Bus Essays (Examples)

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operations process a bus manufacturing business project. The aim analyze operation develop methods improvement.
Bus manufacturing is quite a slow and tedious process, for most companies, the manufacturing process is divided into two. First, most of the vehicle component are manufactured outside the parent enterprise and are purchased for assembly. Then the second phase of manufacturing, which now takes, place at the enterprise is the assembly part of it.

Bus manufacturing process goes through three stages; they include chassis manufacture, body works, and interior fitting. All these stages take place in a sequence where when a certain process is done with the vehicle moves to the next stage in the manufacturing process.

Most companies dealing with vehicle manufacture have nowadays shifted to opening more assembly factories; where all they do is to assemble some of the imported parts from specialized manufacturer then assemble them according to the country's standards. There are some….

LESSON PLAN OUTLINE: School Bus Safety and Emergency Procedures

Hello and welcome, future public and private school bus drivers in the state of California! Driving a bus full of noisy and energetic children is certainly a challenging but rewarding task. The purpose of today's lesson is to inform all of you potential drivers about the different regulatory issues pertaining to driving a school bus in the state of California. We will pay particular attention to the issues that have arisen from the 1999 amendments to the California Education Code pertaining to issues of safety on the school bus and proper education of students in emergency procedures. This is of great concern today because of the higher level of nervousness and vigilance that has swept America in the wake of the attacks from September 11th. Every student knows to stop, drop, and roll, in case of a fire,….

Boys on the Bus
Media is defined, according to the American Heritage Dictionary as "an intervening substance through which something is transmitted or carried on." It seems that this definition leaves out the "spin factor," in the case of political argument and campaign journalism. A more succinct definition is an intervening substance through which something is transformed to meet the current needs of the disseminator. According to Crouse's book, The Boys on the Bus, information gathered by the media is more product than reality.

This is a scary thought. If the facts upon which one bases one's decisions are hollow and unsubstantiated then the burden of discovery becomes one's own. Most people do not have the time or the resources to research the veracity of information they read or hear. If one cannot trust the media then they must seek out primary sources for their information. Crouse, when referring to the….

GLO-BUS Strategic Plan GLO-BUS Strategic Plan
Our company employed a low-cost organization strategy. We are striving to accomplish minimal overall cost than opponents and appeal to a wide variety of customers, usually by underpricing opponents. Attempting to be the sector's overall low-cost provider has been a highly effective competitive approach in this market as there are many price-sensitive customers (Cunningham & Harney, 2012). We achieved a low-cost leadership and became the sector's lowest-cost organization, capitalizing on the lack of opponents with relatively low costs. Our strategic focus is meaningfully reduced costs than rivals -- in terms of affordability. In seeking a cost advantage over opponents, we incorporated features and services that customers consider essential. For highest possible efficiency, our company achieved the cost advantage in ways difficult for opponents to match or copy. If opponents find it relatively easy or affordable to mimic our low-cost methods, then our cost leadership advantage….

Computer Terms I O Bus --

Direct Memory Access (DMA) -- Designed for higher efficiency in programming tasks and the development of faster access speeds, DMA is memory that by definition is mapped directly from the microprocessor to the memory locations themselves, alleviating the need to go through specific programming and intermediary steps.

Seek time -- the amount of time required for a storage device to find a specific requested record or element of data. Seek times in disk drives are significantly different that DMA for example.

Rotational latency -- One of the three measures of performance for disk drives, rotational latency, seek time, and transfer time are all combined to quantify total disk drive performance. Rotational latency is the time required for the disk drives' electronics to place the correct head, sector and track information below the read/write head for accessing.

Transfer time -- in the context of disk drive performance, transfer time is the time needed to….

