Connection Essays (Examples)

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Flamenco or Tango, Spain or Argentina

Music & Politics: The Argentine Tango

The tango is a form of dancing that originates in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is a popular dance form that has spread internationally since its inception in the early nineteenth century. As with all cultural forms, there is a distinctive history and style that accompanies this form of expression. The very creation and performance of tango are political acts. The tango flourishes in South America and in Europe. The tango culture is also quite popular in North American and Asia. There are, for example, multiple tango festivals that occur in Turkey, a country that is both in Asia and in Europe. The paper will discuss the cultural expression of tango, a form of music and dance, as well as the political circumstances under which it was created and the ones it expresses.

The tango occurs mostly….

Smell and taste are intimately connected, more so than any other two senses (Bakalar, 2012). Even though the immediate sensory inputs are completely different, smell and taste inputs are processed together. Impediments to smell such as blocked sinuses can impact the ability to fully taste food. Chewing and eating also "releases volatile molecules that travel through the back of the mouth to receptors in the lining of the nasal passages," (Bakalar, 2012). Therefore, eating enhances the total sensory experience by adding inputs to the olfactory pathway that would not be present simply by sniffing something. When cognitive processes in the brain are added to the equation, the interface between smell and taste becomes even more potent. Smells and tastes have emotional and cognitive components to them that are well proven in neuroscience research. Smell creates what Shepherd (2006) calls "images…in the olfactory pathway," (p. 316). These "images" are linked with….

Valuation of AirThread Connection
Fundamental objective of this report is to present valuation of AirThread Connection. "American Cable Communication (ACC) was one the largest cable operators in the United States"(Stafford & Heilprin 2011P 36). In December, 2007, ACC cable systems reached approximately 48.5 millions homes with approximately 24.1 millions video subscribers. The company also enjoyed patronage of 4.6 million landline telephone subscribers and 13.2 millions high speed internet subscribers. The company consolidated revenue in 2007 was $30.9 billion and the net income was $2.6 billions. Presently, ACC offered internet, video and landline telephony, however, the company did not provide wireless offering making the competitors to exploit the gap in the product offering. With the looming competitive threats that ACC was facing because the company did not offer wireless offering, ACC decides to acquire AirThread Connection (ATC) because ACC believed it could achieve a competitive advantage with acquisition of AirThread Connection.

"AirThread Connection….

In America, the social ostracism of Muslims can feel even more acute. Many Muslims may face discrimination: feared as terrorists, they turn to terrorism. The creation of the Department of Homeland Security, the widely-publicized abuses at the Guantanamo prison, all continue to foster this sense of social isolation of Muslims. These policies may have created a more fertile environment for terrorism, just as police violations of civil liberties and racial profiling have perpetuated crime in many American cities, according to eiman. Injustice breeds injustice. And eiman adds, if being 'tough on crime' is so effective, why does America have such a high crime rate, despite being one of the few democratic nations in the world to still use the death penalty? (Scully 2009).
eiman writes: "We know that poverty, slums and unemployment are sources of street crime. We know that these things are a source of crime, even if we….

Steel Connections
The way steel connections are designed is crucial for the structure to be able to hold the load of the steel's weight. There are a multitude of different configurations and metal type uses for transferring loads in connection. It really depends on the elements of the connection, "nature, and magnitude of the forces (and moments), available equipment, fabrication and erection considerations, costs," and more (Alduri, 2012). Thus, there are a wide variety of connection types that are designed to help hold the load of the structure and prevent deformation of the steel connections from occurring, which would ultimately threaten the structure as a whole. Unfortunately, "connections to steel poles are often overlooked in the design process," therefore it is crucial for a better understanding of how steel connections bear loads in order to ensure the strongest connections and finished product (Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures Standards Committee, 2011,….

