Charity Essays (Examples)

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Charity Patients

Treating Charity Patients

Charity or uninsured patients do not receive adequate health care. They cannot afford it as hospitals charge them to four times more than those with healthcare coverage (The Associated Press, 2004). Hospitals explain that the steep charges are meant to cover the increasing costs of indigent care. These patients who are already financially crippled are furthermore subjected to aggressive debt collectors. About 43 million Americans have no health insurance. Insurers typically spent less than $10,000 for a heart attack treatment at a hospital in 2002 as compared to charity patients' incurring an average of $30,000. (The Associated Press).

Literature Review

A Universal Healthcare Suggested

Many hospitals refuse to allow discounts or a negotiation of patients' bills out of fear of violating federal fraud and abuse laws (The Associated Press, 2004). The Health and Human Services Department issued guidelines to help hospitals and other health facilities to accommodate….

If I had $1 million dollars to donate to charity tomorrow, the charity to which my donation would go would be to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. St. Jude's is an organization that was started several decades ago to research and treat, what it calls, catastrophic diseases, specifically in children. St. Jude's is especially known for its success with researching and treating forms of cancer in children. It is a tragic world in which we live wherein so many children are diagnosed with cancer. Often through or because of great tragedies are great achievements and even miracles made possible. I believe this is the case with St. Jude's hospital. Because of the harsh reality that cancer occurs in children, as well as a number of other terminal diseases, this research hospital, organization, and treatment center was established and because of this center, the quality of life for many children and….

Charity Foundations

AngliCOD Board of Directors

John Doe, CEO

ecent Article in BW concerning Charity Accountability

This memo aims to address a recent and rather disturbing article in the March 24-30, 2005, Australian Business eview Weekly entitled "Charity Inc." I rather suggest that each of you obtain a copy and read it so as to get the full effect of what I am about to address. As I am sure you are all very well aware of our organizational objectives: "AngliCOD is a partnership between Anglicans in Australia and Anglicans in the developing world. We seek to respond to Jesus' gospel of love through works of compassion and justice. We provide emergency relief and work in cooperation with local churches to alleviate poverty through sustainable development." (AngliCOD, 2005)

An article such as this could have massive repercussions on our organization's ability to gain funding from existing and/or potential sources as well as having an adverse effect….

Case Study 3

This case is somewhat more complex than the two preceding, in that a great deal of variation in the tax implications exists depending on the type/purpose of the charitable organization and its plans for the property. If a house on Cape Cod somehow suited the tex-exmpt purpose of the charitable organization (e.g. It was used as a hospice for sick children that the organization cared for), then the amount of the deduction Mr. Kennedy could claim would be equal to the fair market value of the house, less the mortgage, or $700,000 (Hopkins 2005, pp. 136).

If, as is more likely, the donation cannot be used by the organization directly for its charitable purposes, there must be a long-term capital gains deduction for the amount of appreciation of the cottage. Mr. Kennedy's deduction would therefore be $350,000, or the amount he had actually paid for the house ($400,000 less….

Charity This Is a Story

It doesn't take long for them to realize that living among the "proper" ladies is not for them. Even sweet Charlotte is willing to do anything to get back home. (Freeman, 1887)
The author analyzes the way "upper-class" women gain their sense of identity by taking a charitable interest in their lower-class neighbors. It is this sense of moral superiority that is actually a form of take-over and domination since it is purchased at the expense of others. (Judith Fetterley, 2003)

Mistaken Charity focuses on womens' integrity, courage and, at times, privation.

In this story, Freeman shows how "rebellion" can be sometimes good and right.


Freeman, M. (1887). A mistaken charity: taken from "a humble romance and other stories."

Retrieved February 21, 2009, from

Judith Fetterley, M.P. (2003). Writing out of place. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press.

Marsha Saxton, F.H. (1987). With wings. New York: Feminist Press..

Market Segmentation

Ottawa-based charity AceWorks needs to segment its volunteer population and its donor population in order to create a stronger marketing plan. The objectives of this plan are to increase both volunteers and the number of donors. The plan should also encompass winning larger donations from existing donors.

