Cleopatra Essays (Examples)

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Cleopatra and the Fall of Egypt
Cleopatra life started around 69 B.C. through to 30 B.C. And her reign started around 51 B.C. till the time of her death which was around 30 B.C. She was almost certainly the most unforgettable queen ever seen in the land of Egypt. She was felt as far as the oman Empire as she affected the Empire by bringing down the oman Empire leaders on accident. This developed a very strong hatred towards her from the oman Empire Senate. It was clear that Cleopatra ended up with a good number of enemies than friends not on purpose.

According to Chauveau, Michel, (2000), Cleopatra's story started by the time she was around 17 years old. There was a fight between Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII who happened to be her brother as well as her husband. The fight was simply revolving around the Egyptian throne. This made Ptolemy….

Cleopatra VII's Role in the attle of Actium
In the history of Egypt, Cleopatra VII was considered as the "Last Pharaoh" of Egypt, particularly, the last descendant of the Ptolemaic rule. Cleopatra's life history is a series of numerous alliances and relationships with different men, although one of the most prominent men who got involved with Cleopatra is Julius Caesar and Marc Antony, all Roman rulers during the reign of the Roman Empire. In Egyptian history, there have been several queens named Cleopatra, although the seventh queen, who was Cleopatra VII, was the only one who became "influential" and "famous" (Tour-Egypt Monthly 1996). Known as Cleopatra VII Tryphaena, Cleopatra was the daughter of Ptolemy XIII Auletes, reigning King of Egypt during the year 51 C. Cleopatra's father left a will, which states that Cleopatra was to be the heiress to her father's kingdom, and the heir will be Ptolemy XIV, Cleopatra's….

During this time, Caesar burned down all his ships which accidentally also burned down the Alexandria Library which was close by.
Soon after Cleopatra was given the throne after Ptolemy XIII had been killed. Cleopatra also gave birth to a child who had been named Caesarion.

Cleopatra had been at the deathbed of Caesar and after his death she retuned home. There her co-monarch had died due to poisoning from probably her elder sister. After his death, Cleopatra's son Caesarion was advanced to become the co-monarch. After securing Egypt she went on to taking her place as the head of Rome along with Mark Antony. However, as things turned out in the end, they both killed themselves instead of being captured by Octavian, who turned out to be the first Roman Emperor (Grant,


The Cleopatra by Michael Grant is considered to be the most wisely researched, correctly documented life of Cleopatra.….

For example, when meeting with Mark Antony for the first time, Cleopatra showed up on a barge with a gilded stern, purple sails, and silver oars. The boat was sailed by her maids, who were dressed as sea nymphs. Cleopatra herself was dressed as Venus, the goddess of love. She reclined under a gold canopy, fanned by boys in Cupid costumes (Hinge.Com, 1).
Needless to say, Mark Antony was enchanted.

Cleopatra made a similar dramatic first impression on Julius Caesar. Wanting to meet with Caesar, but knowing her political enemies were likely to have her killed if she appeared openly in public, she had herself smuggled to Caesar rolled up in an oriental rug. When the rug was unrolled, there was Cleopatra. Caesar was enthralled by this fascinating woman, and it is said that he made his/her lover that very night. Cleopatra obviously continued to enthrall Caesar, as he fathered a….

Their relationship proved beneficial for both of them and the reciprocity is beyond any doubt. She understood the weaknesses of her state, but that did not stop her from seeking the ways to overcome them. She allied with the most powerful empire of that time, by conquering two of its most important politicians: Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. While her relationship with Julius Caesar appeared to be less under the impression of passion and more under the impression of an alliance between two intelligent people concerned by the well-being of their states, her relationship with mark Antony seems to be much more complicated and it often makes one wonder about their sound judgments. Mark Antony is often described by historians as being on one hand, a very good military man and on the other, a foolish womanizer, loving to party and play jokes any time he got the chance.….

Cleopatra's death tragic or triumphant? Explain in reference to text
Is Cleopatra's death tragic or triumphant?

