Child Poverty Essays (Examples)

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Children need a congenial environment for their physical, emotional and mental development and that cannot be possible when they are left to reel under poverty. Alleviating childhood poverty should not just be a slogan, but a high priority issue that needs immediate addressal, and this can only be achieved by means of a collaborative effort, with both the state and federal governments and social organizations working together.

CARSEY, "Child Poverty in Rural America: New Data Shows Increases in 41 States," Accessed 27th April, 2007, available at

NCCP, "Arizona: Demographics of Poor Children,

Accessed 27th April, 2007, Available at

NCCP, "Arizona: Demographics of Low-Income Children,"

Accessed 27th April, 2007, Available at

Terry Goddard, " Arizona Meth Project," Accessed 28th April 2007, Available at

Naomi Sheehan Groce, "U.S. Child Poverty on the Rise -- Statistics Mask Depth of Crisis," Accessed 28th April, 2007, available at

Tim Vanderpool, "Monster Mash: Fighting Meth lock by lock,"….

This usually ends up costing them even more money, both in unpaid days off of work and in medical bills, not to mention dramatically reducing the quality of life. Children that grow up in such conditions are also far less likely to finish high school, let alone o to college and get better-paying jobs, thus perpetuating the problem (National Center for Children in Poverty, 2009). The physical and economic realities brought on by this country's philosophy of self-sufficiency and the right to unfettered personal gain are devastating to a growing portion of our citizens, and these effects will also hit the rest of the economy. Poverty is a burden for the rest of society, too, and it is one that is often unforeseen and unaccounted for, making it that much more impossible to effectively handle.
It is difficult to determine what to do about the poverty in this country, especially….

Child Poverty Effects Crime ates
How Child Poverty Effects Crime ates Amongst Teens and Young Adults in Today's Society

How Child Poverty Effects Crime ates

How Child Poverty Effects Crime ates Amongst Teens and Young Adults in Today's Society

The entire human race is in the midst of a breathtaking era that is attributed to numerous advancements and innovations. However, it is very unfortunate to state that this unbelievable industrialized world is full of social dilemmas that have made millions of people to suffer from its drastic impacts. While taking United States into consideration, the statistical records expose the fact that with the expansion of racial and minority groups, the nation has become an increasingly diverse society with numerous young people. In this diverse society, child poverty has become one of widespread and prominent social issue with serious consequences and wider implications (Lindsey, 2008).

Indeed, in this contemporary world, the social issue of poverty has….

Education Building Canada: Child Poverty and Schools
This article is written by the Canadian Teachers Federation (CTF), an organization of over 200,000 teachers in and around Canada. One of the primary initiatives of the CTF is to reduce the ongoing issue of child poverty. In 2008, the Campaign 2000's report card indicated that child poverty rates in Canada are as high as they were recorded in 1989. This staggering statistic is powerful for many reasons but primarily because reducing child poverty has been an initiative that Canada has aimed to address for many years now.

This article provides a summary of powerful statistics that address child poverty and point out such things as the increasing rate of poverty in aboriginal communities, rates of food bank uses, number of families who would need to earn dramatically more money to even hit the poverty line. The article goes on to address child poverty….

Sasha is 3 and Cayley is 1. Cayley is beginning to walk which is about normal for her age. Sasha is small for her age and could be considered underdeveloped. Cayley still uses a bottle and sleeps with the bottle for comfort and still puts everything in her mouth. Much of this is normal, though fewer things should be going in the mouth by about this time. She is able to say a few words which is good (often second children speak less than the first child anyway), and her interest in the blocks that the CPS worker brings is a good sign. Sasha is curious and interested in things, but she does not speak much and she does not listen well to basic commands. She also is abusive towards her sister and mother, which is a sign that she has not received the necessary amount of physical stimulation and….

Child Poverty and Its Effects on Education and Development
Beyond problems of financial inequality that occur when countless young children reside in poor as well as persistently inadequate households, poor children can easily perpetuate the never-ending cycle when they achieve adulthood. Prior study implies that children who're born poor as well as are constantly poor are considerably much more most likely to remain poor as grownups, quit school, give teenage premarital births, and also have spotty employment details than all those not very poor at birth (atcliffe and McKernan 2010). This previous research focused on the earliest cohort of youngsters reviewed here-children born in between 1967 and 1974 as well as who turned Thirty amid 1997 and 2004. An important query is whether or not this link has endured with time. Even though information aren't accessible to see outcomes via age 30 for children born within the subsequent two cohort groups….

Children and Poverty

Poverty and Homelessness in Children
Poverty is the deficiency in the amount of money or material possessions considered to be acceptable for individuals in a particular country. Among families who are homeless with children 42% of homeless children are under the age of six years old. The majority of homeless families with children cited poverty as the third most common reason for their being homeless. A child is born into poverty every 33 seconds in the United States.