With respect to donors, therefore, there are two target markets in the current donors and the future donors. Current donors are characterized by their existing interest in AceWorks and their belief in what we do. As AceWorks grows, however, we need some of our existing donors to match that growth with their commitment, in order that we continue our good work.

The second segment is future donors. These include corporations, charitable foundations the government and individual donors. Corporate donors donate both cash and goods or services in-kind. These donors have two primary motivations for donating. The first is because charitable donations are part of….

ROI of Charity Golf and

This level of sponsorship will also get ten tickets to the awards ceremony and four people invited to paly in the Pro-Am with local celebrities. Local cable television coverage of the event is planned, and at this level of contribution, two spokespersons from the company can be interviewed to discuss why they sponsored the event, further supporting their CS initiatives. These videos will be available on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter immediately following taping for future, global CS program support. Payment is required prior to the event.
Director's Circle of Care Sponsorship - This is the ultimate level of commitment to the cause of the charity event, and at $35,000 entitles the benefactor to an entire table at the awards ceremony, the opportunity to give the keynote at the ceremony, and five people playing the Pro-Am with a nationally recognized golfer or celebrity. The event will be branded with their name….

I know for anyone fighting cancer, they need as much rest as possible. When in the throws of this disease, whether it is the diagnosed or their friends and family, it can leave one with a feeling of helplessness. One of the strongest allies for those fighting cancer and one of the greatest enemies against cancer is the power of positive thinking. Those effected by cancer, least of all the patients, should have to worry about financial constrains or monetary hardship. When you have to worry about finances, it certainly impedes on one's ability to maintain a positive state of mind.

Battling cancer requires a mind free from unnecessary worry. This is one of the reasons why I am providing a donation to you. You should be freed from financial concern. It is a blessing and a privilege that I am able to help with your situation. I am thankful that….

Toys for Tots the Charity

An organization in Arizona called "Cops ho Care" on the other hand meets the needs of children by seeking cash donations that they then use to purchase toys for a large group of children every holiday season. The organization likely does so as a result of how the group got started. The original organization developed out of internal fund drives that asked officers to themselves give cash to help and then over the years they expanded to "pass the hat" among the whole community. They officers involved then had the plan and the infrastructure to purchase, wrap and distribute the toys they purchase, (Cops who Care ebsite) where as the Toy-for-Tots program began by seeking toys rather than cash. The Toys for Tots program utilizes cash to resolve what seems to be a universal problem in toy drives, in that many people when they shop for donated toys see only….

A more comprehensive explanation can then be provided to tell the person donating where there money goes and what something like a "gift card" will mean to the sponsor. This may motivate the sponsor to donate quickly and easily. The front page of the website also features a "latest news" section which can be distracting to visitors that want to get straight to the point. This information would best be placed in another section of the site by providing a navigational bar labeled "latest news" so that if a visitor wants to peruse information, they can, but they do not have to.
The front page also has a very large advertisement for "explore our gift catalog." Most people coming to the site for the first time will not know what a gift catalog is or why they would bother to review one. This site can substantially increase profits with very….

Smith's passage details Virginia's geography, outlining the different small settlements and their leaders. The passage shows how the settlers addressed and dealt with the native peoples: words like "savages" and "barbarians" shows how the settlers envisioned themselves as rightful heirs to the New World and thus had few qualms about massacring the Indians. One of the most historically significant features of Smith's chapter is his detailing the encounter with Powhattan and Pocahontas, a story that has become shrouded in myth and made into one of the most legendary tales in American history books. At the same time Smith also documents the hardships the settlers encountered from harsh weather and environmental conditions and shows what kinds of equipment the settlers had to deal with their tasks. John Smith paints himself as a hero, naturally, which has colored the tone and character of almost all American history texts.
William Bradford's 1650 passage….

