Contemporary Issues Essays (Examples)

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Education -- the ways education is constructed and presented
Contemporary Issues in Education

Afghan Girls, Back in the Shadows

The article presents a situational description of the dangers facing schools, its teacher and students in Afghanistan. The article describes how learning in Afghanistan has been hampered by an up rise in insurgents. The remedial measures by government and non-governmental organizations encouraging education in the region are also highlighted. It is observed that there have been remarkable advances in number of pupils enrolled in public schools. The number off attacks to schools have also been seen to be high an aspect that is blamed on the extremist Islamic movement against education of girls. There is a demonstrated eagerness among the Afghanis appearing eager to embrace education.

In the rural areas, it is a concern that education of the girl child is a controversial aspect. The controversy comes from the observed custom that girls at….

Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues
Ethics are generally relative to a person's culture, but not so much to an individual, although there are exceptions. This comes about because people, even though they are clearly individuals, are also significantly affected by the culture of which they are a part (Becker & Becker, 2002). The cultures, however, are often very different, and many of the ethics that are part of a particular culture do not translate to another culture (Fagothey, 2000). This is often why people who are attempting to do business globally have trouble, or commit an unintentional faux pas. They do not realize the differences between cultures, which can be quite pronounced (Fagothey, 2000). Many of these cultural differences are insignificant, but the ones that deal with ethics and ethical behaviors can become problematic for people who are interacting with other cultures for business or pleasure (Becker & Becker, 2002). Additionally,….

Singapore Educational Policy Development
Singapore: Contemporary issues in early childhood education

Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood Education

The purpose of this paper is to prepare a service mapping Singapore Ministry of Education policy development and to map how those policies, services, and regulations are formed. The focus will be on the area of curriculum and will be presented as an essay. Four quotations and links to journal articles are required as reference sources and there must be included a self-critical reflection and a comparison of the policies with other countries.

According to the Singapore Ministry of Education when a student completes Secondary School the should have:

Have moral integrity

Have care and concern for others

Be able to work in teams and value every contribution

Be enterprising and innovative

Possess a broad-based foundation for further education

Have appreciation for aesthetics

Know and believe in Singapore

In the work entitled, " A New Emphasis for a New Millennium: Affective and Career Education in….

Organization Behavior
Contemporary Issues in Management: Creativity, Change and Innovation Management

Contemporary Issues in Management

Contemporary Issues in Management: Creativity, Change and Innovation Management

In order to keep up pace with the changing market conditions and beat the competitive pressures in an effective way, organizations have to pursue continuous change and innovation strategies in their business processes and workplace practices (Kerle 2011). Creativity, change, and innovation management has never been an easy task for a business organization due to various internal and external issues and constraints (Khan & Al-Ansari 2005). A number of research studies have been conducted that address these issues from the contemporary business world and present various kinds of models and theories which can be followed by organizations to bring an effective organizational change (Agbor 2008).

The purpose of this paper is to discuss this important issue for one of the leading multinational corporations in the Information Technology industry -- the Microsoft….

Water Management
Contemporary Issue in Management

One of the most important and essential things needed for the healthy maintenance and socio-economic development of the world's ecosystems is water. Proper management of water resources play an important role in reducing poverty and promoting a better livelihood in the community. The life of almost everyone, young or old, rich or poor, is closely associated with water in some way or another. However, the increasing rates of urbanization in the past few years have also resulted in an increase in demand of clean drinking water. This seems problematic because it is now putting quite a stress on the available water resources. Population estimates show that the planet's population is likely to shoot upto 8 billion by the year 2030 and it would be impossible to feed them all if issues regarding water management are not resolved (Pietersen & eekman). Moreover, at the rate at….

This was about the same time we entered into a so-called global economy. Americans buying American puts the steering wheel that is controlling our nation's fate in the hands of those who care about it most - the American People. People feel that the time has come for ordinary Americans to take control of America's destiny (Buy American, 2005).
Supporters of the Buy American campaign which is promoted by the union and some domestic manufacturers fear a growing protectionist sentiment along with efforts to restrict spending of billions in federal stimulus dollars targeted for infrastructure improvements across the nation. With the global crisis that is presently going one, now more than ever America needs to take an active first step in safeguarding working people (DaParma, 2009).