As a character, Shakespeare's Cleopatra is both sublimely sensual and sublimely ridiculous. She is described early on as beautiful and exotic by one of Mark Anthony's solder but also dangerous to his manhood and reputation: "The buckles on his breast, reneges all temper, / And is become the bellows and the fan / To cool a gipsy's lust" (I.1). Cleopatra seduces Anthony into forgetting his obligations to Rome and impinges upon his ability to fight because she lures him into desiring her and turning against his former ally Octavius Caesar. Anthony struggles throughout the play between his obligations to Octavius, who represents cool, disciplined Roman honor and Cleopatra who represents hedonism and Egyptian lassitude.

Rather than seeking to lead effectively, Cleopatra asks for a sleeping drought when Anthony is away: "That I might sleep out this….

She ruled England for over 60 years, bringing far-sweeping changes to the country during her reign. She was a student of Machiavelli, who advocated strong leadership skills in his book "The Prince," (Adair 169). Historian Adair writes of her, "Her restless and calculating mind was always at work, plotting a course forwards through a tangled maze of possibilities and dangers. She observed men closely and played upon their emotions as if they were the keys of her harpsichord" (Adair 172). Thus, she was a good planner and could view problems dispassionately and with expectation, which helped her anticipate problems, such as the invasion of the Spanish Armada that threatened England but she managed to overcome with planning and foresight. When visiting her men personally on the battlefield she said, "I am come amongst you, as you see, at this time, not ffor my recreation and disport, but being resolved,….

This godlessness might initially be viewed as being cynical. However, when one looks at the social and political climate of Shakespeare's time, and the reality that England was just passing through a conversion from Catholicism to the Anglican church, driven by Henry VIII's desire to divorce and remarry, it might not be accurate to label godlessness in the play as cynical. Perhaps that is the view that Shakespeare is suggesting is idyllic, given the turmoil that organized religion had helped create in his country in recent history. This lack of a clear-cut explanation of the godlessness in the play, and of the playful way in which Cleopatra obliterates any claim Antony might actually have to self-divinity, shows how cynicism and idealism are caught in this cycle.
Nowhere in the play is the cycle of cynicism and idealism more dramatically showcased than in the play's final scenes. Caesar has conquered Egypt….

Figures of Legend in History

Conventional literature would come to see Cleopatra as an exploitive whore, responsible for the downfall
of virtuous men like the Ptolemies, Julius Caesar and, inevitably, Marc
Antony as well. So is this reported by historical accounts such as that by
Cassius Dio who reflected that "Indeed she so enchanted and enthralled not
only Antony but all others who counted for anything with him that she came
to entertain the hope that she would rule the Romans as well, and whenever
she took an oath, the most potent phrase she used were the words, 'So
surely as I shall one day give judgement [sic] on the Capitol.'" (Cassius
Dio, 39) The argument given here in defining her persona would be the
clear understanding of her imperialist intent, so to say that it had been
always an ambition for this ruler to extend the Egyptian influence to new
heights. The Roman perspective turns our attention to some correlation
between the two distinct personas which….

ork Cited

Antony and Cleopatra. Retrieved September 30, 2005 from:

Brown, Lenora Inez. "Enter the Body: omen and Representation on Shakespeare's Stage." American Theatre. May 01, 2001. Retrieved September 30, 2005 from HighBeam Research Library eb site.

Desmet, Christy. "omen's Matters: Politics, Gender, and Nation in Shakespeare's Early History Plays." Comparative Drama. September 22, 2000. Retrieved September 30, 2005 from HighBeam Research Library eb site.

Hunt, Maurice. "Shakespeare's Venetian paradigm: stereotyping and Sadism in The Merchant of Venice and Othello." Papers on Language & Literature. March 22, 2003. Retrieved September 30, 2005 from HighBeam Research Library eb site.

