Conceptualizing A Business Essays (Examples)

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Conceptualizing a Business

Conceptualizing a Business
First, discussing the products, services and customers of our business, which deals in wedding and event planning, will allow a person to gain knowledge of the organization. Also, developing the mission, vision, and guiding principles for the business followed by an analysis of how they guide the organization's strategic direction and achieve competitive advantage.

Our business basically deals in arranging the wedding functions and organizing various events by providing the best products and services for the benefit of the customers. We have started our business with the aim of organizing wedding and event planning of all types and sizes. We are also working hard to tie up our relations with many trustworthy professionals in order to make true the dreams and wishes of our customers. The chief objective of our business is to offer the maximum pleasure and satisfaction to the customers. A wide and extensive range of products….

Conceptualizing a Business:
The modern business world is characterized with numerous opportunities for starting new businesses because of rapid growth and developments in the society. Some of these opportunities exist in the fast food industry and alcohol sector. Notably, the ability to take advantage of these opportunities and develop a business that meets the need of consumers requires conceptualization of the company or business. Conceptualizing a business is a process that involves presenting the company's vision, mission, and strategic directions that will prove to be a worthy investment and obtain competitive advantage over the already existing rivals. As part of developing a business plan, conceptualizing a business provides an individual with the opportunity to strategically organize his/her thoughts into a solid plan for adapting and growing the business are market realities become apparent.

oland estaurant:

oland estaurant is a quick service restaurant that will provide healthy and nutritious fast foods to its customers.….

Conceptualizing a Business
Strategic plan for oland Beer Company

Definition of business

oland Beer Company is a global company that will be concerned with manufacture and sell of beer and other beverages related to beers in the world. A number of beer companies have been established in the world without immediate success. oland Beer Company is dedicated to exploring on various needs and preferences of the people in order to yield to their tastes and preferences. Beer is a global product that has an established base in the global and local market. The birth of oland Beer Company will spur growth and development of many other businesses and organizations within the region that will host the company. oland Beer Company will be made up of various departments that work towards developing a successful business body that renders success to the organization.


oland Beer Company will have a vision statement. The vision statement involves a….

The core values of the organization are somewhat like the character or personality of the organization. They are the aspects of the organization which the company holds despite any changes in the market conditions or demands. Collins and Porras (2002)
state that the values of an organization should stand to the question on whether the organization would still be willing to hold on to these values if they were a disadvantage to the organization itself.

Various researches that have been conducted have exemplarily shown that the companies which have succeeded are the ones which are guided by the company values. The core values of an organization reflect the functional ideologies in the company and they should not be alterable in any situation. Whether it is an economic downturn or increased competition Huizing, Koster, & Bouman, 1997()

Collins and Porras (2002)

state that the values are not just important. They are inherent to the….

Conceptualizing a business is the first step when it comes to putting thoughts in a manner which investors, or even bankers can might take a very long time before thoughts are organized but the knowledge of the important things to focus on will hasten this process. The paper will give an explanation of my selected business vision, mission and values in determining the organization's strategic direction.
Developing a mission statement

Donne's Fresh Veggie burger is a restaurant that makes vegetable burgers. Being a vegetarian does not mean that one does not occasionally want to sink their teeth into a juicy burger. This is why we want to provide an opportunity for vegetarians and non-vegetarians as well to enjoy our fresh vegetable burgers. Our burgers are fully vegetable as we are all about vegetables. We hold the belief that vegetable burgers should have the taste of real vegetables, their content should be….

Lastly, the values at Heavy Henry's will incorporate a healthy disrespect for the conventions of fine dining. Food is not about appearances, or putting on airs. Food is about performing a basic act of nature, and Heavy Henry's is about optimizing that experience. It might be boisterous, it certainly will be messy, but if our customers are not having the time of lives then we are not doing our job. That means putting them at ease -- no reservations, no dress codes and no snobbery.
It is believed that the key competitive advantage for Heavy Henry's will be in delivering this exceptional experience. In order to deliver this experience, inputs and throughputs are critical. The key inputs are ingredients and labor. The ingredients will be sourced from the best suppliers, but ultimately our competition can do the same. here we will exceed is in delivering the best dining experience from….

Strategic Plan, Part I: Conceptualizing a Business
Define your business, products or services, and customers by developing a mission statement. Ensure that you are differentiating your product or service.

Create a vision for this organization that clearly demonstrates your decision on what you want your business to become in the future.

Define your guiding principles or values for your selected business considering the topics of culture, social responsibility, and ethics.

Analyze how the vision, mission, and values guide the organization's strategic direction.

Evaluate how the organization addresses customer needs and critique how they achieve competitive advantage.

The business and how the organization addresses customer needs and how they achieve competitive advantage.

