Current Issues Essays (Examples)

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Current Issues in Marketing

Identification and development of a rationale for a current issue in Marketing:-

The extensive embracing of the marketing concept by organizations is a comparatively new one. Sans one or two exclusions, writing on marketing is just crossing the fifty-year mark. However, during these fifty years the manner in which we think regarding marketing and its practice is undergoing a sea change. Marketing has advanced from a basic focus on 'giving the customers their requirements' to a pan-company orientation in which the particular potential of the business are focused around building and providing customer value to targeted market segments. (elationship Marketing: Creating Stakeholder Value)

Marketing is analyzing, organizing, planning and controlling of the company's customer invading resources, policies and activities with an objective of fulfilling the needs and wants of selected customer groups at a profit. During the growth markets of the 1960s and 1970s, the challenge confronting the managers was to….

2010, 10-12 Changes in Organizational Behavior
Current Issues, Problems and Proposed Changes in Organizational Behavior: Cisco Change Management, Kurt Lewin's Three-Step Model and Kotter's Eight-Step Plan

Current Issues, Problems and Proposed Changes in Organizational Behavior: Cisco Change Management, Kurt Lewin's Three-Step Model and Kotter's Eight-Step Plan

The objective of this work in writing is to examine the current issues and problems that are presently faced by contemporary companies and to propose a change utilizing organizational development. This work will examine Cisco's Change Management solution as well as the application of Kurt Lewin's three-step-model and Kotter's eight-step-plan in recommending a new program. This work will outline the required strategies to ensure change and will investigate the resource tools and people that are required in completion of the proposed change.


Cisco's work entitled "Change Management Best Practices White Paper" states that change planning goals should include the following stated goals: (1) Ensure all resources are identified….

U.S. health care system in terms of the current issues prevalent which shape the U.S. health care policy. It addresses two main questions:
What are the activities affecting the U.S. healthcare system?

What is the impact of the specific economic, political, cultural and historical factors on the current U.S. healthcare policy?

Secondary information sources i.e. published text and online sources of information have been used to gather information for the analysis of the healthcare system. It appears that economic factors, medical advancement and universal health access are the most important factors currently shaping the U.S. healthcare system, and needing reforms in these areas. The ultimate goal of health care reform is to keep costs at a level no more than a specific percentage of the economic growth of the country.

Activities affecting the U.S. health care system

The U.S. health care system is influenced by a number of activities in the country notably





Below is….

Quality Safety
Current Issues in Quality and Safety

Patient safety is considered a priority in the health, increasingly complex activity that involves risk and in which there is no system capable of guaranteeing the absence of adverse events, as it is an activity in factors inherent in the system combined with human activities. According to the statistics, each year in the United States, Medical errors can kill up to 98,000 patients figure higher than deaths from traffic accidents, Canada and New Zealand, about 10% of a hospital patients suffer adverse effects from medical errors, while in Australia, this figure is approximately 16,6% (Miller & Coughlin, 2001). Direct consequences assistance is its economic impact: additional hospitalizations, patients and their families, along with the loss of income, disability, capabilities and medical costs represent a cost in some countries. This information has led the community to reflect about the absolute necessity of adopting effective measures,….

This can have a major impact on the health outcomes of obese people, with ongoing serious problems and early and increased mortality much higher for those who are morbidly obese and do not have health insurance when compared with those who are morbidly obese and do have health insurance (Frangou 2009).
Perhaps surprisingly, obesity is just as much of a problem in some countries that provide access to adequate and appropriate healthcare to all of their citizens, such as the United Kingdom (Collins 2009). Western Europe has seen a rise in obesity very similar to that of North America's (and the United States' particularly), and close to one-half of the United Kingdom's population is now morbidly obese (Collins 2009). Overall health outcomes are slightly better in the UK, due to more complete access to preventative care for certain of the specific health issues that arise as a result of obesity,….

