Corporate Level Strategy Essays (Examples)

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he vision statement developed by the company refers to the product it sells, which is represented by the finest coffee in the world, the position that Starbucks intends to reach, which is represented by the leadership in this industry, and its principles. herefore, the vision statement offers numerous clues.

However, the vision statement of Starbucks is not as short as it should be, and it does not seem to be very memorable in the mind of readers. he vision statement of the company is relevant. his means that the vision statement developed by Starbucks provides useful information about what the company wants to become.

he Starbucks mission statement is as follows:

"o inspire and nurture the human spirit -- one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time." (, 2012)

he mission statement of Starbucks is to inspire and nurture the human spirit -- one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a….

Apple StrategyApple Inc. is a global technology company renowned for its ability to innovate and change the direction of the technology industry in numerous ways over the years. From the iPhone to iTunes to the iPad, it has disrupted the sector again and again, and has constantly kept competitors chasing to keep up. In one way, its success can be attributed to its strategic business and corporate-level strategies, which have positioned it to be an absolute and unquestioned leader in the market. This paper looks at Apple's business and corporate-level strategies, and analyzes its competitive environment to determine its positioning in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets.Business-Level StrategiesApple operates in the technology industry, originally in the consumer electronics segment but now in many segments. This is because the most appropriate business-level strategy for Apple's long-term success is differentiation. However, Apple's core competency has been its ability to design and develop new products….

Week 1 The corporate level strategy of General Mills is the horizontal growth strategy. Imperatively, horizontal growth is accomplished by expanding its business operations into other geographic expanses or by expanding the range of products as well as services being offered in the prevailing market. In this regard, General Mills has expanded its business operations not just in the United States but also internationally and increasing its wide range of products retailed in its stores. The generic Porter strategy followed by General Mills is the differentiation focus strategy. This is in the sense that the company strives to accomplish differentiation in its target segment (Porter, 1985). This is largely owing to the fact that the company deals with different products within its segment including cereals, frozen vegetable, fruit, dry dinners, frozen pizza as well as pizza snacks, and an extensive range of organic products (Forbes, 2018). The strategic choices of General….

Business Level and Corporate Level Strategies
Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies

General Motors business level and corporate level strategies

General Motors (GM) is a company based in the United States with its headquarters in Detroit, Michigan. GM is a publicly traded company that is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. GM designs, manufactures, distributes, and markets vehicle parts and vehicles (Laudon & Laudon, 2011). The company also sells financial services. GM acquired the title for the world's largest automaker in 2011. It managed to do this by achieving the highest number of unit sales in vehicles since its establishment. For 77 consecutive years, GM was able to lead the global automobile unit sales from 1931 to 2007. However, GM lost this position to Toyota with GM coming second. Toyota still dominates the market. The preference and needs of the customers are the focus of a company's core competencies. In a highly competitive business….

No strategy is absolute, of course: al-Mart carries some organic produce, in response to consumer demand, but to find a wider variety of healthy cereals made with organic grains or gluten-free breads, rather than the cheapest price of Cheerios or whole grain Coco-Puffs, a consumer must go to the pricier hole Foods that caters to his or her unique needs rather than al-Mart.
Balancing the need for differentiation and low cost can be a challenge, but Target has been able to achieve this delicate balance. Target is a low-cost department store that stocks a wide variety of products, but it also contains a number of higher-end makeup and clothing lines only found at the department chain. It offers a unique, brightly-colored and cheerful brand image with some cache of luxury, and even wealthier consumers who might blanch and entering al-Mart will happily patronize Target. Middle and lower income individuals can….

Corporate-level strategy centers its focus on determining a company's core business amid the existence of other businesses. This core business ultimately determines the company's corporate image, influencing its marketing and advertising plans and programs. An example of a company that adopts the corporate-level strategy is PepsiCo, which is primarily known as a beverage business company for its product Pepsi Cola, its core business despite the existence of its other businesses in the food and beverage industry, known also to manufacture products from brands such as Frito-Lay, Gatorade, Tropicana, and Quaker Foods.

