Business Analysis Essays (Examples)

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Analysis of a Proposed New Business: A High School-Area Food Truck

General Overview and Costs

A high school located on a busy intersection and with a business parking lot across the street provides the perfect opportunity for a food service venture operated from a food truck. With substantially lower overhead than a traditional restaurant and a typical focus on quick, volume-oriented service of a limited product selection, catering primarily to the high-school lunch crowd would be ideal for a food truck business (Lagorio, 2010; Mealey, 2012). Offering standard "American diner" fare such as hamburgers, French fries, other hot and cold sandwiches, and salads, both food preparation and customer service can be streamlined in order to reduce costs and increase profitability. Startup costs will also be minimal, making a food truck business much easier to get off the ground and bring into the black (Lagorio, 2010).

A decent used food truck can be obtained….

Business Analysis Part One

McDonald's Corporation

McDonald's corporation currently is the largest in fast food restaurants chain in the world, mainly selling hamburgers, French fries, cheeseburgers, soft drinks and breakfast. In the recent past the fast food has added on its menu fruit and salad. The business was started in 1940 by Dick and Mac McDonalds in California. The corporation has grown steadily and when it started being a franchise in 1955 it growth become rapid and lead to its worldwide expansion that is being witnessed today. With the current success of the McDonald's, on the international markets, the company serves as a good example of globalization (McDonald website, 2012). This report is going to take a critical examination of McDonald's using SWOT analysis to appraise it suitability in whether to invest or not invest in the company.

Company overview

The story of McDonald's started when two brothers, Dick and Mac McDonald opened….

Liz makes this statement in her speech along with the concept of building a better mousetrap. At the center of the lack of focus on strategic planning, Liz isn't ca0pturing what makes her business unique, differentiated and inherently more valuable that competitors. The problem is one of myopic focus on the business that gets in the way of seeing the potential to use customer experience as a valuable differentiator or segmentation boundary for example. The lack of strategic planning with boundary conditions or parameters is especially evident in how the speech doesn't get down to key points and provide actionable advice.
This lack of coordinated outside view of the markets, competition, trends in the market and how CanGo can capitalize on them shows the company needs a more robust strategic planning framework. The solution would be to standardize on the Porter Five Forces Model (Porter, 2008). Using this model will….

etail Business Analysis: Wal-Mart Marketing Tactics
Why does a business need a marketing strategy? The basic answer is simple: to generate sales. However, the manner in which a business goes about developing its marketing strategy can differ significantly from one business to another. In order to understand what type of marketing strategy works best for a certain company, one must first understand the basics of each specific strategy along with viewing examples of how these types of strategies have worked for companies in the real world. In order to view how the major marketing strategies are at work in a real-world scenario, one can look at the company Wal-Mart to see how both the generic marketing strategy and the segmentation strategies have been implemented in order to garner more sales, and in viewing this implementation, one can assess room for improvement in terms of marketing the retailer's product line.

Marketing Strategies within….

This is recognized by the stock market and J.P. Morgan has upgraded express mail services provider United Parcel Service, Inc. In order to overweight from the neutral level, with the statement that it believes the company is being positioned for new momentum. (Market Pulse: UPS upped at J.P. Morgan, renewed momentum seen) Thus the faith in the organization exists even among experts.

The management of the company is aware of changes and the requirement to adjust to changes and the statement at the end of the first year of UPS as a public company said "the world has tried to understand now as to what we have realized for years: regarding the fact that we are very well positioned, is in a position to execute, that we have a history consisting of innovation and above all, that we have the most unique people in our industry." (Michael, 10) When an….

UPS - usiness Analysis
UPS was founded in the early 1900's as a messenger company, and has since grown into a billion dollar corporation that promotes global commerce (, 2003). The United Parcel Service is recognize as a world leader in interstate commerce and package delivery, and also offers transportation and logistics service (, 2003). UPS interacts with over 200 countries worldwide (, 2003). UPS has been a global leader in package delivery services, but faces much competition from Fed Ex. The Fed Ex name is becoming more widely known, and Fed Ex is typically seen as the shipper of choice for swift and reliable delivery internationally and abroad. Fed Ex also utilizes a much broader advertising campaign, and UPS would do well to expand in this area. Though overall UPS is a successful company, it could improve its corporate relations sector as well. Currently Fed Ex has the upper hand….

