influence bodyweight, including diet, exercise, genetics, physical and social atmosphere, and socioeconomic status (SES), and every one of these factors should be addressed to reverse trends in early childhood weight problems, rates and connected conditions. It's frequently anecdotally stated that breakfast is an essential meal during the day, and also the potential advantages of breakfast consumption for kids, adolescents, and grown-ups are reported time and again across numerous health researches (ampersaud et al., 2005). In 2005, the advantages of breakfast regarding dietary status, bodyweight, and academic performance in youngsters and adolescents were examined,8 and included in a far more encompassing review, Taras (2005) incorporated overview of the advantages of breakfast on student performance in class. The objective of this research would be to measure the impact of faculty breakfast clubs on children's health insurance and well-being and…...



American Diabetes Association. (2005). Total prevalence of diabetes & pre-diabetes. Accessed: 10/2/12:

Aranceta J, Serra-Majem L, Ribas L, Perez-Rodrigo C. (2001). Breakfast consumption in Spanish children and young people. Public Health Nutr. 4: 1439-1444.

Barton B, Eldridge A, Thompson D, et al. (2005). The relationship of breakfast and cereal consumption to nutrient intake and body mass index: the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Growth and Health Study. J Am Diet Assoc. 105: 1383-1389.

Bellisle F. (2004). Effects of diet on behaviour and cognition in children. Br J. Nutr. 92: S227-S232.

Bed and Breakfast Business Plan Targeted Area
Pages: 4 Words: 1395

Bed and Breakfast Business Plan
Targeted Area

The area where I would suggest a bed and breakfast is somewhere in the region known as the Hill Country in central Texas. The Hill Country is noted for its scenery. It begins just north of Austin, continues to San Antonio and extends to the west. The suggested road trip in National Geographic begins in San Antonio, goes though Bandera, Kerrville, Fredericksburg, Enchanted ock, Johnson City, and New Braunfels, then returns to San Antonio (Kelly, 2012). It has a number of noted restaurants, dance halls, antique shops, picturesque vistas, state parks, and bars, with a German flair reflecting some of the earlier settlers in the area.

Specifically, I would target an area just outside of San Marcos, which is off of the suggested route for the road trip, but firmly in the area known as the Hill Country. San Marcos is close to both New Braunfels…...



Arizona Office of Tourism. (Unk.). How to write a marketing plan. Retrieved March 9, 2012


Edelman, B., Jaffe, S., & Kominers, S.D. (2011, October 19). To Groupon or not to Groupon:

The profitability of deep discounts. Retrieved March 9, 2012 from Harvard Business School website:

Cereal Industry the Rte Breakfast
Pages: 1 Words: 403

Despite the limited number of players, the degree of rivalry was low, in part due to the proliferation of brands and in part to maintain healthy profit margins for all competitors. This did not preclude healthy rivalry, as evidenced by high advertising spending, but the total market was large enough that the established players could maintain healthy margins despite this spending. This created a favorable competitive environment for the established RTE manufacturers.
2) The private labels have been able to enter the industry for a couple of reasons. The first is that they were able to find manufacturers with excess capacity to provide them with product. These manufacturers were able to provide the product at a price point that allowed the private labels to undercut the major brands. In essence, the relative lack of competition had allowed the major brands to set high margins based on high price points. They…...

Before Breakfast by Eugene O'Neill
Pages: 2 Words: 632

Breakfast by Eugene O'Neill
Tragic drama, it is said, must aim at unsettling an audience's emotions in order to be effective. Before Breakfast, a play written by Eugene O'Neill in 1916, succeeds in achieving this aim through brutally dramatizing the tragic results of a marriage between two clearly flawed characters.

In fact, the setting of the one-act play itself signals that all is not well with the Rowland household. Several significant touches such as potted plants "dying of neglect," "clothing ... hung on pegs," and a haphazardly strung clothesline (p. 245) reveal that the Rowlands are not house proud by any stretch of the imagination. These touches also tell the audience that the Rowlands are likely to be slovenly and lazy by nature, and, therefore, unlikely to be the kind of people who wish to lead a meaningful life. This inference can particularly be drawn because the setting is very clearly…...


Works Cited

O'Neill, E. Plays: Beyond the Horizon; The Straw; Before Breakfast. New York: Boni &

Liveright, 1925.

Breakfast Club Film Review and Analysis
Pages: 3 Words: 928

Adolescence is an especially critical development stage for any individual. At this stage, individuals not only experience biological changes, but also become more aware of gender roles and expectations and experience cognitive development. Also, individuals at the adolescent stage are influenced by various socialization agents, such as family and school. As depicted in the film The Breakfast Club,[footnoteRef:1] adolescents go through critical changes in this stage of their life. This paper highlights the developmental markers observed in the film, especially with respect to gender, biology, and cognition. The paper also highlights various socialization agents (specifically school and family) and how they impact the individual. [1: The Breakfast Club (1985)]
The Breakfast Club features five teenagers detained all day at Shermer High School. A number of developmental markers are evident in the film. One of the markers is gender. Gender essentially refers to the social classification of male and female. As adolescents…...

adolescent development and film breakfast club
Pages: 2 Words: 1347

Adolescence is an especially critical development stage for any individual. At this stage, individuals not only experience biological changes, but also become more aware of gender roles and expectations and experience cognitive development. Family and school become social incubators that trigger changes and psychosocial responses in adolescents. The film The Breakfast Club shows how a group of five adolescents go through critical changes in this stage of their life. This paper will highlight the developmental markers observed in one character depicted the film, Claire. Clare will be used as a case study to explore developmental issues related to gender, biology, and cognition. The paper also highlights various socialization agents (specifically school and family) and how they impact the individual’s self-concept, identity, and social role.
The Breakfast Club features five teenagers detained all day at Shermer High School. Several developmental markers are evident in the film. One of the markers is gender.…...

