Condoms Essays (Examples)

198+ documents containing “condoms”.

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History Of Condoms
While many people believe that condoms are a relatively new form of contraceptive, created not so long ago, this is far from true. Many historians believe that, in ancient Egypt, pharaohs used papyrus reeds to cover their penises during sex. Ancient Roman soldiers are believed to have used dried sheep intestines as condoms, as well (Parisot, 1987, pp. 4-6). In the East, the Chinese used oiled silk paper, and the Japanese had two versions of a condom: the Kawagata, which used thin leather, and Kabutogata, which used thin tortoise shells or horns.

While it is unknown whether condoms in these early days were used more to prevent disease, as contraceptive devices or for ritualistic purposes, we do know that by the 16th century, the emphasis was on the prophylactic function of the condom. Today, condoms have evolved in many ways, and are now available and appealing to the mass….

These are called killjoy laws, and have been on the books for some time. Kansas, Colorado, and Alabama are three of these states, and there are five others (Koerner, 2006). However, the culture and beliefs of the Trojan brand have really not changed that much since Youngs started the brand. The desire was for a quality product that would be appropriate for its use and properly designed, and that is what was created (Koerner, 2006). Since it has remained that way for so long, Trojan is still a very trusted brand that most people recognize throughout the world.
The Church & Dwight primary SIC code is 2840, and the company seems to be doing quite well (EDGAR, 2007). From September of 2006 to June of 2008, the P/E ratio of the company went from 19.95 to 21.10 (EDGAR, 2007). Given what the market has been doing during that time, the….

Condom the Focus of The

" (Female, Age 23)
Women still believe in this day and age, that would be considered "cheap or trashy" if they were to demand their partner use a condom.

It has been reported that women are traditionally seen as the "gatekeepers of sexual morality but have a lack of assertion. (The

Condom, Page 232) It seems that men are still seen as being entitled to pressure women with regard to sexual practices, example of having sex without a condom. (The Condom,

What I have found to be very startling are women who are married. Some women who know their spouse is having extra marital affairs refuse to address the issue of using condom. They do not want to address the issue of the affair so they say nothing and take the risk of jeopardizing themselves. For some fear of abuse or rejection from their spouse was worse than the fear of contracting AIDS. However,….

, 2005). Second, since they found that objective and perceived knowledge are not always concordant, they suggest that further studies in this vein measure objective and perceived knowledge, rather than only objective knowledge (ock et al., 2005). Third, they surmise that "an illusion of knowing can act as a barrier to low-risk behavior" (ock et al., 2005, p. 670), and further, that a high perceived knowledge, if inaccurate, can prevent one from learning accurate information, as it causes one to be less receptive and to forego learning opportunities (ock et al., 2005). Finally, ock et al.'s (2005) results identify a group who is at a higher risk than others, and serves as a guide for possible sexual education focus in the future.
Eisenberg et al.'s (2004) study, which focuses on the accuracy of parents' beliefs about sex, can be used in concordance with ock et al.'s (2005) study to address communication….

One survey at a college also contemplating condom dispensers arrived at this surprising finding: 41% of students "said that they would have sex without a condom if one was not immediately available" (Cooper 2006, p.2). hen condoms were left out for free at the health center, noted one nurse, the students took them by the handful. "Condom dispensers are a good, consistent source," of condoms for students, in other words, students do not need to do a great deal of pre-planning to use them, which lessens the chance they will accidentally find themselves unprepared. "They ensure that condoms are both affordable and available to students" (Cooper 2006, p.2).
Regarding the cost, most universities that have implemented the plan have found the machines extremely cost-efficient: "One benefit of condom dispensers is that they would pay for themselves…The money placed into the machines would be used to purchase more condoms" (Cooper 2006,….

Visual impairment (including blindness);
9. Multiple disabilities;

10. Deafness;

11. Deaf-blindness;

12. Autism; and,

13. Traumatic brain injury (Evanciew, 2003).

In order to overcome the current constraints to learning about proper condom use by this wide range of special needs college students who may have individualized constraints to learning, an appropriate approach must be developed that can adequately communicate the importance of the practice as well as the mechanics that are involved. To this end, Evanciew (2003) reports that, "esearch suggests that students with special needs benefit from experiences that involve functional, hands-on learning" (p. 7). Therefore, the approach described further below can help special needs college students learn both the importance of proper condom use as well as the mechanics that are involved in applying them.


