Community Resources Essays (Examples)

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U.I.L.D.) program aimed to increase community involvement in children's lives as a way of increasing education. Watching the video describing B.U.I.L.D.'s programs, it was interesting to see that some of the community activists did not even seem concerned about education, specifically. For example, ev. Charles Thomas began by talking about the conditions in a local park, how it has been abandoned by the city, and how people cannot expect teachers to bring their students to these dangerous parks to play. He was followed by a woman explaining that children fight because they have not been given the opportunity to play together (Annenberg Media, 1999). It was a profound statement, because it is so easy to dismiss children playing. After all, play is seen as having very little real value, just being a form of recreation. What adults tend to forget is that in play children model adult behaviors. It is….

Caregivers of Alzheimer's Patients
Community Health Promotion Project Design

As we have discovered in the first part of the study, Alzheimer's is a major health issue for the population of seniors 65 years and older. Alzheimers costs taxpayers and individuals billions of dollars for the provision of care for those who can no longer care for themselves. Alzheimer's is an expensive disease and many times it is the family who must bear much of the expense. We found that the financial strain of caring for someone who has Alzheimer's creates an incredible amount of stress on family members. However, we also found that perhaps even greater than the financial strain, Alzheimer's places in incredible load on the family as they are usually the ones who must care for their family member.

The aggregate for this study consists of family members who must care for other members of the family who have Alzheimer's. Currently,….

Geographical Community

Community Analysis: Columbus, Ohio - Hilltop Area/Franklinton
Identification and History

The Franklinton/Hilltop area of Columbus, Ohio is located on the west side of the greater metropolitan area. Franklinton is in a river valley next to the Scioto iver and the Hilltop area is just west of that on a rise. The Hilltop area is defined as the area between I-70 on the north, the B & O. railway to the east and south, and the I-270 outerbelt to the south and west (Greater Hilltop Area Commission, 2011). Its main street is West Broadstreet, otherwise known as U.S. route 40. There are welcome signs to the area near Mound Street and Hague Avenue. Franklinton is bordered by the Scioto iver on the north and east, Hague Avenue on the east, Stimmel oad and Greenlawn Avenue on the South, and I-70 on the West. The main street in this area is also West Broadstreet.….

Community Participation

Community participation is a key ingredient of any powerful community. The life blood (citizens) of the community is pumped by the heart, called as participation. Community participation is a requirement as well as a condition. It is a condition for raising resources and achieving more results. It engages the citizens deeply in work of the development of community. Community participation is about performing activities for the benefits of any community. The partners of the community follow certain rules and posses unique elements. They have a goal to achieve. This topic has various aspects; the purpose of writing this case study is to explore the minor and major aspects of community participation among kids and adults, both. This case study begins with the background of use of community participation as a tool, its strengths and weaknesses, the role of government in expanding this tool and the ways of communication used for….

Community Oriented Policing

Community Oriented Policing
new and comprehensive strategy against crime: Community Policing:

For the purpose of reducing neighborhood crimes, creating a sense of security and reduce fear of crimes among the citizens and improving the quality of life in the community, the community policing strategy will be proved to be the most effective one. The accomplishment of all these objectives to develop a healthy and clean society can be done by combining the efforts of the police department, the members of the community and the local government. "The concept of community policing is not very new however it has gained attention in last few years. It is an approach to make a collaborative effort between the police and the community in order to identify and solve the problems of crime, societal disorder and disturbances. It combines all the element of the community to find out the solutions to the social problems. Its foundations….

Community-Based Business
This discussion will cover community-based business, overview of sustained community- based business, social enterprise, weaknesses of community-based business and success and failures of social enterprises.

A sustainable business can be referred to as a business that is operating within a friendly environment or take part in green activities in ensuring that every products, processes as well as manufacturing activities address the current environmental concerns adequately in as much as the profit margin is maintained. The description can be narrowed to; business that meets the needs of the current world while having no compromise on the future generation's ability so that they meet their own needs; or a process of assessing ways of designing products that are going to take advantage of the recent situations of the environment as well as the degree at which products of the company perform with renewable resources.

