Cake Essays (Examples)

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Cake Case the Mcgee Cake

Most small businesses fail, and the fact that the company is having financial difficulties, despite high demand, suggests that it would be wise for the McGees to protect their personal assets. he food business can be very 'faddish.' Success early on in a business venture related to food does not necessarily bode well for success in the future. Additionally, the McGee's cash flow problems are epidemic amongst sole proprietorships. Credit markets are particularly tight right now, and sole proprietorships have the greatest difficulty of all of the different business structures in raising funds.
he main advantage of maintaining a sole proprietorship is how easy it is to set up compared with an LLC. Filing taxes is also easier, as to file as a sole proprietor the McGees need only file an individual income tax return and itemize their company' losses and profits. Yet while "the looser structure of a proprietorship….

Let Them Eat Cake

French Revolution
The author of this report has been asked to speak to the genuine and real causes of the French Revolution. Indeed, that part of world history is one of the most intriguing and exciting parts of world history to study. It is also one of the more debated and questioned. It does not help that the period in question happened more than two centuries ago and stretched on for roughly a decade. Even so, this report shall explore the root causes and history behind this pivotal moment in European and world history. While some may not speak highly or deeply of the French Revolution, what happened within the Revolution itself and what it started around the rest of the world is beyond question.


A lot of what the author of this report has learned lately about the French Revolution was captured in the lecture notes. Part and parcel of the….

For comparison purposes, it also integrates the industry averages. This tripe presentation of the ratios allows for the comparison of the company's evaluation relative to itself, as well as its current comparison relative to the other players in the restaurants' industry.
Table 4: Financial ratios


5-year average

Industry average

Price to earnings ratio








Debt to equity ratio




Gross profit margin




Net profit margin




eturn on equity




eturn on assets




eturn on invested capital




* The return on equity cannot be collected as the company has not made public the total shareholder equity for 2010, with the last data in the annual report only revealing the equity for 2009.

* Data collected from euters and Forbes

Interpretation of the financial ratios:

The price to earnings ratio indicates values lower than the industry averages, revealing as such decreased investor expectations regarding future gains. Nevertheless, it is noted that the P/E ratio has increased when compared to its past values at the Cheesecake Factory, to as….

Substance Abuse and Abuse

Cake by Cupcake Brown
A Note on 'A Piece of Cake'

A Piece of Cake is memoir by an author of colour, a Mrs. Cupcake Brown. It is one of the best drug memoirs ever written, particularly about the struggles faced by substance abusers of colour. Mrs. Brown was forced into foster care after the death of her mother. After going through drug addiction, joining gangs and experiencing abuse, Mrs. Brown managed to turn her life around and becomes a successful lawyer and bestselling writer (Cheney, 2013). Even though one may not have been sexually abused, been a gang member or a drug abuser, after reading the memoir, he or she will have the feeling that they ought to be grateful. A Piece of Cake teaches readers to be grateful about their relationships, their marriages, their trails and blessings and everything else. Though the message is a bit cliche, it is….

" (Caplan, 1997) the primary item is stated to have been that of flowers and foliage and the color used would be "introduced sparingly through flowers." (Caplan, 1997) Flowers were natural and artificial and "appeared in sugar paste on the sides of the cake, and in a vase on top, often with foliage trailing down around the body of the cake and emphasizing the elevated overall effect." (Caplan, 1997) by the 1880's "the cult of whiteness had set in." (Caplan, 1997) All traces of color were eliminated from the cakes including the decorations and the foliage.

Charlsey, Simon (nd) Wedding Cakes and Cultural History. Taylor and Francis. Google ooks Online available at,M1

LaFleur, Jennifer (2008) Musician-handyman-baker Duff Goldman Doesn't Do Mundane Cakes. Life/Travel Food. Online available at

Caplan, Patricia (1997) Food, Health, and Identity. Routledge 1997. Online Google ooks Available at

Colette Peters (nd) Colette's Cakes Website. Online available at

Beauty Mean in Art Today

Sally Mann's portfolio abounds of photographs of little girls, including here photographs such as the New Mothers and Sorry Game. All these, as the Easter Dress, are in black and white. In my opinion, the choice for black and white is an attempt by this modern artist to move the viewer's attention away from coloration and into the game of shapes and forms. If we compare this photograph with Dine's painting, the latter puts all emphasis on color (red in that particular case), while Mann insists exactly on everything that is not color: shapes, forms, movements.

