Course Of Action Essays (Examples)

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Alternative Course of Action in Healthcare Organization
In the healthcare environment, ethics are the morals, social values, and principles guiding the decent, good behaviors. Typically, ethical values direct people's conducts in their daily activities. Since healthcare professionals based their decisions on legal and ethical issues, it is critical to understand the professional code of ethics, and ethical principles when facing dilemmas. The case of Mexican immigrant having the traumatic brain injury from a major automobile accident and rushed to the emergency ICU (intensive care unit) is one of the examples of the ethical dilemma that healthcare professionals face in their professional practice. Since the man is not a U.S. citizen, not covered by the health insurance, and the healthcare system will not reimburse the hospital for the services rendered to the patient, a healthcare organization may face a dilemma when making a decision about the man's case.

The objective of this….

Military Decision Making Process
You are the S-3 of the 6th anger Battalion conducting mission analysis on 27 January 1945 at the anger base camp at Calasiao on the Lingayen Gulf. Provide a complete movement estimate that LTC Mucci and his staff would use to develop plans and analyze various courses of action. Although you have the benefit of hindsight, write your running estimate as you would have on 27 Jan (in the present or future tense) rather than as an AA in the past tense. Although there are some guides and formats to a generic estimate, as well as a sample medical estimate included with this examination, you can modify those formats or develop one to help you present your analysis to LTC Mucci. Your movement estimate should include, but is not limited to:

Time available to conduct the operation before the Japanese decide to move or murder the POWs,….

Human beings, being the more intelligent of all the other creatures, ought to act in a structured, responsible, and accountable way -- more so when it comes to the maintenance and/or restoration of order in the society. In so doing, they are expected to abandon and reject actions or behaviors that fly against the principles of an orderly society. In the picture resource provided, we can see several people going about their daily routines, oblivious of what else is happening around them. A casual look at the picture does not reveal anything out of the normal. However, upon closer inspection, several unusual things stand out -- including some weed overgrowth, litter, a stray dog on the loose, and two snakes lurking about despite this not being their natural habitat. None of those captured in the picture seem to be concerned at all about the state of their immediate environment. They….







Yellow MOD

























Task Force

Command Level

Major Subordinate Element

(MSE) Level

MSE Subordinate

Units Level

Depict Command Relationships




JTF-50 COA Presentation Format


Reading C340.3


Phase I-Deter

Air and naval strikes, in coordination with Sof and Marine for Operation theater entry.

Additional forces are brought to the shore whenever it is necessary.

With control area being denied to enemy forces

That could be of a big threat to mine clearing operations.

With central areas denied to enemy forces that could threaten other areas, mine clearing operations commence in the Strait of Mormuz

With the straight being open, some of the forces that are ashore and then withdrawn.

Phase II-Seize Initiative

A force of special operations forces and possibly Army airborne and air assault units, could seize and hold a lodgment at a time and location of Central Command's choosing Immediately after landing.

SOF, Marine Corps, and Army forces would concentrate their efforts on expanding their operating perimeter and preventing the enemy from closing within range to….

Similarly, there is no way to ensure 100% job satisfaction with every employee all the time. One can only cross-train, communicate, work on a job extension and stretch plan, and use every potential resource available to allow the employee to self-actualize. Change is frightening to some, but with perserverance, tenacity, and commitment, our organization will be stronger because of it. Further, effectiveness within an organization is a measure of how effective the organization is in achieving the outcomes or goals it has for itself. An organization's effectiveness is also interdependent upon its set of morals, ethics, and ability to community appropriately. Effectiveness is important in different ways for different organizations because of the criteria used to judge (e.g. A non-profit aid group might have a different benchmark than a new accounting firm). It is sometimes difficult for an organization to be effective due to external factors, lack of clear definition….

By attaching visual elements to specific words and even to specific sounds within those words, many learners that might struggle with simple auditory approaches attached only to visuals of the letter might be better able to commit letter/phoneme associations to memory (Fox, 2011). The use of pictures also seems more interactive and engaging with the learners than simply showing visuals of letters associated with sounds, as it speaks to the imagination of the learners and gives them something to respond to in addition to the simple reading facts being presented. In this way, both the educator and the learners can be drawn into the lesson more fully, it would seem, and there is definite evidence that pictures make both the lessons and the material more memorable when they are properly used (Fox, 2003).
Other issues raised on these two DVDs such as synthetic phonics are also fairly controversial, and seem….