Key professional and community organizations addressing this issue/population: There are several organizations addressing this issue including the U.S. Department of Agriculture with programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Program, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) seeking to provide affordable housing to everyone, the Children's Defense Fund, Voices for America's Children, the National Urban League, and the National Coalition for the Homeless. Local and community-based organizations such as The Salvation Army, The YWCA,….

The Cook County CDED was formed in 1985 and is a private, non-profit organization supported by foundation and grants, as well as several individual donations annually.
Our Mission

To end disability-related discrimination and injustice through education and increased legal services for individuals and families with disabilities. This is accomplished through legal support and the support of local community families.

To fight for and increase the rights of children with disabilities by changing discriminatory practices, policies and laws.

To educate children, families and education professionals.

To provide assistance to families with disabilities in need.

To offer educational and extracurricular activities for children with disabilities as well as family members.

To increase awareness overall.

The CDED does not believe any individual or family should be denied the right to fair housing or education because of a disability. The CDED Community Center offers a place of solace for children with disabilities and families to gather, learn and spend quality time….

Child Abuse and Abuse

Child abuse and neglect is a highly discussed issue in the present day. For a long time now, the detrimental impacts of child abuse and neglect have been acknowledged. There are significant implications from child abuse and neglect in the United States and it is imperative to come up with the necessary ways of dealing with it. The solution is to have a propagating state program that encompasses poor and underprivileged children. There is also need for family programs that educate and teach households on better child treatment and attaining the necessary skills. Such programs should also be expanded to schools to determine their vulnerabilities and needs.
Child abuse and neglect is a highly debated issue in the contemporary. For a lengthy period now, the detrimental impacts of child abuse and neglect have been acknowledged. Adverse childhood events (ACEs) have been experientially demonstrated to be linked to an assortment of negative….

Poverty and Public Policy
Charles Blow discusses in hits NYT op-ed column the issue of child poverty. He notes up front that his belief is that poverty can never really be ended, highlighting that the man has a realistic outlook on the issue. There are many different causes of poverty, not the least of which is that poverty is, ultimately, relative. What we call poverty today in America would be considered wealthy in half the other countries in the world. His point, however, is that even if you accept that there will always be some poverty, there is a societal obligation to keep the poverty rate as low as possible. He argues in particular against children living in poverty.

This is where public policy comes into play. The United States, simply put, performs poorly on the issues of overall poverty and child poverty, and that is the direct result of public policy.….

60) creating what is being called a "School-to-Prison Pipeline." Even before the hurricane, New Orleans schools were the worst in the country. The school system had a history of financial mismanagement, failing test scores, crumbling buildings and facilities, and accompanying school violence and racial segregation. The schools have a prison-like atmosphere that is hardly conducive to learning. eal damage is being done to Louisiana's children by "turning simple acts of childishness into crimes punishable by incarceration" (p. 61). Although the schools alone cannot end the cycle of poverty, it stands to reason that children who lack education cannot break out of it. They are more likely to drop out, commit crimes, and end up in prison. "The single largest predictor of later arrest among adolescents is having been suspended, expelled, or held back..." (cited in Tuzzolo & Hewitt, 2006, p. 63).
Most people would say they love their children and….

poverty, some challenges might undermine the effort of these strategies. Disability and health are the recurring themes in the article. The author argues that intervention to address unemployment needs a new social accord to generate policies and labor market reforms to create more jobs. This approach is subject to the threat of the deeper powers of inequalities, which influence the current regime of distribution. On the other hand, the alternative is the widespread continuation of policies generating jobless growth.
The article reports that child poverty is a substantial health concern. It points to the adverse effects of low socioeconomic status on people's health such as their well-being. The author included a discussion of wide-reaching effects on the health conditions of the future and current generations around the globe. The author clearly illustrated the health-oriented significance of poverty and worked closely with various organizations and professionals to address poverty.

The early years….

Rights of Children

Child Rights
Children's Rights

hat are the main debates on equality on the MDGs post 2015, and how is this important for the children's well-being?

There are many debatable items and priorities that are associated the ongoing efforts in the 2015 Millennium Development Goals. One of the main priorities is to eradicate poverty. This is no easy task and has been a goal for the group since its origin. However, this issue is important to children in many ways. One particular way to help eradicate poverty is through education; especially the education of young females.

One of the reasons education is especially important for young women is that education is linked to the age at which women marry and have children. In sub-Saharan Africa and in South and est Asia, child marriage affects one in eight girls; one in seven gives birth by the age of 17; education can empower these girls to have….