The photograph depicts a little girl in a white dress playing/dancing in the foreground, while other characters, most likely members of her family (probably her grandparents, among others) are also present in the framework. As a modern art, photography has a characteristic that many other visual arts, including painting, do not: the ability of capturing….

men Janie's life influence: Logan Jody Tea Cake. 5-8 specific details quoted
Their Eyes Were Watching God

African-American writer Zora Neale Hurston has made a strong presence within the inter-war period and her most impressive book was Their eyes were watching God, the life story of Janie Crawford. Janie's life was dramatically marked by three men -- all of which were her husbands, at one point in her life.

Janie's first husband is Logan Killicks. Logan is an older man who became interested in Janie as a companion to running his farm. He was in fact looking for a wife to help around the house and help him keep the farm. The marriage had been arranged by Janie's grandmother, Nanny, who had been raped and had seen the same tragedy happen to her daughter. Janie was the result of two generations of rapes and Nanny was trying to ensure that the same….

Never the twain shall meet would be an appropriate descriptive. The prime example of this form of federalism is the U.S. government during the late 1700s through the early 1900s. With "dual" federalism, both separate and shared powers are present.
Marble-cake (or co-operative) federalism is "one big happy family" federalism. Co-operation between state and federal government is its signature. The two levels of government are actually one big government, interwoven and pursuing the same goals together. Crime reduction, better education for our children, and global warming are issues that both state and federal levels would be working on together with the same sense of accomplishment. Co-operative federalism became prominent in government between roughly 1930-1960.

s a matter of fact, under the original dual federalism during the early years of our country, each state that came into the Union was offered a "partnership" with the federal government. Every state knew what they….

Defendants and Characteristics of Victims
The criminal justice system has a seemingly impossible task: balancing the rights of the accused with the rights of victims. Further complicating this delicate balance is the demand to recognize the potential impact of prejudice upon the decision-making of police, prosecutors, jurors, and even judges. Although defendants can be members of every class, race, or gender, defendants who are African-American have been historically discriminated against by the criminal justice system. The rising population of Latinos within America has also created challenges, given that Latinos often face linguistic difficulties and assumptions (founded or unfounded) that they are likely to be illegal immigrants.

Discrimination and prejudice is not only suffered by defendants, however. For many years, women who were involved in rape trials would be treated like criminals by defense attorneys, and interrogated about their sexual practices and demeanor. Victims who are older, white, male and more economically….

The last line of "The White Porch" indicates that the narrator deliberately and delightfully subverts tradition and norms by "smuggling" her lover into the bedroom under the cover of shadows.
Still, the narrator never notes discontent. She views her daily chores as "luxury," and "thoughtfully" shucks beans from their shells after her shower. Lingering on the white porch of the family home, the narrator is aware of being weighted down by family obligations but does not resent those traditions either. For example, she describes her hair as a "weight," but appreciates the hours of time she has before her lover steals in after dusk. The slow passage of time throughout the day parallels the pace of passionate sex and courtship too: in the second, most sensually-worded stanza the narrator describes "this slow arousal" with delightful imagery including an orange sponge cake rising in the oven, soon to be drenched in….

Competitor Product's Market
A short history of the organization and a description of their product

Hostess Brands, Inc. is a company set up in 1930 under the name Interstate Bakeries that later changed to Hostess Brands Inc. In November 2009. The company is located in the United States with its headquarters in Irving Texas. It has an operation centre in Kansas City, Missouri. The company works as a distributor and wholesale baker of snacks in the United States. It owns many brands such as Nature's Pride, Wonder Bread, Bakers Inn, Drake's and Dolly Madison. The company makes and sells cakes, loaves, snacks and rolls under different bakery brands (Smith, 2012).

These brands also make blue berry muffins, cheese Danishes, food cake donuts, honey buns and bear claws among others. Hostess gets revenue through selling of baked goods to mass marketers, supermarkets and stores in the U.S. The privately held bread and snack….