Christian Charity

Foundational Christian faith belief God actively involved His creation.
God is actively involved with His creation. Explain how this belief affects the way we interact with people within a chosen vocation

The fact that God is involved in his creation means that we too must be actively involved in his creation as well, as we are children of God. We must seek to serve one another just as Jesus strove to serve humanity. We cannot be passive recipients of God's grace and goodness: we must strive to make the world a better place. "The problem is not finding the needs of people in our lives; the problem is caring enough to act in a manner that is far different than perhaps we have acted previously."[footnoteef:1] To love one's neighbor as one's self means taking an active interest in his or her welfare. The need for intervention is constant: human beings are social….

Of these, proponents like Bruce W. Fraser (2005) quote studies and statistics that support the financial viability of corporate responsibility. One study is for example the one by Oekom Research, which indicates that of the 602 companies examined, the 186 companies with the highest sustainability rating also performed better financially than the 416 remaining companies, outperforming them by 23.4%.
Critics like Vogel are however not impressed by such numbers (tavins, 2006). The much wider studies cited and compared in his book appear to indicate that results like those mentioned by Fraser are both biased and too narrow to provide a true indication of the performance/responsibility ratio.

This is a debate that will probably last for a very long time. Nevertheless, other factors should also be taken into account, especially in terms of shareholders. hareholders as entities are changing together with the environment in which they function. An increasing number of shareholders….

They point out a practical instance of India when it was struck by disaster and there was overwhelming donation of clothes that Indian towns ended up chocking on these clothes. It forced the authorities to divert from the recovery process to helping in disposal of the piles of clothes that were spewed along the highways and streets.
There is yet another angle to the whole charity giving of clothes in particular. There are some areas or countries whose local textile industry has suffered immensely due to the emergence of the cheaper clothing whose origin is the charity donated clothes from USA. The fact that they are donated means they get into the overseas markets at a cheaper price hence attracting more demand over the locally manufactured clothes. The pressures of demand and supply hence makes it impossible for the local industry to cope, hence he well intended donations of clothes….

Donors want to be sure there is a purpose for their gift; they want to know their money will be used wisely and will make a difference in the lives of others.
It seems counterintuitive that long letters would make effective appeals, but Clark (as cited in Kluth) recommends long letters as the best means to evoke a response from potential donors. Clark cites research that has demonstrated time and again that long letters are effective. By "long," she means two-sided copy on standard business letterhead paper and up to three or four pages. Such letters provide donors with information on which to make their funding decisions. It is part of ensuring donors that their "hard-earned dollars" will be well spent on a mission that has a clear purpose and is well thought out in terms of implentation.

Sims and ees (2010 caution fundraisers to anticipate campaign results realistically. House, or….

Here are some good suggestions:

Scarlet Letter Essay Titles

  1. Puritanical Standards Undermine the Christian Principle of Charity in Hawthorne’s Scarlett Letter
  2. The Love-Child of Hester Prynne:  Writing Straight with Crooked Lines
  3. Hawthorne’s Scarlett Letter is a 19th Century Takedown of Cancel Culture
  4. Modern Day Cancel Culture Rejected by Hawthorne in The Scarlett Letter
  5. Labeling Theory as an Explanation for the Use of the “A” in The Scarlett Letter
  6. How the Two-Faced Puritanical Ideology of American Society is Reflected in Hawthorne’s Scarlett Letter
  7. Redemption through Repentance, Confession and Penance:  Salvation in The Scarlett Letter
  8. A Catholic Approach to Christianity Illuminates The Scarlett Letter
  9. Why The Scarlett Letter is the Great American....

The Dynamic Intersection between Philosophical Ethics and Christian Theology


The relationship between philosophical ethics and Christian theology is multifaceted and dynamic, characterized by both convergence and divergence. This paper explores this intersection, examining the shared concerns, contrasting perspectives, and reciprocal influences between these two disciplines.

Shared Concerns

One key area of convergence is the common concern with moral values and human conduct. Both philosophical ethics and Christian theology seek to provide a framework for understanding right and wrong, guiding individuals toward virtuous actions. Both disciplines acknowledge the importance of love, justice, and mercy, recognizing the inherent value and dignity of all human beings.


Islam promotes equality among its followers in a number of ways, including:

1. All Muslims are considered equal in the eyes of Allah. Regardless of their wealth, social status, or ethnicity, all believers are equal in their worship and devotion to God.

