Business Operations Essays (Examples)

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usiness Management usiness Operations and Systems
The objective of this study is to outline the essential components for effective business operations management for a UK business whose products are delivered to the door. The parcel delivery conundrum will be examined using an appropriate system and methodology and a discussion will be provided to support appropriate business operations models. Included will be CATWOE, Root Definition and a detailed picture to illustrate the answer. This study will further recommend how the business should respond to this conundrum keeping in mind the possible technological and environmental impact. The changes will be illustrated by include the 'as is' and 'to be'. Finally, this work will discuss the managerial qualities and resources that are necessary for effective implementation of the new process and will use relevant models to discuss how the business performance can be measure post implementation.

Part I -- The Parcel Delivery Conundrum

Electronic commerce has….

There are significant risks, therefore, associated with dealing with Dupont. If we only used Tyvek for part of our product, Dupont can be expected to be an excellent partner, because of its substantial production and distribution capabilities and reputation within the home construction industry.
Butyl rubber is another product that can be used in the product. First developed in the 1930s, butyl rubber is a commodity product that is easy to obtain. It is currently used in roof repair for its robust, airtight qualities. There are no problems anticipated in obtaining butyl rubber (from Exxon, for example, or Lanxess, or others). Another potential supplier that has been identified is R Grace. Grace is a chemical and material conglomerate with a major construction division. They produce air and vapor barriers. Thus, as with Dupont they are both a potential supplier and a competitor. They produce structural waterproofing systems (, 2011). Grace….

S. health regulators have warned drug maker Bayer over quality control issues at its manufacturing plant in Germany. The Food and Drug Administration says that its inspectors discovered testing problems at the company's plant in Berghamen, Germany. FDA inspectors claimed that the company measured the quality of its drug ingredients based on an average of several samples, instead of reporting individual tests results (Perrone, 2009).
Bayer produces the popular birth control pills Yasmin and Yaz. After reviewing all drug batches of these that were shipped to the U.S. between 2007 and 2009, Bayer responded to the FDA in an April saying that the quality of those batches were not affected. The FDA on the other hand disagreed with Bayer's conclusion. The FDA has asked Bayer to supply a full list of all shipments to the U.S. In which they used the averaging method and provide a plan to prevent the problem….

Maximizing benefits and minimizing losses are the intended effects of most successful strategies -- indeed, they are the measures of success.
When the author gets into some specifics, however, the article becomes more interesting. Trying to forecast the details that might affect a specific line of production, for instance, could be at once more tricky and more useful than simply trying to figure out broad market fluctuations in advance. The responsibility to stockholders that the author mentions seems secondary in importance when it comes to forecasting; stockholder responsibility means attempting to maximize benefits and minimize losses (within ethical boundaries, of course). As this is already the stated goal of forecasting, the mention of stockholders is at best redundant and at worst an unessential piece of information used to make the article longer and seem more informative.


One of the forecasts in the "Twenty Forecasts for 2010-2025" section of the World Future….

Conversely, where organizations do not provide comprehensive EP system training in advance of EP systems going live, the likelihood of success is much lower (Ashford, 20__).
Objective, Scope, and Methodology

The objective of this project is to identify a comprehensive set of factors linked to the success or failure of EP system integration within organizations. The scope of this project is a review of data from professional business organizations, offices, and administrative departments of other organizations that have already implemented or attempted to implement contemporary versions of EP systems in their professional environment. The methodology anticipated will be a combination of a thorough literature review and primary research through surveys and interviews with organizational leaders and employees. The most obvious limitation anticipated is that individuals leading or employed by organizations that have managed to implement EP systems successfully will be more inclined to participate and to provide data than leaders or….

Conversely, arm rests that are too high compress the wrist tendons because they cause a prolonged upward bend to allow the hands to reach the keyboard. Generally, carpal tunnel syndrome results from either prolonged stretching or compression of the wrist tendons within the fibrous sheath surrounding them. The other keyboard issue is that some computer users have a tendency to turn their hands outward in the horizontal plane. This also triggers chronic carpal tunnel problems.
To avoid keyboard-related wrist problems, keyboard trays must allow a neutral wrist position in both the vertical and horizontal planes. Sometimes, this requires the use of a split keyboard that allows ergonomic wrist positioning for users who have difficulty reaching keyboard keys without excessive outward bending of the wrists.