Steven Reinemund, CEO of PepsiCo, Nobuyuki Idei, CEO of Sony Corporation, and Leonard Riggio, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Barnes & Noble, Inc. are three business leaders who are able to maintain their firm/company's leadership in the beverage, electronics, and trade books business, respectively. Their ability to identify the needs of their customers and determining their target market….

Others feel Five Forces is too cumbersome in its need for data and heavy-duty analysis and does not fit today's rapidly changing, dynamic market.
So where do we go with this thought that some of today's tools may not suffice as the market moves faster and companies need these dynamic, flexible analytical tools to update their strategies?

Where Is the Field of Strategy?

Disruptive Innovation? Four actions framework? Factor conditions? Demand conditions? Preemptive strategies? Five Forces? Ten Schools? Are any of these concepts/theories new and innovative? Do they pave the path toward the future of corporate and competitive strategizing? The answer is probably yes...and no.

It is difficult to find a brand new strategizing tool or model or school that is not just a rehashed version of our current standard, and quite effective, methods to analyze strategies. One innovative strategy to arise out of an existing concept is "lue Ocean."

Though not new as….

Essay Topic Examples 1. Coca-Colas Global Expansion Strategy: A Blend of Localization and Standardization
     This essay would explore how Coca-Cola has successfully implemented its business strategies to penetrate international markets, focusing on the delicate balance between adapting to local tastes and maintaining a consistent global brand identity. It would analyze strategies such as partnership with local bottlers, product localization, and marketing adaptations that resonate with local cultures, all while keeping the core brand image universally recognizable.

2. Market Segmentation and Targeting: Coca-Colas Tactical Approach to Consumer references
     Detailing the techniques used by Coca-Cola for segmenting the market and targeting specific demographics, the essay would discuss how the company's multi-tiered strategy is structured. It would cover how Coca-Cola differentiates its products to appeal to various age groups, lifestyles, and income levels, using targeted advertising campaigns, product variation, and strategic pricing.

3. Coca-Colas Strategic Alliances and Acquisitions: Fueling Innovation and Growth
     In this essay, the….

The operations in terms of elements like supply chain, outsourcing and location of operations are clearly based/focused on areas wherein they have built up their strengths over a considerable period of time. The company began as Kaufman & Broad in 1957. (KB Home Customers Find FTC Penalties Inadequate) However over the last five years, the Earnings per share of the company had grown by 22.29%, it has had dividend growths at the rate of 26.41%. Thus it is considered as a company with have a built in speculative element of streak. This is also being shown by the price of the share which is $75.91, whereas the book value is only $24.66. (KB Home (NYSE: KBH): ( After all, one should understand that the real estate prices do not shoot up and high prices may exist due to some speculative influences which are trying to take over the company….

Corporate Conduct
Global corporations are often difficult to control because they operate in various countries throughout the world. As such actions that may be illegal in some countries are perfectly legal in others. Furthermore law enforcement officials and governments do not have the power to enforce laws that are outside of their jurisdictions. These issues call into question the effectiveness mechanisms that exist to control global corporate conduct. The purpose of this discussion is to Assess the effectiveness of various mechanisms that exist to control global corporate conduct and recommend a mechanism that I believe is the most effective.

Survey of Mechanisms and their Advantages/Disadvantages

Private Regulation

Private regulations employ civil regulations to compel transnational corporations to operate according to a certain set of standards. According to the "defining feature of civil regulation is that its legitimacy, governance and implementation is not rooted in public authority. Operating beside or around the state rather than….

(Roy, 2006)
In these cases, others working in those fields are the only ones who have the ability to conduct quality check to verify instances of possible fraud. Qualified doctors can analyze the work of other doctors to attest their medical malpractice. An honest lawyer who deals with related issues can understand how a fellow lawyer could have used deceitful methods to cheat a client off his money. Proficient lecturers can set good examples for students to bring out the incompetency of others. In the managerial level, well qualified professionals are the only ones who are smart enough to figure out the plots hatched by higher executives in order to use the shareholder money for personal needs. Scams in the political sector can only be challenged by opposing political parties or powerful entities like the court. The media is highly potent in this regard as they present malpractices in front….