Some reports emphasize sustainability to be a three-legged stool….

Money can help bring about the truly necessary elements, however, and without proper funding the ability to give a good public education to eth hundreds or thousands of students most serve becomes a true practical impossibility. There are numerous elements of providing an education that require an investment of financial resources, and like most things in this world you get what you pay for when it comes to education. A higher price tag doesn't guarantee a successful and high-quality education, but a low price tag all but guarantees a poor one.
One of the ways in which underfunding makes it almost impossible for a good education to be delivered is in the selection of educators. If the overall employment arena can be viewed as a market system, and it is very common and very reasonable to view it in just this manner, then job seekers will tend to seek out….

Community Safety and Crime eduction: An Evaluation of the ole of New Technology
ecent technological advances have effectively changed the way we conduct business, secure our borders, fight our wars, diagnose diseases, etc. Indeed, thanks to advances in technology, the world as we know it today looks very different from the world of yesteryears. The fact that technology continues to have a significant impact on almost every facet of our lives is undeniable. One of the areas in which recent advances in technology remains most visible is security. Today, unlike two or three decades ago, there are a wide range of hi-tech security devices that have been specifically developed to help in fighting crime. From CCTV cameras to alarm systems to GPS tracking and even software designed to examine online chat records, the fight against crime has surely gone high-tech. It is however important to note that the utilization of some….

Community outreach and counterterrorism with efforts towards exploitable weaknesses.
Community Outreach and Terrorism

International and domestic terrorism have reached levels previously believed to be impossible. hether fueled by profits they get from trafficking drugs or whether they are fueled by religious ideologies, a series of communities express particular interest in wanting to get actively involved in performing activities characteristic to terrorist organizations. Many governments have the tendency to focus on fighting them directly and fail to understand the significance of addressing factors that influence these people to take up arms against the system. Focusing on underlying concepts encouraging individuals to become terrorists is likely to destabilize terrorist institutions and to make it increasingly difficult for them to recruit people.


The intelligence community in the contemporary society plays an important role in detecting terrorist threats and in making it less likely for individuals to engage in terrorist acts. Even with this, terrorists themselves are….

It is important, therefore to understand the different frameworks by which the ethics of an act can be evaluated.
The art of citizenship, as identified by Barber (no date), must taught as part of one's education. It also holds that practical experience is the best way to teach the art of citizenship. People learn about the consequences of their actions by attaching themselves to those consequences physically. In my case, the sheer volume of shoes that I had to sort made the point clear -- I was helping people clothe themselves. Every box of children's shoes I sent was a child that I helped to live a better life. e have a responsibility, Barber argues, to understand the implications of our actions on our communities.

The different approaches to ethics can also be studied through practical experience. It is social interaction that illustrates for us the outcomes of our actions, and….

The selective type would enable me to make optimal use of the specific factors that are relevant to my target group. This IOM type would also enable me to identify cases of prior and current drug use, and to refer these to specialized groups and programs for help. The selective type is therefore optimal for the specific sector of society that I want to target.
Best Practice Program

From the "Best Practice Programs," I chose "Athletes Training and Learning to Avoid teroids: The ATLA Program," because it specifically focuses on high school athletes as a target group. While it focuses mostly on one particular kind of drug, I would perhaps modify it to address the specific problems, risks and protective factors of my target group.

The ATLA program focuses on male high school athletes and aims at reducing the risk factors involved in the use of anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing….

Watson's origin of human life is tied to notions that one's soul possesses a body that is not restricted by objective space and time. The lived world of the experiencing person is not well-known by external and internal notions of time and space, but shapes its own time and space. "Nursing is a human science of persons and human health-illness experiences that are mediated by professional, personal, scientific, esthetic, and ethical human care transactions. The process of nursing is human care" (Fawcett, 2002).
The main concept of Watson's theory is transpersonal human caring which is best understood within the concepts of three subsidiary concepts: life, illness and health.

