Comparative Analysis Essays (Examples)

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Comparative Analysis of a World Culture and the United States
Pages: 5 Words: 1490

Culture and the United States
Comparative Analysis of a World Culture and the United States

Comparative Analysis of the United States and China

In 1492, Christopher Columbus explored the area now included in the United States. The chief nations that established their colonies in the present United States were England, Spain, and France. The Spaniard Pedro Menendez de Aviles founded the first permanent settlement in the present America in 1565 whereas it was in 1607 that the first permanent English settlement was made at Jamestown (Virginia). The American evolution (1775 -- 1783) resulted in the freedom of the Thirteen Colonies and also expanded governmental representation. The evolution also "advanced the movement for separation of church and state in America, increased opportunities for westward expansion, and brought the abolition of the remnants of feudal land tenure" ("United States," 2009).

The history of China is usually examined as an uninterrupted development with definite monotonous tendencies.…...



China. (2009). In The Columbia Encyclopedia (6th ed.). New York: Columbia University Press. Retrieved July 18, 2012, from Questia database: /PM.qst?a=o&d=117011232

Chinese Art. (2009). In The Columbia Encyclopedia (6th ed.). New York: Columbia University Press. Retrieved July 18, 2012, from Questia database:

Firms' Comparative Analysis in the Preparation of
Pages: 3 Words: 938

Firms' Comparative Analysis
In the preparation of the comparative analysis research, I will focus my research on the Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited and Kenya Airways. The Virgin Atlantic is a British airline company, owned by Sir ichard Branson and its headquarters being in England (Balmforth, 2009). Similarly, the Kenya Airways Limited is a Kenyan Airline, founded after the termination of the East African Airway. The firm belongs to the Kenyan Government. The airlines headquarters are at Embakasi in Nairobi (Oyieke, 2009).

Comparative analysis / similar problems affecting the of the firms

Comparing the two Airlines, I can analyze that they both face same challenges on a daily basis as they conduct their business. In a situation where the business has few or fewer customers, problems are bound to arise. Comparing the two Airlines in terms of customers and the business, there is evident that both face similar challenges. The Virgin Atlantic seems…...



Balmforth, J. (2009). Virgin Atlantic. Hersham: Midland.

Oyieke, S. (2009). Kenya Airways: A case study of privatization. Nairobi: African Economic Research Consortium.

Shaw, S. (2009). Airline marketing and management. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Patton Fuller Provide a Comparative Analysis of
Pages: 3 Words: 824

Patton Fuller
Provide a comparative analysis of the last two years of data.

In the case of Patton Fuller Hospital, they have been increasing their total amounts of debt, liabilities and assets. This is weakening their financial position with administrators failing to aggressively address rising expenses. At the same time, they are causing the total current and long-term assets to decrease dramatically. The below table is illustrating the overall scope of these changes in the last two years. ("2009 Annual eport," 2010)

Adjustments to the Financial Position of Patton Fuller Hospital

Current Assets



Total Assets



Total Current Liabilities



Total Liabilities



Current Long-Term Debt



This is showing how Patton Fuller is facing major financial challenges. The way that this is occurring is through the facility experiencing rising levels of debt and liabilities. While their current and long-term assets are declining. These factors are indicating that increasing costs are having an adverse effect on the operations of the facility. ("2009 Annual…...



2009 Annual Report. (2010). Patton Fuller.

Nursing Options. (2010). Patton Fuller. Retrieved from: C:Documents and SettingsmkriordaMy DocumentsWeb DevelopmentCIST ServerCISTVOP DevelopmentHealthcarePFCHHosDeptsCFO2009 Financial Statements2009NursingStatsPDF.xls

Neighborhood Comparative Analysis One the Island of
Pages: 4 Words: 1304

Neighborhood Comparative Analysis
One the island of Manhattan, each neighborhood contains a distinct demographic makeup and the character of a neighborhood can change almost by the block. To see how the relationship between these highly disparate neighborhoods functions, one can compare two neighborhoods in order to reveal the symbiotic interaction between them. By comparing census data from one postal code of the Upper est Side, 10025, with that of its next door neighbor Harlem (postal code 10026), it will be possible to see how these extremely different neighborhoods can exist side by side in a mutually beneficial arrangement.

The Upper est Side neighborhood of New York includes multiple postal codes, ranging from est 59th street in the south to est 125th street in the north and bounded by Central Park and the Hudson River on the east and west. For the purposes of this study, the focus will remain only on the…...


