Business Intelligence Essays (Examples)

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Business Intelligence
The quest for so-called "Business Intelligence," or BI for short, has been on the forefront of many organizational priorities in the last decade and it is likely that this trend will continue indefinitely. The attraction to BI is fairly clear. Although collecting and storing large amounts of information has become ubiquitous among modern organizations, there has been a relatively slower development in the ability to harness information to better support organizational goals and meet business objectives. Therefore the emerging BI technologies have promised to deliver better reporting and metrics to help professional spot trends and find insights. However, in spite of the best intentions, the ability to BI to contribute any meaningful assistance in finding opportunities has been somewhat lacking. This paper will look at the current state of BI, some of the best practices, as well as opportunities for the future.

Data does not equal Information

It has been recommended….

Although intranet pages may provide links to the Internet, an intranet is not a site accessed by the general public" (Housel and Hom, 1999).
Aside from the intranet, the company also uses a wide array of anti-virus programs, firewalls and virtual private networks. The scope of these software applications is that of screening the information which flows between all the organizational computers (Answers, 2011). At the level of the organization, the software protection operations are made more complex by the fact that we support telecommuting. This specifically means that part of the staff members can work from remote locations and that they can access the company information without being within the firm. This situation raises additional complexities for the software management of information security.

The information security requirements and features at the firm generate the constant need for updates. The analysis of existent data has revealed that software updates are completed….

Another advantage provided by Oracle business intelligence software is represented by the fact that such products are built in order to transform financial management processes. This is useful in order help companies adapt faster to the financial challenges that the business environment provides.

Also, the company's business intelligence products are guaranteed to deliver consistent and reliable insights, as characterized by the company. This is intended to facilitate the actions taken by companies that use these products and to improve them.

However, the main benefits of Oracle's business intelligence products consist in the fact that it helps companies to lower their costs. In addition to this, such products reduce the complexity of the company's systems, which further leads to improved efficiency.

Oracle's Enterprise Performance Management system is a very complex one that addresses Financial Performance Management, Transactional Systems, and Operational Business Intelligence Systems.

The company's business intelligence products are intended to help companies become insight-driven….

Business Intelligence
Unlike its Military counterpart, Business Intelligence is not an oxymoron. There are many examples of successful implementations of Business Intelligence despite the challenges. This paper explores the purposes for and the complexities of data processing systems that are designed to provide tools for top managers in their task of wading through swamps of unrelated information as they hone in on supports for taking critical business decisions.

A possible confusion of terms comes out of the comparison between Business Intelligence (BI) and Competitive Intelligence (CI). Although it sounds like something that should be conducted at night by operatives in trench coats and hats, CI is an ethical and legal business practice. It is defined as the routine collection and analysis of information about competitors, market trends, new patents and technologies, and changing customer expectations. Although there is substantial overlap, the essential difference between the two activities is that BI is based….

One cannot force someone to like a product, so the intelligent choice is to make the products that people already like.

In conclusion, it is easy to see that there are many components to running a successful business. A lot of these are set up into processes that business owners and workers use, like a well-oiled machine, to go through the day-to-day operations of the company and keep it working smoothly. All of the above-discussed areas are part of that, and they are all part of business intelligence. Most closely related is knowledge management, because that basically encompasses all different types of issues from sales forecasting to market research to the utilization of common sense in business. Knowledge management is a process, just like business intelligence, and many people will tell you that they are one and the same or that they run parallel to one another with only slight….

Business Intelligence
What SAP didn't tell you about creating and using business intelligence, and why

Creating value through the use of information systems to gain critical insights into how a business is functioning, meeting the needs of customers or not, coordinating with suppliers and managing costs is one of the greatest values of Business intelligence (BI) systems. Intuitively, BI and analytics are seen as a means to significantly reduce risk while increasing the profitability of a business (Yeoh, Koronios, 2010). The question that often arises in any organization after implementing a BI or analytics system is why the strategies created based on the expensive BI and analytics system are not more effective and profitable than those executed before (Chussil, 2005). This paper analyzes the reasons why BI and analytics projects succeed or fail, and it often has little if anything to do with what an enterprise software tells a company during a….

Business Intelligence eview
Lessons Learned:

BI Creates Less System edundancy

Provides Increased esponsiveness

Improves Efficiency with More Accurate and Timely Access to records

Produces Timely eporting

Affects Bottom Line with educed Human esource Costs due to training or staffing IT professionals

eviewing Marshfield Clinic

Lesson Learned for the Marshfield Clinic that has a staff of 6,500 and over 50 sites and 800+ medical professionals, it treats over a quarter of a million patients annually (Konitzer and Cummens,2011). With the first venture of BI related to automating patient records, this facilitates the move to a paperless or in this case chart free office.

Allows increased responsiveness, now with electronic tablets to capture and patient data, the Clinic was able to provide multiple services and automatically populate a central patient data storage warehouse.

More accurate and timely access to billing and patient care data for patients -- such as history, lab test records, prescriptions and medications, even diagnostic information are all securely….