Ruth represents the past but she understands that Howards End (very much like England itself) needs to look towards the future. It is interesting to note here that although Ruth's dying wish is dismissed by her family, the strong bond that she and Margaret had shared is not dissolved upon her death. In the end, ironically, Margaret -- now Mrs. Wilcox -- rightfully inherits Howards End. More importantly, it is in the countryside, at Howards End, that Margaret truly grasps the importance of a classless English society where all men could connect: "In these English farms, if anywhere, one might see life steadily and see it whole, group in one vision its transitoriness and its eternal youth, connect -- connect without bitterness until all men are brothers" (Chapter 33). From this point-of-view, if we are to consider Howards End a symbol of England, we could argue that Foster supports….

Hidden Connections" Fritjof Capra a part Doctoral study. As ENG
Hidden Relationships

Fritjof Capra's The Hidden Connections is a fairly novel treatise on the relatively fledgling science of human nature and its effect on the environment. The book focuses on biological, cognitive, and social aspects existent in many forms today to propound a science of sustainability, which is based on principles of nonlinear dynamics. Prudent analysis of this non-fictional work will revolve around these three primary components and their utilitarianism within the concept of sustainability. However, in order to most effectively glean and deconstruct Capra's meaning in composing this tome, it becomes necessary to first exam the manuscript in the particular method with which the author has stratified the work.

The Hidden Connections is written in two parts, the first of which primarily constructs an elaborate metaphor between the biological facets of cellular operation and that of social theory. Once the author….

This in another deceptively simple painting, which evokes the relationship between geese and nature in a few brush strokes. The background of is blank and bare, referring to the concept of nothingness, and the two geese are sketched in relation to a few lines which represent reeds. The work suggests a sense of great depth and space as well as the mystery of nature.

Robert Motherwell

Figure 1. Elegy to the Spanish Republic #58, 1957-61


The works of Robert Motherwell are similar to Zen paintings in that they also often achieve a sense of the immediate and unmitigated sense of reality that we associate with Satori or enlightenment. In the first instance there is a critical similarity in artistic approaches and technique. Motherwell used spontaneous drawing methods in his works that are similar to traditional Zen styles of art. As some critics note, there is an Eastern calligraphic influence in his paintings….

Hidden Connections
The advent of the information technology brought a revolutionary change in the way we think and apply science. Historically, inquiry in science has been based on a model that is connected point A to point B. And closely resembles occam's razor. Fritjof Capra was at the forefront of a new change -- a radical way of looking at things -- something called "systems thinking." In a way this was a long time coming. After all the defeat of the linear time and the idea of relativity had already transformed and busted many myths that had been taken to be fact. Newtonian time for one gave way to Einstein's ideas and the clock started running for linear mode of thinking. (In this respect the idea of inverting timespace continuum to enable time travel is a key element and though not directly relevant to the present idea, it does follow that….

Ancient connections

Christianity: Compared with Greek and oman religions

Christianity is a monotheistic religion. In contrast, Greek and oman religion were polytheistic and viewed the world as being controlled and created by many gods. Most conceptions of Christianity viewed God as existing as a trinity: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but in Greek and oman religion, the 'gods' were plural in number and comprised many personas of different genders and levels of power. In the Holy Trinity, all aspects of the divine were equally powerful, while in Greek and oman religion, certain gods had greater power. In Greece, the Olympic gods had greatest authority. In ome, Jupiter was a powerful god, as were the household gods, and even the deified Emperor himself.

The conception of the beginning of the world in Christianity suggested that God made the world with a specific intention, and that God wished to make human beings obedient….

The Type 1 error refers to rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true. The Type 2 error is when one rejects the alternative hypothesis even though it is true.
3. Parametric and non-parametric tests

Parametric tests usually deal with samples that have a normal distribution and that are measured with means and standard deviations. T-tests and ANOVA are examples of this comparing one group against another. The Pearson would be used with correlation. Non-parametric tests, however deal with populations where there is no or vague assumptions about the shape or parameters of the population (for instance when one is dealing with a very small sample of offenders that cannot be measured with parametric instruments). Non-parametric tests include Wilcoxon rank-sum test and Kruskal-Wallis test as t-test / ANOVA contrast as well as pearman's rank correlation instead of Pearson's. (Parametric and Nonparametric: Demystifying the Terms)

4. T-test and ANOVA

The t-test is used for….