Writing a proposal for one's book can be a tough job for anyone - particularly for a beginner. Writers face needless and countless rejection merely because their proposal is not convincing enough, persuasive enough, targeted to the correct agent / publisher, or because it veers from….

Business Conceptualization: McKesson's Emergent Digital Medical Imaging Technology

The medical industry is changing rapidly around us. ith the adoption of new laws holding healthcare facilities more directly accountable for patient outcomes, the pressure is being felt ever more by hospitals and other care providers. The demands for facilities to become more efficient, more accurate and more precise has, justifiably, come to the forefront of the public discourse following the enacting of the Affordable Care Act. As a result, there are tremendous opportunities now opening up to healthcare technology firms with the ability to help relieve the pressure from some of these demands. This is where firms like McKesson have the best chance at driving industry-wide innovation. ith McKesson's emergent set of medical imaging solutions, the firm places itself on the forefront of a rapidly evolving medical field.

Defining the Business:

McKesson is one of the largest and most successful firms in the private….

Shared value as a business approach is integral in conducting business because it both creates economic value and societal benefit. Businesses create shared value when they can make profit while also meeting important social needs like improving environmental performance, reducing health related problems, improving nutrition, reducing disability among other factors. When businesses create shared value to make profit and meet societal needs. Shared value should not only be thought of in the context of doing more good. It also encompasses aspects of capitalism (Driver, 2011). Capitalism has relegated many important aspects of society like improvement of environmental performance, safety, and focus on the local community to the periphery of the business operations because of a notion that these are social and not business related activities. The shared value concept includes all these social items into capitalism. For profit firms that engage in these social activities stand to gain a lot….

Strategic Plan
This is a strategic plan for a business start-up that will be a pet store with an adoption center specializing in eco-friendly products and services for large breed dogs. The store will have a physical location and an internet Web site where people can buy products and get information about owning and caring for large breed dogs such as great Danes, Great Pyrenees, Irish Wolfhounds and Newfound lands. The store will be called Big Dogs. The first step in developing the business is to create a vision statement and mission statement for the business and then to develop objectives, strategies, goals and programs (Planware, n.d.).

Vision Statement

A vision statement should tell the world what the business wants to become. Vision provides the long-term perspective and your reason for being -- why you are in business (May, 2010). A clear business vision improves organizational performance and helps attract talented people to….

Business Strategies and Objectives
The aim of this paper is to prepare matrices that will be used to justify strategies that will be recommended in the paper. There will also be analysis and detailed discussion on other alternative strategies, including providing the advantages and disadvantages of the alternative strategies. All the specific objectives and strategies will be addressed and there will be an analysis for the next three years with estimated costs for every year. The article will also compare and contrast the recommended strategies and the actual ones adopted by the firm (Google). ecommendations will include how the strategies are to be implemented by the firm in question, and expected results will be noted together with a timetable for recommended items. Detailed information of how to review and evaluate the success of the recommended strategies will also be provided.

Business Strategies


In many circumstances, business strategies will always aim at describing efficiently….

esearchers have an occasion to further organizational science and to make research practical by producing information that can impact changing organizational forms and circumstances. Pragmatically, academic researchers are not likely to get access to a company that is going through change unless the practitioners believe the research will be helpful (Gibson & Mohrman, 2001).
There have been a number of calls to augment the significance and effectiveness of organizational science to companies. The usefulness challenge cannot be defined merely as getting practitioners to value and include what academics learn. It is believed that the usefulness of research depends, somewhat, on the degree to which the perspectives of organization members are incorporated in research procedures and the results are included into those members' organization design activities that take place as their company adjusts to its changing environment. esearch is more likely to be seen as useful if there are occasions for….

Limitations of the Research or Gaps
A Critical Analysis of the usiness Judgement Rule under the Australian Corporation Law

There have been many large businesses which have collapsed unexpectedly to cause irreparable damage to the investors worldwide in recent years. The most recent and larger cases are those of the fall of the mighty U.S.-based Enron International and the Australian firm, HIH Insurance. These cases shook the faith of the stakeholders in the ability and the intention of the directors who were in charge of the operation of these enterprises. These cases have also made it harder for the directors to negate the fiduciary duty imposed upon them by the law. For instance, according to the 1997 Directors' Duties and Corporate Governance prepared by the Commonwealth of Australia, 'There has been increasing debate in Australia about the standard of corporate governance, particularly in light of the experiences of the late 1980s.….

component of effective incident handling is a security management team that is engaged in constant preparation and network scanning for such a breach. "Once your security team declares there has been a breach, it should inform the incident management team, and it should assemble within minutes" (Schilling, 2013, p.3). The team should then conduct "network forensics, systems forensics and malware analysis" to understand the extent of the threat and "by reviewing network and security event logs, a forensic analyst can determine which computer systems are likely compromised" (Schilling 2013, p.3). There may not be a need to shut down the entire system; the question is the extent to which the threat can be isolated and contained. "Once an infected system is recovered for analysis, the forensics analysts will examine the system to retrieve the files that are responsible for the threat activity. These files are normally hiding some type….

