Case Formulation Essays (Examples)

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Case Formulation

Psychotherapeutic Case Formulation
Salomon has clearly evidenced educational and emotional problems at least since the 6th grade; however, this 9th grader has apparently neither been thoroughly physically and psychiatrically evaluated, nor received an Individual Education Plan, evincing a stunning level of neglect by his educators, the school psychologist and his Nurse-mother, all of whom theoretically know better. The system for identification, triage, referral and management of care will be followed. His case formulation will be approached from the "Underlying Factors Orientation" and from the "Observable Factors Orientation."

Initial Problem Identification

There is not enough available information to understand the problem. Therefore, Salomon will be referred for several sources of additional data. First, Salomon should be referred for a complete physical examination to determine if there are any physical factors contributing to his educational and emotional problems. He should also be referred for assessments by a neurologist and a psychiatrist. Assessments by the mother….

Case Formulation

Differential Diagnosis
The patient has been given a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Major Depressive Disorder. Since depressive symptoms are common in PTSD we would need to consider whether the depression or the PTSD is the primary diagnosis.

An essential step in the assessment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is to identify major traumas in the client's. We know that Sarah reports being raped at a young age, but we need to know more about the effects of these experiences. Structured Diagnostic Interviews and Self-eport Instruments have been developed with the purpose of assessing traumas in more detail (Barlow, 2008). Some of the difficulties in assessing PTSD aside from diagnosing it incorrectly when another diagnosis would be appropriate would include the unreliability of self-report data. Patients often exaggerate or over report symptoms in an effort to gain the alliance of an assessing physician or psychologist. Care should be taken to….

Katheryn Case Study
Clinical vignette

Caucasian girl, Katheryn, aged 10, was referred on account of her increasingly aggressive behavior towards her 8-year-old brother, Carl. Mrs. Smith, their maternal grandma, has been raising the two children. Carl was a baby when she had taken him under her wing. In fact, she was responsible for their upbringing since their infancy; the two kids were taken away from Mrs. Smith's daughter (the children's mother) because of her alcoholism and substance/cocaine abuse behaviors. Katheryn and Carl are the two youngest of eleven children; none of them have been brought up by the mother and each of them struggles in one or other way. In fact, it has been reported that two older siblings of Katheryn had cleft palates at birth, and one sister hadn't spoken till she turned five. Further, many siblings have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); they are all on medication….

Cognitive Behavior Therapy- A Case Study
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) Case Study

Case report

K is a forty-eight-year female who referred to Midlothian's clinical psychology psychosis service. K has a twenty-year history of mental health conditions. She first decided to contact mental health services because of the episodes of paranoia and severe depression she had experienced. During her initial contact with the mental health services she was diagnosed with schizo-affective disorder in 1996. When she was first referred to the mental health services department she was a single. She told of having only two close relationships in her past life. She however also said that she found these relationships challenging when it came to intimate contact. She also generally described that she found it somewhat difficult to form friendships or to trust people in her life. Despite the mental health conditions her general physical well-being was good. K was prescribed with antipsychotic and….

Jasmin is a 21-year-old Asian woman who immigrated to the United States 10 years ago. She is an intelligent college student and she likes to study, although she has been diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. She lives together with her parents, young sister and older brother. Jasmin's younger sister is in high school and her brother works at the father's grocery store. Her father has high blood pressure and needs to rest but continues to work at the store. Her mother also worked at father's grocery store.

The patient is taking Concerta. If she skips medication, she cannot concentrate on her studies and finds it difficult to talk to the other students. Her adviser is concerned about her ADHD and her difficult concentration. At the intake and opening the session with Jasmin, the client reported that she felt somewhat depressed, unmotivated, and self-destructive. She added that she felt she set herself….

Australian Cladding Company
The objective of this study is to answer the question asking what are the immediate and underlying problems facing ACC? As well, this work will answer as to what sort of HR activities need to be put in place reasonably quickly and what HR approaches need to be taken in the longer term to ensure ongoing strategic competitive advantage? These theories will be addressed using the Evolution of HRM, SHRM, HRM Planning/Retention/Turnover, Job analysis and design, recruitment and selection.

The Australian Cladding Company (ACC) was started by Jim Hackett in 1998. Hackett has a background in engineering and created is the creator of a house cladding product that is lightweight and low cost. This product is reported to have found "a ready market in Australia." Hackett's company grew rapidly and the headquarters while being in Sydney supplied the cladding in various states and attracted customers internationally as well.….

Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership

Efforts to measure and improve the quality of nursing care provided to patients began with Florence Nightingale, who measured patient outcomes and worked towards the improvement of hospital conditions. ecently, studies linking nurses to patient outcomes have been given significant focus within healthcare. Efforts to measure the indicators of the quality of care dispensed by nurses have led to the phrase "nursing sensitive indicators," which has become a buzzword in healthcare. These are "outcomes from patient care that reflect the nursing care provided" (Kelly, Vottero, & Christie-McAuliffe, 2014). These indicators reflect the structure, nursing care process, and nursing care outcomes (American Nurses Association, 2014). Structural indicators include nursing staff supply, skill level of nurses and certification. The process indicators include patient assessment measures of nursing interventions while outcome indicators include all patient experiences such as falls, pressure ulcers, and readmissions and reflect….

