Cultural Diversity Essays (Examples)

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Cultural Diversity in the Classroom When I
Pages: 3 Words: 1105

Cultural Diversity in the Classroom
When I was growing up, there were always some classmates who were just a little bit different from everyone else. It's not that there was anything wrong with these other students, but they were "unique." They were culturally diverse, and that made them stand out. Some of them came from other countries, and others were from my home country but their parents had come from other countries. Because of that, their culture was different from mine and from the culture that was shared by many of the other students. Some also clearly had much more money than other students, and some were learning my language as a second language. That certainly made them stand out. No matter what was different about them, they were all singled out for one of two behaviors: being ignored, or being bullied. The school didn't really address the differences between students…...

Cultural Diversity the Importance of
Pages: 2 Words: 776

I will let students share aspects of their cultural heritage, as well as any other differences that they want to share, such as spiritual differences.
In addition, I plan to pay special attention to diversity through including it in nearly ever lesson. This means encouraging students to offer different perspectives, and coaching them to understand and accept other opinions. In addition, this will help teach them excellent communication and critical thinking skills, as they learn not only how think from different perspectives, but also how to communicate with diverse groups regarding those perspectives. One of the activities that I plan to use in order to do this would include presenting a scenario to the students. For instance, "You earn $10 by putting away the groceries for his mama. You walk past the pet store, the toy store, and the candy store. Which one do you go into?" After asking students…...



"Curriculum." (2008). Retrieved May 31, 2009, from Brigham Young University McCay

School of Education. Web Site: 

Guion, L., Chattaraj, S., & Lytle, S.S. (2004). Strengthening Programs to Reach Diverse

Audiences: Planning and Implementing Extension Programs for Ethnically Diverse Audiences. Journal of Extension, 42 (1).

Cultural Diversity in Workplace With
Pages: 16 Words: 4554

Thus, more skilled individuals are more likely to possess these.
Ensure that the Culturally Diverse Human Resources is Rare

Any firm's human resource must be rare, especially if it aims to be the source of sustained competitive advantage. Human skills are normally dispersed in the population, but human resources with high skill levels are rare (Jenson, 1980). In the same manner, the responsibility attached to working in a company or firm requires variation in skills to offer variation in contributions (Hunter & Hunter, 1984).

This is also the very reason why redundancy in human resource is extremely avoided. In every organizational structure, the role of each member of the organization, his/her responsibility, his/her direct contribution to the realization of the company's goal is always being assed so at to checked that every member of the organizational chart is rare and that every body is contributing a unique input to achieving the desired…...


Works Cited

Adler, Ilya. 2001. Culture shock - Cross-cultural teams can boom or bust-it all depends on management strategy. 

Alchian, a. & Demsetz, H. (1972). Production, information costs, and economic organization. American Economic Review, 62, 777-95.

Barney, J. (1991). Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management, 17, 99-120.

Becker, G. (1964). Human capital. New York: Columbia U. Press.

Cultural Diversity What Is Culture
Pages: 2 Words: 719

Rejection notions of linguistic universality, French-speaking Canadians wish to have all of the signs in Quebec only in French, rather than in French and English.
Within the United States, extending equal education to all individuals becomes difficult, as linguistic proficiency in English may inhibit some student's ability to understand what is being taught in the classroom. hese students may require additional support or accommodation to fully benefit from the educational system in the same manner as their fluent peers ("he challenge of cultural diversity," 2007, Cultural diversity and early education).

he equality of all human beings, presumed to be a universal human right by individuals who embrace the Western, individualistic cultural ethos, may conflict with religious groups who see men and women as intrinsically different and deserving of different rights -- and who reject secular values as an essential condition for developing their own national status and joining the international community…...


The challenge of cultural diversity." (2004). Barcelona Forum 2004. Retrieved 30 Aug 2007 at

"The challenge of cultural diversity." (2007). Cultural diversity and early education:

Chapter 1. Retrieved 30 Aug 2007 at

Cultural Diversity Concepts the Dimensions of Cultural
Pages: 2 Words: 532

Cultural Diversity Concepts
The Dimensions of Cultural Diversity

The concept of cultural diversity includes ethnicity, racial identity, country of origin, sexual preference, gender identity, and socioeconomic class. In principle, each of those aspects of individual identity can affect the manner in which people perceive and respond to one another in any environment where they encounter one another. To a great degree, there is a natural inclination for people from one culture (in any of those dimensions) to treat other people differently. That is particularly true in circumstances where individuals from a dominant majority culture encounter individuals from minority cultures. In the worst cases, cultural diversity results in prejudice and mistreatment or subjugation such as was widely the case in the United States between the dominant Caucasian and minority "Negro" community until the social reforms of the civil rights era of the 1960s. Today, American society recognizes the equal rights of all members…...

