Controversial Issues Essays (Examples)

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Among the list of controversial issues relating to jobs and the economy in the United States, outsourcing is right up there near the top. Politicians frequently attack each other using the phrase, "sending our jobs overseas…" and many a politician has been stung by this accusation. Thesis: hile there are clearly benefits to be realized by companies that engage in outsourcing, there are also difficulties, drawbacks, and unanticipated expenses associated with outsourcing. Outsourcer, beware, should be the motto going into to any outsourcing arrangement.

IBM Takes Over Outsourcing for Auto Parts Maker Visteon

Outsourcing in many instances is a profitable alternative for technology companies. It would appear that taking on outsourcing contracts can be more lucrative than manufacturing technology components. Indeed, IBM's outsourcing projects have meant billions of dollars in profits while the company transitions from manufacturing and selling its computer technologies to providing services instead. In the early 2000s, IBM began….

Freedom of the Press in Sharing Sensitive Information
The United States Constitution guarantees several individual freedoms including freedom of speech and freedom of the press. However, there are scenarios where freedom of the press and freedom of speech generate significant concerns and questions, especially with regards to sharing sensitive information or addressing controversial issues. In the modern society, many new outlets across mass media compete for people's attention to an extent that some of them focus on very sensitive and controversial subjects in order to generate huge audiences. This practice has been criticized as harmful to the society while others argue that it is appropriate to report such issues in that manner. The right to freedom of speech should not be used by media outlets to emphasize very controversial and sensitive issues to merely obtain an audience.

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the emerging trend of emphasizing very….

Controversial Issues

Barbieland Judge
As judge of Barbieland, I stand firmly in support of abolishing the death penalty, not only for juveniles, but for every person as well. oper v. Simmons was a welcomed decision for my belief system and I support its movement away from the violent and senseless practice of the death penalty that does nothing to prevent crime but rather validates violence as a useful tactic to control troublesome populations. Scalia and O'Conner's bloodthirsty dissention suggests that they support state sanctioned murder as a viable tool.

According to the case, " The Court reaffirmed the necessity of referring to "the evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of a maturing society" to determine which punishments are so disproportionate as to be cruel and unusual. The Court reasoned that the rejection of the juvenile death penalty in the majority of states, the infrequent use of the punishment even where it remains….

America and controversial issue
According to historian Frederick Turner, America is by nature a 'pioneering' nation. It is distinctly different in its worldview from Europe, given that it has been founded upon the ideals of newness, expansiveness, and the drive to move forward. Americans are practical, self-reliant, and tough. Turner also suggested that Americans innately 'crave' the frontier to realize the full scope of their ambitions. Americans are hardy, and feel they can overcome any challenges. They disdain hierarchies based upon aristocracy, and instead value a person's merit and ability to rise to a challenge. In contrast, Oscar Handlin stressed America's identity as a nation of immigrants. Founded by people seeking refuge from persecution, Handlin saw the forging of the American character as something difficult, as it required bringing together people of vastly different cultures, all of whom had overcome tremendous challenges to arrive in America.

Americans who take the view….

Drug legalization is a highly controversial issue, which has been given top priority in political agenda. Many oppose legalization of cocaine but there are just as many people favoring legalization on various grounds. It is important to study both sides of the problem to see if legalization is practical or not. Those who oppose legalization of drugs maintain that cocaine is a dangerous drug which if legalized will send the wrong message that "it is OK to try such drugs" (Legalizing drugs may not be bad idea: 17 A). Opponents maintain that it is the responsibility of law enforcement agencies and other authorities to maintain stricter control over drug use in order to maintain "a delicate balance on drug initiatives." (Hemenway, 2002)
Drug legalization is a sensitive issue that many regard as problematic and believe that it is not in the jurisdiction of United States to allow or disallow legalization of….

Plastic Surgery
Teen Plastic Surgery: A Controversial Medical Practice

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in 2007, more than 87,000 teenagers had cosmetic surgery; and that number has grown exponentially since. Although aesthetic cosmetic surgery is popular amongst United States teens, physicians and plastic surgeons worry that such invasive surgery on teens' still growing bodies can be dangerous. Other developed countries, including Germany and Australia, are considering banning all but medically necessary plastic surgery for anyone under the age of 18. However, the question remains, if such a measure were taken like that in the United States for minors stem the tide of teenagers going under the knife? This paper will address the controversy associated with teenagers and aesthetic cosmetic surgery in the United States, and the business of plastic surgery for teens, from a legal, ethical, and social responsibility standpoint.


In a country, and dare say a world where image….