Works Cited

Lavin, M. (2003). "Not in my neighborhood": resistance to chain drug-stores. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management,31(6/7), 321.

Lees, L. (2000). A reappraisal of gentrification: towards a 'geography of gentrification'. Progress

in Human Geography, 24(3), 389-408.

US Census. Retrieved from

Passive Euthanasia A Comparative Analysis of Judaic
Pages: 15 Words: 3931

Passive Euthanasia: a comparative analysis of Judaic and Catholic points-of-View.
Euthanasia is essentially the practice of "mercifully ending a person's life in order to release the person from an incurable disease, intolerable suffering, or undignified death." (Euthanasia) The term euthanasia is derived from the Greek words 'eu' and 'thanatos' which means "good death." The term has most commonly been referred to in relation to intentional mercy killings. (ibid) In other words, the life of the person or patient who is terminally ill or enduring tremendous suffering is ended with the assistance of another person. In short, this means that "A" ends the life of another person, "" for the sake of "." (Kuhse, Helga 1992)

In order to fully comprehend the implications of the term euthanasia requires the assimilation of two important aspects. The first is that it involves the taking of a life and secondly that this life-taking is intended to…...



Baird, R.M. & Rosenbaum, S.E. (Eds.). (1989). The Moral Issues. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books.

Berger, J. & Berger, A.S. (Eds.). (1990). To Die or Not to Die? Cross-Disciplinary, Cultural, and Legal Perspectives on the Right to Choose Death. New York: Praeger Publishers.

Euthanasia. Retrieved: March 18, 2005 from Encarta. Web site:

Euthanasia: Church of Christ. Retrieved: March 22, 2005. Web site:

Cross-Cultural Comparative Analysis Between Immigration Policy in France and the United States
Pages: 6 Words: 2222

Cross-Cultural Analysis between Immigration Policy in France and the United States

The movement of people for one country to another is guided by immigration policies. The policies often vary from one country to the other depending on their history. They also vary periodically depending on the dynamics of security, resource availability, and the threat the immigrants pose to the native citizens. In the U.S. And France, immigration policies bring together strangers which complicate the balance between diversity and unity. In the U.S., different reforms of immigration policies have created a notably diverse society with characterized by groups coming from almost all continents. "One from many" remains the national motto even with the various debates seeking to suppress the policy (Cornelius, 2010).

However, a striking element of contemporary immigration policy is that it affects not only the settler society like the U.S. And France but…...



Cornelius, W.A. (2010). Controlling immigration: A global perspective. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press.

Elliott, D., & Mayadas, N.S. (2010). Immigration worldwide: Policies, practices, and trends. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Horowitz, D.L., & Noiriel, G. (2012). Immigrants in two democracies: French and American experience. New York: New York University Press.

Foner, N. (2009). In a new land: A comparative view of immigration. New York [u.a.: New York Univ. Press.

Sumerians and Hyksos Comparative Analysis of Sumerian
Pages: 3 Words: 847

Sumerians and Hyksos
Comparative Analysis of Sumerian and Hyksos Societies

The Sumerians and Hyksos are civilizations that have thrived in the Mesopotamia (Iraq) and Egypt. While numerous civilizations have come and passed in these countries, these countries are characterized to be the "cradle of great civilizations." The Sumerian civilization flourished for as early as 4500 BC to 21st century BC, while the Hyksos civilization thrived on Egyptian soil in the 16th to 18th centuries BC. Each civilization has its own contribution to the eventual development of societies, politics, and even military might of Arab nations and their neighboring countries.

In this paper, discussion will be centered on the social structure and environment established by the Sumerian and Hyksos civilizations. As each civilization is described and narrated, one of the salient points that will be established is that each civilization's social structure and environment are inevitably driven and determined by the military power and…...



Beck, S. (2010). Mideast & Africa to 1700. Available at: .

Gibson, D. (1962). The Hyksos, Kings of Egypt and the Land of Edom. Nabatea Website. Available at: .

Save-Soderbergh, T. (1951). "The Hyksos Rule in Egypt." The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 37.

Smitha, F. (2011). "Sumerians: Class, Power, War and Women." Macrohistory and World Report. Available at: .

Career Development Comparative Analysis of Self-Directed Counselor-Guided
Pages: 3 Words: 841

Career Development
Comparative Analysis of Self-Directed, Counselor-Guided and Group-Supported Activities

In the course of one's life as a working individual, opportunities for continuing education and learning are only possible through two (2) forms: on-the-job training (i.e., work experience) and formal trainings for a specific time period. This means that further education for working individuals is almost always limited to company-sponsored trainings/workshops and self-initiated learning, both of which takes time and financial resources for the company and the individual, respectively. However, it is critical to continue the pursuit for further education or learning, as this will significantly influence one's career development in years to come. A competency learned today could be the most sought-after skill the next day, leading to greater and more opportunities for the individual trained or self-taught specifically for this special or new skill.