For IBM, it took Louis Gerstner getting angry about unfulfilled opportunities for new businesses to create the EBO structure. For Nokia, the similarities with IBM are at a very high structural level, yet Nokia relies on a completely different set of processes for fostering innovation and corporate entrepreneurship. The rapidly changing world of laptop computers needed a corporate nonconformist to accomplish what carefully defined processes in Toshiba could not. In the case of Trilogy the need for creating a steady stream of significant new innovation forced the creation of a proving ground where PhDs in software and mathematics could quickly define entirely new product and business concepts.

Abetti, P (2004) - Informal corporate entrepreneurship: implications from the failure of the Concorde alloy foundry and the success of the Toshiba laptop;. J. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Vol. 4, No. 6, 2004, pp. 529-545

Arthur D. Little (2002) - Developments in the area….

Corporate Operations Management
Corporate strategy provides long-range guidance for the whole organization. It is often expressed as a statement of its mission that defines key stakeholders and describes the overall strategy to meet objectives. Business strategy is concerned with products and services offered in the market defined at the corporate level. It defines the competitive advantage of the products and services. Functional strategy, termed operational, is where business functions make long-range plans that support the competitive advantage and incorporate corporate goals (Greasley).

The performance objectives allow the organization to measure performance in achieving strategic goals. Quality is measured by the cost of quality, speed measures time delay between customer request and receipt of product, dependability measures the consistency of promised delivery, flexibility measures ability to quickly change what it does, and cost measures profits and competitor deterrence.

3. 4. Product or service needs to flexibility to quickly meet changing customer demands. Mix needs….

Most critical is the ability to capitalize on core competencies while also alleviating any cultural conflicts inherent in pursuing any diversification strategy (Doving, Gooderham, 2008). Related diversifications are related to core competencies can be seen in many industry value chains, especially in the financial services industry (Milberg, 2008). As related diversifications reduce the cultural, system and process risk of a merger or acquisition, they have been proven empirically to be more successful in certain industries, especially financial services (Doving, Gooderham, 2008).

Erik Doving, aul N. Gooderham. (2008). Dynamic capabilities as antecedents of the scope of related diversification: the case of small firm accountancy practices. Strategic Management Journal, 29(8), 841. Retrieved August 6, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1499091871).

atrick Marren (2007). High-functioning business strategy. The Journal of Business Strategy, 28(6), 37-39. Retrieved August 7, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1369331501).

William Milberg (2008). Shifting sources and uses of….

However, this does not represent true innovation, and is unlikely to have a profound impact on the firm's competitors. Dippin Dots, in order to succeed, must develop ways of utilizing its core product (the dots) or the core technology of liquid nitrogen freezing, to drive innovation.
One major attempt at doing this is the Dots & Cream, a product that mixes the dots with conventional ice cream. This product solves a key issue with respect to distribution in that it allows Dippin Dots to begin distribution in grocery stores. This product utilizes the core product, but that product remains visible and within a fairly normal context for the industry. However, this innovation also detracts from the uniqueness of the dots and reduces the degree of differentiation that Dippin Dots has. In addition, such a product could conceivably be matched by competitors, as a result of poor patent protections. There is….

1. Corporate Level Strategy
- Focus on expanding globally and increasing market share
- Diversification into different product lines and acquisitions of other beverage companies
- Continued partnerships and collaborations with other businesses

2. Business Level Strategy
- Focus on brand differentiation and marketing to target specific consumer segments
- Innovation in product development and diversification of product offerings
- Emphasis on creating partnerships with retailers and distributors to ensure widespread availability

3. Functional Level Strategy
- Implementation of efficient supply chain management to reduce costs and improve distribution
- Investing in research and development to stay ahead of competition and introduce new products
- Emphasis on sustainability and environmentally-friendly practices....