Julius Caesar, The Life and Death of. Retrieved September 30, 2005 from:

Othello, The Moore of Venice. Retrieved September 30, 2005 from:

Starks, Lisa S. "Like the lover's pinch, which hurts and is desired: The Narrative

of Male Masochism and Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra." Literature and Psychology. December 22, 1999. Retrieved September 30, 2005 from HighBeam Research Library eb site.


Male and Female Has Been

Indeed, they are both supporter of Communism and here we are already talking about the mature period of Communist in its fight against the Imperialists (certainly, these are the same imperialists that would have paid Rivera for painting Rockefeller Centre) and the meeting between the couple and Trotsky is defining for the late phase of their relationship.
Artistic practices and values

Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath and Frida and Diego are extremely relevant for this category. First of all, Frida and Diego are members of the artistic community of Mexico and not only (and we are referring here to their presence in France during a time of artistic effervescence, as well as to their trip in the United States), this is the community that influences them and from where they draw their identity as artists. Additionally, it is their art that pulls them together each time the fall apart on any….

Among the great features of Gothenburg is the Gothenburg Opera House, the Liseberg amusement park and Universeum, a great place to take the family because kids will love the discovery and science center at Universeum.
Boat trips are available that take visitors out into the harbor and into the archipelago further north. Marstand in the archipelago and is well-known as a great place for yachting and yacht racing, and it is easily located from Gothenburg.

A couple of great Swedish traditions include "The Day of the Herring" (in June) during which Swedes make it a point to eat herring; many chefs have seminars teaching people how to make a "Midsummer herring dish." There is a floating hotel and restaurant (the Salt & Sill), and while on board a visitor can devour a three-course dinner and a night's stay in the Bed and Breakfast for 65 British pounds.

The Port of Gothenburg, the….

About Egypt

History Of Egypt
Civilization Emerges in the Nile Valley 2-3

The Age of the Pharaohs (3200 CE - 30 CE) 3-4

ritish Colonial Rule (1914-1954) 4-5

Modern Egypt (1954 -- Present Day) 5-6

Conclusion & Suggestions

Egypt has always remained one of the most intriguing areas on the planet, with historians, archaeologists and laymen alike flocking to the country on a steady basis throughout the last two centuries to indulge their curiosity and explore the heart of human civilization. The home of iconic monuments built by the world's first civilizations -- including the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx and a wide assortment of temples and ruins -- Egypt has come to represent the age of humanity's emergence for modern society. The age old cities of Cairo, Alexandria and Luxor have become modernized during the last century, but visitors and residents to Egypt have come to recognize the nation's seemingly natural blend of antiquity and progress….

Herod the Great

King Herod, The Great
Quite a variety of members belonging to the royal dynasty had their names Herod being originated in Edom or Idumea after John Hyrcanus in 125 B.C was obligated to adopt the Jewish religion (1). The Herod family ruled in Palestine as vassals of the omans. Followed by Maccabees, the history of this dynasty mainly relates to the political history of Palestine during this whole era (1).

omans in 40 B.C made Herod I the Great, son of Antipater the king who managed to keep hold of his throne even during the times of changes in the government at ome (1). Herod's kingdom includes Idumea, Galilee, Judea, Batanea, Samaria and Peraea, which was more or less the same size as the kingdom of David and Solomon (1).

Though Herod had outstanding leadership skills, yet he was greatly detested by the Jews. One of the reasons for disliking him was his….

A in millions)

Current in millions)

Provided by Federal ureau of Investigation as of September 18, 2006."

CHART: National Correctional Populations

National Correctional Populations

The number of adults in correctional population has been increasing.

A in millions)

Current million in millions)

Provided by ureau of Justice Statistics as of November 30, 2006. (Social Statistics riefing Room, 2006)

More Statistics

Violence in the Media

Huston and colleagues have estimated that the average 18-year-old will have viewed 200,000 acts of violence on television (Huston, a.C., Donnerstein, E., Fairchild, H. et al. ig World, Small Screen: The Role of Television in American Society. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1992.)

41% percent of American households have three or more televisions (Nielsen Media Research, 2000).