The crisis is even greater for those who have lost jobs or who have become underemployed, as health care costs and the cost of insurance continues to rise ("What's Wrong With").
For too long, the government has been turning a blind eye to this problem, refusing to recognize that that Americans' health is their most precious resource. But it is high time that the government learns that protecting its people is worth any fiscal cost. For this reason, we, as a nation, need to tell congress that Americas should not have to choose between health and financial stability, between medications and heat, or between school tuition and vaccinations. I am moving that congress hold a special session in order to weigh the different types of health programs available to us as a nation. Members of congress must bring in experts from the United States and other countries that can explain….

he problem with this argument is that the world is not purely economical in its activities or its planning. he notion that state -- i.e. political -- entities have ceased to matter in global trade issues, though increasingly popular among certain scholars and pundits, is a perspective that is at best "profoundly misleading" (Krasner 1976, pp. 317). he fact is, states act according to perceived threats both to their security and to their sovereignty. hese reactions are not always purely rational, at least not from an economic sense of the word, and therefore the pure rationality of economics cannot be used to predict state action -- which is still hugely important -- in the area of free trade (Krasner 1976). Despite the hegemonic decline of the United States that Milner notes, it is still a country with an enormous amount of international clout that can easily appear threatening in international….

The idea that work is not to be supposed to enjoy has unfortunately become engrained in American society and in the cultures of many organizations and this has contributed directly to the rise of stress related illnesses and disorders (Gardiner 2010). Stress has a direct negative impact on health, leading to higher blood pressure, potential heart problems, increased headaches and other minor aches and pains, and a variety of other physical symptoms (Gardiner 2010). In addition, stress reduces the ability to focus, which has a negative impact on productivity and also increases the likelihood of mistakes that can lead to other injuries or safety issues. This new area of workplace health and safety concerns luckily has been studied enough that several direct and indirect methods for reducing workplace stress and its effects have been developed; solutions as simple as increasing laughing and developing an organizational culture of increased jocularity….

ecruiting and etaining Employees
Despite the fact that organizations are all diverse, their general mission and objective is to recruit and retain professional personnel. They undertake this aspect by implementing and executing innovative approaches and strategies. The purpose of this study is to cultivate an understanding of the elements linked with staffing and retaining of personnel in organizations through analyses of published research studies obtained in the literature. In this particular paper, a methodical examination of articles published in the period between 2005 and 2015 was conducted and those that precisely place emphasis on recruitment and retention approaches in organizations. Importance of these articles was to discover and examine pioneering or inventive recruitment and retention approaches in organizations. Discoveries from these articles offered businesses and corporate organizers with information that was essential and was required to make decisions concerning recruitment and retention to improve employability at places of work (Khattak &….

secular society, Christian values, beliefs, and worldviews are systematically excluded from the educational system. Parents who can afford costly private schools can help inculcate their children into a Biblical worldview, but the majority of Christians who cannot do this and whose children attend public schools need to find ways to resolve the ideological conflicts presented to their children. Children regularly receive disparate information about crucial issues such as those related to gender roles and norms, human sexuality, and the origin of life on earth. While all of these core topics challenge Christian educators to adapt their curricula to conform to legal and societal expectations, the most contentious of these might be the evolution and intelligent design debate. Christian educators continue to struggle with presenting a more balanced worldview to their students, but legal and societal expectations persist in silencing minority voices. One of the most important contemporary issues in….

uddhist Ethical Concerns
There are numerous ethical issues that have tended to dominate and generate debate in the world during the last decade. Issues such as abortion, ecology, genetic engineering and animal experimentation are ethical problems that deeply concern all religious persuasions. These issues are of particular importance with regard to uddhist views and practices. One of the central areas that have evoked a wide ranger of ethical responses from both Western and Eastern religions is the question of cloning and stem cell research. All of these issues confront the practicing uddhist and all demand a response from the uddhist viewpoint in contemporary life.

Underlying much of the uddhist approach to contemporary ethical problems is the principle of Karma and the fundamental emphasis on actions that are non-harmful to other sentient beings. This foundational precept is based on the belief in the intrinsic value of all living things. This refers to….