Continued education/learning as the path towards progressive career development can be approached in different ways. Career development…...



"Developing Your Learning Plan." (2003) Yale University Library Human Resources.

Pifarre, M. And R. Cobos. (2008). "Working collaboratively in small groups supported by KnowCat system: incidence on self-regulated learning processes." Spanish Agency for the International Cooperation.

"Staying Healthy" Assessment Counseling and Resource Guide." (2002). U.S. Department of Health Services. Available at: .

Print Advertisements in Magazines Comparative Analysis of
Pages: 2 Words: 676

Print Advertisements in Magazines
Comparative Analysis of TAG Heuer and Omega Watch Brands on Print Advertisements

Two important print advertisements that can be found in mass-produced magazines today are the ads of Tiger Woods for TAG Heuer and Pierce Brosnan for Omega, two brands of watches that offers distinctly different qualities of one similar kind of product, which is that of watches as time pieces. Also, these watch products are endorsed by two of the most popular and respected personalities in their fields, with Tiger Woods being the champion of numerous golf tournament championships, and Pierce Brosnan receiving acclaimed international success as the portrayer of the character James Bond in the 007 Series of movies. This paper will both compare each ad from different watch companies, and analyze and prove that the TAG Heuer print advertisement is a more effective ad for the purpose of advertising watches than Omega's ad with…...



TAG Heuer print advertisement. 13 January 2003 issue of Newsweek Magazine.

Omega print advertisement. 30 December 2002- 6 January 2003 issue of TIME Magazine.

International Organizational Behavior a Comparative Analysis of
Pages: 3 Words: 1223

International Organizational Behavior
A Comparative Analysis of Three Countries

The intent of this analysis is to evaluate the three nations of China, France and the United States from the standpoint of which is most likely to have higher job satisfaction and motivation among employees. Based on the readings and analysis in this course, the data contained in the CIA Factbook, a comprehensive resource of 267 different global entities, and a literature review of an predicators and factors of job satisfaction in these countries, this analysis was completed.

Analysis of Socioeconomic Factors: China, France and the United States

Comparing China, France and the United States on socioeconomic factors illustrates how significantly different each nation's government approaches the challenges of economic growth. China is the fastest growing economy of the three countries in this analysis with a Gross Domestic product real growth rate of 10.3%, ranked 6th in the world out of 273 different entities that…...



Lisa Fiksenbaum, Wang Jeng, Mustafa Koyuncu, & Ronald J. Burke. (2010). Work hours, work intensity, satisfactions and psychological well-being among hotel managers in China. Cross Cultural Management, 17(1), 79-93.

Yong Han, & Nada K. Kakabadse. (2009). Job satisfaction: what is its true meaning in Greater China? Asia - Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 1(2), 155-164.

Hofstede, Geert. (1993). Cultural constraints in management theories. The Executive, 7(1), 81.

Geert Hofstede, & Robert R. McCrae. (2004). Personality and Culture Revisited: Linking Traits and Dimensions of Culture. Cross - Cultural Research, 38(1), 52-88.

Art History Comparative Analysis Buddhist
Pages: 4 Words: 1341

Can it be that Kuan-yin is not a precursor to Seated but rather a copy of it, produced with less attention to detail and elegance because it was intended to serve the masses? While that is possible, one cannot completely discount either that, having been created during the same century (with little information to narrow down the exact year or even which half of the century), and with so many symbolic similarities as well as a similar pose, it is possible and even likely that Kuan-yin is an ancestor in the artistic style of Seated.
Drawing conclusions about two works of art created in the course of the same century, with at minimum, similar ideals and societal influences, as represented in the symbolism and postures that comprise the similarities between Kuan-yin and Seated, is a complex and multi-faceted process. One cannot ignore, however, that these two pieces, juxtaposed beside one…...



Gardner, Helen, and Fred S. Kleiner. Gardner's art through the ages: a global history. Enhanced 13th ed. Australia: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2011. Print. In this text, Gardner and Kleiner et al. present a survey of world art, from prehistoric art and onward. In this format, Song Dynasty art is discussed in chronological order, and mostly serves to represent painting and pottery during the period, however, the text does provide contextual background required to understand Song Dynasty sculpture.

