Cash Flow Essays (Examples)

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This enables the company to better match its inflows and outflows. However, this also means that much of what constitutes earnings is not a direct, immediate cash flow. There are a number of items that will appear on an income statement that are either flows that have already occurred, or are flows that have not yet occurred. However, because the transaction was based in that quarter or year, it appears on the income statement. Earnings, therefore, are intended to reflect the firm's economic activity for the period, not its cash flows.
Cash flow forecasts outline what the firm will have left over after it collects all of its money for the period and pays out all of its expenses (Forsythe, 2006). Because this measures the firm's economic activity, it can be used as an alternative to earnings in evaluating a firm's performance for the period. A cash flow forecast, by….

Each section of the cash flow statement tells a different part of the firm's story. For example, it may be understood by management that significant amounts of their profits went into new buildings and equipment. What the cash flow statement does is isolates that information. Management and shareholders alike can extrapolate that data from the balance sheet, noting changes in fixed assets, but the presentation of the cash flow statement provides a clean, easy-to-understand summary of those transactions.

The same situation occurs with regards to financing activities. These can have a dramatic impact on the firm's cash position. The firm's bank account may look much healthier after a year in which stock was issued, but the cash flow statement allows management and investors to understand the role that stock issue played in the improved bank balance.

This is critical to understanding whether the firm is improving its cash position through strong operations….

863 billion, then decreased it in 2007 by $603 million. Last year, with the stronger flows from operations and decreased stock retirement, they increased their cash position by $4.288 billion.
As with Microsoft, Sony has seen a strong increase in cash flows from operations over the past three years. They have increased 89.4% from ¥399 billion to ¥757 billion. This improvement is only partly attributable to top line improvement, as Sony's starting line hardly improved at all in 2007. Instead, that year saw a significant shift in the change in working capital. With regards to investing activities, Sony has not increased its capital expenditures over this time period. Also unlike Microsoft, Sony has seen significant capital outflows in all three years from its investments. They have enjoyed inflows from other activities, but not enough to offset the increasing losses. Sony has consistently been able to increase its cash flows from financing….

Cash Flow
The different authors use a number of quantitative approaches to understanding firm performance. Paunovic (2013) discusses the pricing and valuation of swaps. The author seeks to "demystify the structure of these financial derivatives (swaps) by presenting their valuation methods and by showing how they are used in practice." Thus, the author is presenting textbook explanations of swaps to her audience. Swaps are priced at par at the present time. The counterparties are swapping fixed rate obligations for floating rate, and make differential payments. Neither party would enter into the agreement at an unfavorable rate, but over time the changes in interest rates will mean that one party or the other will pay more. The floating rate is often based on LIBO, or other common floating rate. Since banks are almost always intermediaries in swaps, they might seek to take a spread on the rate. Thus, a company setting up….

Cash Flow Analysis
Discuss Cash Flow And Its Analysis

Financial Leverage

Financial leverage refers to the use of a company's assets and liabilities targeting to earn profits upon balancing the risks associated. Financial leverage follows the argument in physics of lever where little force is used to lift heavy objects. Financial leverage uses debts and stock (Preferred stock) to increase earning. Leverage is a significant measure that financial institutions use to increase benefits though it comes with risks.

Benefits and risks of financial leverage

Use of financial leverage increases the earning and thus, higher profits for a financial institution. In cases where a company successfully uses leverage their credit rating increases since it a demonstration of how well they can tackle risks related to debt. Other benefits include efficiencies in scale of operations and higher cash flows.

Use of financial leverage puts an institution in risk of insufficient operation income. The leverage incurred is always a….

Cash Flow Sprague 2008 A

A second challenge organizations face with cash flow management is being realistic with the amount of time it will take for them to receive revenues. This negatively affects cash flow projections that Sprague illustrates as being very important to a company's success. Companies are become slower and slower to pay their vendors, with 45 to 60 days becoming more the norm than the traditional 30 days, according to Feldman, as cited by Spargue. The third and final challenge to cash flow management is the lag in time between when payment to suppliers and employees comes due and the time in which revenues are received from customers.

