Career Plan Essays (Examples)

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Career Plans - Goals -

My efforts have resulted in huge financial gains, including doubling the revenue of the company in a few short years.
Also serving as Research & Development Head, I helped design and develop courses material to align with the dynamic pattern of other MBA and undergraduate entrance exams in India. These exams include those for BBA, law, and hotel management. To assist with continual delivery of accurate knowledge I also conduct regular sessions on subjects including high-level Algebra, Calculus, and Statistics to name a few. Previous to my role as Business Manager and R&D Head, I co-owned an Agri-Farm in Lucknow. In doing so I learned to monitor and manage operations, negotiate prices with buyers and sellers and assisted with the hiring and payment of temporary labor as needed.

Unique qualities I possess result from specialized studied taken under the guidance of Dr. R. Sengupta, IIT KANPUR. During my research here I….

Career Plan I Am Committed

I think that there any many opportunities. There is a lack of quality managerial-level staff across the hospitality industry. This will create job openings that I can exploit. In addition, I believe that there is room for innovative thinkers in this role, since most hotel managers seem to have low creativity. There are threats, however. At present, there is overcapacity in the industry, which could result in consolidation and cuts, reducing my future career development prospects. In addition, there are a number of other people who likely see the same career niche that I do. They will compete with me for employment through my career.

The industry is generally strong. Despite overcapacity issues, people travel more for both business and pleasure. This spurs a strong hotel industry. The economy is not strong and this has had a negative impact on the industry, but the economy is recovering and it is believed….

Career Plan
One of the most galvanizing aspects of this course is how it has shown that personal and group leadership are tightly intertwined and over time create a very unique leadership style. The same concepts of group or team leadership can equally apply to personal leadership and management as well, and this is evident from the strengths and work culture assessments completed. Another aspect of what unifies the lessons learned in this course is how powerful transformational leadership is in the overall development in the influencing of behaviors, outcomes and the long-term financial performance of an enterprise (Charbonneau, 2004). Based on these insights gained, this course has direct applicability to my career plan.

How This Course Applies To My Career Plan

One of the most valuable lessons learned from this course that will serve as the foundation of my career plan is that a true leader works continually to improve their….

Individual Career Plan

Career Plan
My career objective is to become an achieved sales manager through the use of communication, administrative, and bookkeeping skills. As a sales manager, I will utilize these skills and proved techniques to ensure better customer service and generate more revenues for the business organization I will work for. In order to achieve this, I have undertaken some education related to sales management and gained experience by working in various companies and/or institutions. I graduated in Experience High School of Guangdong in June 2008 and later joined Mission College in Santa Clara, California. I graduated from Mission College with a GPA of 3.7 in Associate of Art in Business math and accounting principles. Since August 2013, I have been a student in San Jose State University, California where I expect to graduate in Fall 2015. I expect to graduate with a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration with a major in….

Identification of three action steps to reaching stated career goals and objectives
In order to achieve my ultimate five-year career goal of opening my own business, I need to complete many different tasks to get to where I eventually want to be. As part of my overall business plan, I need to obtain funding (a recent article itemizes the costs to be between $150k to $240k just to get going for the first few months) and complete or secure the following items: (1) Location, (2) estaurant/Bar Equipment, (3) Electronics, (4) Licenses, (5) Employees, (6) Inventory, (7) Marketing (Dean, E. (n.d.)).

g. Identification of potential barriers to reaching stated career goals

According to "How much money does it cost to open a bar," experts have broken down the costs with regard to opening a bar in this region and have come to conclusion that a person should have between 140K and 250K. As….

Manager Competencies
Career Plan Building Activities

There are many aspects to my character that I believe will allow me the resilience necessary to further my career. From my work experience and my education I have developed many insights to organizational issues. An effective manager needs to understand both their professional competencies as well as their limitations. I believe that I will be most effective when I can devote myself to an exciting career. I'm naturally attracted to intellectual stimulation and perpetual challenges. Furthermore, I am also more comfortable in a dynamic and changing landscape that is dynamic in nature.

However, I also realize that it is commonly the case that an employee must do the job that they have to before they can get the job that they want. Although I believe I have realized my ideal job type, I also understand that I must work up to that position. This may require….

Five-Year Career Plan
Word Count (including title and subheadings): 673

Career Development Plan: Human esources

Career goals and objectives

Today's global economic landscape is changing at a rapid pace as the world turns to business to find solutions to some of the world's most perplexing problems. One of these challenges is the quest for sustainable energy and the field that is offering solutions is that of green technologies.

My goal is to be a part of the solution. My five-year plan is to apply the knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm to seek and apply a combination of innovative thinking and sound business practices as a human resource manager at a major U.S. Green-tech business. Additionally, I have a particular interest in becoming an employee relations specialist in the wind energy industry.

The job satisfaction attributes I will seek will be to find employment in the state of California, a forty hour week, an entry level salary of….