Gender and Violence

Gender and Violence
Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass and Their Eyes Were Watching God share much in common, though the works were written at different points in time. Douglass's autobiography first appeared in 1845, written to prove that a slave could develop, virtually unaided, into a moral and intellectual human being, and a speaker of power and eloquence. Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God appeared almost a century later in 1937 and is seen as a work that documents the legitimate experiences of black people, especially women. Yet, protagonists whose lives were shaped by violence, oppression, patriarchal control, and a quest for personal freedom characterize both works. One reason that could be attributed to the stark similarity in Douglass and Hurston's narratives is the historical context and effects of slavery and oppression of the black people. Thus, the blatant enslavement and brutality described by Douglass manifests itself in Hurston's….

3 Competition
As stated before, the competition in the coffee shops industry has increased drastically during the past recent years. In 2003, the industry had registered total sales of over $6 billion (Ferguson, 2004). The top five competitors of Sweettreats would be: Starbucks, Nestle, McDonald's, Dunkin and Gloria Jean's.

Gloria Jean's is among the leaders of the industry and they basically address their products to the young population. The corporation is based in Australia but present in numerous countries of the globe through franchise contracts (Official Website of Gloria Jean's, 2008).

Dunkin Donuts is a U.S. based company, namely headquartered in Quincy, Massachusetts. In 2006, they registered annual revenue of over $4 billion. They address all types of consumers and sell a wide palette of coffee-based beverages and foods (Official Website of Dunkin Donuts, 2008).

Starbucks is the undisputed leader of the industry and in 2006 they registered annual revenues of nearly $8 billion….

SAL Ltd. is currently aiming to increase its business operations and to subsequently generate additional revenues. In essence, the underlying scope is that of registering an increased profitability of the firm. Still, in order to attain this ultimate objective, it is necessary for the company to establish and accomplish several intermediary goals. These refer to the following:

Increasing the company's presence within the markets in which it already operates by 10 per cent

Generating presence in new markets by signing contracts with new retailing partners across the established countries

Increasing the overall sales volumes by 50 per cent throughout the next two years, from both additional sales in the present markets and new sales in the new markets

Increasing the turnover by 50 per cent and increasing profitability by 30 per cent, within the following two years.

In order to attain these objectives, SAL has to undergo an important process of change, which would be….

Katharine, what Montaigne means is that inanity which we human beings are full of is one of those things that makes life worth living. The absurdism and comedy in life and in each other are the things that make life so unique and so worthwhile. In returning to your life, your children, your family and friends, I feel you will be able to rediscover this absurdism, the silliness in yourself and in the people around you. I truly believe that is something which will help you to find joy once again in life, as you were someone who, in the past, appreciated jokes and the inane more than anyone else I knew.
More than anything, Katharine, I ask you to look for courage within yourself. What you're currently trying to work through and live with is not easy by any means. Most people we know have not had to suffer….

Here are some suggested titles for your coffee essay, and if you do not like them, check out all of the slang terms for coffee for more ideas.

  1. Why We Want That Hit of C8H10N4O2 in the Morning
  2. Coffee: Caffeine and Comfort
  3. Smells Like Chocolate, Tastes Like Sadness: A Coffee Hater’s Guide to Coffee
  4. From a Cuppa Joe to an Iced Caramel Macchiato: How Coffee Plays a Role in Our Culture
  5. The Bean Wars: Is Coffee an Ethical Drink
  6. Go Juice: How Coffee Stimulates the Body and the Mind
  7. The Impact of Regular Coffee Consumption on Your Health: The Surprising Good News
  8. Coffee Flavors: How....

1000-Word Brainstorming Session for Catchy Thanksgiving Family Tradition Titles


Thanksgiving, a widely celebrated holiday, is not only about feasting and giving thanks but also about family traditions that create lasting memories. Whether it's a unique dish, a festive game, or a heartfelt ritual, these traditions add a special touch to the Thanksgiving celebration. To capture the essence of your family's treasured tradition, a catchy title is essential. Here's a comprehensive brainstorming session to guide you in crafting the perfect title.

Section 1: The Essence of the Tradition

Begin by considering the core element of your family tradition. What makes it special and unique?....

The Nadir of Birthday Titles: A Chronicle of Epic Fails

Birthdays, a time of celebration, joy, and well wishes, are often marked by thoughtful gestures and heartfelt sentiments. However, in the annals of birthday titles, there are some that stand out for their sheer awkwardness, insensitivity, or downright cringeworthiness. Here, we delve into the depths of embarrassment to explore the worst birthday titles that have ever graced the pages of greeting cards, social media posts, or verbal expressions.