The computer mouse can also cause ergonomic-related problems when computer users must reach for them or alter the ergonomically correct arm positioning to reach the computer mouse.….

Business Operations Responses1. Mass customization of products has become a common approach in manufacturing organizations. Explain how mass customization can be applied to service firms as well.I appreciate your insight on the issue of mass customization. With near-scale operational efficiency, mass customization aspires to succeed in the industry that best matches customers' demands. It calls into question traditional product innovation and supply management practices that demand mass-production methods to support a wide range of products and low volume production (Harmsel,2012). I agree with your point that mass customization is mainly employed in the industrial sector to make goods. Mass customization, however, adds a lot of value to the provision of services. For many service organizations, customers are an essential part of the production process, and offering increased value to them provides the organization with a competitive advantage.2. A top executive claimed that superior management is a craft technology because the….

Business Operations -- Analysis of Lens Crafters -- Case Study
Operations Management is a key to effective business. A notable business that effectively uses operations management is LensCrafters. LensCrafters employs an effective operations strategy that has honed a highly effective value chain with several state-of-the-art technologies that very favorably impacts customer experience. As a result, LensCrafters is quite successful in maximizing its profits in a highly competitive market.

Operations Management and the Five Competitive Priorities

Operations Management is the control of business processes to generate the greatest possible efficiency in an organization. It is focused on transforming materials and labor into goods and services as effectively as possible to maximize profits. There are five key competitive priorities in operations management: cost; quality; flexibility; delivery performance; and innovativeness (Kim, Sting, & Loch, 2014, p. 467). Cost involves monitoring expenditures and effectively distributing those costs on various products and/or services. Quality focuses on ensuring that….

Business Operations

Section 1 1. Operational Efficiency
In essence, operational efficiency has got to do with a business entity’s ability to avail goods or services to the target market in a manner that is cost-effective, while at the same time taking the relevant measures to ensure that the quality of the said goods and services is not compromised.
2. Operational effectiveness
Operational effectiveness, on the other hand, refers to the various approaches a business entity adopts in an attempt to enhance the uniqueness of its activities and set them apart from those performed by competitors. In this case, the goal of a business entity would be to ensure that it is more effective than its competitors in the marketplace, more so in the performance and execution of activities similar to those the said competitors engage in.
3. Operations Strategy
These are terms used to describe maneuvers and approaches a business entity intends to make use of so as….

Lowe's Business Operations

Operations at Lowes

Accompanying Paper to Presentation about Operations at Lowes

Accompanying Paper to Presentation about Operations at Lowes

The audience for this presentation has some interest and knowledge regarding business operations. This presentation may additionally be appropriate for those who have some introductory to moderate professional experience in the field of business operations. The information presented aims to walk the delicate balance of providing enough base information for a person who no or only superficial knowledge of the topic, while not insulting the intelligence of those in the audience who have background and experience in the field. The presentation will be given in an academic context; therefore, it is also directed for an audience of college/university students and relevant faculty. The presentation is intended for those with a fair knowledge base of the information and topic, who may be interested in continuing the discussion of business operations, Lowes the company, and….

The fear of losing jobs among the workers forces workers to steer clear claims of ill treatment by the Foxonn. Foxonn industry being a local firm outsourced by Apple to overlook operation in the China, has an upper hand in controlling the labor force. Though apple might have control over the Foxonn it is limited to the extent operations are out of their hands.

Free trade

In order to embrace the trends of globalization and outsourcing, a country needs to adopt a policy of open and free trade. This act as an attraction to multinational to setup base in the region as well as open up the economy to receive new and advanced technology. Countries like India and china are among the big beneficiaries of globalization owing to the policy adopted to attract foreign investors. Trade liberalization, lifting barriers to new firm entry and making the trade regulations attractive to potential….

