Career Choice Essays (Examples)

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Career Choice

Career Choice Analysis
The education and career choices that adults make during their youth can have a great influence on their future professional and personal lives. The education they choose to attend influences their career choice, and their career choice influences their entire professional future. Some individuals have a clear idea in mind of what they intend to engage in professionally. They choose their college, university, and other educational options in accordance with this idea in mind. They choose their profession in accordance with the objectives they want to reach in their professional activity. There are also other individuals that are unsure of what they want to achieve professionally. They cannot decide upon some educational and professional direction, so they oscillate between different majors and jobs.

The career choice and the college making decision are influenced by numerous factors, like economic, social, and psychological factors. Social factors refer to the influence that….

Career Choice:
A career in business administration with a bachelor's degree in supervision and management

Even when I was a child, I loved the idea of working in a business. While some children play with dolls or cars, I had my own cash register on which I loved ringing up pretend orders or using it to sell lemonade through my very own stand. As soon as I was old enough to have a bank account, I loved seeing the increasing figures in my savings account. As I grew older, I began reading the business section of the newspaper. I watched the fortunes of companies whose products I enjoyed buying, like Nike or McDonald's, rise and fall with the market. I loved reading about the inner workings of companies like Starbucks and learning how their CEOs motivated their employees to do their best. This is why I intend to study business administration….

The internship demonstrated to me how managing finance is a personal as a well as a monetary relationship between advisors and clients. I was also grateful to be able to find a mentor in the persona of my supervisor Dr. Levin. Being able to analyze portfolios and conduct background research were critical duties for Merrill Lynch, and I was honored to have earned the esteem of such a respected member of the firm.
Job 2:

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

October 2008 -- February 2009

Research Assistant

Involved in the stock option research of the Leventhal School of Accounting

Analyzed and collected 2759 sets of stock option data of various American corporations from the EDGAR

Analyzed and organized the annual report data into research spreadsheets

This position was an exciting introduction to the deadline-driven nature of being a research assistant. Being able to balance the time demands of my work as Professor Erkens' assistant and….

Therefore, while finding out that positive was one of my themes was not necessarily new information, I did find some of the explanatory information about the positive theme to be helpful in showing me how to incorporate that attitude into my career in a way where I can share it with others, rather than imposing it upon others. As far as being strategic, I have always believed in making a plan, adjusting when necessary, and following through with the plan. I believe that being strategic is going to help me establish and meet career goals, because I naturally seek to plan ahead. Finally, I was somewhat surprised to find that one of my themes was developer; I had not really considered how important this theme was until I thought about lack of follow through. From thank-you notes after employment interviews to follow-up phone calls with future clients, I believe….

Accounting Career Choice
Accounting has become one of the most popular degree choices in recent years because it can lead to a great deal of careers that can be much more exciting than they may initially sound. The problem for the student who chooses to follow a desire to get into accounting may be that they realize after they have taken a few classes that they will have to choose between different types of jobs which poses a problem. Besides the focused careers that are more apt to require a master's degree, there are two primary avenues that an accounting major can choose. The first of those is working as a public accountant with an international, national or regional firm, or choosing to work as a private accountant with a single company. This paper looks at both types of accounting and evaluates them based on their differences and similarities, and finally….

Krumboltzs Social Learning Theory: Implications for DisabilityKrumboltzs (1979) Social Learning Theory is based upon the work of Alfred Bandura whose famous Bobo doll experiments suggested that human beings primarily learn by observing and modeling other human beings, both in good ways and bad ways. Although social behavior may partially reflect the individuals past experiences, this too is a reflection of past social baggage, observations, and what parents and teachers have taught the subject. Learning may be positive or negative. Krumboltz (1979), however, applied Banduras theory to career selection. After all, choosing and pursuing a career is a social decision.Underlying PrinciplesThe main underlying theory behind Krumboltz (1979) is that career choice is determined by genetic endowments and special abilities, environmental conditions and effects, the ways in which we approach tasks, and various learning experiences (p. 71). Past learning impacts future career choice. This has socio-economic implications, obviouslysomeone who has had the….

In the secondary school environment, those skills come into play in relation to overt solicitation for advice from students as well as in the context of unsolicited counseling initiated out of perceived need on the part of the educator.

The opportunity of specializing in the academic areas of my own greatest interest provides a strong attraction to me intellectually. I can anticipate the reward associated, in particular, with the challenges of working with motivated students who have already expressed a specific interest in academic areas of my own strengths. It is conceivable that secondary school instructors may be less susceptible to professional burnout by virtue of the subject matter level of instruction. However, it is somewhat unrealistic to focus on the most challenging potential instructional opportunities inherent in secondary school instruction when that aspect of instruction when that is only one component of the position. Generally, even instructors who specialize….

. . . Some scholars believe that the transformation of the schoolteacher role from male to female was so complete that teaching was irrevocably feminized" (Decorse & Vogtle, 1997, p. 37). Likewise, the new technologies represented by the typewriter and stenography were originally the sole domain of men, but also became feminized over the years and males in these professions remain relatively rare today. Nevertheless, things are changing and they are changing faster and faster as more people seek out alternative work arrangements such as telecommuting in which an individual's gender will likely have less influence on career choice and career changes throughout an individual's life.