Issue of Paternity Leave

Paternity leave has emerged as one of the debatable issues in today's society, especially because of the changing nature of the modern workplace. Generally, many new fathers tend to return to work after celebrating the birth of their newborns. Fathers barely take time off after the birth of their children despite of the need to take paternity leave. Actually, based on the findings of a survey on working fathers by the Center for Work and Family at Boston College, fathers rarely take time off after the birth of their children (Hall, 2013). Even in situations where men are offered paid paternity leave, most of them won't take it mainly because of the stigma associated with such measures. The issue of paternity leave has generated numerous arguments and counter-arguments between proponents and opponents respectively. An analysis of these arguments demonstrates that paternity leave is vital to promote the involvement of both….

Chimpanzees and gorillas can be taught human sign language, and sign with one another even without humans present. (MMMC, 2002) They argue that to use intelligence and compassion as a sliding scale of the right to life would cause many humans to be justified out of existence.
However, even if one accepts that too many animals are experimented upon, and researchers should use other means, it is similarly hard to justify the elimination of all animal experimentation, altogether, as this would have meant the end of such recent drug developments in AIDS research, as well as more questionable animal tests, as for instance, the use of rabbits in cosmetic testing, for which there are acceptable substitutes that do not require animals.

orks Cited

Bayliss, Francoise. (2004) "Our Cells/Ourselves: The Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research." Stem Cell Network. Retrieved 12 Jan 2004 at

BBC News. (Feb 12, 2004)"Q & A: Cloned Embryos."….

" Without a fundamental leg of the Southern structure taken out from underneath the Confederacy, Lincoln gained a strategic advantage. He did so using complete military preconceptions in order to carefully avoid breaking the peacetime rules and regulations set forth by the American Constitution.
Thanks to the free labor of the slaves, the South had more than enough white men willing to fight. Tons of able-bodied young men enlisted and left home, but the economy was not drastically affected due to the fact that there were still laborers available to support the war effort. Therefore, freeing the slaves in the rebellious States, Lincoln was encouraging a mass escape which would strike a crucial blow in the infrastructure of the Confederacy. Unlike other wars both before and after the Civil War, America had rarely shown the man power of a nation in war such as the South had done. The economy was….

There is a great level of disparity and disproportionality in today's criminal justice system and as noted in this work in writing, this is likely the greatest challenge facing professionals in the contemporary criminal justice system and in the criminal justice system in the near future. It is critically important that this disparity and disproportionality be addressed due to the negative and adverse impacts that result from an overzealous imprisonment of individuals from minority racial and ethnic groups in the United States.

Harrison, Paige M. And eck, Allen J. (2006). Prisoners in 2005. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice in: Garland, rett E., Spohn, Cassia, and Wodahl, Eric J. (2008). Racial Disproportionality in the American Prison Population: Using the lumstein Method to address the Critical Race and Justice Issue of the 21st Century. Justice Policy Journal. Vol.5, No.2, Fall 2008. Online available at:

Spohn, Cassia C. (2000). Thirty Years of….

The ealities of the Supernatural:

Any person who picks up a Harry Potter novel will surely come to realize that J.K. owling must have spent a great amount of time conducting research into the occult and the supernatural in order to produce such powerful and influential literary characters and situations. Obviously, owling has borrowed heavily from much older sources concerning the supernatural, sorcery and witchcraft, some dating back to Medieval times. As one of the world's oldest religions, witchcraft is a pagan faith, non-Christian rather than anti-Christian, and is based upon the belief that nature and the universe can be controlled and manipulated via magic and the invocation of divine spirits. As a practice, witchcraft has existed for many centuries, and before the 12th century a.D., sorcery and magic were generally overlooked by the church, but by 1300 a.D., witchcraft became equated with sorcery, at least in the view of most….

Discuss the legal and ethical issues involved in Roe v. Wade

With the advent of 70's and particularly, aftermath of the decision of the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade during 1973, abortion policy has become a controversial issue in the merican politics. (Levine; Staiger; Kane; Zimmerman, 1996) The decision in Roe v. Wade reinforced the right of women to privacy with regard to her own body, incorporating the termination of pregnancy. (Pozga, 2010) Roe v. Wade delineated more specifically the rights of fetus as well as the mother on the basis of the magnitude of viability. (Killion; Dempski, 2000)

The decision in Roe v. Wade which accorded constitutional protection to abortion, which voided the state laws which banned it, was a decision which had several legal and ethical concerns. This verdict in Roe v. Wade damaged the cornerstone of the ethical principles against the issue of killing. The results of Roe….

What happens at this point is the issues are then prioritized, and the death penalty can potentially be considered less important than personal taxes, abortion, or whatever other issue the voter deems as important. This results in an extremely clouded concept of what the majority of the population actually supports in this country -- not just on the death penalty, but any issue. Ultimately this point of this argument, though not invalid in a humanistic point-of-view, is invalid because of its lack of solid, empirical ground to stand on. In fact, it is in danger of being ignored all together if we are to take a macrocosmic view of the country in terms of the constitution and the freedoms from religious policy that we enjoy. Of course if we take this point-of-view then we have to ask how we come to any decisions about our laws at all if….