The objectives of this initiative are two-fold as follows:

1. To promote a greater understanding of the importance of proper condom use among special needs college students; and,

2. To provide….

Teen Preg
An unplanned pregnancy is traumatic for any woman, and especially teenagers who completely unprepared or unwilling to carry a child to term. The United States leads all other developed, wealthy, industrialized nations in prevalence of teen pregnancies: with the UK in a fairly distant second place (Kmietowicz, 2002). About 52 out of every 1000 teenagers aged 15-19 in the United States give birth, compared with less than seven per 1000 teenagers in other countries including Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Korea (Kmietowicz, 2002). Teen pregnancy is a problem because it ruins young lives. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2012), "only about 50% of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by 22 years of age, versus approximately 90% of women who had not given birth during adolescence." A high rate of high school drop out among teen mothers is not the only reason….

Sexually Active Teenagers:
The Use of Theory to Protect America's Youth

In 2003, sixty two percent of American high school seniors admitted to being sexually active. The use of condoms in the high school population has increased over the last decade; however, not all teenagers are using any form of contraception (The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 2005). In order to protect against unwanted pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and infections, the public health department must influence the use of condoms to sexually active teenagers. To best assist with this task, Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen's Theories of easoned Action and Planned Behavior will be a most valuable resource in forming a thoroughly strong campaign.

In the mid- to late 1970s, Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen proposed the Theory of easoned Action, which began as solely a study of attitude. It later developed into including behavior as well. The two….

C. Mayor Adrian Fenty made HIV / AIDS the most important public health priority (Greenberg et al., 2009). Funding from the CDC allowed for a partnership between the D.C. Department of Health's HIV / AIDS Administration and the George Washington University School of Public Health and Healthy Services, which was responsible for the Epidemiology Annual eport for 2007 -- the first to be published for D.C. since 2002 (Greenberg et al., 2009). The Department of Health also initiated a routine HIV screening campaign to help provide testing resources and lower stigma, titled "Come Together DC -- Get Screened for HIV" (Greenberg et al., 2009).
Efforts to address the epidemic in D.C. included a combination of increased resource availability and educational services as offered by public health departments. The "Come Together DC -- Get Screened for HIV" campaign provided approximately 73,000 tests in 2008, which was a 70% testing increase from 2007….

Mary Jane's laboratory results show there is an elevated white blood count, with CBC with differential within normal limits. Proton and INR were normal. Pregnancy was negative. UA showed occasional bacteria, but normal otherwise. Drug screen was normal, and EKG showed sinus bradycardia, rate of 59 beats per minute. Renal and hepatic functions were within normal limits.

There are four sexual response cycles, marked by physiological and psychological changes. The first stages is excitement, which Mary Jane is not getting with her partners, which is triggered by psychological or physical stimulation, and is marked by emotional changes, and increased heart rate, and vaginal swelling. Second stage is plateau, Mary Jane states she doesn't have this stimulation. The third stage is orgasm, which Mary Jane doesn't getting during intercourse, or she doesn't remember because she in under the influence of alcohol. The final phase, resolution, involves a rush of blood away from…., through the National Guideline Clearinghouse at
Evidence-based findings concerning chlamydia screening and treatment of PID contained in the peer-reviewed and scholarly literature.

The additional resources cited at Appendix a will also be consulted.

3. Identify a specific group of people that are being affected by the disease/condition. The screening guidelines published by the USPSTF recommend that the following specific groups of women should be routinely screened, whether or not they are pregnant, if they:

Are sexually active and aged 25 or younger;

Have more than one sexual partner, regardless of age;

Have had an STD in the past, regardless of age; and Do not use condoms consistently and correctly, regardless of age (Screening for Chlamydial infection) a. Explain any unhealthy behaviors that may be contributing to the disease/condition. Some of the unhealthy behaviors that may contribute to the incidence of PID include (1) having multiple sex partners and (2) not using condoms consistently and….