Decorse, C.J., & Vogtle, S.P. (1997). In a complex voice: The contradictions of male elementary teachers' career choice and professional identity. Journal of Teacher

Education, 48(1), 37.

Eckes, T.B., & Trautner, H.M. (2000). The developmental social psychology of gender.

Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Jacobson, .., & Moore,….

6). This graduate indicates that rather than relying on the innate abilities identified by the career aptitude test, she "worked realistically with the grit and gumption I possessed, as opposed to counting on my talent to pave the way" (quoted in Bell & Short, 2003 at p. 6).
Some commonly used career aptitude tests include the ACT's (formerly American College Testing) EXPLOE testing regimen that examines 8th and 9th grade students' career aptitude using a battery of tests that provide a range of potential occupational choices. According to ACT's promotional material for the EXPLOE test, "This information can help you learn more about careers, clarify your goals, and begin to plan your future -- including your high school courses and, perhaps, a college education" (Your future, 2010, para. 2). Likewise, the EXPLOE handbook for 2009-2010 states, "With thousands of occupations in the work world, where do you begin? Your EXPLOE….

It is the role of the career counselor to work with the diverse populations and help guide them to success through building their confidence in their abilities.

Career counseling is a profession in which the counselors have an impact on the national workforce and its direction, though many professional counseling majors in college ignore career counseling as a potential career. As the world continues to diversify and globalize the impact career counselors have on society will continue to expand.


Herr, Edwin (2003)the future of career counseling as an instrument of public policy.(Career Counseling in the Next Decade) Career Development Quarterly

Bysshe, S., Hughes, D., & Bowes, L. (2002). The economic benefits of career guidance. A review of current evidence [Occasional paper]. Derby, England: The University of Derby, the Centre for Guidance Studies.

Herr, E.L. (2000, June). Working in America: The implications for theory and practice of the Fourth Gallup/NCDA Poll. Paper presented at….

career in sports nutrition, including the background necessary for the career, the necessary education, and job opportunities for sports nutritionists. Sports nutritionists can help people from every way of life lead healthier, happier lives. A professional sports nutritionist studies nutritional needs, weight maintenance, and even eating disorders so they can understand the nutritional problems American's face, and help them make the right eating decisions for their own specific needs. ith the growing problem of obesity in America, it is clear sports nutritionists will become even more valuable in the future. Today, they are an essential and integral part of modern sports exercise, and as the nutritional needs of our society continue to alter, nutritionists will play an even more important role in our healthy lives.
Sports nutrition is a relatively new field, and so many professionals are creating their own opportunities in many areas of exercise science and related sports….

Career Investigation

Fashion Photographer
Although I could not find any specific job advertisement for a fashion photographer, I found some entry-level positions in the fashion industry. A copy of these appears after the reference list. It appears that a career choice of fashion photography would be extremely rewarding in terms of the interesting situations and people the professional would come into contact with. It also appears to be a highly creative and satisfying job for a person with the right traits.

According to the "Creative Skillset" Website (2012), some colleges and universities offer courses in fashion photography, which are generally led by established photographers who act as visiting lecturers for these courses. While these courses can provide a valuable grounding knowledge of the industry, most fashion photographers begin their careers by assisting established fashion photographers. This provides not only practical experience in the industry, but also practical knowledge of the way in which fashion….

Aspects of Career Counceling

Career counseling is not limited to a particular trade or skill or type of people but includes a wide range of individuals who possess all kinds of skills, passions, and values as well as career motivations. In this paper, we investigate the practical applicability of Super's Developmental Self-Concept Theory-based model for career counseling. This theory or model of counseling encompasses the entire lifespan of an individual and divides it into a number of segments. This paper tries to understand how each of the stages identifies the needs and aspirations of individual clients and sets a benchmark that best suits the needs in every stage. This theory is based on self-concept and hence is applicable at an individual level. The paper also looks into the possible assessment tests for career counseling. Such tests are based on personality or psychology of a client, the interest of that individual and the aptitude of….

Career in Human Resources if

If a person has good Public elations with superiors and subordinates of the field, he will get the benefit of these relations. If he has decent qualification and he is competing with another applicant with same qualification, he may b preferred over the other just because of his Public elation (P). This P also helps the employee to prosper within the company and reach the top position in the company. A person's nature is a big asset for him. This asset can bring huge successes for him in the career. And he can also prove to be a great asset for the company that can fetch some business for the company. So his progress in the career is guaranteed.
To keep oneself alive in the field of Human esource, he should keep himself up-to-date with changes and progress throughout this field in the whole world. Human esource is a rapidly….

According to the O-Net Online Summary Report, marriage and family therapists "diagnose and treat mental and emotional disorders, whether cognitive, affective, or behavioral, within the context of marriage and family systems." A systems approach is integral to the work that marriage and family therapists do, because they view individual psychological issues as inseparable from the greater family and social system. This enables a holistic approach to treatment interventions, and can be a culturally sensitive, culturally competent facet of psychological counseling.