Deportation at Breakfast by Larry Fondation 1957
Pages: 3 Words: 1092

Deportation at Breakfast by Larry Fondation. Specifically it will discuss the reasons why I dislike the story. "Deportation at Breakfast" is a very short story that shows a small diner where the owner is abruptly deported by a group of law enforcement, leaving it untended and unsupervised. The narrator "takes over" the kitchen and the diner, making his own and then other patron's breakfast. The story is unreal and even unethical because there are no other employees, no one seems to notice but the narrator, and the owner, "Javier," is taken away from the business he created, while the narrator picks up and takes over without any remorse or regret for the real owner and what's happening in his life.
I dislike this story for many reasons. First, there is no consideration for the owner, Javier. The narrator does not think "what will happen to him," or "what about his…...



Fondation, Larry. "Deportation at Breakfast."

Jim & Judy Choi's Bed & Breakfast
Pages: 4 Words: 1325

Jim & Judy Choi's Bed & Breakfast
As Jim & Judy Choi's banker, no, they should not be congratulated on their "profit." Since they have not done anything related to their actual business activities and have not actually made any money from their business, there is no profit to address. Profit comes from making money in a business, not from saving money that would otherwise be used to prepare for that business. Many people do not understand the difference, however, and that gets them into trouble when they attempt to create balance sheets and keep their accounting books in order for their company. The Choi's, for example, have managed not to spend every dime they were loaned and that they previously had in the bank, but that is not the same thing as making a profit once their business has been opened. They can only make a profit once they have…...



Elliot, B. & Elliot, J. (2004). Financial accounting and reporting, London: Prentice Hall.

International Accounting Standards Board. (2007). The framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements.

Physical Activity and Breakfast
Pages: 4 Words: 1390

breakfast "trumps" all other meals for the top spot."
It is widely believed that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The likelihood of children who always take breakfast having favorable nutrients like carbohydrates and fiber and less cholesterol and fat is higher than is the case among children who seldom take breakfast. Consuming breakfast is also linked to improved overall lifestyle. Children who do not have breakfast regularly report weaker cardiovascular fitness. These assumptions of the place of breakfast in the health of children are grounded on laboratory research. While the evidence is a bit mixed, available studies indicate that breakfast improves children's cognitive aptitude and performance, especially in the areas of attention and memory. Further, the effect having breakfast causes is more pronounced among undernourished children (Katie Adolphus, Clare L. & Lawton, Louse Dye, 2013).

esearch indicates that not having breakfast reduces one's ability to solve problems,…...



Eliza Cook, & Rachel Dunifon. (2012). Do Family Meals Really Make a Difference? Parenting in Context.

Bazian. (2014). Breakfast 'not the most important meal of the day'. NHS Choices.

Caroline R. Mahoney, Holly A. Taylor, Robin B. Kanarek, & Priscilla Samuel. (2005). Effect of breakfast composition on cognitive processes in elementary school children. Physiology and Behaviour, 635-645.

Heather Harvey. (2005, July). Breakfast-Is it the most important meal of the day for children and adolescents? Nutrition for Family Living.

I need help with an essay outline on “To Kill a Mockingbird” ACT 1 This is an introduction to Theatre class?
Words: 1267

To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the most beloved books and movies of all time, making it no surprise that it has become a popular theatre production.  There are so many issues that arise in the novel, movie, and screenplay that even seemingly insignificant things, such as Atticus allowing his children to call him by his first name, take on a significance in the story.  If you were working on a narrative criticism or essay, you would highlight that significance.  However, in outlining an act from a play, you do not....

Need Help with Essay Topics on Caged birds?
Words: 212

1. The symbolism of the caged bird in Maya Angelou's autobiographical work, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings."
2. The theme of captivity and freedom in Harper Lee's novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird."
3. Analyzing the oppression and confinement of women in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's short story, "The Yellow Wallpaper."
4. The symbolism of the birdcage in Henrik Ibsen's play, "A Doll's House," in relation to gender roles and societal expectations.
5. Comparing the experiences of the caged birds in Richard Wright's novel, "Native Son," and Margaret Atwood's dystopian novel, "The Handmaid's Tale."
6. Exploring the theme of captivity and liberation in Jean Rhys's....

What is the best weekend film to watch for a cozy night in?
Words: 166

There are many great weekend films perfect for a cozy night in, but a classic choice would be a romantic comedy like "When Harry Met Sally" or a feel-good movie like "The Princess Bride." Other cozy options could include a heartwarming drama like "Little Miss Sunshine" or a captivating mystery like "Gone Girl." Ultimately, the best film for a cozy night in will depend on your personal taste, but any of these options are sure to make for an enjoyable movie night.
If romance is more your style, consider watching "Pride and Prejudice" or "La La Land" for a cozy night....

If given the choice, would you prefer the convenience of frozen food or the freshness of fresh food?
Words: 527

Convenience vs. Freshness: A Culinary Conundrum

In the modern culinary landscape, convenience and freshness often find themselves locked in an eternal dance. Frozen food, with its extended shelf life and time-saving advantages, beckons with allure. Fresh food, on the other hand, tantalizes with its vibrant flavors and nutritional bounty. Faced with this culinary conundrum, discerning individuals must weigh the merits of each option to determine their culinary preference.

The Allure of Convenience: Frozen Food's Triumphs

Frozen food has emerged as a culinary cornerstone in the fast-paced world of today. Its ability to preserve food for extended periods, extending its lifespan well beyond the....

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