Edward Green, a senior research scientist at Harvard and the director of the Aids Prevention Research Project states "the safer people feel when engaging in risky behavior, the more likely they are to increase that behavior" (Gross & Looby, 2010, p. 64). These conflicting results, from two purported experts, presents the dilemma faced by parents and administrators. Neither side can justify (on science alone) their side, and so the rhetoric continues, with neither side winning. The Looby and Gross report does state "Though it seems counterintuitive, the countries that have seen continued increases in the rate of AIDS infection are the ones that have adopted the most aggressive condom distribution campaigns" (p. 64).

If that is true then a program designed to curb teenage sexual activities may, as parents often assert, be promoting additional risky behavior. The question then remains as to how to confront the problem.

This author believes that the….

HIV patients.
Identify and Describe the Aggregate

This paper focuses on a particular section of HIV patients - that of men having sex with men, in the United States. There is also an identification and description of the aggregate, its needs and risk factors. The advantages, applications, limitations and adaptability of the interventions for the aggregate form the bulk of the discussion in this paper.

In almost every country in the world, it can be said with certainty, that there are men who have sex with men (MSM). Globally, however, this is a very diverse group. Some of these men label themselves as bisexual; others as gay and a large number simply refer to themselves as heterosexual men who just have sex with other men. In the global HIV and AIDS context, sex between men is a key front in the fight against the spread of this disease, because such sex involves….

Program Development and Evaluation
The proposed program is intended for, and targets the students of both secondary and tertiary institutions. The program is known as "MSM Initiative for Colleges." "

The ability of this program to use ICT as a way of helping the aggregate is one important technique that will give the program a new edge. This is to help develop an effective combination of avoidance intervention that will be able to deliver BCC-behavioral change in communication. These behavioral changes in communication can be in the form of products, services, messages, as well as referrals, as a way of promoting and improving the use of condoms and condom-compatible lubricants, HIV tests, reporting cases of violence, and using complementary services. This inventive online 'cyber educator' MSM intervention, virtually provides a one-on-one HIV and BCC counseling, and test referrals (Adams, Klindera, Walsh, & Wold, 2014).

Interventions for the Aggregate

Distribution of Condoms and All Condom-Compatible….

health issues facing the differed populations of the United States today, and these health concerns differ between males and females, income levels, and races. As such, it is important, prior to discussing any particular health concern, to first establish the target age cohort for which information is to be presented. Once this cohort is established, creating programs targeted to a specific population becomes a much simpler task.
This paper discusses the top five leading causes of death for African-American women age 25 to 44 in the United States in the year 2001. Additionally, this paper will focus on one particular cause of death for this population, and will outline an existing prevention program, aimed at this target age cohort. Finally, this paper will present data from studies on this prevention effort, to determine if the effort is succeeding.

As stated, the age cohort to be analyzed in this paper is that….

There are a few different ways that you could approach a speech about birth control.  You could focus on contraceptive and reproductive rights as basic human rights and look at the legal controversies surrounding access to birth control.  You could discuss types of birth control.  You could discuss how birth control policies impact things like teen pregnancy and teen sexual activity.  You could even discuss birth control and the religious implications of its use or widespread availability.  In other words, there are many ways that you could go.   We are providing three....

Comprehensive sex education programs typically include the following key components:

1. Comprehensive information on human sexuality: This includes information on anatomy, puberty, sexual development, reproduction, contraception, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

2. Healthy relationships: Education on consent, communication, boundaries, and respect in relationships.

3. Decision-making skills: Teaching students how to make informed and responsible choices about their sexual health and relationships.

4. Safer sex practices: Information on contraception methods, including condoms, and how to prevent the spread of STIs.

5. LGBTQ+ inclusive: Recognizing and acknowledging different sexual orientations and gender identities, and addressing the unique needs and challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals.

6. Cultural competence: Consideration....

Upholding Ethical Standards in the Treatment of AIDS Patients
Healthcare professionals play a crucial role in upholding ethical standards in the treatment of AIDS patients. By adhering to ethical guidelines, healthcare professionals can provide comprehensive and compassionate care, protect patient rights, and promote the well-being of both patients and the community.
Confidentiality and Privacy:
Maintaining patient confidentiality is paramount. Healthcare professionals must respect the privacy of patients by not disclosing any sensitive information without their consent, except as required by law. This includes protecting electronic health records, test results, and communications with patients.
Healthcare professionals must treat all patients with dignity and respect, regardless....