2."People need social order"

Evidence: The mob cries out for Caesar to be king.

Context: Although Brutus kills Caesar to protect the republic, the mob seems to desire a king.

Analysis: Aristocratic republicans like Brutus do not understand what the common people need.

Synthesis: Without social order, people will either demand authoritarian rule, or they will rule by mob violence.

3. "If the rightful ruler is deposed or killed, chaos will result"

Evidence: After the death of Caesar, mass killings take place at the hands of the Roman populace.

Context: People run amuck in the streets of Rome, the natural world makes dire portents even before the killing occurs.

Analysis: People kill out of the thrill of killing in a mob scene. The Romans are even shown killing a poet who had nothing to do with the conspiracy because of his "bad verses."

Synthesis: Once there is anarchy, people take the opportunity to glory in their baser instincts.

Ordinary people….

The line of reasoning behind this behavior was to bring the war home in order to raise awareness. At this point, the protests seemed out of control and the war did as well. However, while things seemed out of control, students could rest assured that they were making their point well-known.
Student protests did influence the war in that the government realized that something needed to be done. Gianoulis notes, "there is no doubt that the idealistic energy of the youth of that period did change history" (Gianoulis). Richard Nixon later admitted that fears of heightened protest limited his escalation of the war in Vietnam" (Gianoulis). Student protests were significant for many reasons. They brought awareness to an issue that seemed distant and almost foreign to a society that lived on the other side of the globe. According to the University of Michigan, "students, now being called on to kill….

integrate writing. Make a connection/link readings. Use proper citation. Font 12, Double-spaced, MLA format "Doing Something Different": Throughout discuss things people counter everyday sexism.
In spite of the fact that the social order saw much progress during recent years, sexism is a common occurrence and it seems that it is going to be long before people actually accept each other as equal with no regard to skin color, ethnicity, or gender. While female pioneers in the past managed to produce much controversy by doing things as simple as wearing pants, it is currently required to adopt a more complex attitude in order to have the general public acknowledge the fact that women and men should be considered equal.

The fact that I am somewhat experienced in working with cars made it possible for me to express interest in learning more about mechanics. The moment when I saw that a local auto….

No voltage is produced in the auxiliary rotor winding throughout synchronous operation. The capability of a synchronous motor to work at leading power factor makes it appropriate to be used for power factor improvement. When a synchronous motor is used solely for power factor improvement and not for driving any mechanical load and it is called a synchronous condenser. (Electricity and Motors)
9) Detail a specific application for a Capacitor Start Induction un Motor.

A relay and a start capacitor are present in the control box in a capacitor-start/induction-run or CSI system. The start capacitor is linked to the start winding in the motor. The motor starts by means of both windings; but as the motor in the CSI system reaches to speed, the relay takes away the start winding and the start capacitor from the circuit. This occurs in about one-third of a second, and the motor then runs on….

We would start this essay by looking at the Department of State’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations.  Looking at that list is a great way to identify transnational terrorist groups.  Working from those groups, you could the identify a transnational group that is linked to a domestic terrorist group.  The County Reports on Terrorism also reveal how international terrorist groups work and can provide some insight into their ties to domestic organizations.  Working this way may be important for the integrity of your research because the designation of groups as domestic terrorist groups changed....

There are many different topics to select when writing about online education.  You can approach the essay from the point-of-view of an educator or of a student, and you can also look at it by grade level for K-12 students, for classes for undergraduate and graduate students. You can focus on the challenges that people face as remote learners or the benefits of remote learning.  Many people who are looking at online education today also look at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on remote learning/ online education and how different school districts and educational institutions have....

Serial killers are a topic that has fascinated people, beginning before the term was even coined.  They have been romanticized in pop culture, but their crimes seem to be rooted in a personality disorder that keeps them from empathizing with others.  They kill in a variety of ways and, when left unchecked, the number of people that they can kill can get into the 100s. 