Cultural Diversity and Academic Achievement Are Two
Pages: 4 Words: 1110

Cultural diversity and academic achievement are two areas where psychology has long argued over nature vs. nurture origins as though one excludes the other. The following essay attempts to structure a synthesis between the two showing that both can be integrated into one science. Biology bestows the individual with certain genetic traits; culture defines what is desirable, what is to be believed, how one is to judge, and how one is to behave. As regards academic achievement, all individuals are born with a base rate of intelligence and motivation; culture may augment or deprive the individual of academic opportunities thus shaping the individual's academic achievement.
Cultural diversity related to Biological psychology

Evolutionary development transmits itself via two mechanisms: genetic variation and natural selection. Genes affect transmission of traits, and genetic frequencies changes from generation to generation since environment differentially affect individual. Culture affects behavioral changes that, in turn, get passed onto the…...



Cairns, R, B,, Gariepy, J,-L,, & Hood, K. E, (1990). Development, microevolution, and social behavior. Psychological Review, 97, 49-65.

Gottlieb, G, (1991). Experiential canalization of behavioral development: Theory. Developmental Psychology, 27, 4-13,

Richerson, P, (1993). Evolution and human culture. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Boston

Scarr, S. (1993). Biological and Cultural Diversity: The Legacy of Darwin for Development. Child Development, 93, 64,1333-13.

Cultural Diversity in Home Ownership in America
Pages: 7 Words: 1828

Cultural Diversity in Homeownership in America
The objective of this work in writing is to examine cultural diversity in America specifically in terms of home ownership. This work will examine minority home ownership in terms of which countries have an ordinance against minority home ownership. There have been instances of gearing minorities towards bad mortgage loans, charging extra fees and even running of scams. This work will examine the assistance of FHA, HUD and other organizations in assisting minorities with home ownership and will examine the percentages of minority home ownership as well as the centralization geographically of these homeowners as well as the inherent struggles of minority home ownership.


Homeownership in the United States has been traditionally as well as historically impacted by the race and economic status of individuals. While it is understandable that homeownership is affected by economic status, the factor of race has served to limit the ability…...



Bostic, Raphael W. And Surette, Brian J. (2000) Have the Doors Opened Wider? Trends in Homeownership Rates by Race and Income. Federal Reserve. Retrieved from: 

Correa, Vanesa Estrada (2009) Foreclosure Affect Minorities Disproportionately, Report Shows. 15 Oct 2009. University of California, Riverside. Retrieved from: 

Coulson, N. Edward and Dalton, Maurice (nd) Temporal and Ethnic Decompositions of Homeownership Rates: Synthetic Cohorts Across Five Censuses" Penn State University Research Study. Retrieved from: 

Nier, Charles Lewis III (2010) Race, Racism and the Law: Speaking Truth to Power!! Dayton Edu. 10 Dec 2010. Retrieved from:

Cultural Diversity as an African-American
Pages: 7 Words: 2313

Literature classes focus mainly on the works of dead white guys, and science talks about the accomplishments of dead white guys. While there are token mentions of the works of other races, they are not given equal representation. Furthermore, many of the classics chosen contain antiquated attitudes about race. However, I am against censorship. Stories do not lose their value because of discriminatory depictions of African-Americans; instead they capture a portion of the relationship between the races at that time. For example, Harper Lee is honest about race discrimination in To Kill a Mockingbird, but the racist language she uses captures a feeling and goes to the heart of the book. I would just like to see some more books from the point-of-view of those in the minority. Finally, some schools offer specialized courses or specialized months. An African-American literature course or women's history month, while well-intentioned, do not…...



'Demographics." (2005). Retrieved 17 April 2005 from

Web site:,_Virginia#Demographics 

"Meadowbrook." (2004). Retrieved 17 April 2005 from Chesterfield Connections

Web site:

Cultural Diversity One of the Things That
Pages: 2 Words: 823

Cultural Diversity:
One of the things that I have always had a difficult time understanding is the animosity that exists between different races and ethnicities, and why that animosity would exist. While I understood the historical reasons of racial animosity, I did not really understand how Hispanics and Asians fit into the underlying historical racial animosity between whites and African-Americans. Understanding how different minority groups have historically been pitted against one another by dominant groups, establishing caste-type systems that depended upon the different locations in the United States helped me understand why the various minority groups have not consistently joined together to pursue common goals, even if doing so would have been the most expedient thing to do. Instead, different ethnic groups have had their own civil rights movements, and have worked towards equity in different ways.

I have learned new information about my own ethnic history. I had not really studied…...



