Business Continuity Essays (Examples)

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Business Continuity Plan

Business Continuity Plan (U.S. VISIT-DHS)
Internal Key Personnel and Backups

The aim of this business continuity is to guarantee continuous business operations of the US_VISIT (DHS) whenever disasters strike. Through this business continuity plan, the company has higher chances of prevailing during the disasters or financial crisis. In times of crisis or emergency within operations, the following key personnel would retain their positions within the company. This indicates that they are extensive vital to the operations and role executions in meeting goals and objectives of the organization. Internal key personnel include

Chief of Staff

National Protection & Programs Director

Inspector General

General Counsel

Chief Financial Officer

U.S Secret Service

Health Affairs Director

Domestic Nuclear Detection Director


Deputy Secretary

Executive Secretariat

Military Advisor

Science & Technology Director

These departmental offices are critical aspect of the organization. In case stated personnel are on vacation or held somewhere during daily operations, their assistants or selected individuals would fill the vacant positions. This would guarantee continuity in business despite….

Protection for employees

If employees adhere to the rules of the acceptable use policy, there are less liable to questionable issues. This also prevents them from engaging in hazardous internet issues, for instance, they are less likely to disclose their contacts to crackers using social engineering approaches. Moreover, ABBA should settle on using universal guidelines and principles with respect to network security, it risk assessment, risk analysis, and risk management. In this respect, regulatory compliance is a vital aspect influencing the creation of business continuity approach (Frank, 2006).

Furthermore, while Business Continuity or Disaster ecovery regulations may be insignificant in some business incidents, companies should be aware of legislation regulating data integrity, availability and compliance. This helps the company in setting up a Business Continuity strategy. The following is a universal disaster preparedness principle for a company facing network security issues with respect to it risk assessment, analysis and management (Frank, 2006).


Business Auditing and Testing
Business Auditing

Testing and auditing is an essential of a business plan. Business plan is a blueprint followed in the successful launch or re launch an operation. It conveys the business prospects, growth and describes the product market. Business and auditing plan helps in preparedness of emergencies as a safety precaution for the continuity of a business. This planning ensures that services of a business continue when there are significant disruptions or when a disaster strikes. In some places, the business continuity plan is a policy requirement. The management should be well trained to help them to adapt to the change of circumstances. It helps the managers to determine a safe way to work during emergencies.

Business continuity plan is a document that having procedures on what to implement when things go wrong. Formation should consider the term; like long-term or short-term, and, part time or full time positions….

This approach to creating cyclically-based strategies has helped to alleviate the time constraints on companies over time when it comes to managing the process of education and gaining senior management commitment. The smaller incremental gains made in these smaller organizations have actually proven to be more effective at deterring potential threats as knowledge is accumulated over time and change is gradual (Botha, Von Solms, 2004). The studies that are the theoretical foundation of Business continuity planning Methodology (Lindstrom, Samuelsson, Hagerfors, 2010) illustrate what a critical role senior management has in promoting and financing ongoing education of business continuity from the standpoint of IT security and lifecycle planning. The maturity model shown in Figure 1 explains the progression of business continuity from the studies conducted and concludes that ongoing training, a commitment to changing the culture of an organization to support IT security, as a strategic threat is essential. The….

Business Continuity Interview Analysis
This report presents the results of an interview conducted on February 24, 2012 with a medical office manager. More specifically, the office is a small joint practice of two Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) otolaryngologists. The interviewer inquired into the types of preparations, contingencies, and planning necessary for business continuity in the event of a major catastrophe that destroyed the office or that rendered it completely unusable for any extended period of time. For the purpose of this interview, the interviewer asked about a major flood disaster that physically destroyed the office and that rendered the immediate vicinity off-limits to anybody besides emergency rescue personnel and law enforcement.

General Situational Overview of Major Potential Business Continuity Concerns

The office manager indicated that the following major concerns were already part of the office's contingency planning and business continuity planning: (1) Emergency employee communications "cascade" identifying specific individuals and their responsibility….

A consistent method of communication must alert employees to any variations to the existing plan during the emergency that may need to take place, as every emergency is different. The absence of cellular phone or computer communication during some emergencies means that emergency communications equipment such as radio systems, public address systems, or portable radio may be necessary to notify employees of the emergency, to keep them informed, and for contacting local authorities, "such as law enforcement officials, private sector charitable groups, and the fire department" ("Section 10: Emergency Preparedness," 2006, Occupational Safety & Health Administration). The methods of should also have an auxiliary power supply if electricity is affected by the disaster.