Sprague (2008) gives a fairly comprehensive overview of cash flow, with this article. The author begins with the history of cash flow reporting and the cash flow statement. Sprague describes how cash flow reporting has transformed from being an option that had begun to….

Walgreens' cash flow using its 2011 annual report. Currently ranked as the largest drugstore chain in the U.S., Walgreens had its beginnings in 1901 when Charles . Walgreen bought the Chicago drugstore where he worked as a pharmacist. Over the next two decades, Walgreen bought 20 additional stores, adding such features as soda fountains with luncheon service, as well as his own line of drug products. The company added its first photofinishing studio in 1919 and introduced the malted milkshake at its fountain counters in 1922. By 1925, Walgreens had 65 stores with total annual revenue of $1.2 million. Walgreens' sales passed the $1 billion mark in 1975, and the company continued its growth and innovation to its current position of leadership in the retail pharmacy industry (Funding Universe, n.d.). With record profits of $2.7 billion in fiscal year 2011, Walgreens filled 819 million prescriptions, a figure that equates….

accounting income and cash flow? Which do we need to use when making decisions by using NPV? Explain in short.
Accounting income takes in consideration total profits; which is usually some form of total revenues minus total expenses. Cash flow is a totally different concept because it doesn't necessarily account for total income, rather it just accounts for cash out flows and in flows. For example, it may not account for various administrative costs or wages that are paid to employees and it may not account for the total income of the organization but just for one specific project.

A positive NPV is a good start -- now we need to take a closer look

Forecasting risk: How sensitive is our NPV to changes in the cash flow estimates; the more sensitive, the greater the forecasting risk (explain which conditions we accept the risk for both investors and company point view).

Investors generally….

Based on a large sample of firms from different countries after adopting IASB cash flow accounting, firms evidenced "less earnings management, more timely loss recognition and more value relevance of accounting data" than firms without IASB standards (Morais & Curto 2008). The drive towards greater homogenization of international standards has lead the United States FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) to consider the IASB's call for a shift to cash flow methods for all organizations. The justification for this is that accruals are more subject to dishonest practices "since every accrual requires certain assumptions and estimates… when a firm completes a sale on credit, it must estimate the likelihood that the cash will be received, when the receipt will take place, and if full payment is uncertain, how much should be reflected on the income statement. None of these issues arise when the sale is for cash" and a firm….

The cash flow statement is a critical tool for financial planners and analysts interested in assessing the health and wellness of a company from a financial and operational perspective. The statement of cash flows provides information about the cash payments received by a company during a defined period; the amount that should be received from cash receipts is also reported (Kieso, Weygandt, & Warfield, 2007). This is critical information a company needs to determine how well their products and services are doing. The cash flow information assesses whether products and services are bringing in revenues for the company. Cash flow does not includes revenues coming in as interest or credit however, for the month the receipt is issued say for the charge incurred, or when the loan is given. There is a system of checks and balances. The system in place is highly organized to capture a big picture sense….

, 2009). Similar adjustments are made for items, such as expenses, taxes etc. (Stickney et al., 2009).
The second section shows the cash inflows and outflows from investing. The figures shown are the changes that have occurred on the previous year. For example, if the firm makes a capital investment, the cost of that investment will be an outflow. If there is revenue created by an investment, such as the sale of the asset, this will be a cash inflow (Stickney et al., 2009).

The third section is the financing. The main components are the changes in debt; increased debt creates a cash inflow, whereas paying off debt creates an outflow. Any capital that comes into the firm or leaves the firm is included in this section. If dividends are paid, they will be a cash outflow in the financing section. The cash flow statement will end with a net total of….