Business Intelligence
Creating, Implementing and Using Business Intelligence in Clinic and esort Cases

In the process of effective decision making for improving opportunities and performance of a business, a vital role is played by Business Intelligence (BI). Business Intelligence Systems understand the environments of organizations and follow a systematic information process. These systems have huge development costs but are widely created, implemented and used in mid-sized organizations, hospitals, resorts and hotels. The purpose of writing this essay is to analyze the lessons that I can learn from the implementation of business intelligence systems in clinics and resorts. Also I will analyze the role of social and technical systems in an organization.

Creating, Implementing and Using Business Intelligence in Clinic and esort Cases

Business Organizations meet ever increasing demands and competition of the business; they have to make decisions using appropriate knowledge as it plays an effective role in decision making. The business information is….

2003, pg. 3191). While the human analysis component of this definition is important, very little research has looked at it in any level of detail. Combining the various BI definitions we will use the following definition for BI in this research: Business Intelligence consists of the use of analytical technologies and data stores by people in an organization to analyze business problems and produce related business recommendations to improve business performance. The key technologies that make up the technological components of BI are data warehousing, and related extraction transformation and load (ETL) tools; analysis tools, including statistical analysis and online analytical processing (OLAP) tools; and reporting/visualization tools. Based on this definition it becomes clear that the people/organizational component of BI is as important as the technological.
Since BI is a relatively new topic, research specifically referring to BI is still sparse. However, the volume of DSS research is much larger.….

VEY POWEFUL in that one can use the software in presentation mode, then run "what if" scenarios based on feedback from the group -- no manual coding required.
The platform is independent; visual models can be exported to PowerPoint, Word, Outlook, Adobe, etc. For ease of sharing (SAP, 2011).

As a user review, one finds that Crystal eports allows to graphically design data connections in a report layout. The power of the system comes from the Database portion, in which users can select and link tables from a wide variety of data sources, including Excel. Fields from these tables can be "placed" on the report design surface, and used in custom formulas, including Crystal's own easier to use syntax, which are then placed on the design surface. At all stages, formulas and output can be evaluated, changed, maneuvered, all within system parameters and system "intelligent" suggestions. This, in combination with the….

Business Intelligence
Project Plan and equirements for a Data Warehouse

equirements Analysis

In defining the data warehouse requirements for the university data warehouse, the process areas most often relied on to serve the students, faculty, suppliers and broader community need to first be taken into account. The effectiveness of a data warehouse is directly related to the level of accuracy, clarity and precision it contributes to each role in an organization (Bara, Botha, Diaconita, Lungu, Velicanu, Velicanu, 2009). The single view of a data warehouse, which in the case of the students, faculty and staff need to be agile or flexible enough to support the most common processes, procedures and tasks they complete while being capable of scaling across the entire data management architecture (Longman, 2008).

The objective of the requirement analysis phase of a data warehouse project is to design the Master Data Management (MDM) platforms the entire architecture will rely on to….

Infor is leading in the development of role-based analytics for legacy EP systems as a means to upsell their large customer base. This development of role-based analytics on the EP side is being matched only by a few studies of how effective this integration is from a long-term strategy standpoint (Subramoniam, Tounsi, Krishnankutty, 2009). The value of workflows, BPM and BP from a productivity standpoint are well proven (Fakas, Karakostas,1999). The integration of analytics and BI into process workflows is nascent and emerging however, with the catalyst of role-based analytics in EP systems being a market driver in conjunction with risk reduction (Bosilj-Vuksic, Indihar-Stemberger, Kovacic, 2008). The value of analytics and BI in more complex workflows and process management has much potential, yet has been constrained to this point based on user adoption and systems integration technologies.

Analytics and BI have significant potential for streamlining and bringing greater insight into….

BI Follow Up
Describing individual mental capabilities and processes to one another serves to help broaden minds and fully realize understanding and learning. In developing my three-step plan to business intelligence success, I incorporated both inductive and deductive reasoning skills in order to present this as a best means of operation. Searching in word and finding out the best ways to approach any problem has served my intuitive capabilities the best.

My three-step process included three methods would put together can be applied to virtually any project or subject. The first step is always building a foundation of the findable and realistic relationships. In this particular case understanding to the demands of the business before even coming to any idea of what should be done about it. It's very tempting to skip this step and build a house on a weak foundation. Only when terms are completely realize and mathematical truisms are….

Business Intelligence Google
Business intelligence is effectively the juncture point for connecting the interactivity universe with the vast amount of usable, real-time data that is now captured by the Internet. Estimates are that the digital capacity of this resource is growing at a rate of 30% annually, and yet for the most part few business interests are capable of handling such an opportunity (Cultureofperformance, 2010). Google and other forward-planning companies have identified this capacity as a resource explosion worthy of investing in for at least two recognizable reasons that are directly tied to its master plan for popular engagement (Payne, 2010).