To date, the union has worked to help get the Buy American resolution introduced in more than 600 cities, towns and states nationwide. These efforts….

Handbook Coverage of Foreign Investment in Tourism

The Sage Handbook of Tourism Studies offers a fantastic overview of the issue of tourism and tourism studies but as has been pointed out is developed from the perspective that the world was not necessarily about to experience an extreme global recession. For instance in the timeline associated with tourism development internationally the work provides the last section of the timeline to include the 1990s and 2000-and beyond (Jamal & obinson 2009, p. 153). What this offers the reader is the sense that the climate for foreign investment and especially investment in developing nations will remain static as the research and development of national tourism sites will continue to be an issue of economic advantage for both the investor and the nation of focus. Though the work does also challenge the issue of investment oversees in developing nations as something that can and….

business and social climate places a myriad of pressures on managers to obtain their objectives. While the defined purpose of the organization, or mission statement, is meant to keep the organization on track toward justifying its existence, and achieving its goals, the modern manager is also a leader, and must exercise concern for how the organization reaches their goals. The most basic motivation of keeping one's job is not enough to build and maintain a career. The manager who tells the boss what he or she wants to hear, juggles a few figures, shortchanges customers, shortcuts quality control procedures, or exploits workers may think he or she is getting ahead, but eventually the long-term effects on such an individual will create a career which lacks the integrity, and honor which the organization can rely upon. This individual who does not show long-term commitment to results is a candidate for….

close correlation between the concepts and applications of job rotation, job enlargement, and job enrichment. Job rotation is a managerial strategy in which employees rotate performing specific tasks or jobs within an organization at fairly regular periods of time. The point of this strategy is to make employees well rounded, and to see who has the greatest propensity of performing certain types of work. This strategy is distinct from job enlargement in that the latter involves increasing the quantity of tasks or assignments that employees have. That increase may occur at regular intervals, or it may not. The chief difference is that the employee is still responsible for completing his original tasks as well as the additional ones. This is appropriate in situations in which organizations might be understaffed. The main distinction between job enrichment and job enlargement is the quality of the additional tasks included in an employee's….

growth and use of the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments to the Constitution using the modern day criminal justice system.
According to Webster's dictionary of Law, Judicial Activism is defined as: "The practice in the judiciary of protecting or expanding individual rights through decisions that depart from established precedent or are independent of or in opposition to supposed constitutional or legislative intent compare judicial restraint." Over the past 4 decades, since the practice of judicial activism has been created by then NAACP lead attorney Thurgood Marshall in order to forward the progress of civil rights legislation, liberal political interests have pursued a practice of judicial activism in order to expand the powers of the government into the lives of U.S. citizens by bypassing the legislative limits defined in the constitution. Through this practice, small minorities of political interests have hijacked a political system which was purposefully designed to….

Federal Judiciary
On Wednesday morning, right before the Supreme Court justices were about to begin their day, Justice Kennedy put a 24-hour hold on a Ninth Circuit Court mandate nullifying same sex marriage bans in the states of Nevada and Idaho (Denniston, 2014). The temporary stay on the Ninth Circuit's ruling is to allow ban opponents to present their side of the issue. This ruling surprised everyone because last year the Supreme Court ruled Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional because it violated the equal protection clause of the Fifth Amendment (United States v. Windsor, 2013). Since then several district and circuit judges have been ruling against same-sex marriage bans instituted by a number of states.

The Supreme Court's ruling in United States v. Windsor (2013) hinged on DOMA usurping state's rights, in particular a state's right to define the act of marriage. New York State for example,….

Contemporary IssuesA complex healthcare system is fragmented and highly sophisticated. In the contemporary world, patients see several specialists track the treatment plans, medical bills, and insurance coverages pose various challenges even to those patients who have filled up the informed consent. In this aspect, health advocacy is integral in easing patient burdens and increasing and improving the system\\\'s navigation. Trained personnel, physicians, and other allied health workers can address health inequalities as one of the techniques for promoting more equitable health outcomes in patients. They can advocate for patients by enabling them to have access and benefits that patients are entitled to, such as home visitation programs and child and family benefits, to mention a few. At the same time, physicians can support patients faced with different social problems by getting their history and providing relevant advice. Other suggestions entail availing oneself as a resource that addresses patient issues and….