Business Owners and Library

Community Treasure Hunt: Pleasant Grove, Texas
In Pleasant Gove news coverage has stopped depicting violent crimes in its articles because it's old news. People die here every day, it's nothin'.

Pleasant Grove, Texas resident c. 2015

I was born and raised here and have traveled the world, but I could never imagine any place lovelier to call home.

Norma Davis, Chair, Pleasant Grove Historical Society, 2015

Introduction, Demographic Information, and Community Immersion (suggested length: 3 pages)

There are a number of ways to conceptualize a community, with its geographic boundaries being among the most straightforward (Knowing your community). The geographic boundaries of Pleasant Grove, located in the southeast section of the Dallas, are shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1. Location of Pleasant Grove


Geographic boundaries alone, however, reveal little about the people that comprise a community and this is certainly the case with the working-class community of Pleasant Grove. Described by the Web site Blacks in….

4 Pages
Research Proposal


Conceptualizing a Business

Words: 1164
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Conceptualizing a Business First, discussing the products, services and customers of our business, which deals in wedding and event planning, will allow a person to gain knowledge of the organization.…

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3 Pages


Conceptualizing a Business The Modern Business World

Words: 910
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Conceptualizing a Business: The modern business world is characterized with numerous opportunities for starting new businesses because of rapid growth and developments in the society. Some of these opportunities exist…

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4 Pages


Conceptualizing a Business Strategic Plan for Roland

Words: 1276
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Conceptualizing a Business Strategic plan for oland Beer Company Definition of business oland Beer Company is a global company that will be concerned with manufacture and sell of beer and other beverages…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Conceptualizing a Business Mission Statement

Words: 1076
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The core values of the organization are somewhat like the character or personality of the organization. They are the aspects of the organization which the company holds despite…

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4 Pages

Not Specified

Conceptualizing a Business Is the First Step

Words: 1397
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Conceptualizing a business is the first step when it comes to putting thoughts in a manner which investors, or even bankers can might take a very long time…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Conceptualizing a Business Heavy Henry's

Words: 983
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Lastly, the values at Heavy Henry's will incorporate a healthy disrespect for the conventions of fine dining. Food is not about appearances, or putting on airs. Food is…

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4 Pages


Strategic Plan Part I Conceptualizing a Business

Words: 1370
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Strategic Plan, Part I: Conceptualizing a Business Define your business, products or services, and customers by developing a mission statement. Ensure that you are differentiating your product or service. Create a…

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4 Pages


Strategic Plan Part I Conceptualizing a Business

Words: 1005
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Mckesson Business Conceptualization: McKesson's Emergent Digital Medical Imaging Technology The medical industry is changing rapidly around us. ith the adoption of new laws holding healthcare facilities more directly accountable for patient…

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2 Pages


Shared Value as a Business Approach Is

Words: 650
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Shared value as a business approach is integral in conducting business because it both creates economic value and societal benefit. Businesses create shared value when they can make profit…

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4 Pages


Strategic Plan Conceptualizing a New Business

Words: 1146
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Strategic Plan This is a strategic plan for a business start-up that will be a pet store with an adoption center specializing in eco-friendly products and services for large breed…

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5 Pages
Case Study

Business - Management

Business Strategies and Objectives the Aim of

Words: 1815
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

Business Strategies and Objectives The aim of this paper is to prepare matrices that will be used to justify strategies that will be recommended in the paper. There will also…

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60 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Business Using Gelso 2006 Harlow

Words: 16758
Length: 60 Pages
Type: Term Paper

esearchers have an occasion to further organizational science and to make research practical by producing information that can impact changing organizational forms and circumstances. Pragmatically, academic researchers are…

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34 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete

Business Law

Business Decisions and Business

Words: 10140
Length: 34 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

Limitations of the Research or Gaps A Critical Analysis of the usiness Judgement Rule under the Australian Corporation Law There have been many large businesses which have collapsed unexpectedly to…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Business Continuity Planning in

Words: 1046
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

component of effective incident handling is a security management team that is engaged in constant preparation and network scanning for such a breach. "Once your security team declares…

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10 Pages

Government - Local

Business Owners and Library

Words: 3357
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Community Treasure Hunt: Pleasant Grove, Texas In Pleasant Gove news coverage has stopped depicting violent crimes in its articles because it's old news. People die here every day, it's nothin'. Pleasant…

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