Company Organization and Career Plan
The functioning part of any organization needs proper attention and maintenance in order to keep it running smoothly. This means that the organizational structure and the strategies meant increase collaboration and productivity within the work environment must be continually monitored and evaluated in terms of how successful they are within contemporary practice. There are a number of differing strategies on how to approach generating a creative and productive workforce. However, some strategies with greater levels of freedom have been proving most successful in terms of collaboration, innovation, and conflict management.

In order for any organization to function properly, all moving parts of the larger whole must work in unity at one point or another. Yet, the research shows that, "collaboration is difficult, and there are many reasons for this difficulty" (Scull et al., 2010, p 30). Essentially, it is no easy task to get all of the….

Academic Strategies and Career Plans:
The beginning of this undergraduate course in accounting was a relatively definitive moment and hectic period for me. This is primarily because of the need to create a balance between classes, career, family, and friends. The focus of the course is to help students understand and apply the conventional and theoretical principles, frameworks, and models for accounting and financial management. In addition, the undergraduate course focuses on helping students to develop their academic strategies and goals that would help them as they progress into degree programs. The major academic strategies I have gained from this course are study skills, management of time, and planning for the degree course. These strategies are crucial in enhancing student determination, retention, and success in undergraduate and graduate courses ("Academic Strategies," n.d.). As a result, these academic strategies provide essential support to students towards the achievement of educational and career goals.


post-M.B.A. Or post-M.S. career plans. How does your past education and experience support your career objectives? What
aspects of the Simon School program make it a good choice for your graduate

Because of my international background, my experience in positions of leadership, and my experience with charitable activities, my future goals are quite clear. I intend to build on my accomplishments by helping businesses to thrive in a competitive global market by maximizing the use of information systems. I have witnessed personally how businesses can become more profitable and viable when they focus on improving their information systems. For example, I have volunteered with a charity in Taipei called the creation Social Welfare Foundation since I was thirteen. Recently I helped them to save costs by creating more efficient database management systems. I have also worked for a number of years in the executive offices of two different multinational corporations. As….

Hospitality Industry
The economy is made of three major sectors with varying economic activities i.e. agricultural, manufacturing, and service industries. The service industry differs from agricultural and manufacturing sector given that it's a tertiary segment that offers intangible products, which contributes to its consideration as a soft part of the economy. As the name suggests, the service industry basically deals with activities relating to production of services (intangible goods) instead of end products (tangible goods). Services are not only provided to customers but also offered to other businesses depending on the nature of their operations and business needs. Given the broad nature of service, this industry consists of numerous segments including entertainment, hospitality or tourism, public health, education, financial services, information technology, consulting, mass media, waste disposal, professional services, and retail sales. These different segments are some of the major examples of service sector industries, which is very wide because….

Over the next three to five years, my intention is to build up a number of skills, competencies and acquire the knowledge that I will need to set myself up to achieve my long-range vision for myself. That long-range vision is to build an accounting consultancy firm that can help businesses to deal with the challenges associated with doing business in different legal, political, ethical and social environments. This marriage of functional (accounting) with some of the softer skills associated with international business is a compelling proposition. In an era where many skills and talents are being automated – and where artificial intelligence is going to automate many more – I envision the most successful people being the ones who are able to do multiple things. Where an AI can perform a purely functional task, like basic accounting, an AI will not be able to perform tasks as complex and….

I am particularly interested in the students who have challenges, either educationally or behaviorally. I feel that by working to develop new assessment tools it will be possible to further evaluate the skills and abilities for these students which may previously have been unavailable to us. I look forward to working with teachers, parents and students in order to formulate tools which will help students get the most out school.
Educational psychology is an excellent career move for me. I have experience working with children who have autism, high school students, and my personality seemed to be a good fit in what can be a challenging and rewarding environment. I think my current education and work experience melds nicely into my hopes to work in a research capacity, designing evaluations, analyzing and interpreting data and presenting coherent results. While I do not consider myself a linear thinking, I believe that….

In Eric Borden's case, his knowledge of the industry and of the developments that occur on this segment recommends him either for the research and development department or for marketing, since he would be able to ensure that the marketing strategy that the company has is in line with what occurs on the markets. From that perspective, his salary structure could be changed so as to ensure that he receive an increased base salary rather than the sales bonus program he receives now.

In the case of Ving Hsu, his financial package needs to be adjusted, because he currently works as a sales representative, but receives only the base salary, although he is eligible for the sales bonus. However, it seems that much of his activity is focused on training his customers on how to use the products rather than on increasing his volume of sales. A more relevant measure of….

assist the line managers and their employees on the correct approach for the creation of individual development plan (IDP). The document provides a step by step guide, aiming to support both the employee and the supervisor in the process. The IDP is a focus on the needs and career aspirations of the employee, but should be considered a strategic tool not only for the employee to realise their ambitions, but also for the employer, who will benefit from the implementation of the plan. Not only will the employer benefit from the additional skills and knowledge gained by the employees that they can use in the workplace, the provision of the support, longer training development will also support motivation (Buchanan and Huczynski, 2011). Employees who feel the employer cares are more likely to be motivated, and the provision of training development may also satisfy some elements present on Maslow's hierarchy….