Cracking the Code
The contemporary issue of physical security/IT security

Modern day businesses and organizations face the contemporary issue of physical security/IT security. Whether a business needs to maintain network security for a website or server, or an organization needs to restrict access to a server room, there are several aspects facing the problem of dealing with IT security. Any general computer networking instructor teaches the DOD and/or OSI networking models and from this IT professionals understand that everything start from the bottom, like with the physical level. Therefore, IT professionals tasked to handle IT security, must base their foundation or overall strategy in IT security management on the physical security of software, hardware, and equipment.

Some organizations forget the importance of physical security in an IT security setting may become distracted by the safeguarding features of certain software-based security merchandise and overlook the significance of protecting the network and all its components….

The shared understanding is crucial in order to build strength and enough confidence necessary for the implementation of strategy and to necessitate evolution.
Second Phase: LG's strategic intent

In order to remain competitive, LG has to stick to its long-term vision which should act as stabilizers to the corporation in times of uncertainty. The vision in this case refers to as a statement of the things that can be achieved by the corporation. The concept of strategic intent is very crucial to the operating of a corporation since it acts as a magnet that pulls the present corporate dynamics and activities to the future. Any given strategic intent should be formulated in a manner that the corporation's remain with a large vision that can energize the workforce at all times. The formulation of new strategic intent options can help LG in capturing new markets while remaining competitive within the uncertain economic….

4. Conclusions

In the article Ethical Issues in Information Technology, author Richard T. DeGeorge points out the existence of five interrelated ethical issues: issues in the usage of technology in business, issues in the it business, issues related to the Internet, issues in e-business and issues affecting the social background. Each of the five categories presents several ramifications. The article has a general coverage, an informal writing and throughout its 24 pages presents reduced details. The article merely highlights the existence of ethical problems and concerns in the information technology sector and poses questions as to how could these problems be best resolved. The academician also gives short but relevant examples as to how it procedures are being improperly used to deceive and cause harm. Among these examples, DeGeorge includes shortcoming of the medical systems, within organizations and individual usage of the Internet, mentioning at all times the inappropriate legislature.

Relative to….

I. Introduction
A. Definition of the Human Condition
B. Importance of Studying the Human Condition
C. Thesis Statement: Exploring key aspects of the human condition and their significance in shaping human existence.

II. Historical Perspectives on the Human Condition
A. Ancient Philosophical Views (e.g., Aristotle, Plato)
B. Medieval and Renaissance Perspectives (e.g., Thomas Aquinas, Machiavelli)
C. Enlightenment Thinkers (e.g., Rousseau, Hobbes)

III. Psychological Dimensions of the Human Condition
A. Human Emotions and Behavior
B. Cognitive Processes and Perceptions
C. Impact of Social and Environmental Factors

IV. Existential and Philosophical Views
A. Existentialism: Meaning and Purpose
B. Absurdity and Anxiety in Human Existence

Title: The Imperative of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Driving Progress in Modern Society

In a world characterized by globalization and interconnectedness, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have emerged as essential pillars for thriving societies and organizations. This essay delves into the significance of DEI and explores compelling essay topics that highlight its multifaceted nature.

Essay Topic 1: The Business Case for DEI: A Catalyst for Innovation and Growth
Analyze the economic benefits of DEI in organizations, showcasing how diverse teams foster innovation, enhance creativity, and drive superior business outcomes.

Essay Topic 2: The Moral Imperative of DEI: Creating a Just and Equitable Society
Explore the....

1. The role of the church in addressing social justice issues such as racial inequality, poverty, and immigration.
2. The impact of technology on the church and religious practices.
3. The controversy surrounding LGBTQ+ rights and the church's stance on sexuality.
4. The role of women in leadership positions within the church.
5. The challenges and opportunities of outreach and evangelism in a modern, secular society.
6. The church's response to climate change and environmental stewardship.
7. The intersection of religion and politics in contemporary society.
8. The rise of the "nones" - those who identify as having no religion, and its implications for the church.
9. The....