Susan Marx is a 31-year-old, right-handed, Caucasian woman who has completed 12 years of education. She was referred for complaints of depressed mood for the past month. hen asked why she referred herself she responded, "I am very depressed and cannot motivate myself to do anything." She also reports experiencing feelings of extreme sadness, hopelessness, lack of appetite, difficulty sleeping at night, decreased energy, some suicidal thoughts, and feeling as if everything she does is of no consequence.
Presenting Problem

Marx reported that her depression began following being terminated from her position as a secretary for an attorney. She reported that she had a "romantic" affair with her employer, who decided to end the relationship and then terminated her. Since then she is quite depressed and does not have the energy to clean her apartment which is becoming quite messy. She sits on the couch and watches television all day long. She….

Environmental Case Study (Alberta's Oil Sands)
Alberta's Oil Sands represents one of the international environmental problems facing Canada and close to seventy countries across the globe. Albert's Oil Sands proves to be a new course of political conflict within the setting of Canada and at the international level. Oil Sands development is responsible for rapid economic growth of Alberta. This creates ethical or moral dilemma because there is a massive risk in association with the development of Oil Sands within the province. Oil Sands contribute towards ecological harm thus having a negative impact on the living conditions of the individuals in the province and the entire planet. This ethical dilemma leads to mobilization processes by environmental entities to help alleviate the situation. This is because some prominent political outfits such as Peter Lougheed recognize that the rate of the development of the oil sands in Alberta is not socially or economically….


A reflection on the case shows me that ethical and moral guidelines must be instilled in pharmacy as a profession. It is therefore necessary for the pharmacies to collaborate with other key stakeholders in ensuring that proper guidelines are put in place together with polices aimed at ensuring an ethical and moral pharmaceutical practice. Case esolution Model (CM) (Brincat & Wike,1999) is therefore an important model since it has taken me through all the necessary steps that can allow me to effective conclude this case amicably.


World Health Organization (2001). The ole of the Pharmacist in Self-Care and Self-Medication.Available online at

Brincat, C.,Wike, vs (1999). Morality and the Professional Life: Values at Work. Pearson; 1st ed.

Passmore P, Kailis SG (1994).In pursuit of rational drug use and effective drug management: clinical and public health pharmacy viewpoint. Asia Pac J. Public Health. 1994;7(4):236-41.

outledge, PA., O'Mahony, MS., WoodhouseKW (2003).Adverse drug reactions in elderly patients.….

Pirate Steel Ethics Case Study
Three issues are the main challenges in this case study. One is the theory of rights, which is particularly imperative in the existence of an organization. This theory claims that all parties should be well represented and has utmost satisfaction. There should be no violation of rights for any of the parties. In this case study, all the parties should have information on the proceedings of the company. This is to avoid any of them being on the dark on matters of the organization. The top-level management has all the right to know the destination of their finances. Violation for this is when there are unreliable reports on the purchases. There should be transparency in all the issues that deal with the top-level management, as they are the most answerable. The investors also have the right to know all the transparent issues for the company. In….

Emotional reactions to the onset of injuries as well as a patient's attitude toward the injury itself and the proposed treatment have great impacts on the length of time it will take for the patient to recover (VAN RIJN 2007). Therefore, it is in the medical staff's best interest to maintain the patient in a positive, reinforcing paradigm in order to create an atmosphere of positive goal-orientation so the patient may experience significantly reduced levels of anxiety during post-operative procedures as well as reduced rehabilitation time.
Annotated Bibliography

N.A.. (2010). Ligament Injury Recovery. Available: Last accessed 17th Nov 2010.

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin, the University of Houston and NASA severed the medically collateral ligaments in the knees of lab rates. Three to seven weeks after the incision mechanical and morphological properties were measured in ligaments, bones and muscles. Ligament testing revealed that there were significant reductions in maximal force,….

HK Case Study HK's Current

This conversation reveals that meeting budget targets is a significant component of the motivation systems for both of these managers. They obsess about the budgets. Adam spends too much time focusing on budgets, to the detriment of other activities. The budgets for both are used to measure their performance, but only in a negative way. There appears to be little in the way of motivation system for the two should they actually make budget. If there are rewards, they seem unaware of them, but they are acutely aware of the consequences of missing budgets. Both have noted that they are punished for events that are beyond their control -- the budget targets are inflexible and do not take into account unusual events, let alone changes in the business environment.
5. a) A properly functioning standard costing system should yield many advantages to managers such as Adam and Ali. These include….

As Sir Anthony O'eilly, Chairman of Waterford Wedgwood, noted in a recent speech that they are operating against a "backdrop of unprecedented broad-based economic uncertainty."
This economic uncertainty has had a global impact. From the high rates of business bankruptcies in the United States, to the financial collapse of one of the previously richest countries in the world -- Iceland, to the 11.2 million percent inflation rate of Zimbabwe, no corner of the globe is untouched by the massive liquidation cycle in which the global economy appears to be.