Retail usiness Analysis
urlington Coat Factory

Corporate History and Summary

Originally founded in 1972 by Monroe and Henrietta Milstein with only one coat/outerwear factory and store, urlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corporation has grown into an extremely successful discount retail outlet chain. Although it began as a family-owned and -operated business, the company went public for a time, with the Milsteins retaining a majority of share holdings (CF, 2011). Eventually, the company was purchased in 2006 by ain Capital Partners, LLC, and was made a private holding. Currently, urlington Coat has more than 460 stores in 44 states nationally, as well as satellite stores in Puerto Rico and joint ventures in Mexico; employs more than 28,000 workers; and generated $3.67 billion in sales as of the closing of the final fiscal quarter ending in January 29, 2010 (CF, 2011).

urlington Coat is known in the retail industry as a major player, offering wide selections of….

etail Business Analysis
The retail establishment that I visited is a local chain of shops called Shopko. They sell a wide range of products including clothes, sports wear, toys, household items, electronics, greeting cards and candies. The section that I would like to concentrate is the clothes section for infants and toddlers.

What is Generic Marketing Strategy and its implications for Shopko?

Generic marketing strategies help an organization to gain competitive advantage in its line of business. "In the quest for competitive advantage, the foremost concern should be the likely market response to the proposed strategy. In order to be successful, the strategy -- whether driven by cost, technology, distribution, service or other competitive advantages of the firm -- has to be consistent with the consumer needs, perceptions and preferences." (Wind, 1983, p.12).

In other words, Shopko should consider the market response for its toddler and infant clothing section besides cost and distribution factors.….

Their focus on software and hardware allowed their company to continue its growth trend. Furthermore, Apple re-designed its computers to focus on making them as easy and as friendly to use as possible. Since, in the 1990s, many individuals were using computers for the first time due to the increased use of the Internet, this "friendly" focus helped them to sell their computers and gain footing in the market.
According to their ethical statement, the underlying the way Apple Computers do business is the fundamental principle: "use good judgment." Cooper (1995) states:

To give a context for using good judgment, they set forth some of the basic legal and ethical parameters under which Apple operates: 1.) Apple is a publicly held company, and as such, has a responsibility to its shareholders to pay constant attention to all legal and ethical boundaries and to comply with all applicable laws. 2.) Apple has….

As the situations previously discussed have shown, most of the social changes have their roots in other fields, which means that automobile manufacturers have to constantly assess and review the totality of the modifications which reveal an ability to impact the industry, as well as its consumers. The targeted situation is that of being able to identify and serve customer needs even before the clients become aware of the existence of these needs.
Additionally, there is a vicious circle in the meaning that the society generates impacts upon the automobile industry, but then, the change sin the industry generate changes in the society. For instance, as the automobile industry responds to customer demands, these demands increase and change. They for instance request higher levels of social responsibility at all global, national and social level, which include elements such as: environmental responsibility through the reduction of industrial pollution, as well as….

This behavio is not consideed dishonest; in fact, and Indian peson would be consideed ude if he o she did not ty to attempt to give a peson what has been equested.
Anothe vey impotant aspect of business cultue in India is the meeting etiquette. Meeting Etiquette is influenced by all sots of cultual elements descibed above, including social class. Fo example, in India, one must geet the eldest o moe senio fist, and when leaving a goup each peson must bid faewell individually. Though shaking hands is common, this is only in big cities, whee the natives ae accustomed to Westenes. Men and women, howeve, do not usually shake hands.

The next pat of the business cultue is knowing Indian names, and whee they oiginate. Accoding to one aticle, names ae based upon "eligion, social class, and egion of the county." Fo Hindus fo example, in the noth, people ae….