Certainly! Here are some essay topics related to The Crucible:

1. Discuss the role of hysteria in the witch trials in The Crucible.
2. Explore the theme of reputation in The Crucible.
3. Analyze the character of John Proctor and his struggle with personal integrity in The Crucible.
4. How does Arthur Miller use historical events and characters in The Crucible to comment on the McCarthy era?
5. Discuss the symbolism of the title “The Crucible” in relation to the events of the play.
6. What role do fear and manipulation play in the events of The Crucible?
7. Compare and contrast the characters of Abigail Williams....

6 Pages
Article Review


Contemporary Issues in Education the Ways Education Is Constructed and Presented

Words: 1873
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Article Review

Education -- the ways education is constructed and presented Contemporary Issues in Education Afghan Girls, Back in the Shadows The article presents a situational description of the dangers facing schools, its…

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2 Pages

Business - Ethics

Contemporary Issues and Ethical Theory

Words: 669
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues Ethics are generally relative to a person's culture, but not so much to an individual, although there are exceptions. This comes about because people, even…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood Education

Words: 1137
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Singapore Educational Policy Development Singapore: Contemporary issues in early childhood education Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood Education The purpose of this paper is to prepare a service mapping Singapore Ministry of Education…

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10 Pages

Business - Management

Organization Behavior Contemporary Issues in Management Creativity

Words: 3124
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Organization Behavior Contemporary Issues in Management: Creativity, Change and Innovation Management Contemporary Issues in Management Contemporary Issues in Management: Creativity, Change and Innovation Management In order to keep up pace with the changing…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Report of the Contemporary Issues in Management

Words: 684
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Water Management Contemporary Issue in Management One of the most important and essential things needed for the healthy maintenance and socio-economic development of the world's ecosystems is water. Proper management…

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7 Pages


Business-International Contemporary Issues in International

Words: 2433
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

This was about the same time we entered into a so-called global economy. Americans buying American puts the steering wheel that is controlling our nation's fate in the…

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4 Pages


Contemporary Issues in Tourism

Words: 1711
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Assessment

Tourism Handbook Coverage of Foreign Investment in Tourism The Sage Handbook of Tourism Studies offers a fantastic overview of the issue of tourism and tourism studies but as has been…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Contemporary Issues in American Business

Words: 1623
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

business and social climate places a myriad of pressures on managers to obtain their objectives. While the defined purpose of the organization, or mission statement, is meant to…

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3 Pages


Contemporary Issues of Management

Words: 998
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

close correlation between the concepts and applications of job rotation, job enlargement, and job enrichment. Job rotation is a managerial strategy in which employees rotate performing specific tasks…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice

Words: 1153
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

growth and use of the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments to the Constitution using the modern day criminal justice system. According to Webster's dictionary of Law, Judicial…

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3 Pages

Business - Law

Federal Courts on Contemporary Issues

Words: 1120
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Federal Judiciary On Wednesday morning, right before the Supreme Court justices were about to begin their day, Justice Kennedy put a 24-hour hold on a Ninth Circuit Court mandate nullifying…

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1 Pages
Application Essay


Healthcare Setting Contemporary Issues

Words: 315
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Application Essay

Contemporary IssuesA complex healthcare system is fragmented and highly sophisticated. In the contemporary world, patients see several specialists track the treatment plans, medical bills, and insurance coverages pose various…

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12 Pages


Cracking the Code the Contemporary Issue of

Words: 3543
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

Cracking the Code The contemporary issue of physical security/IT security Modern day businesses and organizations face the contemporary issue of physical security/IT security. Whether a business needs to maintain network security…

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10 Pages

Business - Management

Strategy in Action and Contemporary

Words: 3557
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

The shared understanding is crucial in order to build strength and enough confidence necessary for the implementation of strategy and to necessitate evolution. Second Phase: LG's strategic intent In order…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Computers

Ethical Issues in Information Technology

Words: 1835
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

4. Conclusions In the article Ethical Issues in Information Technology, author Richard T. DeGeorge points out the existence of five interrelated ethical issues: issues in the usage of technology in…

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