Glo-Bus Focus Point -- Final

The managers at DigiSnap emphasized on this characteristic and drastically reduced operational costs, to culminate with a 22% reduction in the retail price. The endeavor gained them increased numbers of customers and a wider market coverage.
7. Product Strategies

We have placed increased emphasis on the four elements of the marketing mix -- product, place, promotions and price. The retail prices were established based on the variable pricing strategy, which sees that the costs to the final buyer will change whenever the expenditures incurred in the manufacturing and sale of the digital camera modify. Focus Point is able to implement such a strategy as it is already a strong presence within the market which bases its actions on sustainable financial figures. As a result of this, we do not have to allure customers through penetration pricing strategies, nor increase our revenues on the short run by implementing skimming pricing strategies. However,….

General Hospital is facing increased competition from better-equipped hospital facilities that have superior technology. Patient enrollment overall is down; the enrollment numbers are up for Medicaid and Medicare patients whose costs are not reimbursed at as high a rate as private patients. General Hospital must draw more high-paying patients to meet its expenses, or else it faces the risk of being closed down.

Mike Hammer has an extremely avoidant conflict management style as a CEO. Instead of dealing with the problems of General Hospital himself, he hires an intermediary, Marge Harding, to take unpopular measures such as cutting the hospital budget and staff numbers. Hammer knows that a cost reduction effort will result in undeniable pain for….

Universal Serial Bus USB

Universal Serial us
State of Technology

Universal Serial us (US) is a plug-and-play interface between a computer and add-on devices (such as audio players, joysticks, keyboards, telephones, scanners, and printers). With US, a new device can be added to a computer without having to add an adapter card or turn the computer off. The first US 1.1 peripheral bus standard was developed in 1997 and the technology was made available without charge for all computer and device vendors (US, TechTarget). Starting in 1996, a few computer manufacturers started including US 1.1 support in their new machines. However, it wasn't until the release of the best-selling Apple iMac in 1998 that US became widespread.

US 1.1's speed was insufficient to support the most demanding PC user applications, such as digital image creation and web publishing, where multiple high-speed peripherals will be running simultaneously (Universal Serial us - FAQs). As a result, work began on….

Boys on the Bus," by Timothy Crouse, is a story of Crouse's 1972 political campaign trip with Hunter Thompson. Both were writers for Rolling Stone, and Thompson gave Crouse the assignment of observing the press. He accomplishes this by riding in the bus and planes, covering the Nixon-McGovern presidential race and observing the journalists. His book is insightful and was a new idea at the time of writing. The idea of observing the press and writing about it was novel and it was received well by readers.
Crouse believes that after being on the road together for a period of time, the press took on a "pack journalism" character. He describes the journalists, as an entirety, believing the same rumors and rejecting others that they found undependable. Crouse attempts to discuss other stories that he has heard, sometimes not complimentary to "their" candidate. He finds that, "All the ones I asked….

General Motors
BUS 599 Mod # 3 TD

Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model: General Motors

Environmental factors

When General Motors began experiencing financial problems, it was dealing with a number of external circumstances beyond its immediate control. The economy had lapsed into a recession and available credit for consumers was particularly tight. Given that most consumers buy cars on credit, the already-weakened American automotive companies were dealt nearly fatal blows. However, GM was also helped in its recovery by a number of external factors, such as the increased demand for SUVs in China, a type of vehicle which General Motors has traditionally excelled in building. General Motors has established a strong presence in China, stronger than most of its major competitors. "GM's global sales figure for 2010 was a dramatic 12% increase from 2009, a year in which it closed factories and was forced to take aid from the U.S. government to survive" and its sales….

Employee Turnover and Bus

drivers endure a multitude of work-related health issues due to the nature of their work. They drive consistently long hours. They must be weary of potential accidents, and do not receive high pay. This can lead to a higher than normal employee turnover rates, which lends to a lower quality of service for customers. esearchers have aimed at aimed at identifying what specific work-related health problems plague bus drivers.
esearch shows bus drivers often suffer from high blood pressure and musculoskeletal pain in the form of neck and low back pain. This may be due to constant vibration while driving and an ineffective seat and bus driver cabin. Another potential cause for these illnesses is the constant stress of the job. Bus Drivers cite the risk for potentially aggressive passengers and bad weather conditions as major stressors.