Organizational communication is always improved when there is a clear chain of command so that employees know beforehand who has the authority for making decisions and whom to turn to for emergency update. However, the chief emergency coordinator….

Disaster Planning
Business Continuity & Disaster ecovery Planning models

Business continuity and disaster planning

The goal of business continuity planning is to ensure that during an unexpected event, the business is able to run as smoothly as possible. These unexpected events may run the gamut from "the failure of a supplier of goods or services or delayed deliveries" due to extreme weather to a security breach of the computer systems to a national attack or major disaster (BIA, 2012, FEMA) "A business impact analysis (BIA) predicts the consequences of disruption of a business function and process and gathers information needed to develop recovery strategies" (BIA, 2012, FEMA). To conduct a BIA, the organization should first determine the potential timing of a disaster, or to "identify [the] point in time when interruption would have greater impact" followed by the "duration of the interruption or point in time when the operational and/or financial impact(s)….

Models of business continuity and disaster recovery are important for the sustainability of a company, mainly because they shield a company from the many foreseeable and unforeseeable misfortunes that may affect the operation of a business. The business continuity plan refers to a road map used for the continuation of operations in the company during hostile conditions. A disaster recovery plan refers to a set of procedures set forth to protect or recover the business infrastructure in the occurrence of a disaster. This report compares the models in relation to the establishment and sustainability of a business after the occurrence of a disaster (Ward & Abreu, 2013).

Business continuity plan

This plan identifies a company's exposure to external and internal threats. It also creates soft and hard assets in order to provide effective recovery options for the company. They do this while still maintaining the value system integrity and competitive advantage….

As a result the revenue generated from the business is mainly in the form of commission for them. In case of the web sites operated by United Airlines themselves, the services are owned by them and therefore, the revenue is direct. (Abdollahi & Leimstoll, 2011)
Another model used is the advertising business model. According to this model, the UAL provides advertisement to the companies. These companies then broadcast the advertisements on their website. According to this model, the revenue is commission based and the commission is based on the contract. (Abdollahi & Leimstoll, 2011)

The aforementioned business models can be used together. The advertisement model would work as an attracting force that increases the flow of the customers whereas the brokerage model will be applied to the websites that are either company owned or third party operated. (Abdollahi & Leimstoll, 2011)

System Development Life Cycle

System development life cycle (SDLC) is the name….

Jet Blue Airways
Theoretical Framework to Crisis Management Approach in Business Continuity

Jet Blue Airways Valentine's Day crisis 2007

Jet Blue Airways BCM

Crisis management

Stakeholder Analysis

Invocation and escalation

Management and recovery

Closure and review

Enterprise Management

Jet Blue Airways

Business continuity management (BCM) is defined by the Business Continuity Institute as 'holistic management process that identifies potential impacts that threaten an organization and provides a framework for building resilience and capability for an effective response that safeguards the interests of its key stakeholders, reputation, brand and value creating activities' (The Business Continuity Institute, 2007).

The impact of the 9/11 attacks has left companies with the compulsion to deal with the aftereffects and ever since, BCM has gained increased popularity. 9/11 was basically a crisis in the external environment that had wide ranging consequences for the business organisations. It has emerged as a discipline in organisational studies that is being paid tremendous attention. BCM as a discipline basically deals with conflict,….

Business Continuity Planning, Collaboration, and Training Help Private Agencies Prepare for Events Affecting Critical Infrastructure
A business continuity plan is a response plan that sets out how an organization or institution will continue operations after a disruption. Business continuity planning, therefore, is the process of identifying both the external and internal threats that may affect these organizations and institutions, and setting out a detailed plan of how they will operate following the unexpected events, as well as how they expect to resume business in the shortest time possible. According to Fulmer (2005), 93% of organizations that experience a disaster without a business continuity plan fail within five years, while 50% of those that lose critical business functions for over ten days after various forms of disasters fail to recover. Thus, it is imperative that both public and private agencies prepare adequately for events that may affect critical infrastructure, which are….