THEE ISSUES Three Issues Currently Affecting International BusinessThree major issues currently affecting international business are trade deficits, renegotiating NAFTA, and the global market. A trade deficit can cause unemployment to increase within the country, directly impacting international businesses. If the country relies more on imports than exports, people within the same region will not find jobs. Businesses are meant to produce greater job opportunities for the economy, hence contributing to a better future for the workers. However, a trade deficit would not probably facilitate such situations and adversely affect peoples jobs within the country (Congressional esearch Service, 2020).NAFTA has been a great source of boosting international business as it helped reduce the costs of business, enable investment and growth, particularly for small businesses, and formulated agreements to protect investor rights (Amadeo, 2020). enegotiations of this agreement require the workers rights and protection to be bold and clear so that international….

The inconclusive evidence shows the difficulty of regulating issues of science rather than policy, and given that it is not certain that these substances are dangerous in the amounts in cosmetics, the warning labels seem unlikely to influence consumer behavior.
I ask the question: does more information promote better behavior? The answer is: not always. Millions of people eat artificial sweeteners, drink alcohol, and smoke cigarettes, despite warning labels on these products. Also, people use cosmetics tested on animals -- and even inject Botox, a paralyzing chemical in their foreheads, in the name of beauty. Additional warning labels will do little to change consumer behavior, especially when it comes to style, unless there is more research that proves that these chemicals pose a health risk..

How can nurses recognize their own accountabilities and responsibilities when delegating aspects of care to others?
It is a difficult task for nurse to understand precisely what to do in the delegation process as there are many conflicting guidelines and opinions on the subject. The only sure way for registered nurses to properly fulfill their responsibilities of delegation, is to maintain a relationship with the nurses they delegated and be available for them when necessary. At the same time, nurses need to be sure to give trainees space in order for them to learn independently. Patience, observance, and guidance are the techniques essential to registered nurses attempting to provide quality delegation.
How can nurses delegate and supervise others consistent with legislation and organizational policy?
In order to delegate and supervise their trainees, registered nurses need to strictly comply with the current legislation and organizational policies existing in their place of work. That being….

hat are the pros and cons of controlled burning in Yellowstone?

The pros and cons of controlled burning in Yellowstone National Park have the same consequences -- uncontrollable fire. The pros of controlled burning are twofold. First, studies have proven the positive effects of controlled burning with regards to fire management. As previously stated, controlled burns remove debris from the forest floor that can be considered fodder for larger fires. In addition, controlled and natural burning allow fires to ecologically impact the park. In recent decades, a variety of research has been completed concerning the benefits of the burns on ecology, and controlled burning is proven to, in most cases, allow for positive change within the ecosystem.

Part II Recommendation Analysis

Based on the above information, fires in Yellowstone National Park, whether controlled or otherwise, are an issue of grave importance to park personnel. In order to appropriately deal with the issue, Yellowstone….

Miranda Rights: A Cornerstone of Criminal Justice


Miranda rights, enshrined in the landmark 1966 Supreme Court decision Miranda v. Arizona, have played a pivotal role in safeguarding the rights of individuals accused of crimes. This essay will explore various topic ideas related to Miranda rights, examining their historical significance, legal implications, and impact on criminal justice.

Historical Evolution

The development of Miranda rights: Tracing the legal precedents that led to the Miranda decision.
The impact of the Warren Court: The role of the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren in expanding Miranda protections.
Miranda in the context of other constitutional amendments:....

Here are some essay topics that can help you improve your English skills:

1. The impact of technology on society
2. Climate change and its effects on the environment
3. The importance of education in today's society
4. The pros and cons of social media
5. The role of women in modern society
6. Mental health awareness and its importance
7. The significance of cultural diversity
8. The legalization of marijuana
9. The effects of globalization on the economy
10. The importance of voting in a democratic society

These topics cover a range of current issues and can help you practice writing in English while also expanding your knowledge on important....

I. Introduction
A. Brief explanation of protests as a form of activism
B. Thesis statement: Protests serve as a powerful tool for advocating social, political, and economic change.