This dissertation is meant to show through interviews with bus drivers and managers and….

Small Bus Valuation There Is

The multiple -- the P/E ratio -- is indicative of the market's sentiment towards the future prospects of the company. If we take efficient market theory as gospel, then the earnings multiple reflects perfect information as an input to the market's view of the future prospects.
In a closely held small business, the earnings are known, but the market multiplier is not. Therefore a proxy is used. The proxy should be the most similar firm for which a multiple is publicly available.

The main advantage of this approach is that it is simple. There are only two variables and if a reasonable proxy can be found, then the result should also be reasonable. However, it is difficult to find suitable proxies for small businesses. Most publicly traded firms are not small businesses. ith different operations metrics, economies of scale, histories and competencies, even a medium-sized firm in the same industry may….

The driver was wearing a lap seat belt and he was killed. ould passenger restraints have prevented injuries to the 25 passengers that were hurt? The NTSB reported that "…because a properly worn lap belt limits the motion of the pelvis relative to the upper body," those passengers belted in may have been "…whipped sideways by lateral crash forces" (10). That whipping action might have resulted in "high forces being concentrated on the head, possibly causing serious injury"; in other words, seat belts may have caused injuries much worse than were actually sustained (10).
Motorcoach Investigations

As to motor coaches, the NTSB has recently closed down 26 discount motorcoach companies because of a number of violations: a) some drivers were simply not qualified to be driving a motorcoach, and were hired by supervisors that were irresponsible, hence the shut down of the company; b) limits on driving (without rest of sleep)….

Texas Business Organization Code
In a General Partnership all the partners (100%) must consent to an act which is outside the ordinary course of business of the partnership. Tex. Bus. Org. Code Sec. A152.209. (b)

The partnership is held liable for wrongful acts or omissions of a partner in the following circumstances: in the ordinary course of business of the partnership, or with the authority of the partnership. Tex. Bus. Org. Code. Sec. A152.303.(a) (1) (2)

The filing fee for a periodic report for a Limited Partnership required under Sec 153 is $50.00. Tex. Bus. Org. Code. Sec. 4.155. (9)

A Limited Liability Partnership registration is effective "until the first anniversary of the date of registration" (Tex. Bus. Org. Code. Sec.A 152.802.). Certain circumstances may alter this date including early revocation of registration; or renewal in accordance filed under subsection (g) which "continues an effective registration for one year after the date the registration….

School uses Should Have Seat elts
Safety First on School uses

The golden rule of "Safety First" is repeated ad nauseum to children at home and at school, and the safety is consistently revealed as the top priority of anyone involved in the lives of children. However, while many extreme security measures are being implemented in schools for the purpose of increasing safety for children, other very basic safety needs are being overlooked. It is now common for metal detectors, security video cameras, on-campus security guards, and extreme safety precautions to be implemented in most schools. Of course, the more traditional safety measures, such as having a school nurse on campus, first aid kits in every classroom, regulations banning harmful substances like asbestos and lead paint, and strict rules preventing risky student behavior are also standard in every school. Parents also take extreme precautions to protect their children outside of school….

Business communication plays a significant role in day to day activities, because nearly every transaction a person engages in is a form of business. At work, business communication is more than just talking with the boss about important matters. It's also small interactions between colleagues, how you talk to customers and vendors, and non-verbal communication concerns like posture and facial expression. In an increasingly global society, proper business communication is becoming more significant. You can find information on this issue in business journals. The website ACBJ.com provides you with access to a large number of business journals from a wide variety....

To argue against animal abuse, you want your thesis to clearly state that you're against it and why. Your opinion should be a part of the thesis statement, but you want to be careful to actually present arguable, logical points, as well. You could say you're against animal abuse for a number of reasons. For example, some common ones are that animals feel both physical and emotional pain (abuse is cruel), that animals can't defend themselves and people should care for them because of their innocent nature, and that animal abuse can lead to further deviant and criminal behavior -....