Human life is defined as spiritual, mental and physical being which is continuous in time and space.

Illness is not automatically a disease. Illness is turmoil or disharmony with a person's inner self or soul at some level or disharmony within the spheres of….
Type I diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults and results from the body's failure to produce insulin. Type 1 account for 5% to 10% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes (Centers for Disease Control, National Diabetes Fact Sheet, The most common form of diabetes is Type II, which accounts for about 90 to 95% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes (Centers for Disease Control, National Diabetes Fact Sheet, Pre- diabetes is a condition often present prior to the development of Type II diabetes. In pre-diabetes, blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be considered diabetic.

Pre-diabetes does not have to lead to the development of diabetes if a person diagnosed with this condition: Patients who work to control their weight and increase their physical activity can often prevent or delay the onset of diabetes. There are 41 million Americans who have….

It would be helpful to have public awareness campaigns designed to help community residents be aware of the need to test their homes and their bodies for radon content. Funding from federal, state, and local sources might be available to establish a public awareness campaign. In fact, a public awareness campaign related to radon might be sponsored by a public health organization including but not limited to the Environmental Protection Agency. The National Institutes of Health might also provide the means by which to devise effective public health awareness campaigns as well as specific intervention programs. In fact, the National Institutes of Health also offer materials that I could publish in lieu of a community-specific guide. These documents offer general information that homeowners might be happy to have, and they are available in Spanish as well as English (National Institutes of Health, 2013). I might need to analyze the….

One, in particular, Edison State College, in Florida, is a two-year college that has an outstanding curriculum, and highly qualified staff. The college cooperates with a number of four-year colleges, affording students the opportunity to complete baccalaureate degrees in some majors while taking classes at Edison State. Many of the colleges are impressive, like the University of Florida, Florida State University, Nova Southeastern University, and others. These partner colleges and universities are all accredited, and have rules of performance and grade averages that students must meet and maintain in order to be accepted into those institutions. This, too, would suggest that Cohen and Brawer are flawed in their assessment of students who choose to attend two-year colleges.
orks Cited

Cohen, Arthur M., Brawer, Florence B., and Lombardi, John R. (Foreward by) (2008),

The American Community College, 5th Edition, Jossey-Bass, Inc., Publishers, NY, NY.

Edison State Community College, Baccalaureate Partners (2009), found online at….

Having to write a creative essay about a serious topic can be a very challenging assignment for most writers.  That is because many academic essay topics can be very straightforward and leave little room for any creative details.  However, since you are able to choose between a few different types of essay, you are in a great position to add some creative details. Of the three alternatives you listed, lesson plan, clinical intervention, or design study, we think that a clinical intervention gives you the greatest opportunity to show off your creative streak. That is....

1. The impact of schizophrenia psychosis on lifespan and overall health
2. The relationship between early intervention and improved outcomes in schizophrenia
3. The role of genetics in the development of schizophrenia and its effects on lifespan
4. The effectiveness of various treatment options for schizophrenia psychosis and their impact on lifespan
5. The stigma surrounding schizophrenia and its influence on access to care and lifespan
6. The connection between co-occurring disorders, such as substance abuse, and lifespan in individuals with schizophrenia
7. The importance of social support and community resources in improving outcomes and longevity for individuals with schizophrenia

1. The root causes of the opioid epidemic and how society can address them
2. The impact of opioid addiction on individuals, families, and communities
3. The role of pharmaceutical companies in fueling the opioid epidemic
4. The connection between mental health and opioid addiction
5. Strategies for preventing opioid addiction and promoting safe pain management
6. The criminal justice system's response to the opioid epidemic
7. The stigma surrounding opioid addiction and its impact on individuals seeking help
8. The economic costs of the opioid epidemic on healthcare systems and society
9. The role of healthcare providers in addressing the opioid epidemic
10. The potential for harm reduction....