Consumer confidence has declined. Banks have lost faith in one another. Currencies around the world, such as the American dollar, weakened considerably.

And, despite Waterford Wedgwood's more than two hundred years of setting industry standards, the organization must now operate in an economic environment that appears to work directly against their primary products -- luxury lifestyle items.

Yet, despite these trying times, O'eilly is….

Office Depot Inc Case Study

The other competitors of the company are Corporate Express, Inc.,IKON Office Solutions, Inc., Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. And United Stationers Inc.
3. Analysis of potential new entrants

Threat of new entrants (Source: Datamonitor,2007)

The threats of new entrants into new entrants in this industry are noted to be very string. This is because most of the supplies are in the form of commoditized products that never benefit greatly from the brand loyalty. This when coupled with the low end-user switching costs as well as easy access to the suppliers and distribution channels makes it very conducive for new players to come into the market. The market is however very stagnant at the moment and this reduces its attractiveness to the potential new players.

4. Analysis of substitute products

Substitute products (Datmonitor,2007)

An analysis of threat of substitutes within this sector is moderate. This is because most of the modern companies are involved in strategies that minimize….

8 Pages
Case Study


Case Formulation

Words: 2446
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Case Study

Psychotherapeutic Case Formulation Salomon has clearly evidenced educational and emotional problems at least since the 6th grade; however, this 9th grader has apparently neither been thoroughly physically and psychiatrically evaluated,…

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7 Pages
Case Study


Case Formulation

Words: 2380
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Case Study

Differential Diagnosis The patient has been given a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Major Depressive Disorder. Since depressive symptoms are common in PTSD we would need to…

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5 Pages
Case Study


Analyzing Katheryn Case Study

Words: 1670
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

Katheryn Case Study Clinical vignette Caucasian girl, Katheryn, aged 10, was referred on account of her increasingly aggressive behavior towards her 8-year-old brother, Carl. Mrs. Smith, their maternal grandma, has been…

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6 Pages


CBT Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Case Study

Words: 5334
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Cognitive Behavior Therapy- A Case Study Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) Case Study Case report K is a forty-eight-year female who referred to Midlothian's clinical psychology psychosis service. K has a twenty-year history…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Client Case Study Counseling

Words: 1745
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Vignette Jasmin is a 21-year-old Asian woman who immigrated to the United States 10 years ago. She is an intelligent college student and she likes to study, although she has…

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10 Pages
Case Study

Business - Management

Case Study the Australian Cladding Company

Words: 3291
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Case Study

Australian Cladding Company The objective of this study is to answer the question asking what are the immediate and underlying problems facing ACC? As well, this work will answer…

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3 Pages

Health - Nursing

Case Study on Nursing Indicators

Words: 1070
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

OGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS & QUALITY LEADESHIP Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership Efforts to measure and improve the quality of nursing care provided to patients began with Florence Nightingale, who measured patient outcomes…

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10 Pages


Case Presentation and Verbatim

Words: 2900
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Susan Marx is a 31-year-old, right-handed, Caucasian woman who has completed 12 years of education. She was referred for complaints of depressed mood for the past month. hen asked…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Environmental Case Study Solving a Puzzle

Words: 1309
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Environmental Case Study (Alberta's Oil Sands) Alberta's Oil Sands represents one of the international environmental problems facing Canada and close to seventy countries across the globe. Albert's Oil Sands proves…

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5 Pages
Case Study


Pharmacist In This Case the Pharmacist

Words: 1583
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

eflection A reflection on the case shows me that ethical and moral guidelines must be instilled in pharmacy as a profession. It is therefore necessary for the pharmacies to collaborate…

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5 Pages
Case Study

Business - Management

Pirate Steel Ethics Case Study

Words: 1579
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

Pirate Steel Ethics Case Study Three issues are the main challenges in this case study. One is the theory of rights, which is particularly imperative in the existence of an…

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10 Pages
Case Study


Mr Khan-Sprained Ankle This Case

Words: 2538
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Case Study

Emotional reactions to the onset of injuries as well as a patient's attitude toward the injury itself and the proposed treatment have great impacts on the length of…

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5 Pages
Case Study

Business - Management

HK Case Study HK's Current

Words: 1481
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

This conversation reveals that meeting budget targets is a significant component of the motivation systems for both of these managers. They obsess about the budgets. Adam spends too…

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25 Pages
Case Study


Waterford Wedgwood Case Study Waterford

Words: 6390
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Case Study

As Sir Anthony O'eilly, Chairman of Waterford Wedgwood, noted in a recent speech that they are operating against a "backdrop of unprecedented broad-based economic uncertainty." This economic uncertainty has…

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17 Pages
Case Study


Office Depot Inc Case Study

Words: 4552
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Case Study

The other competitors of the company are Corporate Express, Inc.,IKON Office Solutions, Inc., Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. And United Stationers Inc. 3. Analysis of potential new entrants Threat of new entrants…

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