For a research paper on the significance of the pharmaceutical industry and the business aspects of that, you could consider: * Strategic management of the pharmaceutical companies. * The overall business model for pharmaceutical companies. * Problems that are facing the business aspect of the industry. * How changing laws are affecting the pharmaceutical business. There are others, of course, and you can also narrow down one of the options here to provide something more specific. Maybe pick a particular pharmaceutical company and do an analysis on how the health care law may affect it? Finding a topic that's narrow enough is key, so....

10 Pages
Research Paper


Operations Process a Bus Manufacturing Business Project

Words: 2723
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

operations process a bus manufacturing business project. The aim analyze operation develop methods improvement. Bus manufacturing is quite a slow and tedious process, for most companies, the manufacturing process…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Lesson Plan Outline School Bus Safety and

Words: 1539
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

LESSON PLAN OUTLINE: School Bus Safety and Emergency Procedures THE PURPOSE OF THE LESSON Hello and welcome, future public and private school bus drivers in the state of California! Driving a…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Journalism

Boys on the Bus Media Is Defined

Words: 1507
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Boys on the Bus Media is defined, according to the American Heritage Dictionary as "an intervening substance through which something is transmitted or carried on." It seems that this…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Glo-Bus Strategic Plan Glo-Bus Strategic Plan Our

Words: 1506
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

GLO-BUS Strategic Plan GLO-BUS Strategic Plan Our company employed a low-cost organization strategy. We are striving to accomplish minimal overall cost than opponents and appeal to a wide variety of…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Computer Terms I O Bus --

Words: 374
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Direct Memory Access (DMA) -- Designed for higher efficiency in programming tasks and the development of faster access speeds, DMA is memory that by definition is mapped directly from…

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15 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Glo-Bus Focus Point -- Final

Words: 3812
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The managers at DigiSnap emphasized on this characteristic and drastically reduced operational costs, to culminate with a 22% reduction in the retail price. The endeavor gained them increased…

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2 Pages


Leadership and Organizational Behavior Bus 520 Assignment

Words: 611
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay


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5 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Universal Serial Bus USB

Words: 1510
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Universal Serial us State of Technology Universal Serial us (US) is a plug-and-play interface between a computer and add-on devices (such as audio players, joysticks, keyboards, telephones, scanners, and printers). With…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Journalism

Boys on the Bus by Timothy Crouse

Words: 635
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Boys on the Bus," by Timothy Crouse, is a story of Crouse's 1972 political campaign trip with Hunter Thompson. Both were writers for Rolling Stone, and Thompson gave Crouse…

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2 Pages
Business Plan


General Motors Bus 599 Mod 3

Words: 800
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Business Plan

General Motors BUS 599 Mod # 3 TD Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model: General Motors Environmental factors When General Motors began experiencing financial problems, it was dealing with a number of external circumstances beyond its…

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30 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete


Employee Turnover and Bus

Words: 9290
Length: 30 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

drivers endure a multitude of work-related health issues due to the nature of their work. They drive consistently long hours. They must be weary of potential accidents, and…

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10 Pages


Small Bus Valuation There Is

Words: 2959
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Thesis

The multiple -- the P/E ratio -- is indicative of the market's sentiment towards the future prospects of the company. If we take efficient market theory as gospel,…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Bush Crash Investigations Whether They

Words: 1687
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The driver was wearing a lap seat belt and he was killed. ould passenger restraints have prevented injuries to the 25 passengers that were hurt? The NTSB reported…

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2 Pages


Texas Business Organization Code in a General

Words: 599
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Texas Business Organization Code In a General Partnership all the partners (100%) must consent to an act which is outside the ordinary course of business of the partnership. Tex. Bus.…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


All School Buses Should Have Seat Belts

Words: 1265
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

School uses Should Have Seat elts Safety First on School uses The golden rule of "Safety First" is repeated ad nauseum to children at home and at school, and the…

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