II. Historical Context of Protests
A. Overview of significant protests throughout history
1. Civil rights movement in the United States
2. Anti-apartheid movement in South Africa
3. Women's suffrage movement
B. The impact of these protests on society

III. Types of Protests
A. Peaceful demonstrations and marches
1. Examples of successful peaceful protests
a. Martin Luther King Jr.'s March on Washington
b. Gandhi's Salt March in India
2. Benefits of peaceful protests
B. Civil....

1. Interdisciplinary collaboration: Collaborating with experts from different fields can help generate novel perspectives and insights, leading to the formulation of innovative research questions.

2. Community engagement: Engaging with the community affected by the research topic can help identify important issues and concerns that may not have been previously considered, leading to research questions that are directly relevant and impactful.

3. Utilizing emerging technologies: Leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, or big data analytics can help uncover new patterns and trends, leading to the formulation of research questions that address previously unexplored areas.

4. Thinking outside the box: Encouraging creative....

10 Pages
Term Paper


Current Issues in Marketing

Words: 3869
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Marketing Identification and development of a rationale for a current issue in Marketing:- The extensive embracing of the marketing concept by organizations is a comparatively new one. Sans one or…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Current Issues Problems and Proposed Changes

Words: 1847
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

2010, 10-12 Changes in Organizational Behavior Current Issues, Problems and Proposed Changes in Organizational Behavior: Cisco Change Management, Kurt Lewin's Three-Step Model and Kotter's Eight-Step Plan Current Issues, Problems and Proposed…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Current Issues in Health Policy and Health Reform

Words: 1799
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

U.S. health care system in terms of the current issues prevalent which shape the U.S. health care policy. It addresses two main questions: What are the activities affecting the…

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4 Pages


Quality Safety Current Issues in Quality and

Words: 1574
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Quality Safety Current Issues in Quality and Safety Patient safety is considered a priority in the health, increasingly complex activity that involves risk and in which there is no system capable…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Obesity Past and Current Issues

Words: 607
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This can have a major impact on the health outcomes of obese people, with ongoing serious problems and early and increased mortality much higher for those who are…

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2 Pages


Presidential Speech Addressing Current Issues

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

The crisis is even greater for those who have lost jobs or who have become underemployed, as health care costs and the cost of insurance continues to rise…

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5 Pages


International Trade Current Issues in

Words: 1295
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

he problem with this argument is that the world is not purely economical in its activities or its planning. he notion that state -- i.e. political -- entities have…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Workplace Health Current Issues and

Words: 563
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The idea that work is not to be supposed to enjoy has unfortunately become engrained in American society and in the cultures of many organizations and this has…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Current Issues in Human Resource Management

Words: 2963
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

ecruiting and etaining Employees Despite the fact that organizations are all diverse, their general mission and objective is to recruit and retain professional personnel. They undertake this aspect by implementing…

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5 Pages


Christian and Secular Education Current Issue

Words: 1675
Length: 5 Pages

secular society, Christian values, beliefs, and worldviews are systematically excluded from the educational system. Parents who can afford costly private schools can help inculcate their children into a…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Current Ethical Buddhism Issues

Words: 1159
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

uddhist Ethical Concerns There are numerous ethical issues that have tended to dominate and generate debate in the world during the last decade. Issues such as abortion, ecology, genetic…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Three Current Issues in International Business

Words: 693
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

THEE ISSUES Three Issues Currently Affecting International BusinessThree major issues currently affecting international business are trade deficits, renegotiating NAFTA, and the global market. A trade deficit can cause unemployment…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Miscellaneous

Current Event Singer Natasha Should

Words: 325
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The inconclusive evidence shows the difficulty of regulating issues of science rather than policy, and given that it is not certain that these substances are dangerous in the…

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3 Pages

Health - Nursing

Current Best Practices for Nursing

Words: 863
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

How can nurses recognize their own accountabilities and responsibilities when delegating aspects of care to others? It is a difficult task for nurse to understand precisely what to do in…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Wildland Management Issue -- Fires

Words: 1078
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

hat are the pros and cons of controlled burning in Yellowstone? The pros and cons of controlled burning in Yellowstone National Park have the same consequences -- uncontrollable fire. The…

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