Business Continuity and Service estoration
The business continuity planning is the identification of potential external and internal threats that can lead to the disruption of the business process, which can lead to a loss of business infrastructures. In other words, the business continuity plan is the response of hazard that threats an organizational business process. The disruption of business operations can be predictable or unpredictable. However, the power outage and the minor network failures are minor problems that can disrupt business operations. However, a real disaster that can disrupt business activities is cyber attacks, flood, and theft of sensitive data. Business organizations can suffer unanticipated losses because of natural disasters, however, the goal of business continuity plan is to assist in recovery in the critical business process.

In the contemporary business environment, disasters are inevitable, and vary in magnitude and types. Disasters are defined as the abrupt destruction of business operations through….

Business Continuity Planning
Incident Handling

Incident response refers to an organized approach used to manage and address the security breach aftermath of the attack. The goal of incident response is to limit the damages to the network infrastructures as well as reducing costs and time employed for recovery of critical data. The paper does not suggest that the organization should shut down the network systems because they may lose a substantial market values by implementing this tactic. Moreover, shutting down the network system may hinder a full investigation of the cause of the incidents.

The following steps should be employed for the incident response. First, the organization should coordinate an IT team who will be in charge of updating the security measures to respond to network and computer security incidents correctly and quickly. The next stage is to identify where the incident has occurred. Typically, the IT team should identify whether the….

component of effective incident handling is a security management team that is engaged in constant preparation and network scanning for such a breach. "Once your security team declares there has been a breach, it should inform the incident management team, and it should assemble within minutes" (Schilling, 2013, p.3). The team should then conduct "network forensics, systems forensics and malware analysis" to understand the extent of the threat and "by reviewing network and security event logs, a forensic analyst can determine which computer systems are likely compromised" (Schilling 2013, p.3). There may not be a need to shut down the entire system; the question is the extent to which the threat can be isolated and contained. "Once an infected system is recovered for analysis, the forensics analysts will examine the system to retrieve the files that are responsible for the threat activity. These files are normally hiding some type….

usiness Continuity
The process of business continuity planning entails development of a practical strategy for corporations to prepare themselves for, and keep up their operations, following a crisis or disaster. usiness continuity plans (CPs) aid organizations in identifying and preventing risks wherever possible, preparing for risks they are unable to control and responding and recovering in the event a crisis or incident does occur. Preparation of a plan for business continuity will facilitate quick business recovery in the event of a disaster/crisis. One cannot predict all sorts of incidents that pose threats to businesses. However, one can formulate a plan covering an array of incidents (natural disasters, staffing issues, computer/technological issues, etc.). (Queens Land Government, 2015) In every instance, companies cannot flourish without proper planning, monitoring, and resource management.

The organization -- First Class Cleaning and Sanitation Services -- offers general cleaning services to businesses as well as homes. It has no….

1. The Role of Communication in Crisis Management
2. The Importance of Preparing a Crisis Management Plan
3. Case Study: Successfully Managing a Crisis in a Business or Organization
4. Crisis Management in the Digital Age: How Social Media Impacts Response
5. Ethical Considerations in Crisis Management
6. The Psychological Impact of Crisis on Individuals and Organizations
7. Lessons Learned from Failed Crisis Management Strategies
8. Crisis Management in Healthcare: Addressing Pandemics and Natural Disasters
9. Crisis Management in Government: Balancing Transparency and Security
10. Crisis Management in Public Relations: Rebuilding Trust and Reputation after a Crisis.
11. Crisis Management in the....

1. The benefits and challenges of implementing a cloud computing strategy in a small business
2. The impact of cloud computing on data security and privacy
3. The role of cloud computing in enabling remote work and collaboration
4. The environmental implications of cloud computing and its potential to reduce carbon emissions
5. The future of cloud computing: emerging trends and technologies
6. The impact of cloud computing on traditional IT infrastructure and job roles
7. The legal and regulatory considerations of using cloud computing services
8. The role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in optimizing cloud computing resources
9. The potential for cloud computing to revolutionize....

Lesser-Known but Interesting Essay Topics on Code of Ethics for Supply Chain Management

1. The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Supply Chain Management

Explore the ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI in automating supply chain processes, such as decision-making, inventory management, and supplier selection.