Skill Building
The course work has immensely improved my reading, writing, and thinking skills. Prior to reading the course materials, there were established beliefs on certain issues and interest in me. For example, the issue of racism and health care was a matter that had always caught my attention, because of my Hispanic heritage. acism was a topic of concern and interest, but I was never a victim of any form of racism. Therefore, from the beginning, I was not in a position to fathom the ordeal and experiences minorities go through because of racism. It is through reading, writing and analytical thinking of articles that I appreciated this social dynamic. It has always been difficult for me to explain and imagine that I could be a victim of racism.

After this course, I am able to use my reading skills that have improved and increased my reading speed and comprehension.….

Affirmative Action
In order to evaluate whether Fairview County Public Library's affirmative action plan is valid, identifying the basis for its implementation is necessary. Affirmative mainly serves to redress the injustices caused by a society's historical discrimination against people of color, women and other minority groups by leveling the uneven playing ground (Maltz, 2005). Through affirmative action, institutions and organizations attempt to foster diversity in a liberal and democratic society. This is exhibited by prestigious institutions of higher learning. Admission policies on affirmative action have been effective in aligning the balance of opportunity and power whilst ensuring that formerly excluded societal groups are currently included in the system (Bennett-Alexander & Hartman, 2009).

Evidently, the affirmative action plan will be valid when it creates a level playing field for a minority group biased in the current system. It is important to clarify why three of thirty supervisors in the library branches are male,….

The individual, who considered his action to be voluntary, because of slight negligence of social responsibility, and ignorance, now under goes trail in the state court. The individual is being accused for that entire he was much unaware about, and rather it would be right to say that he is being charged for his ignorance. is self-thought voluntary move is now considered terrorist support.
There was a local reported incident in the past where individual was forced to commit a crime only because he was being pressurized or forced to do so. It was reported within my neighborhood that the reputed banker was forced by his boss to indulge in the malpractice, and commit an intentional folly of manipulation of accounts. The banker was being blackmail by his boss; the boss was creating hindrance for his subordinate, and kept continuously delaying the release of employee-loan. The employee had no option….

It has been reported that due to the economic disparity the available opportunities have been inaccessible for the minority groups, and therefore such initiatives are important to be formulated which facilitate the minority groups in their quest to reach the mark. Affirmative Action is incorporated once the society has failed to materialize the society value equality and fairness. Affirmative Action are installed only to regret the failure on the behalf of the state to ensure equality and justice to the people irrespective of the racial, sexual, ethnic and religious divisions, therefore the Affirmative Action has diluted the heavily concentrated ethnic and racial vigor, and has subdue the negative fallout of such practices. Affirmative Action has brought ultimate relief to those particular elements of the society which were previously ignored, and whose existence was previously deplored in the society. The American society has although benefit from the implementation of the….

The shared understanding is crucial in order to build strength and enough confidence necessary for the implementation of strategy and to necessitate evolution.
Second Phase: LG's strategic intent

In order to remain competitive, LG has to stick to its long-term vision which should act as stabilizers to the corporation in times of uncertainty. The vision in this case refers to as a statement of the things that can be achieved by the corporation. The concept of strategic intent is very crucial to the operating of a corporation since it acts as a magnet that pulls the present corporate dynamics and activities to the future. Any given strategic intent should be formulated in a manner that the corporation's remain with a large vision that can energize the workforce at all times. The formulation of new strategic intent options can help LG in capturing new markets while remaining competitive within the uncertain economic….

Discrimination and Affirmative Action
Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) enforced by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) prohibits private and state and local government employers with 15 or more employees from discriminating against individuals on the basis of disability. Title I of the ADA also generally requires covered employers to make reasonable accommodations -- changes in the workplace or in the way things are usually done that provide individuals with disabilities equal employment opportunities." (U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission, 2008) In order to meet the ADA's definition of disability the individual must have a "physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; (2) has a record of such an impairment; or (3) is regarded as having such an impairment. This definition of disability may differ from the definition used in other laws. For example, the term "disabled veteran" means an individual who….