After considering the material provided by both the FSO Technologies
and Bank of America tutorials, it becomes increasingly clear that the key
to long term financial viability is projection and planning. In the case
of the childcare center, the tutorial advised that once one has clearly
mapped out a cash budget which compares expected cash inflows and outflows,
one can begin to make meaningful incremental and longterm changes in
spending and pricing. As the childcare center director, I would be in a
unique position of insight to administrate a consideration of all the
utilities, employees, facilities, marketing and petty expenses which
constitute our overall budget. This would also allow me to detect places
where expenses can be reduced or where more is needed.
By combining this with a projection of future cash needs, I would be
in a position to assess the true nature of our overall cash flow situation.
This would allow me to make management decisions according to a lucid and

Free Cash Flow
In order to make a capital budgeting decision, the company must identify the incremental free cash flows associated with the project, particular for long-term projects that require the cash flows to be treated to account for the time value of money (NetMBA, 2010). A free cash flow is defined as "the cash that a company is able to generate after…" the initial expenditure (Investopedia, 2012). The first step is to eliminate the obvious non-incremental flows such as pre-existing overhead, sunk costs and non-cash flows like depreciation.

ithin these issues, the process is not always simple. For example, many managers find overhead determinations to be difficult. The underlying principle is that the overhead the manager needs to take into account is the overhead that is incremental to the project, for example if new support staff are added. Diversion is an area that is tricky, however. Resources diverted from other areas….

Walgreens Liquidity and Cash Flow
The Management's Discussion and Analysis, together with the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows and Notes, provide insight into the company's sources and uses of cash.

Over the two-year period for the years ending August 31, 2009 thru 2011, the company has seen large cash outflows which affected its cash position and its liquidity. Net cash provided by operations declined from $4.1 billion in 2009 to $3.6 billion in 2011. Cash provided by operations was the principal source of funds for the Duane ead acquisition, for expansion, remodeling programs, shareholder dividends and stock repurchases (Walgreens, 2011).

Walgreens management attributes the decrease in net cash provided by operations to higher working capital. In part the cash flow decrease in working capital was offset by higher earnings, which increased by $708 million over the two-year period (Walgreens, 2011).

Walgreens' cash and cash equivalents have trended down from $2.1 billion in 2009 to….

Equity, Cash Flow, And Notes Analysis for the General Electric Company
Regarding the specific components of the Statement of Changes in Owner's Equity and Statements of Cash Flows, from line items to balances

General Electric still stands tall in the public's estimation and in its international reputation as a pioneer of Six Sigma management policies regarding internal quality control. (Six Sigma, 2004) According to its annual report, GE Share owners' equity increased $8.9 billion, $4.3 billion and $7.9 billion in 2002, 2001 and 2000. Thus, the performance of the General Electric company in sheer dollar terms continues to improve, not simply as a statistical blip between the current financial year and the financial year of the past, but steadily, and over time. The increases were largely attributable to net earnings of $14.1 billion, $13.7 billion and $12.7 billion. These increases were only partially offset by dividends declared of $7.3 billion, $6.6 billion….

Home Depot, like most big companies, carries a lot of debt. It can reduce debt by raising prices or paying lower wages, but those aren\'t going to work as long term solutions. To avoid shortchanging customers, which can really cause cash flow problems, Home Depot will need to reduce its spending in a way that doesn\'t affect customers. That can mean restructuring, refinancing, closing stores that are not profitable, lowering the salaries of top executives, and finding related ways to spend less while continuing to keep money coming in. Other stores have done this successfully. You may want to start....

As a behavioral health entrepreneur, it is crucial to utilize various methods of analysis to determine which strategies are the best for your business. These analysis methods can help you make informed decisions, understand your target audience, and drive effective outcomes. Here are some key methods to consider:

1. SWOT Analysis: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of your business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis will provide insights into your competitive advantage, internal challenges, market potential, and potential risks.

2. Market Research: Gather data and insights about your target audience, competitors, market trends, and customer preferences. This analysis will enable you to....

Principles of Business Essay Topics

Ethics and Social Responsibility

The Importance of Ethical Decision-Making in Business
Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility: Balancing Profits and Planetary Health
The Role of Business in Addressing Social Issues
Whistleblower Protection and the Ethical Obligations of Employees

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The Role of Innovation in Driving Business Growth
The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Characteristics and Erfolgsfaktoren
Creating an Innovative Work Environment
The Impact of Technology on Business Innovation

Leadership and Management

Effective Leadership Styles: Authoritarian, Democratic, and Laissez-faire
Motivating Employees: Theories and Best Practices
The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Management
Managing Organizational Change: Challenges and....