El Nassar, H. (2008, February 12). U.S. Hispanic population to triple by 2050. Retrieved

October 23, 2011 from USA Today website: 

Hanson, G. (2005). Why does immigration divide America? Peterson Institute for International

Cultural Diversity Cultural Policy Aims
Pages: 2 Words: 727

For instance, the artists and the people who have a background of cultural education should be incorporated in social activities and be given different occupations in society that would make the most of their abilities. Cultural democracy can also be a way to counteract unemployment as a negative effect of the dominating marketplace. It would be ideal for cabinets to exist in the State Department so as to ensure the stimulation and the encouragement of cultural democracy. An essential part of this program should also be constituted by the forwarding of multicultural education, with an emphasis on the role of educational environments in promoting cultural pluralism, mutual awareness, communication and cooperation between the different subcultures extant in the country. The focus of the entire process is therefore on the decentralization of authority, so as to allow for every subculture to have its own, individual voice in the state and…...



Adams, D. And Arlene Goldbard.(1987) Cultural Democracy: A New Cultural Policy for the United States..

Comprehensive Cultural Policy for the State of California. 

What is Cultural Policy?" Webster's World of Cultural Democracy.

Cultural Diversity in Health and
Pages: 3 Words: 1264

Both sets of parents in the Hispanic-American and African-American families were overweight, which they did not see as a problem for them: they said that their parents also had 'meat on their bones.' I connected this with the attitudes of my own grandparents. While not overweight, they were inclined to see chubbiness in children as cute, particularly given the poverty and hunger in which they had grown up. This belief was echoed in the Southeast Asian family I interviewed.
Health protection and health restoration were less suspiciously viewed than I anticipated: in my preliminary research I read that African-Americans who had experienced racism in the medical system were often mistrustful of doctors and nurses (African-American parents more likely to report distrust of medical research, 2009, JAMA and Archives Journals). My personal interviews indicated that health protection and restoration was of great priority, and overall all of the parents trusted their…...



African-American parents more likely to report distrust of medical research. (2009, February 3).

JAMA and Archives Journals. ScienceDaily. Retrieved May 17, 2010, from   / releases/2009/02/090202174829.htm ?

Doolen et al. (2009). Parental disconnect between perceived and actual weight status of children:

A metasynthesis of the current research. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse

Cultural Diversity Cultural Background Summary
Pages: 2 Words: 830

I would say this is more a part of the Russian-American immigrant cultural values I have been exposed to since I was a child than Russian values, however.
There is a stereotype that Russians are brusque on the outside. I would say that there is a tendency in my family and other Russian families to be direct and not to beat around the bush. Also, people in Russia and of a Russian background tend not to be demonstrative in public, or dwell on social niceties. In private, families are very affectionate, physically and verbally, to their children particularly and loved ones in general. Children are very valued in Russian culture. Although many chores as a child, in comparison to my friends not from Russia, it was also stressed that it was most important that I studied hard, and had my eye focused on the future. My studies were always my…...

Cultural Diversity and Ethical Relativism
Pages: 2 Words: 695

Cultural Diversity and Ethical elativism
Europe and the United States are cultures where issues of sex and sexuality can be discussed freely and openly in the course of the day. Evidently, carrying out research on sex and sexuality may be easier or hard. In other cultures such as the African, discussing issues related to sex and sexuality is a taboo. These topics have been prohibited among women or youth. For this reason, researchers must exercise caution when conducting studies on these topics in countries where they are a taboo. For example, in the African culture, homosexuality is a taboo punishable by physical chastisement, social isolation, and even death in some cultures (Bond, 2004).

A researcher conducting a study about homosexuality in these cultures is subject to these repercussions. These punishments are aimed at prohibiting the generation of useful details regarding homosexuality in those nations. In addition, researchers are likely to have trouble…...



Bond, M. & Forgas, J. (2004). Linking person perception to behavior intention across cultures.

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 15, 337 -- 352.

Bond, M. (2004). Culture and aggression: From context to coercion. Personality and Social

Psychology journal, 8, 62 -- 78

Cultural Diversity Also Referred to
Pages: 4 Words: 1085

(Schauber, 2001)
VI. Optimal Assessment Tools

Assessing cultural diversity is a process that is best conducted through one of the following: (1) written questionnaires; and (2) focus groups and/or interviews. (Schauber, 2001)

VII. Assessment of Three Organizational Levels

It is necessary that these methods address the three organizational levels which are the three as follows: (1) Individual; (2) Group; and (3) organizational. (Schauber, 2001) These tools are used for the purpose of examining the definitions of diversity held by the participants of the organization in the study in order to discover their view of the utopian diverse organization. Furthermore, Schauber (2001) reports having examined the participant's perception of organizational "...benefits and challenges of working with people from differing cultural groups for both the participants and the organization..." (Ibid)

Two additional reasons cited in support of organizational cultural diversity are the two reasons stated as follows: (1) Organizational diversity may be more economical in the…...