Problem From the onset, it is important to note that nosocomial or healthcare-acquired infections (HAIs) happen to be rather common in our healthcare settings. In basic terms, nosocomial infections could be defined as the all those infections that are acquired or contracted within the healthcare environment. To be more specific, the World Health Organization – WHO (2020) defines the said infections as all those infections that “affect patients in a hospital or other health-care facility, and are not present or incubating at the time of admission.” Further, according to WHO (2020), this category of infections could also be inclusive of infections acquired by hospital staff in the course of executing their functions within a healthcare facility. This is the definition that will be adopted in this policy brief. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – CDC (2018) observes, at least 1 out of a total of 31 hospitals across….

Management action plan (MAP) is a series of steps that are required for achieving a specific goal with certain resources within a definite time period. This paper would focus on an action plan for an identified opportunity for improvement (OFI) in a hypothetical hospital, named XYZ hospital, and the course of action for this purpose would be developed. Along with that, list of possible actions would be stated so that measurable goals could be set after which, accountability, measuring and monitoring would be formulated.
Identification of the Problem or Opportunity for Improvement (OFI)

Every business tries to hire the most qualified and experienced employees for the best performance of their organization; same stands true for hospitals. The highly skilled staff, in the form of doctors and nurses, is required for provision of better services to the patients in a high performing hospital (Lowe, 2012, p. 29). The investment in employee recruitment and….

Decisive Action y a High School Principal
The Process of Decisive Action

By a High School Principal

During my day at Young Middle Magnet School, I oserved Dr. Angela Chaniel work as a school district representative and administrative figurehead as she dealt with parents, students, and her own faculty. It was primarily communicative skills that allowed her to address each issue separately and outline the circumstances of each situation in a clear fashion. It was also keen prolem-solving techniques that allowed her to solve several issues presented to her y faculty and students alike. She also proved herself to e an excellent administrator, with a clear vision for the school and the educational progress of the students. Through evaluating oth the classrooms in her schools and the curriculum taught in those classrooms, relationships etween teachers and students, and an evaluation of standardized test scores, Dr. Chaniel is ale to pinpoint the successes….

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Leadership plays a crucial role in achieving success and driving change.
B. Background: Define leadership and its significance in various fields, such as business, politics, and education.
C. Thesis statement: A strong leader possesses certain qualities and skills, and their ability to inspire and guide others towards a common goal is essential for success.

II. Body Paragraph 1: Qualities of a Strong Leader
A. Topic sentence: Strong leaders demonstrate excellent communication skills.
1. Supporting detail: Effective communication promotes clarity and helps leaders convey their vision.
2. Supporting detail: Active listening skills enable leaders to understand and address....

Do Computers Think?

Defining Thought

Before delving into the question of whether computers think, it is essential to define what we mean by "thought." Thought is a complex and multifaceted process that involves various mental operations, including:

Cognition: The acquisition, storage, and retrieval of knowledge.
Reasoning: The ability to draw logical conclusions from given premises.
Problem-solving: The ability to find solutions to problems by applying known information and strategies.
Decision-making: The ability to evaluate options and select the best course of action.
Consciousness: The subjective experience of being aware of one's own thoughts, feelings, and surroundings.

Capabilities of Computers

Computers are powerful machines capable....

Sure! Analyzing a case typically involves several steps. Here is a general overview of the process and insights gained:

1. Familiarize yourself with the case: The first step in analyzing a case is to carefully read and understand the case study. Make notes on key information, such as the main issues, the background of the company or situation, and any important data or facts.

Insight gained: By familiarizing yourself with the case, you can gain a better understanding of the context and challenges faced by the company or individual in question.

2. Identify the key problems or questions: After reading the case, identify....

Authority can have a significant impact on individuals' actions and decisions within a group setting. When authority is present, individuals may feel pressure to conform to the expectations and guidelines set by those in positions of power. This can lead to individuals following orders or instructions from authority figures, even if they may not agree with them or believe them to be the best course of action.