Understanding Business Failure: A Comprehensive Analysis of Causes, Consequences, and Mitigation Strategies


Business failure is an unfortunate reality that affects a significant number of enterprises worldwide. Understanding the causes, consequences, and potential mitigation strategies for business failure is crucial for entrepreneurs, managers, and policymakers alike. This thesis aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of business failure, exploring the factors that contribute to its occurrence, the impact it has on individuals, organizations, and the economy, and the measures that can be taken to mitigate its effects.

Section 1: Causes of Business Failure

1. Economic Factors: Economic downturns, recessions, and changes in market conditions can....

4 Pages
Research Paper


Cash Flow Forecasts Our Company

Words: 1290
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This enables the company to better match its inflows and outflows. However, this also means that much of what constitutes earnings is not a direct, immediate cash flow.…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Cash Flow Statement for the

Words: 656
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Each section of the cash flow statement tells a different part of the firm's story. For example, it may be understood by management that significant amounts of their profits…

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1 Pages


Cash Flow Statements Over the

Words: 405
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

863 billion, then decreased it in 2007 by $603 million. Last year, with the stronger flows from operations and decreased stock retirement, they increased their cash position by $4.288…

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3 Pages


Cash Flow Cost of Capital Financial Performance and Options

Words: 1281
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Cash Flow The different authors use a number of quantitative approaches to understanding firm performance. Paunovic (2013) discusses the pricing and valuation of swaps. The author seeks to "demystify the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Cash Flow and Its Analysis

Words: 547
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Cash Flow Analysis Discuss Cash Flow And Its Analysis Financial Leverage Financial leverage refers to the use of a company's assets and liabilities targeting to earn profits upon balancing the risks associated.…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Management

Cash Flow Sprague 2008 A

Words: 1331
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

A second challenge organizations face with cash flow management is being realistic with the amount of time it will take for them to receive revenues. This negatively affects…

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4 Pages


Walgreens' Cash Flow Using Its 2011 Annual

Words: 1508
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Assessment

Walgreens' cash flow using its 2011 annual report. Currently ranked as the largest drugstore chain in the U.S., Walgreens had its beginnings in 1901 when Charles . Walgreen…

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2 Pages

Business - Advertising

Accounting Income and Cash Flow Which Do

Words: 682
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

accounting income and cash flow? Which do we need to use when making decisions by using NPV? Explain in short. Accounting income takes in consideration total profits; which is…

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3 Pages


Reverted to Cash Flow Rather

Words: 998
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Based on a large sample of firms from different countries after adopting IASB cash flow accounting, firms evidenced "less earnings management, more timely loss recognition and more value…

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3 Pages


Cashflows the Cash Flow Statement Is a

Words: 947
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Cashflows The cash flow statement is a critical tool for financial planners and analysts interested in assessing the health and wellness of a company from a financial and operational perspective.…

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2 Pages


Accounting the Cash Flow Statement

Words: 811
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

, 2009). Similar adjustments are made for items, such as expenses, taxes etc. (Stickney et al., 2009). The second section shows the cash inflows and outflows from investing. The figures…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Budgeting According to Cash Flow

Words: 772
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

After considering the material provided by both the FSO Technologies and Bank of America tutorials, it becomes increasingly clear that the key to long term financial viability is projection and planning.…

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2 Pages


Free Cash Flow in Order to Make

Words: 720
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Free Cash Flow In order to make a capital budgeting decision, the company must identify the incremental free cash flows associated with the project, particular for long-term projects that require…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Walgreens Liquidity and Cash Flow the Management's

Words: 583
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Walgreens Liquidity and Cash Flow The Management's Discussion and Analysis, together with the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows and Notes, provide insight into the company's sources and uses of cash. Over…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Equity Cash Flow and Notes Analysis

Words: 1086
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Equity, Cash Flow, And Notes Analysis for the General Electric Company Regarding the specific components of the Statement of Changes in Owner's Equity and Statements of Cash Flows, from line…

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