Some subtopics to consider when writing about serial killers for your essay topic are:

  1. The role of Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) in serial murders.
  2. Psychopath or sociopath?  Where on the spectrum of personality....

Thomas Aquinas was an Italian philosopher who was eventually canonized and made into a saint.  Because of his sainthood, there are myths surrounding Thomas Aquinas that may be difficult to distinguish from the factual information surrounding his life.  As a result, you may want to be wary when looking at religious sources of information about his life, if you are supposed to be focusing on fact-based biographical-type information.  However, investing the mythology of his life would also be a worthwhile topic of pursuit, such as his proof of the existence of God.....

8 Pages


Connection Between Music and Politics

Words: 2485
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

MUSIC & POLITICS: THE AGENTINE TANGO Music Flamenco or Tango, Spain or Argentina Music & Politics: The Argentine Tango The tango is a form of dancing that originates in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Connection Between Smell Taste Perception Memory and Cognition

Words: 1049
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Smell and taste are intimately connected, more so than any other two senses (Bakalar, 2012). Even though the immediate sensory inputs are completely different, smell and taste inputs are…

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4 Pages


Valuation of Airthread Connection Fundamental Objective of

Words: 1107
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Valuation of AirThread Connection Fundamental objective of this report is to present valuation of AirThread Connection. "American Cable Communication (ACC) was one the largest cable operators in the United States"(Stafford…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Pyrrhic Defeat Theory Connections Between

Words: 1120
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

In America, the social ostracism of Muslims can feel even more acute. Many Muslims may face discrimination: feared as terrorists, they turn to terrorism. The creation of the…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Steel Connections Load Transfer

Words: 939
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Steel Connections The way steel connections are designed is crucial for the structure to be able to hold the load of the steel's weight. There are a multitude of different…

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5 Pages

Family and Marriage

Howards End - Connection and

Words: 1726
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Ruth represents the past but she understands that Howards End (very much like England itself) needs to look towards the future. It is interesting to note here that…

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10 Pages


Hidden Connections Fritjof Capra a Part Doctoral

Words: 2907
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Hidden Connections" Fritjof Capra a part Doctoral study. As ENG Hidden Relationships Fritjof Capra's The Hidden Connections is a fairly novel treatise on the relatively fledgling science of human nature…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Art  (general)

Motherwell Visual and Philosophical Connections

Words: 3066
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This in another deceptively simple painting, which evokes the relationship between geese and nature in a few brush strokes. The background of is blank and bare, referring to the…

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10 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Hidden Connections the Advent of the Information

Words: 2921
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Hidden Connections The advent of the information technology brought a revolutionary change in the way we think and apply science. Historically, inquiry in science has been based on a model…

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2 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Religions Ancient Connections Christianity Compared With Greek

Words: 720
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

eligions Ancient connections Christianity: Compared with Greek and oman religions Christianity is a monotheistic religion. In contrast, Greek and oman religion were polytheistic and viewed the world as being controlled and…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Statistical Conclusion and Its Connection

Words: 915
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The Type 1 error refers to rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true. The Type 2 error is when one rejects the alternative hypothesis even though it…

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3 Pages

Family and Marriage

Real World Connection Love Is

Words: 1083
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

2."People need social order" Evidence: The mob cries out for Caesar to be king. Context: Although Brutus kills Caesar to protect the republic, the mob seems to desire a king. Analysis: Aristocratic…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Student Unrest and Its Connection

Words: 985
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The line of reasoning behind this behavior was to bring the war home in order to raise awareness. At this point, the protests seemed out of control and…

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2 Pages

Sports - Women

Integrate Writing Make a Connection Link Readings Use

Words: 645
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

integrate writing. Make a connection/link readings. Use proper citation. Font 12, Double-spaced, MLA format "Doing Something Different": Throughout discuss things people counter everyday sexism. In spite of the fact…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


AC Theory Which Connection Gives

Words: 3706
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

No voltage is produced in the auxiliary rotor winding throughout synchronous operation. The capability of a synchronous motor to work at leading power factor makes it appropriate to…

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