This is part of a month-long survey to determine whether current weight estimates are accurate. Anyone refusing to give his or her weight could be barred from the flight. Investigators are looking at excess weight and elevator malfunction as possible contributing causes of the January 8th crash of a 19 seat eech 1900 turboprop.. Maximum take-off weight for the eech that crashed was just over 17,000 pounds and the plane was within 100 pounds of that figure."
Individuals flying should be warned that anything stashed underneath the clothes will be seen, even the individuals private body parts as evidence in the following report from September 10, 2004:

new X-ray machine at London's Heathrow has been attacked by civil liberties groups as a "voyeur's charter." The machine uses low-level radiation to see through clothing, producing an anatomically detailed black and white image of the body underneath. The machine is capable of detecting….

Business Plan for a Financial Divorce Software
Business Plan Divorce Software

Business Plan relating to the Sales of a new Financial Divorce Software.

Business Plan relating to the Sales of a new Financial Divorce Software









Business Identification

Keys to Success

Company Summary

Industry History

Legal Form of Ownership

Location and Facilities

Management Structure

Products and Service

Market Analysis

Target Market

Industry Analysis

Competitive Analysis

Market Strategy

Ps of Marketing

Price List

Selling Strategy

Sales Forecast

Implementation Strategy

Overall Strategy


Control Plan

Financial Statements and Projections

evenue and Cost Estimate

Forecasted Profit and Loss Statement

Forecasted Balance Sheet

Financial Assumptions

Breakeven Point

Financial Position

Capital/Investment Needs



Executive Summary

Financial planning is involved in every aspect of life. Individuals and businesses have to formulate their daily, monthly, and yearly budgets in order to achieve a balance between their incomes and expenditures. Among other matters, divorce is also a critical issue in individuals' lives. In addition to family conflicts and break-ups, divorce also brings serious financial problems for both the parties (Women Advisors Forum, 2011). Therefore, it is very important to have advice from financial planners….

Business Plan
Business Financial Plan for Sweet Tooth Treats

Baking has always been a major part of my family life, and for generations there has been infamous cookie recipes past down from one cook to the next. Every holiday season, my cookies are notorious for being the best any gift receivers have ever had. Finally, I believe it is time to make my baking hobby and actual money making enterprise. I know I have the recipe, the potential customers, and options for both retail space and an online presence. The only thing missing is the initial push to make this hobby an actual business -- Sweet Tooth Treats.

Business Start Up Plan


The essentially product here is the various cookies, of different flavors and ingredients. I have several recipes for cookies, both permanent and seasonal variations. These products will be sold in both individual sales at a retail location, and in bulk for gifts….

It is as such necessary to assess it in light of the negative consequences it might generate, the resources available to the company so that it reduces the threat of the problem and finally, the criteria which need to be satisfied in order to state that the problem has been resolved (Principia Cybernetica Web).
a) Problem components: different views manifested primarily in cultural barriers (such as language barriers); lack of experience in the field of delivery services; the role of women in the workplace is still decreased and it has only improved recently as a result of the epidemics and the necessity for more labor force; gender discrimination could raise problems and it must be limited, if not at all eliminated. Bribery is also a growing problem in the region and the efforts of the delivery subsidiary could be easily compromised -- these problem components also represent the reasons as….

A comparison and contrast essay on two specific service providers is a little different from comparison and contrast essays on ideas or people because you are going to always want to focus on the customer’s experience.  However, if you are writing the essay for a business class, you would be focusing on different aspects such as corporate structure, stock price, etc.  So, keep that in mind when writing your essay.  Are you providing more of a user review or a business analysis and structure your essay accordingly.

It is also important to keep in mind that the COVID-19 pandemic has really....