Integration of GIS into UPS Business

Integration of GIS into UPS Business Operation

In a contemporary competitive business environment, organizational information systems have become an integral part of the organizational strategic advantages. Many organizations have integrated information system to achieve competitive business advantages. Adoption of many components information systems has been viewed to enhance business efficiencies since business would face challenges in running business successfully without the integration of information systems. Organizational information systems are the application of information technology (IT) to support major functions of business organizations. In the present competitive business environment where organizations are facing challenges in order to expand customer base, many organizations employ IT infrastructures to enhance organizational efficiencies as well as delivering superior services to customers. Modern organizations have been able to use of information systems as source of business intelligence for enhancing organizational decision-making. (Leidner, Elam 646-647). Despite the benefits that organizations derive from the….

Title: The Implications of Organizational Behavior and Culture on Business OperationsTable of ContentsIntroduction Page 3Organizational Structure Page 3 to 6Organizational Culture Page 6 to 7Conclusion Page 7ReferencesIntroductionOrganization structure and culture are now becoming critical elements for businesses to not only make profits but to survive. Due in part to technological change, many businesses are undergoing fundamental shifts to their business models. No industry is immune to these changes. Trends are currently emerging around big data, data analytics, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, automation and more (Halpin, 2018). Many tasks that were once thought to be essential are now becoming much more routine and automated. These innovations, although warranted from the consumer perspective, bring with them a litany of challenges related to organizational structure (Bhambri, 2018). These challenges are result of how to properly leverage these emerging technologies in a manner the improves corporate performance while also creating….

Likewise this cycle of purchases can be broken with a tightening of the money supply, having a negative impact on the GDP.
Unemployment is affected as well. As money supply is loosened, businesses are encouraged to expand. Capital is more readily available to finance expansion, and a growing GDP further encourages this expansion by providing more money in the market to purchase the new goods or services that the expansion creates. Some of this investment will generate new jobs, lowering unemployment. Conversely, a tightening of the money supply will discourage the creation of new jobs.

2a) Money is created in three ways. First, open-market operations create money. hen the Fed buys securities from the banks, it does not pay for them. Instead, it creates a credit on the balance sheet. This credit then enters the economy when the bank subsequently lends it. Open market operations are conducted with the objective of….

Prepare a response that explains the value of conscious capitalism and servant leadership and how it can be used to identify potential deficiencies. Include supporting citations to strengthen your claims.Conscious capitalism is now a much higher strategic imperative for firms looking to grow and become dominate within their respective fields. For one employees and society is now becoming much more socially conscious. They demand higher responsibility of the part of corporations and management, and are often willing to pay premium prices for firms that do. Elements such as lower carbon emissions, providing a higher degree of diversity with the workforce, and raising the minimum wage are all elements of conscious capitalism. It is this concept of shared prosperity that underpins many of the strategic initiatives of businesses. No longer is it acceptable to simply tell employees to engage in activities and punish them if they dont. Now, it is important….

Depending on the approach to business management that you study, there can be four to seven functional areas of business.  We favor a business management approach that highlights six functional areas of business: strategy, marketing, finances, human resources, operations, and technology and equipment.  To pick which ones to include in a paper you need to write, we would look at what each functional area does and pick the three areas where we had the most subject-area competency.  However, if the paper was a research paper, intended to teach us more about business operations, we would actually take....

1. A case study on the impact of social media on consumer behavior
2. Analyzing the success factors of a popular brand through a case study
3. Exploring the ethical implications of a controversial business decision in a case study
4. Evaluating the effectiveness of a company's marketing strategy based on a case study
5. Investigating the challenges faced by a startup company in a case study
6. Examining the role of leadership in organizational change through a case study
7. Analyzing the impact of globalization on a specific industry in a case study
8. Discussing the implications of a major data breach on a company's reputation....