56% of children ages 8-16 have a television in their rooms (Annenberg Public Policy Center, 2000. Media in the Home 2000)

Percentage of television-time children ages 2-7 spend watching alone and unsupervised: 81 (Kaiser Family Foundation, 1999. "Kids and Media @ the….

3 Pages

Drama - World

Cleopatra and the Fall of Egypt Cleopatra

Words: 1035
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Cleopatra and the Fall of Egypt Cleopatra life started around 69 B.C. through to 30 B.C. And her reign started around 51 B.C. till the time of her death which…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Cleopatra's Role in the Battle at Actium

Words: 1727
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Cleopatra VII's Role in the attle of Actium In the history of Egypt, Cleopatra VII was considered as the "Last Pharaoh" of Egypt, particularly, the last descendant of the Ptolemaic…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Cleopatra by Micheal Grant Gives

Words: 1811
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

During this time, Caesar burned down all his ships which accidentally also burned down the Alexandria Library which was close by. Soon after Cleopatra was given the throne after…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Cleopatra The Historical and Literary

Words: 1268
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For example, when meeting with Mark Antony for the first time, Cleopatra showed up on a barge with a gilded stern, purple sails, and silver oars. The boat…

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6 Pages

Drama - World

Cleopatra and Antony the Daughter

Words: 1672
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

Their relationship proved beneficial for both of them and the reciprocity is beyond any doubt. She understood the weaknesses of her state, but that did not stop her…

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2 Pages

Sports - Women

Cleopatra's Death Tragic or Triumphant Explain in

Words: 675
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Cleopatra's death tragic or triumphant? Explain in reference to text Is Cleopatra's death tragic or triumphant? As a character, Shakespeare's Cleopatra is both sublimely sensual and sublimely ridiculous. She is…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Leadership Styles of Cleopatra and

Words: 663
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

She ruled England for over 60 years, bringing far-sweeping changes to the country during her reign. She was a student of Machiavelli, who advocated strong leadership skills in…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Drama - World

Cynicism vs Idealism in Antony

Words: 2246
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This godlessness might initially be viewed as being cynical. However, when one looks at the social and political climate of Shakespeare's time, and the reality that England was…

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10 Pages


Figures of Legend in History

Words: 3464
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Thesis

Conventional literature would come to see Cleopatra as an exploitive whore, responsible for the downfall of virtuous men like the Ptolemies, Julius Caesar and, inevitably, Marc Antony as well. So is…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Shakespeare's Women There Is a

Words: 1536
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ork Cited Antony and Cleopatra. Retrieved September 30, 2005 from: Brown, Lenora Inez. "Enter the Body: omen and Representation on Shakespeare's Stage." American Theatre. May 01, 2001. Retrieved September 30, 2005…

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8 Pages


Male and Female Has Been

Words: 2219
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Indeed, they are both supporter of Communism and here we are already talking about the mature period of Communist in its fight against the Imperialists (certainly, these are…

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Business - Miscellaneous

Sailing Destinations Vounaki Greece Vounaki

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Among the great features of Gothenburg is the Gothenburg Opera House, the Liseberg amusement park and Universeum, a great place to take the family because kids will love…

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History - Israel

About Egypt

Words: 1533
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

History Of Egypt Civilization Emerges in the Nile Valley 2-3 The Age of the Pharaohs (3200 CE - 30 CE) 3-4 ritish Colonial Rule (1914-1954) 4-5 Modern Egypt (1954 -- Present Day) 5-6 Conclusion…

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History - Israel

Herod the Great

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King Herod, The Great Quite a variety of members belonging to the royal dynasty had their names Herod being originated in Edom or Idumea after John Hyrcanus in 125 B.C…

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Criminal Justice

Media and Violence Contradicting Causes

Words: 4155
Length: 16 Pages
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A in millions) Current in millions) Provided by Federal ureau of Investigation as of September 18, 2006." CHART: National Correctional Populations National Correctional Populations The number of adults in correctional population has been…

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