First, it is clear that many companies outside of the technology sector are not fully immersed in the capability of data mining from relatively simple tools, such as fixed or dynamic web sites and services. The relatively simplistic representation of the information on the targeted YouTube cites posted by Google confirms….

Business Intelligence
The author of this report is asked to ascertain and decide which business intelligen solution would be proper and best for the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The five options up for selection are Information Builders, MicroStrategy, Microsoft, Oracle and SAS. Each option in the toolbox will be deciphered and covered one at a time with the upsides and downsides of each being considered. The factors to be considered, of course, will center on the who, what, when, where and why of each option and how that leads to a proper decision being made on which option is to be chosen.

Information Builders

Information Builders positions itself as a company that allows for expedient and correct data-driven decisions using visual analytics and heavy use of the user role and skill set dynamics. eturn on investment is seen as a key driver of why Information Builders should be….

1. The role of strategic partnerships in achieving competitive advantage
2. Exploring the impact of collaborative partnerships on organizational innovation
3. The effectiveness of different partnership models in facilitating strategic management
4. Analyzing the benefits and challenges of global strategic partnerships
5. Examining the role of trust and communication in successful strategic partnerships
6. The importance of aligning organizational goals in partnership reference models
7. Evaluating the influence of power dynamics in strategic partnership relationships
8. The role of technology in enhancing strategic partnership performance
9. Exploring the role of culture in successful strategic partnerships
10. Comparing and contrasting different partnership models in strategic management.
11. Investigating the impact of....

3 Pages


Business Intelligence the Quest for So-Called Business

Words: 921
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Business Intelligence The quest for so-called "Business Intelligence," or BI for short, has been on the forefront of many organizational priorities in the last decade and it is likely that…

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14 Pages
Business Plan


Business Intelligence Bi Plan Business

Words: 4104
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Business Plan

Although intranet pages may provide links to the Internet, an intranet is not a site accessed by the general public" (Housel and Hom, 1999). Aside from the intranet, the…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Business Intelligence Software the Complexity

Words: 1088
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Another advantage provided by Oracle business intelligence software is represented by the fact that such products are built in order to transform financial management processes. This is useful in…

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6 Pages


Business Intelligence Unlike Its Military Counterpart Business

Words: 2038
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Business Intelligence Unlike its Military counterpart, Business Intelligence is not an oxymoron. There are many examples of successful implementations of Business Intelligence despite the challenges. This paper explores the purposes…

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5 Pages


Business Intelligence Is a Term

Words: 1664
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

One cannot force someone to like a product, so the intelligent choice is to make the products that people already like. Conclusion In conclusion, it is easy to see that…

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6 Pages


Business Intelligence What SAP Didn't Tell You

Words: 1821
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Business Intelligence What SAP didn't tell you about creating and using business intelligence, and why Creating value through the use of information systems to gain critical insights into how a business…

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5 Pages


Business Intelligence Review Lessons Learned Bi Creates

Words: 2091
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Business Intelligence eview Lessons Learned: BI Creates Less System edundancy Provides Increased esponsiveness Improves Efficiency with More Accurate and Timely Access to records Produces Timely eporting Affects Bottom Line with educed Human esource Costs due…

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6 Pages


Business Intelligence Creating Implementing and Using Business

Words: 1896
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Business Intelligence Creating, Implementing and Using Business Intelligence in Clinic and esort Cases In the process of effective decision making for improving opportunities and performance of a business, a vital role…

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10 Pages
Research Proposal

Education - Computers

Business Intelligence & Organisational Change

Words: 2900
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

2003, pg. 3191). While the human analysis component of this definition is important, very little research has looked at it in any level of detail. Combining the various…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Business Intelligence SAP Crystal Solutions

Words: 761
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Assessment

VEY POWEFUL in that one can use the software in presentation mode, then run "what if" scenarios based on feedback from the group -- no manual coding required. The…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Business Intelligence Project Plan and Requirements for

Words: 476
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Business Intelligence Project Plan and equirements for a Data Warehouse equirements Analysis In defining the data warehouse requirements for the university data warehouse, the process areas most often relied on to serve…

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2 Pages
Literature Review

Business - Management

Business Intelligence the Greater the

Words: 541
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Infor is leading in the development of role-based analytics for legacy EP systems as a means to upsell their large customer base. This development of role-based analytics on…

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2 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Business Intelligence Strategy

Words: 508
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

BI Follow Up Describing individual mental capabilities and processes to one another serves to help broaden minds and fully realize understanding and learning. In developing my three-step plan to business…

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2 Pages


Applying Business Intelligence Techniques to Business Using Google

Words: 911
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Business Intelligence Google Business intelligence is effectively the juncture point for connecting the interactivity universe with the vast amount of usable, real-time data that is now captured by the Internet.…

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7 Pages

Education - Computers

Pricing of Business Intelligence

Words: 2187
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Assessment

Business Intelligence The author of this report is asked to ascertain and decide which business intelligen solution would be proper and best for the United States Department of Housing and…

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