Topic 1: The Social Exclusion of Marginalized Groups

Essay Title: Unveiling the Hidden Toll: The Profound Impact of Social Exclusion on Marginalized Communities

In contemporary society, the insidious forces of social exclusion continue to cast a long shadow on the lives of marginalized groups. This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of social exclusion and its profound impact on these communities, shedding light on the systemic barriers, prejudices, and societal attitudes that perpetuate their marginalization. By exploring the lived experiences of those affected, we aim to unveil the hidden toll of exclusion and advocate for a more inclusive and equitable society.


1. Institutional....

7 Pages


Community Resources and Education When

Words: 2749
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

U.I.L.D.) program aimed to increase community involvement in children's lives as a way of increasing education. Watching the video describing B.U.I.L.D.'s programs, it was interesting to see that some…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Community Health Promotion Project Design

Words: 1937
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Caregivers of Alzheimer's Patients Community Health Promotion Project Design As we have discovered in the first part of the study, Alzheimer's is a major health issue for the population of seniors…

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20 Pages
Research Paper


Geographical Community

Words: 7841
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Community Analysis: Columbus, Ohio - Hilltop Area/Franklinton Identification and History The Franklinton/Hilltop area of Columbus, Ohio is located on the west side of the greater metropolitan area. Franklinton is in a…

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6 Pages
Case Study


Community Participation

Words: 2081
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Case Study

Community participation is a key ingredient of any powerful community. The life blood (citizens) of the community is pumped by the heart, called as participation. Community participation is a…

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20 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Community Oriented Policing

Words: 6694
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Community Oriented Policing new and comprehensive strategy against crime: Community Policing: For the purpose of reducing neighborhood crimes, creating a sense of security and reduce fear of crimes among the citizens…

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10 Pages


Community-Based Business This Discussion Will Cover Community-Based

Words: 2836
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Community-Based Business This discussion will cover community-based business, overview of sustained community- based business, social enterprise, weaknesses of community-based business and success and failures of social enterprises. A sustainable business can…

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5 Pages


Community Investment Lack of Investment

Words: 1368
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Money can help bring about the truly necessary elements, however, and without proper funding the ability to give a good public education to eth hundreds or thousands of…

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13 Pages

Criminal Justice

Community Safety and Crime Reduction An Evaluation

Words: 4216
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Essay

Community Safety and Crime eduction: An Evaluation of the ole of New Technology ecent technological advances have effectively changed the way we conduct business, secure our borders, fight our wars,…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Community Outreach and Counterterrorism With Efforts Towards

Words: 2487
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Community outreach and counterterrorism with efforts towards exploitable weaknesses. Community Outreach and Terrorism International and domestic terrorism have reached levels previously believed to be impossible. hether fueled by profits they get…

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8 Pages

Business - Ethics

Community Capital Organization Description the

Words: 2472
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

It is important, therefore to understand the different frameworks by which the ethics of an act can be evaluated. The art of citizenship, as identified by Barber (no date),…

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4 Pages


Community Prevention Drug Use Among

Words: 1195
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

The selective type would enable me to make optimal use of the specific factors that are relevant to my target group. This IOM type would also enable me…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Miscellaneous

Community Health Strategies the Leading

Words: 1268
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Watson's origin of human life is tied to notions that one's soul possesses a body that is not restricted by objective space and time. The lived world of…

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12 Pages


Community Nurse Diabetic Clinic One

Words: 3696
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Thesis Type I diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults and results from the body's failure to produce insulin. Type 1 account for 5% to 10% of all…

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2 Pages
Case Study

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Community Health There Are Many

Words: 643
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

It would be helpful to have public awareness campaigns designed to help community residents be aware of the need to test their homes and their bodies for radon…

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1 Pages


Community College Students Are Often

Words: 319
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Thesis

One, in particular, Edison State College, in Florida, is a two-year college that has an outstanding curriculum, and highly qualified staff. The college cooperates with a number of…

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