Poverty and Inequality Among Children
Studies show that child poverty has been increasing at an alarming rate in the last decade. In 1994, 15.3 million children, or 21.8% of all Americans, were poor (Lichter 1997) and that, although children constituted only 26.7% of the population, 40.1% of all poor persons in the U.S. were children (U.S. ureau of Census 1996 as qtd in Lichter). These rising poverty rates are used by government agencies in determining the criteria for eligibility in social insurance programs and public assistance interventions developed by these government agencies. And, according to these criteria, the economic well-being of American children is on a downtrend, which indicates that tomorrow's adults will be less economically adjusted than adults today and that the future of today's children is materially and psycho-emotionally less promising (Lichter).

In his study, Lichter (1997) pointed to the rapid changes in the most fundamental institutions -- family, school….

Child Adoption Is a Process

Gradually, there are lesser desired adoptive kids as society have come to accept single mother who parent their children compared to earlier. The disgrace of giving birth to a child outside marriage has lowered and hence, the bulk of single moms prefer to have their kids with them in place of "relinquishing them" for being adopted. Besides, thanks to advanced technology, "birth control" pills are instantly accessible to the fertile populace, and, as abortion has been legalized, a pregnancy which is unplanned could be stopped. A new dimension to the problem has emerged because of the decrease in the supply of desirable adoptable infants and the rising infertility among Americans. (Infant Adoption is Big Business in America)
It is anticipated that out of every six couples, one couple has problems in conceiving and total infertile couples may number 5.3 million. A lot of adopters who are presently desirous of adoption….

7 Pages
Term Paper


Child Poverty in Arizona Ironically

Words: 1797
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Children need a congenial environment for their physical, emotional and mental development and that cannot be possible when they are left to reel under poverty. Alleviating childhood poverty…

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2 Pages


Child Poverty in the United

Words: 647
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

This usually ends up costing them even more money, both in unpaid days off of work and in medical bills, not to mention dramatically reducing the quality of…

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10 Pages
Capstone Project


How Child Poverty Effects Crime Rates Amongst Teens and Young Adults in Today's Society

Words: 3252
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Child Poverty Effects Crime ates How Child Poverty Effects Crime ates Amongst Teens and Young Adults in Today's Society How Child Poverty Effects Crime ates How Child Poverty Effects Crime ates Amongst…

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2 Pages


Education Building Canada Child Poverty and Schools

Words: 595
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Education Building Canada: Child Poverty and Schools This article is written by the Canadian Teachers Federation (CTF), an organization of over 200,000 teachers in and around Canada. One of…

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7 Pages

Sociology - Counseling

Urban Children in Poverty Cognitive Development

Words: 2202
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Sasha is 3 and Cayley is 1. Cayley is beginning to walk which is about normal for her age. Sasha is small for her age and could be considered…

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6 Pages


Child Poverty and Its Effects on Education and Development

Words: 1864
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Child Poverty and Its Effects on Education and Development Beyond problems of financial inequality that occur when countless young children reside in poor as well as persistently inadequate households, poor…

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2 Pages


Children and Poverty

Words: 690
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Chapter

Poverty and Homelessness in Children Poverty is the deficiency in the amount of money or material possessions considered to be acceptable for individuals in a particular country. Among families who…

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2 Pages
Business Proposal


Children's Defense Fund-purpose Needs Statement Children's

Words: 548
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Business Proposal

The Cook County CDED was formed in 1985 and is a private, non-profit organization supported by foundation and grants, as well as several individual donations annually. Our Mission To end…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Child Abuse

Child Abuse and Abuse

Words: 3043
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Child abuse and neglect is a highly discussed issue in the present day. For a long time now, the detrimental impacts of child abuse and neglect have been acknowledged.…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Poverty and Public Policy Charles Blow Discusses

Words: 1035
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Poverty and Public Policy Charles Blow discusses in hits NYT op-ed column the issue of child poverty. He notes up front that his belief is that poverty can never really…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Children's Poverty in Louisiana Poverty

Words: 712
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

60) creating what is being called a "School-to-Prison Pipeline." Even before the hurricane, New Orleans schools were the worst in the country. The school system had a history…

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2 Pages

Family and Marriage

Poverty Some Challenges Might Undermine the Effort

Words: 661
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

poverty, some challenges might undermine the effort of these strategies. Disability and health are the recurring themes in the article. The author argues that intervention to address unemployment…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Rights of Children

Words: 795
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Child Rights Children's Rights hat are the main debates on equality on the MDGs post 2015, and how is this important for the children's well-being? There are many debatable items and priorities…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Critique on an International Relations Study on Poverty and Inequality Among Children

Words: 2326
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Poverty and Inequality Among Children Studies show that child poverty has been increasing at an alarming rate in the last decade. In 1994, 15.3 million children, or 21.8% of all…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Child Adoption Is a Process

Words: 4497
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Gradually, there are lesser desired adoptive kids as society have come to accept single mother who parent their children compared to earlier. The disgrace of giving birth to…

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