1. The importance of ethics in business decision making
2. The impact of technology on modern business practices
3. The role of corporate social responsibility in business operations
4. The benefits and challenges of globalization in the business world
5. The influence of culture on international business practices
6. The significance of leadership and management in successful business operations
7. The effects of digital marketing on consumer behavior and business success
8. The role of innovation in driving business growth and competitiveness
9. The importance of sustainability in business practices
10. The impact of financial management on business success
11. The role of entrepreneurship in driving economic growth and innovation

1. Analyzing the impact of employee turnover and training on the success of the Benihana simulation.
2. Exploring the role of communication and teamwork in achieving optimal performance in the Benihana simulation.
3. Investigating the effectiveness of decision-making strategies in maximizing profitability in the Benihana simulation.
4. Evaluating the importance of customer satisfaction and feedback in the Benihana simulation.
5. Examining the potential challenges and obstacles faced by participants in the Benihana simulation and strategies to overcome them.
6. Comparing and contrasting different approaches to managing and optimizing resources in the Benihana simulation.
7. Discussing the role of leadership and delegation in achieving success in the....

11 Pages


Business Management Business Operations and Systems the

Words: 3206
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

usiness Management usiness Operations and Systems The objective of this study is to outline the essential components for effective business operations management for a UK business whose products are delivered…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Business Operations Strategy the Company

Words: 978
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

There are significant risks, therefore, associated with dealing with Dupont. If we only used Tyvek for part of our product, Dupont can be expected to be an excellent…

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2 Pages


Business Operations Management Strategy Questions

Words: 635
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

S. health regulators have warned drug maker Bayer over quality control issues at its manufacturing plant in Germany. The Food and Drug Administration says that its inspectors discovered testing…

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2 Pages


Business Operations Forecast Freight Transportation and

Words: 536
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Maximizing benefits and minimizing losses are the intended effects of most successful strategies -- indeed, they are the measures of success. When the author gets into some specifics, however,…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Business Operations -- ERP and

Words: 631
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Conversely, where organizations do not provide comprehensive EP system training in advance of EP systems going live, the likelihood of success is much lower (Ashford, 20__). Objective, Scope, and…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Business Operations -- Ergonomics Issues

Words: 796
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Conversely, arm rests that are too high compress the wrist tendons because they cause a prolonged upward bend to allow the hands to reach the keyboard. Generally, carpal…

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3 Pages


Business Operations and its Response

Words: 962
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Business Operations Responses1. Mass customization of products has become a common approach in manufacturing organizations. Explain how mass customization can be applied to service firms as well.I appreciate your…

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6 Pages
Case Study


An Examination of Lenscrafters Business Operations

Words: 2157
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Case Study

Business Operations -- Analysis of Lens Crafters -- Case Study Operations Management is a key to effective business. A notable business that effectively uses operations management is LensCrafters. LensCrafters employs…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Applied Operations

Business Operations

Words: 550
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Section 1 1. Operational Efficiency In essence, operational efficiency has got to do with a business entity’s ability to avail goods or services to the target market in a manner that…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Lowe's Business Operations

Words: 1315
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Operations at Lowes Ethics Accompanying Paper to Presentation about Operations at Lowes Accompanying Paper to Presentation about Operations at Lowes The audience for this presentation has some interest and knowledge regarding business…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Outsourcing Business Operations Hold the

Words: 2583
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The fear of losing jobs among the workers forces workers to steer clear claims of ill treatment by the Foxonn. Foxonn industry being a local firm outsourced by…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Integration of GIS Into UPS Business Operation

Words: 1670
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Integration of GIS into UPS Business Operation Integration of GIS into UPS Business Operation In a contemporary competitive business environment, organizational information systems have become an integral part of the organizational strategic…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Consumer Behavior

The Implications of Organizational Behavior Culture and Culture on Business Operations

Words: 1891
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Title: The Implications of Organizational Behavior and Culture on Business OperationsTable of ContentsIntroduction Page 3Organizational Structure Page 3 to 6Organizational Culture Page 6 to 7Conclusion …

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Macroeconomic Impact on Business Operations

Words: 1479
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Likewise this cycle of purchases can be broken with a tightening of the money supply, having a negative impact on the GDP. Unemployment is affected as well. As money…

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1 Pages
Research Paper


How business operations can improve through conscious capitalism

Words: 324
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Prepare a response that explains the value of conscious capitalism and servant leadership and how it can be used to identify potential deficiencies. Include supporting citations to strengthen your…

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