Principles of Business Essay Topics

Ethics and Social Responsibility

The Importance of Ethical Decision-Making in Business
Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility: Balancing Profits and Planetary Health
The Role of Business in Addressing Social Issues
Whistleblower Protection and the Ethical Obligations of Employees

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The Role of Innovation in Driving Business Growth
The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Characteristics and Erfolgsfaktoren
Creating an Innovative Work Environment
The Impact of Technology on Business Innovation

Leadership and Management

Effective Leadership Styles: Authoritarian, Democratic, and Laissez-faire
Motivating Employees: Theories and Best Practices
The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Management
Managing Organizational Change: Challenges and....

5 Pages
Business Proposal


Business Analysis of a Proposed New Business

Words: 1352
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Business Proposal

Business Analysis of a Proposed New Business: A High School-Area Food Truck General Overview and Costs A high school located on a busy intersection and with a business parking lot across the…

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6 Pages


Business Analysis Part I SWOT

Words: 1828
Length: 6 Pages
Type: SWOT

McDonald's COPOATION Business Analysis Part One McDonald's Corporation McDonald's corporation currently is the largest in fast food restaurants chain in the world, mainly selling hamburgers, French fries, cheeseburgers, soft drinks and breakfast.…

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2 Pages
Reaction Paper


Business Analysis of First Scenario

Words: 709
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Reaction Paper

Liz makes this statement in her speech along with the concept of building a better mousetrap. At the center of the lack of focus on strategic planning, Liz…

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2 Pages


Retail Business Analysis Wal-Mart Marketing Tactics Why

Words: 820
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

etail Business Analysis: Wal-Mart Marketing Tactics Why does a business need a marketing strategy? The basic answer is simple: to generate sales. However, the manner in which a business goes…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


UPS Corporation Business Analysis the

Words: 1837
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This is recognized by the stock market and J.P. Morgan has upgraded express mail services provider United Parcel Service, Inc. In order to overweight from the neutral level,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


UPS - Business Analysis UPS Was Founded

Words: 866
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

UPS - usiness Analysis UPS was founded in the early 1900's as a messenger company, and has since grown into a billion dollar corporation that promotes global commerce (, 2003).…

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3 Pages


Retail Business Analysis Burlington Coat Factory Corporate

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Retail usiness Analysis urlington Coat Factory Corporate History and Summary Originally founded in 1972 by Monroe and Henrietta Milstein with only one coat/outerwear factory and store, urlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corporation has…

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2 Pages

Business - Advertising

Retail Business Analysis the Retail Establishment That

Words: 659
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

etail Business Analysis The retail establishment that I visited is a local chain of shops called Shopko. They sell a wide range of products including clothes, sports wear, toys, household…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Computers

Apple Computers Inc Business Analysis

Words: 1934
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Their focus on software and hardware allowed their company to continue its growth trend. Furthermore, Apple re-designed its computers to focus on making them as easy and as…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal


Social Impacts Social Business Analysis

Words: 1591
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

As the situations previously discussed have shown, most of the social changes have their roots in other fields, which means that automobile manufacturers have to constantly assess and…

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16 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Global Business Analysis - India

Words: 4108
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This behavio is not consideed dishonest; in fact, and Indian peson would be consideed ude if he o she did not ty to attempt to give a peson…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


U S Airways Business Analysis and

Words: 1442
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This is part of a month-long survey to determine whether current weight estimates are accurate. Anyone refusing to give his or her weight could be barred from the…

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25 Pages
Business Plan


Business Plan Relating to the Sale of a New Financial Divorce Software

Words: 6850
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Business Plan

Business Plan for a Financial Divorce Software Business Plan Divorce Software Business Plan relating to the Sales of a new Financial Divorce Software. Business Plan relating to the Sales of a new…

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6 Pages


Business Plan Business Financial Plan for Sweet

Words: 1625
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Business Plan Business Financial Plan for Sweet Tooth Treats Baking has always been a major part of my family life, and for generations there has been infamous cookie recipes past down…

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3 Pages


Business Scenanario on Parrent Company

Words: 1012
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

It is as such necessary to assess it in light of the negative consequences it might generate, the resources available to the company so that it reduces the…

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