Authority can also influence individuals' perceptions of themselves and their roles within the group. Those in positions of authority may be seen as more knowledgeable or competent, leading others to defer to their expertise....

3 Pages

Health - Nursing

Dilemma and a Course of Action Within a Healthcare Organization

Words: 1022
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Alternative Course of Action in Healthcare Organization In the healthcare environment, ethics are the morals, social values, and principles guiding the decent, good behaviors. Typically, ethical values direct people's…

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10 Pages


POW Escape Course of Action Review

Words: 3303
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Military Decision Making Process You are the S-3 of the 6th anger Battalion conducting mission analysis on 27 January 1945 at the anger base camp at Calasiao on the…

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3 Pages

Communication - Language

Human Need to Make a Commitment or Renounce a Course of Action

Words: 1001
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Human beings, being the more intelligent of all the other creatures, ought to act in a structured, responsible, and accountable way -- more so when it comes to the…

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16 Pages
Professional Writing


Action Decision Brief What You

Words: 4284
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Professional Writing

3 16 JTF JFACC JFLCC JFSOCC JFMCC Yellow MOD Coordination TACON OPCON COCOM XX ESG CSG SAG MPS PATRON SAG Amphib X SF NSWTG PSYOPS JSOAC AETF AEF ASOG Yellow Patrol Boats COA 1 Task Force Command Level Major Subordinate Element (MSE) Level MSE Subordinate Units Level Depict Command Relationships X XX Yellow JTF-50 COA Presentation Format DJMO C340 EXERCISE MATERIAL Reading C340.3 17 Phase I-Deter Air and naval strikes, in coordination with Sof and Marine…

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7 Pages

Business - Management

Action Planning Situational Background- Stevens

Words: 1993
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Similarly, there is no way to ensure 100% job satisfaction with every employee all the time. One can only cross-train, communicate, work on a job extension and stretch plan,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Action Reading Response DVD 3

Words: 552
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

By attaching visual elements to specific words and even to specific sounds within those words, many learners that might struggle with simple auditory approaches attached only to visuals…

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10 Pages

Business - Ethics

Skill Building the Course Work Has Immensely

Words: 2752
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Skill Building The course work has immensely improved my reading, writing, and thinking skills. Prior to reading the course materials, there were established beliefs on certain issues and interest…

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2 Pages


Affirmative Action in Order to Evaluate Whether

Words: 546
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Affirmative Action In order to evaluate whether Fairview County Public Library's affirmative action plan is valid, identifying the basis for its implementation is necessary. Affirmative mainly serves to redress the…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Voluntary Action-Aristotle the Action Made

Words: 1530
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The individual, who considered his action to be voluntary, because of slight negligence of social responsibility, and ignorance, now under goes trail in the state court. The individual…

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14 Pages
Term Paper


Affirmative Action Help or Hinder

Words: 3865
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It has been reported that due to the economic disparity the available opportunities have been inaccessible for the minority groups, and therefore such initiatives are important to be…

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10 Pages

Business - Management

Strategy in Action and Contemporary

Words: 3557
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

The shared understanding is crucial in order to build strength and enough confidence necessary for the implementation of strategy and to necessitate evolution. Second Phase: LG's strategic intent In order…

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3 Pages


Discrimination and Affirmative Action

Words: 1026
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Discrimination and Affirmative Action Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) enforced by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) prohibits private and state and local government employers…

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3 Pages
Policy Brief Paper


Mandating Action for the Prevention of Nosocomial Infections

Words: 1044
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Policy Brief Paper

Problem From the onset, it is important to note that nosocomial or healthcare-acquired infections (HAIs) happen to be rather common in our healthcare settings. In basic terms, nosocomial infections could…

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10 Pages


Analyzing Management Action Plan

Words: 4325
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Chapter

Management action plan (MAP) is a series of steps that are required for achieving a specific goal with certain resources within a definite time period. This paper would focus…

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7 Pages


Decisive Action by a High School Principal

Words: 1824
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Decisive Action y a High School Principal The Process of Decisive Action By a High School Principal During my day at Young Middle Magnet School, I oserved Dr. Angela Chaniel work…

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