1. Corporate Level Strategy
2. Business Level Strategy
3. Functional Level Strategy

4. Competitive Strategy
5. International Strategy
6. Cooperative Strategy

Competitive Strategy focuses on how a business can gain a competitive advantage in the market. This involves analyzing the competition, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and developing strategies to outperform rivals.

International Strategy involves expanding a business beyond domestic markets. This can include exporting products or services, setting up international operations, or forming partnerships with foreign companies.

Cooperative Strategy involves collaborations and partnerships with other organizations to achieve mutual goals. This could include joint ventures, strategic alliances, or licensing agreements.

By understanding and implementing these various levels of business....

2 Pages
Capstone Project

Business - Management

Corporate-Level Strategy at Starbucks The

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

he vision statement developed by the company refers to the product it sells, which is represented by the finest coffee in the world, the position that Starbucks intends to…

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3 Pages


Apple's Corporate Level Strategy of Integration

Words: 1044
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Corporate

Apple StrategyApple Inc. is a global technology company renowned for its ability to innovate and change the direction of the technology industry in numerous ways over the years. From…

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2 Pages


Corporate level'strategy of General Mills

Words: 664
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Week 1 The corporate level strategy of General Mills is the horizontal growth strategy. Imperatively, horizontal growth is accomplished by expanding its business operations into other geographic expanses or by…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Corporate and Business Level Strategies for GM

Words: 1854
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Business Level and Corporate Level Strategies Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies General Motors business level and corporate level strategies General Motors (GM) is a company based in the United States with its headquarters…

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1 Pages

Business - Advertising

Alliances and Corporate-Level Performance Corporate

Words: 426
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Thesis

No strategy is absolute, of course: al-Mart carries some organic produce, in response to consumer demand, but to find a wider variety of healthy cereals made with organic…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Strategic Business-Level Management Business-Level Strategy

Words: 535
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Corporate-level strategy centers its focus on determining a company's core business amid the existence of other businesses. This core business ultimately determines the company's corporate image, influencing its marketing…

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4 Pages

Business - Management

Strategy Corporate and Competitive Management

Words: 1301
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Others feel Five Forces is too cumbersome in its need for data and heavy-duty analysis and does not fit today's rapidly changing, dynamic market. So where do we go…

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8 Pages

Levels Of Business Strategies Of Coca-Cola

Words: 2178
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Essay Topic Examples 1. Coca-Colas Global Expansion Strategy: A Blend of Localization and Standardization      This essay would explore how Coca-Cola has successfully implemented its business strategies to penetrate international markets,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Urban Studies

Kb Home Business Level Strategy

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The operations in terms of elements like supply chain, outsourcing and location of operations are clearly based/focused on areas wherein they have built up their strengths over a…

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10 Pages


Corporate Conduct Global Corporations Are Often Difficult

Words: 2879
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Corporate Conduct Global corporations are often difficult to control because they operate in various countries throughout the world. As such actions that may be illegal in some countries are perfectly…

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6 Pages


Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility

Words: 1946
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

(Roy, 2006) In these cases, others working in those fields are the only ones who have the ability to conduct quality check to verify instances of possible fraud. Qualified…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Corporate Entrepreneurship the Purpose of

Words: 1739
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For IBM, it took Louis Gerstner getting angry about unfulfilled opportunities for new businesses to create the EBO structure. For Nokia, the similarities with IBM are at a…

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1 Pages


Corporate Operations Management

Words: 354
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Corporate Operations Management Corporate strategy provides long-range guidance for the whole organization. It is often expressed as a statement of its mission that defines key stakeholders and describes the overall…

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1 Pages


Business Strategy What Role Does

Words: 411
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Thesis

Most critical is the ability to capitalize on core competencies while also alleviating any cultural conflicts inherent in pursuing any diversification strategy (Doving, Gooderham, 2008). Related diversifications are…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Dippin Dots the Business Level

Words: 1198
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

However, this does not represent true innovation, and is unlikely to have a profound impact on the firm's competitors. Dippin Dots, in order to succeed, must develop ways…

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