1. "May Your Special Day Be As Meaningless As This Title"

This title is the epitome of birthday anti-cheer. It's like receiving a birthday gift....

Immerse in Seashell Art

Seashell Mosaics: Create vibrant and intricate patterns by gluing colorful seashells onto a canvas or piece of wood. Experiment with different sizes, shapes, and hues to bring marine life to life.
Shell Jewelry: Craft unique necklaces, earrings, and bracelets by threading seashells onto leather cords or wire. Add beads, charms, and driftwood for a touch of whimsical elegance.
Seashell Shadowboxes: Preserve your beach treasures in shadowboxes. Arrange and glue seashells within frames, creating a three-dimensional display that encapsulates memories and seaside beauty.

Embrace Coastal Crafts

Driftwood Sculptures: Collect driftwood in various sizes and shapes and assemble them....

2 Pages
Research Proposal


Cake Case the Mcgee Cake

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Most small businesses fail, and the fact that the company is having financial difficulties, despite high demand, suggests that it would be wise for the McGees to protect…

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3 Pages


Let Them Eat Cake

Words: 1005
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

French Revolution The author of this report has been asked to speak to the genuine and real causes of the French Revolution. Indeed, that part of world history is one…

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11 Pages
Corporate Writing


Cheesecake Factory Profitability Analysis 5-Year

Words: 3114
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Corporate Writing

For comparison purposes, it also integrates the industry averages. This tripe presentation of the ratios allows for the comparison of the company's evaluation relative to itself, as well…

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4 Pages
Annotated Bibliography

Case Studies

Substance Abuse and Abuse

Words: 1407
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Cake by Cupcake Brown A Note on 'A Piece of Cake' A Piece of Cake is memoir by an author of colour, a Mrs. Cupcake Brown. It is one of…

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6 Pages
Research Proposal

Family and Marriage

Wedding Cakes Weddings Cakes Have

Words: 1702
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

" (Caplan, 1997) the primary item is stated to have been that of flowers and foliage and the color used would be "introduced sparingly through flowers." (Caplan, 1997) Flowers…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Beauty Mean in Art Today

Words: 2502
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Sally Mann's portfolio abounds of photographs of little girls, including here photographs such as the New Mothers and Sorry Game. All these, as the Easter Dress, are in black…

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2 Pages

Family and Marriage

Men Janie's Life Influence Logan Jody Tea

Words: 710
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

men Janie's life influence: Logan Jody Tea Cake. 5-8 specific details quoted Their Eyes Were Watching God African-American writer Zora Neale Hurston has made a strong presence within the inter-war…

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3 Pages


Philosophy Congress Federalism This Is

Words: 896
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Never the twain shall meet would be an appropriate descriptive. The prime example of this form of federalism is the U.S. government during the late 1700s through the…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Defendants and Characteristics of Victims the Criminal

Words: 910
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Defendants and Characteristics of Victims The criminal justice system has a seemingly impossible task: balancing the rights of the accused with the rights of victims. Further complicating this delicate…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Narrator of Cathy Song's Poem

Words: 315
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The last line of "The White Porch" indicates that the narrator deliberately and delightfully subverts tradition and norms by "smuggling" her lover into the bedroom under the cover…

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6 Pages


Competitor Product's Market a Short History of

Words: 1695
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Competitor Product's Market A short history of the organization and a description of their product Hostess Brands, Inc. is a company set up in 1930 under the name Interstate Bakeries…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies

Gender and Violence

Words: 651
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Gender and Violence Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass and Their Eyes Were Watching God share much in common, though the works were written at different points in time.…

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18 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Marketing Plan Sweet Treats Coffee

Words: 4922
Length: 18 Pages
Type: Term Paper

3 Competition As stated before, the competition in the coffee shops industry has increased drastically during the past recent years. In 2003, the industry had registered total sales of over…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Sal Is an Important Player

Words: 744
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

SAL Ltd. is currently aiming to increase its business operations and to subsequently generate additional revenues. In essence, the underlying scope is that of registering an increased profitability of…

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6 Pages


Letter to Friend Imparting the

Words: 1896
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Katharine, what Montaigne means is that inanity which we human beings are full of is one of those things that makes life worth living. The absurdism and comedy…

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