When writing a career plan, it is important to take into account all of the factors that could impact your career in the projected period.  You want to look at where you want to be in ten years, but, more importantly, you want to look at the steps that you are going to need to take to get there.  If you know that you will have significant personal events occurring in that time period or that you want to have occur in that time period, you want your plan to accommodate those....

Planning for the Future: Lessons from the Headlines

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, geopolitical shifts, and environmental challenges, effective planning has become more essential than ever. The news headlines are replete with stories that highlight the importance of foresight and adaptability in navigating an increasingly complex world.

Climate Change Adaptation

The devastating effects of climate change are making it imperative for communities and governments to plan for extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and other climate-related risks. The recent floods in Pakistan, which displaced millions of people and caused widespread damage, serve as a sobering reminder of the urgent need....

Essay Topics on Career Development Plan in Tourism Sector

1. The Role of Education and Training in Career Development for Tourism Professionals

Discuss the importance of formal education and on-the-job training in developing the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the tourism industry.
Analyze the different types of educational programs and specialized training available to tourism professionals.
Explore the benefits of continuing professional development and certification for enhancing career prospects.

2. Mentorship and Networking in Tourism Career Development

Explain the significance of mentorship and networking in the tourism sector.
Identify the benefits of having mentors and building relationships with industry professionals.

3 Pages
Term Paper


Career Plans - Goals -

Words: 776
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

My efforts have resulted in huge financial gains, including doubling the revenue of the company in a few short years. Also serving as Research & Development Head, I helped…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Career Plan I Am Committed

Words: 1279
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

I think that there any many opportunities. There is a lack of quality managerial-level staff across the hospitality industry. This will create job openings that I can exploit. In…

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2 Pages


Career Plan One of the Most Galvanizing

Words: 566
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Career Plan One of the most galvanizing aspects of this course is how it has shown that personal and group leadership are tightly intertwined and over time create a…

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5 Pages

Business - Management

Individual Career Plan

Words: 1580
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Career Plan My career objective is to become an achieved sales manager through the use of communication, administrative, and bookkeeping skills. As a sales manager, I will utilize these skills…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Five-Year Career Plan a Clear

Words: 1962
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Identification of three action steps to reaching stated career goals and objectives In order to achieve my ultimate five-year career goal of opening my own business, I need to…

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1 Pages


Manager Competencies Career Plan Building Activities There

Words: 351
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Manager Competencies Career Plan Building Activities There are many aspects to my character that I believe will allow me the resilience necessary to further my career. From my work experience and…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Five-Year Career Plan Word Count Including Title

Words: 705
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Five-Year Career Plan Word Count (including title and subheadings): 673 Career Development Plan: Human esources Career goals and objectives Today's global economic landscape is changing at a rapid pace as the world turns…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

Company Organization and Career Plan the Functioning

Words: 1309
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Company Organization and Career Plan The functioning part of any organization needs proper attention and maintenance in order to keep it running smoothly. This means that the organizational structure and…

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2 Pages


Academic Strategies Career Plans Academic and Career Success

Words: 656
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Academic Strategies and Career Plans: The beginning of this undergraduate course in accounting was a relatively definitive moment and hectic period for me. This is primarily because of the need…

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7 Pages
Admission Essay


Post MBA or Post MS Career Plans

Words: 1965
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

post-M.B.A. Or post-M.S. career plans. How does your past education and experience support your career objectives? What aspects of the Simon School program make it a good choice for…

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2 Pages


Personal Reflection on the Hospitality Industry and Future Career Plans

Words: 658
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Hospitality Industry The economy is made of three major sectors with varying economic activities i.e. agricultural, manufacturing, and service industries. The service industry differs from agricultural and manufacturing sector…

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6 Pages


My Career Plan 3 to 5 years

Words: 2017
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Over the next three to five years, my intention is to build up a number of skills, competencies and acquire the knowledge that I will need to set myself…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Career Plans in the Course

Words: 835
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

I am particularly interested in the students who have challenges, either educationally or behaviorally. I feel that by working to develop new assessment tools it will be possible…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Advertising

Career Management Plan Jim Martin

Words: 1139
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

In Eric Borden's case, his knowledge of the industry and of the developments that occur on this segment recommends him either for the research and development department or for…

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15 Pages
Company Manual

Business - Human Resources

Career Development and Employee

Words: 3647
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Company Manual

assist the line managers and their employees on the correct approach for the creation of individual development plan (IDP). The document provides a step by step guide, aiming…

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