Societal Influences Contributing to Teenage Pregnancy Rates

Teenage pregnancy, a complex issue with far-reaching consequences, is influenced by a multitude of societal factors. These factors shape the norms, values, and opportunities available to adolescents, ultimately impacting their reproductive health outcomes.

1. Lack of Comprehensive Sex Education:

Insufficient access to age-appropriate, comprehensive sex education remains a significant contributing factor to teenage pregnancy. Studies have consistently shown that adolescents who receive comprehensive sex education are less likely to engage in premature sexual activity and have unintended pregnancies. However, many schools and communities prioritize abstinence-only education, which has been proven ineffective in preventing teenage pregnancy.

2. Poverty....

15 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

History of Condoms While Many People Believe

Words: 3851
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

History Of Condoms While many people believe that condoms are a relatively new form of contraceptive, created not so long ago, this is far from true. Many historians believe that,…

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5 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Trojan Condoms it Seems Rather

Words: 1659
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

These are called killjoy laws, and have been on the books for some time. Kansas, Colorado, and Alabama are three of these states, and there are five others…

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4 Pages
Case Study

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Condom the Focus of The

Words: 1263
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

" (Female, Age 23) Women still believe in this day and age, that would be considered "cheap or trashy" if they were to demand their partner use a condom. It has…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Condom Use The Examined Studies

Words: 1794
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

, 2005). Second, since they found that objective and perceived knowledge are not always concordant, they suggest that further studies in this vein measure objective and perceived knowledge, rather…

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2 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Install Condom Dispensers in All

Words: 822
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

One survey at a college also contemplating condom dispensers arrived at this surprising finding: 41% of students "said that they would have sex without a condom if one…

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4 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Workshop Initiative Presented Are Two-Fold

Words: 1172
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article

Visual impairment (including blindness); 9. Multiple disabilities; 10. Deafness; 11. Deaf-blindness; 12. Autism; and, 13. Traumatic brain injury (Evanciew, 2003). In order to overcome the current constraints to learning about proper condom use by…

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4 Pages


Teen Preg an Unplanned Pregnancy Is Traumatic

Words: 1201
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Teen Preg An unplanned pregnancy is traumatic for any woman, and especially teenagers who completely unprepared or unwilling to carry a child to term. The United States leads all other…

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2 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Sexually Active Teenagers The Use of Theory

Words: 625
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Sexually Active Teenagers: The Use of Theory to Protect America's Youth In 2003, sixty two percent of American high school seniors admitted to being sexually active. The use of condoms in…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


American Civil Rights History Has

Words: 2247
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

C. Mayor Adrian Fenty made HIV / AIDS the most important public health priority (Greenberg et al., 2009). Funding from the CDC allowed for a partnership between the D.C.…

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4 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Sexual Risk Assessment Mary Jane

Words: 1222
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Mary Jane's laboratory results show there is an elevated white blood count, with CBC with differential within normal limits. Proton and INR were normal. Pregnancy was negative. UA showed…

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15 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Conduct a

Words: 4252
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper, through the National Guideline Clearinghouse at Evidence-based findings concerning chlamydia screening and treatment of PID contained in the peer-reviewed and scholarly literature. The additional resources cited at Appendix a…

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3 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Contraceptives Many People Believe That

Words: 940
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Edward Green, a senior research scientist at Harvard and the director of the Aids Prevention Research Project states "the safer people feel when engaging in risky behavior, the more…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Developing an Intervention for HIV AIDS Population

Words: 3037
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

HIV patients. Identify and Describe the Aggregate This paper focuses on a particular section of HIV patients - that of men having sex with men, in the United States. There…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Program Development and Evaluation for HIV MSM Population

Words: 1523
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Program Development and Evaluation The proposed program is intended for, and targets the students of both secondary and tertiary institutions. The program is known as "MSM Initiative for Colleges." " The…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Program Planning for Target Population

Words: 1362
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

health issues facing the differed populations of the United States today, and these health concerns differ between males and females, income levels, and races. As such, it is…

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