Argumentative Essay:  Should Entertainment Address Politics and or Social Issues
Entertainment refers to activities which provide diversion or give people enjoyment, amusement, laughter or fun. Entertainment can be provided by a third party or an individual can choose to create their own, as is the case with participating in a game or a hobby. Where entertainment is provided by a third party, the individual being entertained is a passive consumer. The diverse nature of entertainment and people's varied differences has led to the development of a big industry to cater to these needs. The entertainment industry currently consists of motion pictures, music, television, gambling, fine arts, sports, gaming, toys, print media and broad casting (Thoman).
Role of Entertainment in Addressing Politics and Social Issues (Arguments For)

Several reasons exist on why entertainment should address both political and social issues. Entertainment currently enjoys a huge place in the society and the influence it can….

Education and acism
There are many controversial issues related to education and racism, none the least of which is identifying the relationship between racism and student achievement (Constantine, 2002). The aim of this paper will be an examination of what attitudes and beliefs impact a students ability to achieve and succeed in the classroom, as well as an examination of what methods must be adopted to combat racism effectively in the classroom.

acism is an important topic to examine, particularly as more and more school systems within the United States are becoming racially and ethnically diverse (Constantine, 2002). Many teachers, school counselors and even students often feel unequipped to address the needs of students that come from diverse cultural backgrounds (Constantine, 2002). Conflict and chaos in the classroom often results when the needs of racially and ethnically diverse students are ignored.

One critical factor relating to the controversy surrounding racism is identification of….

8 Pages


Outsourcing Among the List of Controversial Issues

Words: 2499
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Outsourcing Among the list of controversial issues relating to jobs and the economy in the United States, outsourcing is right up there near the top. Politicians frequently attack each other…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Communication - Journalism

Freedom of the Press and Controversial Issues

Words: 1410
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Freedom of the Press in Sharing Sensitive Information The United States Constitution guarantees several individual freedoms including freedom of speech and freedom of the press. However, there are scenarios where…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Controversial Issues

Words: 528
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Barbieland Judge As judge of Barbieland, I stand firmly in support of abolishing the death penalty, not only for juveniles, but for every person as well. oper v. Simmons was…

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2 Pages

Sports - Women

Ways of Looking at America and Controversial Issue

Words: 679
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

America and controversial issue According to historian Frederick Turner, America is by nature a 'pioneering' nation. It is distinctly different in its worldview from Europe, given that it has…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Drug Legalization Is a Highly Controversial Issue

Words: 551
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Drug legalization is a highly controversial issue, which has been given top priority in political agenda. Many oppose legalization of cocaine but there are just as many people favoring…

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17 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Controversial Business Practice

Words: 5379
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Plastic Surgery Teen Plastic Surgery: A Controversial Medical Practice According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in 2007, more than 87,000 teenagers had cosmetic surgery; and that number has grown…

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4 Pages


Issue of Paternity Leave

Words: 1572
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Paternity leave has emerged as one of the debatable issues in today's society, especially because of the changing nature of the modern workplace. Generally, many new fathers tend to…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Controversial Bioethical Issues of the

Words: 1788
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Chimpanzees and gorillas can be taught human sign language, and sign with one another even without humans present. (MMMC, 2002) They argue that to use intelligence and compassion…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

American History

Controversy Over Lincoln's First Emancipation

Words: 3426
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" Without a fundamental leg of the Southern structure taken out from underneath the Confederacy, Lincoln gained a strategic advantage. He did so using complete military preconceptions in order…

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7 Pages

Criminal Justice

Controversy of Race in Criminology

Words: 2005
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Thesis

There is a great level of disparity and disproportionality in today's criminal justice system and as noted in this work in writing, this is likely the greatest challenge…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Controversy Over the Harry Potter

Words: 1397
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The ealities of the Supernatural: Any person who picks up a Harry Potter novel will surely come to realize that J.K. owling must have spent a great amount of time…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Women's Issues - Abortion

Abortion Discuss the Legal and Ethical Issues

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

bortion Discuss the legal and ethical issues involved in Roe v. Wade With the advent of 70's and particularly, aftermath of the decision of the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Capital Punishment the Issue of

Words: 2158
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

What happens at this point is the issues are then prioritized, and the death penalty can potentially be considered less important than personal taxes, abortion, or whatever other…

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3 Pages


Should Entertainment Address Politics and or Social Issues

Words: 927
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Argumentative Essay:  Should Entertainment Address Politics and or Social Issues Entertainment refers to activities which provide diversion or give people enjoyment, amusement, laughter or fun. Entertainment can be provided by…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Education and Racism There Are Many Controversial

Words: 1563
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Education and acism There are many controversial issues related to education and racism, none the least of which is identifying the relationship between racism and student achievement (Constantine, 2002). The…

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