What is Cultural Diversity? (2010) American Multicultural Publications. Online available at:

Burri-Nenova, Mira (2008) Cultural Diversity. Contribution to the Civil Society Background Paper prepared for the OECD Ministerial Meeting 'The Future of the Internet', 17-18 July 2008. Seoul. Online available at: 

Schauber, Ann C. (2001) Effecting Extension Organizational Change Toward Cultural Diversity: A Conceptual Framework. 2001 Jun. Vol.39 No.3, Journal of Extension. Online available at:

Cultural Diversity Impact on Small
Pages: 20 Words: 5800

Significance of the Study to Leadership a leader's ability to adapt to change within global markets determines the multinational company's success (Handley & Levis, 2001). Affective adaption to cultural changes, albeit depends upon available information; essential to the leadership decision-making (Kontoghiorghes & Hansen, 2004). If leaders of multinational companies better understand the challenges and impact of culture and diversity in global markets, they may use the information to improve planning and global decision-making (Lip*****z & Mann, 2005). Ultimately, improving decision-making may help promote effective cultural communication, and build effective global business relations.


esearch Design Synopsis

As referred to earlier in this proposal, rather than comparing identified groups of people, qualitative studies propose to develop ideas and theories regarding human experience(s). The following five qualitative research methods denote the options the researcher considered for the proposed study:


Case Study:



Heuristic. (esearch Methodology, N.d., pp. 3- 6)

Five Qualitative esearch Methods

In Ethnographic research methodology,…...



Advice on writing up a qualitative study. (N.d.) Introduction Retrieved February 12, 2009

Anonymous. (2008.). Keeping Cultural Diversity Alive. Community Banker. America's Community Bankers. Retrieved February 12, 2009 from HighBeam Research: 

Berger, P.L. & Huntington, S.P. (Eds.). (2003). Many Globalizations: Cultural Diversity in the Contemporary World. New York: Oxford University Press. Retrieved Febru12,2009, from Questia database: 

The Columbia World of Quotations. (1996). Columbia University Press. New York. Retrieved February 12, 2009 from

what affect my culture can have on my approach to the classroom?
Words: 368

The impact of culture on an individual's approach to the classroom is significant. Culture shapes our beliefs, values, and behaviors, which in turn shape our approach to learning and education. Proper spacing and format might look like this:

Culture, with its rich tapestry of traditions, customs, and societal norms, can greatly influence the way we view and engage with the classroom. Firstly, culture shapes our attitudes towards education. In some cultures, education is highly valued and seen as the key to success, leading individuals to approach the classroom with enthusiasm and a strong desire to learn. Conversely, in cultures where education....

why the us is the best country in the world?
Words: 496

Title: Reasons Why the US is the Best Country in the World

The United States of America is widely regarded as one of the most powerful and influential countries globally. As an epitome of democracy, economic strength, innovation, and cultural diversity, several reasons make the US the best country in the world today.

1. Political Stability:
The US boasts a stable political system that upholds the principles of democracy and individual liberties. Its robust system of checks and balances ensures accountability and prevents the concentration of power, making it an attractive destination for both citizens and immigrants.

2. Economic Powerhouse:
The United States possesses the....

Writing a 3000 word essay on human condition and need help with an essay outline?
Words: 327

I. Introduction
A. Definition of the Human Condition
B. Importance of Studying the Human Condition
C. Thesis Statement: Exploring key aspects of the human condition and their significance in shaping human existence.

II. Historical Perspectives on the Human Condition
A. Ancient Philosophical Views (e.g., Aristotle, Plato)
B. Medieval and Renaissance Perspectives (e.g., Thomas Aquinas, Machiavelli)
C. Enlightenment Thinkers (e.g., Rousseau, Hobbes)

III. Psychological Dimensions of the Human Condition
A. Human Emotions and Behavior
B. Cognitive Processes and Perceptions
C. Impact of Social and Environmental Factors

IV. Existential and Philosophical Views
A. Existentialism: Meaning and Purpose
B. Absurdity and Anxiety in Human Existence

I\'m in need of some essay topics on english. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 375

Sure! Here are some essay topics on various aspects of the English language:

1. The importance of learning English as a second language.
2. The evolution and history of the English language.
3. The impact of technology on the English language.
4. The influence of English in the global world.
5. The role of standardized testing in assessing English language proficiency.
6. The benefits and drawbacks of using English as a global lingua franca.
7. The representation and portrayal of English in literature and media.
8. The challenges and strategies for teaching English as a foreign language.
9. The differences between British English and American English.
10. The role of....

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