Michaelson, Carol. "Song Dynasty." Grove Art Online, Oxford Art Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2011. . Michaelson begins her article by presenting an overview of the Song Dynasty before delving into further detail of both the Northern Song Dynasty and Southern Song Dynasty. She pairs her discussion of artistic style with political history, providing a frame of reference for the development of her artistic analysis.

Period, Time. "Northern Song Dynasty (960A -- 1127) | Thematic Essay | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | the Metropolitan Museum of Art." The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York: N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2011. . This essay presents not only a cultural backdrop of the Northern Song Dynasty, but also where the art of that period fits in, both culturally and stylistically.

"Southern Song Dynasty (1127A -- 1279) | Thematic Essay | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | the Metropolitan Museum of Art." The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York: N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2011. . This essay presents not only a cultural backdrop of the Southern Song Dynasty, but also where the art of that period fits in, both culturally and stylistically.

3g Wireless Comparative Analysis of
Pages: 4 Words: 1858

The combination of these forces are also increasing demands for enhanced services with consumers as well, leading to price competition and increased services as well. All of these factors are galvanizing around getting and keeping enterprise and consumer customers for the long-term so a highly profitable annuity revenue stream can be sustained over time.
An Analysis of How at&T and Verizon Compete on Coverage

Of the two companies, Verizon has been much more agile and quick to respond to market dynamics, including investing heavily in 4G and 4G LTE networks at a level that surpasses all other carriers (Verizon Investor elations, 2013). Based on greater spending in research and development (&D) and more investments in capital equipment, Verizon has able to be the first to launch 4G services in the United States, and it also allowed for subscribers from third-party providers and carriers who compete primarily with their brand (Dekleva, Shim,…...



Carlos, R.C., Burgelman, J.C., & Bohlin, E. (2004). Prospects beyond 3G. Info: The Journal of Policy, Regulation and Strategy for Telecommunications, Information and Media, 6(6), 359-362.

Dekleva, S., Shim, J.P., Varshney, U., & Knoerzer, G. (2007). Evolution and emerging issues in mobile wireless networks. Association for Computing Machinery.Communications of the ACM, 50(6), 38-43.

Kuran, M.S., & Tugcu, T. (2007). A survey on emerging broadband wireless access technologies. Computer Networks, 51(11), 3013.

Suryanegara, M., & Miyazaki, K. (2010). Technological changes in the innovation system towards 4G mobile service. International Journal of Technology Policy and Management, 10(4), 375.

Renaissance Baroque Comparative Analysis
Pages: 4 Words: 1748

The compositional structure here is actually quite daring. Even though a viewer tends to "read" a painting left-to-right, as with a book, here the left side of the canvas seems to fade away into nothingness. It is not just the empty seascape on the left as compared with the dark richness of the forest on the right. The left half of the painting contains the subject of the painting after all -- Europa and the Bull. It is Rembrandt's genius to have the drama of Europa and the Bull taking place in the lower left corner of a very large painting, almost as though the moment of drama is on its way out, and the viewer is lucky to have caught it. But it is also clever how Rembrandt essentially balances the canvas with two central subjects, equally illuminated from above -- we have Europa and the Bull on the…...

Comparative Analysis of Egoism or Altruism
Pages: 2 Words: 934

Altruism or Egoism
The dating website has become an online phenomenon where people across the world find relationships, love and intimacy. The hottest trend in the online dating is that people who have been single for several years have finally found their true love. The theories of relationship, love, intimacy, social comparison, self-categorization, and social identity reveal that individuals develop a social relationship to boost their social esteem, and people are likely to cooperate with a group who belong to their social identity. Frisen, & Wangqvist, (2010) argue that people have been dating one another in Sweden without going through informal rules. The authors maintain that people continue to indulge in love relationship despite their social identity. Williams, & Russell (2013) argue that adolescent and younger adults quest for love, and increasing number of girls believe in intimacy relationship while boys adore sexual intercourse. Additionally, Finn, (2012) think that emotional attachment…...

Comparative Analysis of Healthcare Expenditures in the U S and Colombia
Pages: 3 Words: 947

Healthcare Expenditure Comparison: Colombia and the United StatesToday, healthcare expenditures in the United States and Colombia provide a study in contrasts, reflecting their differing economic situations, political systems, and historical development. One of the more notable differences between these two countries is the quality, accessibility and costs of the healthcare services provided, with Colombia succeeding in wringing every last pennys worth of value from their investments while the United States has historically failed to realize enough bang for its massive healthcare bucks. As a result, despite spending far more on healthcare than Colombia, the United States still struggles to provide universal health care coverage for its citizens and far too many Americans fail to receive the medical services they need. To determine the antecedents of this situation, the purpose of this paper is to provide a comparison of healthcare expenditures in the United States and Colombia, including GDP percentages and…...