The primary tasks of a marriage and family counselor include the following. First, communications skills are of the utmost importance because one of the central roles of the counselor is to listen and ask appropriate questions at the right time. A marriage and family counselor meets with more than one member of each family, too, making good communications skills a prerequisite of the profession.

Second, diagnoses should be based on scientific evidence….

The government can play a crucial role in supporting schools in rural areas by implementing various measures. Here are some ways in which the government can help:

1. Infrastructure development: The government can provide funds for the construction and renovation of school buildings, classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other essential facilities. This will ensure that rural schools have adequate physical infrastructure to provide quality education.

2. Technology integration: The government can facilitate the integration of technology in rural schools by providing funds for the purchase of computers, projectors, internet connectivity, and other necessary equipment. This will enhance the teaching and learning experience for....

1. The Impact of Social Structure on Career Choices

2. Exploring Social Hierarchies in the Workplace

3. How Social Class Influences Occupational Opportunities

4. Gender and Social Structure in the Workplace

5. The Role of Education in Job Placement and Social Mobility

6. The Intersection of Race and Social Structure in Employment

7. Social Networks and Job Advancement

8. Social Status and Occupational Prestige

9. The Effects of Economic Inequality on Job Opportunities

10. The Evolution of Social Structure and its Impact on the Job Market
11. Power Dynamics and Social Stratification in the Workplace
12. The Stigma of Low-Status Jobs in Society
13. Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Gender Equality in Career....

I. Introduction
A. Brief explanation of the Rizal Law
B. Importance of the Rizal Law to Filipino students

II. The Rizal Law and its implications to present-day Filipino students
A. Promotion of patriotism and nationalism
B. Emphasis on the importance of Philippine history and heritage
C. Development of critical thinking skills
D. Exposure to different perspectives on Rizal and his works
E. Influence on students' values and attitudes towards national identity

III. The Rizal Law and its implications to the future life of Filipino students
A. Preparation for responsible citizenship
B. Contribution to the preservation of Filipino culture and identity

5 Pages
Research Paper


Career Choice

Words: 1460
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Career Choice Analysis The education and career choices that adults make during their youth can have a great influence on their future professional and personal lives. The education they choose…

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2 Pages


Career Choice A Career in Business Administration

Words: 687
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Career Choice: A career in business administration with a bachelor's degree in supervision and management Even when I was a child, I loved the idea of working in a business.…

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3 Pages
Application Essay


Career Choice You Have Selected

Words: 940
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Application Essay

The internship demonstrated to me how managing finance is a personal as a well as a monetary relationship between advisors and clients. I was also grateful to be…

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3 Pages


Top Career Choices Identified for

Words: 987
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Therefore, while finding out that positive was one of my themes was not necessarily new information, I did find some of the explanatory information about the positive theme…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Accounting Career Choice Accounting Has Become One

Words: 1083
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Accounting Career Choice Accounting has become one of the most popular degree choices in recent years because it can lead to a great deal of careers that can be much…

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3 Pages


Veteran's Affairs and Career Choice

Words: 1007
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Krumboltzs Social Learning Theory: Implications for DisabilityKrumboltzs (1979) Social Learning Theory is based upon the work of Alfred Bandura whose famous Bobo doll experiments suggested that human beings primarily…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Education - Career Choice Primary

Words: 1210
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In the secondary school environment, those skills come into play in relation to overt solicitation for advice from students as well as in the context of unsolicited counseling…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Gender on Career Choice Today

Words: 1740
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

. . . Some scholars believe that the transformation of the schoolteacher role from male to female was so complete that teaching was irrevocably feminized" (Decorse & Vogtle,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Career Aptitude Tests One of

Words: 1038
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

6). This graduate indicates that rather than relying on the innate abilities identified by the career aptitude test, she "worked realistically with the grit and gumption I possessed,…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Career Counseling The Writer Explores

Words: 1926
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It is the role of the career counselor to work with the diverse populations and help guide them to success through building their confidence in their abilities. Conclusion Career counseling…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Career in Sports Nutrition Including the Background

Words: 812
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

career in sports nutrition, including the background necessary for the career, the necessary education, and job opportunities for sports nutritionists. Sports nutritionists can help people from every way…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Career Investigation

Words: 767
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Fashion Photographer Although I could not find any specific job advertisement for a fashion photographer, I found some entry-level positions in the fashion industry. A copy of these appears after…

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11 Pages


Aspects of Career Counceling

Words: 3684
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Career counseling is not limited to a particular trade or skill or type of people but includes a wide range of individuals who possess all kinds of skills, passions,…

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11 Pages


Career in Human Resources if

Words: 3699
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

If a person has good Public elations with superiors and subordinates of the field, he will get the benefit of these relations. If he has decent qualification and…

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3 Pages


Career of a Marriage and Family Therapist

Words: 953
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Career According to the O-Net Online Summary Report, marriage and family therapists "diagnose and treat mental and emotional disorders, whether cognitive, affective, or behavioral, within the context of marriage and…

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