2. Ethical Supply Chain Management in the Era of Globalization

Examine the challenges and opportunities in maintaining ethical practices in global supply chains, considering issues of cultural diversity, labor laws, and environmental standards.

3. The Role of Blockchain Technology in Enhancing Ethical Supply Chains

Investigate the potential of blockchain technology to ensure transparency, traceability, and accountability....

1. Analyzing Nestle's diversification strategy: How has Nestle expanded its product portfolio and entered new markets to drive growth and increase market share?

2. The role of acquisitions and mergers in Nestle's corporate strategy: Discuss how Nestle has used M&A activities to drive growth, acquire new capabilities, and enter new markets.

3. Examining Nestle's sustainability strategy: How has Nestle incorporated sustainability and ethical practices into its corporate strategy to create long-term value and achieve competitive advantage?

4. Evaluating Nestle's global expansion strategy: How has Nestle expanded its international presence and adapted its business model to different markets and cultural contexts?

5. The impact of....

5 Pages
Research Paper


Business Continuity Plan

Words: 1622
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Business Continuity Plan (U.S. VISIT-DHS) Internal Key Personnel and Backups The aim of this business continuity is to guarantee continuous business operations of the US_VISIT (DHS) whenever disasters strike. Through this…

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7 Pages


Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Words: 2036
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Protection for employees If employees adhere to the rules of the acceptable use policy, there are less liable to questionable issues. This also prevents them from engaging in hazardous internet…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Business Continuity Plan Testing and Auditing

Words: 707
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Business Auditing and Testing Business Auditing Testing and auditing is an essential of a business plan. Business plan is a blueprint followed in the successful launch or re launch an operation.…

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2 Pages
Article Review

Business - Management

Business Continuity Planning Methodology Lindstrom

Words: 479
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

This approach to creating cyclically-based strategies has helped to alleviate the time constraints on companies over time when it comes to managing the process of education and gaining…

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2 Pages


Business Continuity Interview Analysis This Report Presents

Words: 511
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Business Continuity Interview Analysis This report presents the results of an interview conducted on February 24, 2012 with a medical office manager. More specifically, the office is a small joint…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Business Continuity Why Does a

Words: 549
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A consistent method of communication must alert employees to any variations to the existing plan during the emergency that may need to take place, as every emergency is different.…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning Models

Words: 739
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Disaster Planning Business Continuity & Disaster ecovery Planning models Business continuity and disaster planning The goal of business continuity planning is to ensure that during an unexpected event, the business is…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Business Continuity Plan vs Disaster Recovery Plan

Words: 651
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Assurance Models of business continuity and disaster recovery are important for the sustainability of a company, mainly because they shield a company from the many foreseeable and unforeseeable misfortunes…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Business Continuity Planning

Words: 2508
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As a result the revenue generated from the business is mainly in the form of commission for them. In case of the web sites operated by United Airlines…

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11 Pages

Business - Management

Business Continuity and Crisis Management

Words: 3522
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Jet Blue Airways Theoretical Framework to Crisis Management Approach in Business Continuity Jet Blue Airways Valentine's Day crisis 2007 Jet Blue Airways BCM Crisis management Stakeholder Analysis Invocation and escalation Management and recovery Closure and review Enterprise Management Jet…

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2 Pages

Urban Studies

Business Continuity Planning Collaboration and Training Help

Words: 730
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Business Continuity Planning, Collaboration, and Training Help Private Agencies Prepare for Events Affecting Critical Infrastructure A business continuity plan is a response plan that sets out how an organization…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Information Technology

Business Continuity and Business

Words: 932
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Business Continuity and Service estoration The business continuity planning is the identification of potential external and internal threats that can lead to the disruption of the business process, which can…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Drugs

Business Continuity Planning and Incident Handling

Words: 671
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Business Continuity Planning Incident Handling Incident response refers to an organized approach used to manage and address the security breach aftermath of the attack. The goal of incident response is…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Business Continuity Planning in

Words: 1046
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

component of effective incident handling is a security management team that is engaged in constant preparation and network scanning for such a breach. "Once your security team declares…

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2 Pages

Sports - College

Analyzing the Business Continuity Plan

Words: 861
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

usiness Continuity The process of business continuity planning entails development of a practical strategy for corporations to prepare themselves for, and keep up their operations, following a crisis or disaster.…

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