ReferencesCronin, J. (2024). Overview of Colombia Healthcare System. International Citizens Group. Retrieved from   H. R., & Holmes, G. M. (2022). Rural Medicare beneficiaries are increasingly likely to be admitted to urban hospitals. Health Services Research, 57(5), 1029–1034.Jaramillo, A, & Medina, O. (2023, December 5). In Colombia, a Well-Oiled Health-Care System Is at Risk. Bloomberg. Retrieved from  2023-12-05/colombia-s-health-care-system-is-at-risk-under-gustavo-petro.Mantilla-Mejía, H., Papamija-Anacona, Y., & Dorado-Ortega, D. J. (2023). Identification of developed health tourism strategies. Journal of Economic & Social Science Research (JESSR), 3(4), 31–47.Mitchell, L. K. (2020). The Promise and Failures of Children’s Medicaid and the Role of Medical-Legal Partnerships as Monitors and Advocates. Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine, 30, 175–231.U.S. People. (2024). CIA World Factbook. Retrieved from . .Friedman,

I need help with an essay topic related to cyberbullying?
Words: 334

Here are 25 essay topics related to cyberbullying:

  1. The Psychological Impact of Cyberbullying on Teenagers
  2. Comparative Analysis of Cyberbullying Laws Across Different Countries
  3. The Role of Social Media Platforms in Preventing Cyberbullying
  4. Cyberbullying: A Modern Challenge in Digital Parenting
  5. How Cyberbullying Influences Academic Performance in Schools
  6. The Effectiveness of School Programs in Combating Cyberbullying
  7. The Intersection of Cyberbullying and Gender
  8. Analyzing the Long-term Effects of Being a Cyberbully
  9. The Relationship Between Cyberbullying and Mental Health Disorders
  10. Technological Solutions to Detect and Prevent Cyberbullying
  11. Cyberbullying: An Emerging Issue in Workplace Harassment
  12. The Role of Bystanders in Cyberbullying Scenarios
  13. Cyberbullying Among Celebrities: Public Scrutiny and Personal Impact
  14. Understanding the Psychological Profile of a Cyberbully
  15. The Influence....

I\'m looking for essay topic ideas on theft in schools. Do you have any suggestions?
Words: 528

1. The Impact of Theft on School Climate and Student Well-being

Explore the psychological and emotional impact of theft on students, teachers, and administrators.
Examine the consequences of reduced trust and increased fear within the school environment.
Discuss how theft creates a distraction from learning and disrupts the sense of community.

2. The Role of Security Measures in Deterring Theft

Analyze the effectiveness of various security measures, such as surveillance cameras, access control systems, and security guards.
Discuss the cost-benefit ratio of implementing different security measures.
Explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of using technology to prevent theft.

3. The Psychological Factors....

My teacher suggested focusing on adidas. Any essay topics that align with this guidance?
Words: 393

1. The Evolution of Adidas: A Look at the Brand's History, Successes, and Challenges
2. The Impact of Adidas on Sports and Fashion: How the Brand Has Influenced Trends and Culture
3. Adidas vs. Competitors: A Comparative Analysis of Marketing Strategies and Successes
4. Sustainable Practices in the Adidas Supply Chain: How the Brand is Leading the Way in Corporate Social Responsibility
5. The Future of Adidas: Predictions and Opportunities for Growth in the Global Market
6. Athlete Endorsements and Partnerships: How Adidas Collaborates with Sports Stars to Drive Sales and Brand Awareness
7. The Influence of Technology on Adidas Products: How Innovation is Driving the....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on Historical Perspective on Corrections?
Words: 432

I. Introduction
A. Brief overview of the history of corrections
B. Importance of understanding the historical perspective on corrections

II. Ancient and Medieval Times
A. Origins of corrections in ancient civilizations
B. Use of punishment and retribution in medieval Europe
C. Evolution of correctional institutions during the Middle Ages

III. The Enlightenment Era
A. Influence of Enlightenment ideals on corrections
B. Emergence of reformative approaches in corrections
C. The role of punishment and rehabilitation in the Enlightenment era

IV. The Industrial Revolution
A. Impact of industrialization on corrections
B. Development of modern prison systems
C. Changes in correctional practices during the Industrial....

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