2. Islam teaches that all human beings are created equal and are deserving of respect and dignity. This includes equal rights and opportunities for both men and women.

3. The concept of brotherhood and sisterhood in Islam emphasizes the importance of treating one another with kindness, compassion, and fairness, regardless of differences in background or social status.

4. Islam teaches the importance....

Pastoral counseling can incorporate faith and spirituality to provide guidance and support to individuals facing challenges by integrating religious beliefs, practices, and values into the therapeutic process. Here are some ways in which this can be achieved:

1. Incorporating prayer and meditation: Pastoral counselors can encourage clients to engage in prayer and meditation as a way to connect with their spiritual beliefs and find comfort and guidance.

2. Using scripture and religious teachings: Pastoral counselors can draw on scripture and religious teachings to provide guidance, comfort, and wisdom to clients facing challenges. They can help clients apply these teachings to their own....

8 Pages


Charity Patients When Healthcare Is Limited Treating

Words: 2440
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Charity Patients WHEN HEALTHCARE IS LIMITED Treating Charity Patients Charity or uninsured patients do not receive adequate health care. They cannot afford it as hospitals charge them to four times more than…

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2 Pages


Charity if I Had 1 Million Dollars

Words: 594
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Charity If I had $1 million dollars to donate to charity tomorrow, the charity to which my donation would go would be to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. St. Jude's…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Charity Foundations

Words: 2481
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Charity/Foundations AngliCOD Board of Directors John Doe, CEO ecent Article in BW concerning Charity Accountability This memo aims to address a recent and rather disturbing article in the March 24-30, 2005, Australian Business…

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3 Pages


Charity Tax Law Charitable Donation

Words: 853
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Case Study 3 This case is somewhat more complex than the two preceding, in that a great deal of variation in the tax implications exists depending on the type/purpose of…

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1 Pages

Sports - Women

Charity This Is a Story

Words: 335
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

It doesn't take long for them to realize that living among the "proper" ladies is not for them. Even sweet Charlotte is willing to do anything to get…

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8 Pages

Business - Advertising

Marketing Market Segmentation Ottawa-Based Charity Aceworks Needs

Words: 2207
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Marketing Market Segmentation Ottawa-based charity AceWorks needs to segment its volunteer population and its donor population in order to create a stronger marketing plan. The objectives of this plan are to…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Advertising

ROI of Charity Golf and

Words: 989
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This level of sponsorship will also get ten tickets to the awards ceremony and four people invited to paly in the Pro-Am with local celebrities. Local cable television…

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2 Pages
Professional Writing


Letter for Charity Dear Julee

Words: 713
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Professional Writing

I know for anyone fighting cancer, they need as much rest as possible. When in the throws of this disease, whether it is the diagnosed or their friends and…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal


Toys for Tots the Charity

Words: 1215
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

An organization in Arizona called "Cops ho Care" on the other hand meets the needs of children by seeking cash donations that they then use to purchase toys for…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Donate Charity - Principle of

Words: 866
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A more comprehensive explanation can then be provided to tell the person donating where there money goes and what something like a "gift card" will mean to the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Christian Charity Offers Tremendous Insight

Words: 866
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Smith's passage details Virginia's geography, outlining the different small settlements and their leaders. The passage shows how the settlers addressed and dealt with the native peoples: words like…

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3 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Christian Charity

Words: 944
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Foundational Christian faith belief God actively involved His creation. God is actively involved with His creation. Explain how this belief affects the way we interact with people within a chosen…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Charities in Determining the Moral

Words: 1595
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Of these, proponents like Bruce W. Fraser (2005) quote studies and statistics that support the financial viability of corporate responsibility. One study is for example the one by…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Donations to Charities Clothes Donation

Words: 2434
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

They point out a practical instance of India when it was struck by disaster and there was overwhelming donation of clothes that Indian towns ended up chocking on…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Worthy Causes Worldwide That Charities

Words: 1049
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Donors want to be sure there is a purpose for their gift; they want to know their money will be used wisely and will make a difference in…

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