Data Model Essays (Examples)

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Modeling and Database Design
Data Modeling Database Design The databases significantly improve organization's ability access, share, apply relevant information. However, wealth data a database, greatly dependent design. Designing a database creates logical data relationships end

Data modeling and database design

Making use of database systems would benefit a health care organization as information regarding a patient can be retrieved easily and quickly Choobineh & Lo, 2004.

The initial design of the database is vital to ensure that information is accurate and logical. Patient information can be easily retrieved and shared with other professionals. Information sharing becomes easy, and health care workers can collaborate with others irrespective of location. Using different descriptions for the same data in a database will create confusion especially when the information has to be exported to another system. The database system would treat the description differently and create a new field for storing the data. This would result in….

It allows users to analyze data from many different dimensions or angles, categorize it, and summarize the relationships identified. Technically, data mining is the process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large relational databases" (Palace, 1996).
One common example of using data mining is that of store inventory, such as a Midwest grocery chain called Kroger that used the data mining capacity software to discover: "that when men bought diapers on Thursdays and Saturdays, they also tended to buy beer. Further analysis showed that these shoppers typically did their weekly grocery shopping on Saturdays. On Thursdays, however, they only bought a few items. The retailer concluded that they purchased the beer to have it available for the upcoming weekend. The grocery chain could use this newly discovered information in various ways to increase revenue. For example, they could move the beer display closer to the diaper….

In the contemporary business environment, the accounting profession has undergone a fundamental change, and the traditional accounting systems are no longer adequate to satisfy a recent accounting domain. Thus, a call has been made to expand the scope of accounting information systems. In response to the call, the REA data model was launched to support the accounting information systems. The REA data model is identified as the conceptual modeling tool that assists in designing the AIS (accounting information system) database. The REA model is specifically good to develop an invoicing and billing process.
The objective of this project is to use the REA data model to develop the database for the billing and invoicing process.

Entity Relation Diagram

The entity relation diagram is required for the database of the billing and invoicing process. The entity relation diagram is a graphical illustration to portray the database schema. The ER diagrams show the entities and….

Data Warehousing: A Strategic Weapon of an Organization.
Within Chapter One, an introduction to the study will be provided. Initially, the overall aims of the research proposal will be discussed. This will be followed by a presentation of the overall objectives of the study will be delineated. After this, the significance of the research will be discussed, including a justification and rationale for the investigation.

The aims of the study are to further establish the degree to which data warehousing has been used by organizations in achieving greater competitive advantage within the industries and markets in which they operate. In a recent report in the Harvard Business eview (2003), it was suggested that companies faced with the harsh realities of the current economy want to have a better sense of how they are performing. With growing volumes of data available and increased efforts to transform that data into meaningful knowledge that can….

From Supply Chain Efficiency to Customer Segmentation Focus

Because of this focus on supply chain forecasting accuracy and efficiency, the need for capturing very specific customer data becomes critical. The case study portrays the capturing of segmentation data as focused on growing each of the brands mentioned that VF relies on this data to base marketing, location development and store introductions, and pricing strategies on. In reality, the data delivered for these marketing programs and location-based analyses is also providing an agile and scalable platform for VF to more effectively manage and mitigate its supply chain risk as well.

elying on Alteryx for data analysis as it has superior capability to Microsoft Access and Excel in conjunction with the use of SC Software for geo-demographic analysis, VF has created a workflow for translating data warehouses into the basis of marketing and supply chain strategies. The strategic goal of getting the right product….

SQL and ig Data
Gaining greater insights into terabytes of unstructured and structured data organizations have been collecting in many cases for decades across diverse computing and storage platforms are increasingly being unified through advanced data and system architectures. ig Data is the term used to define very large, diverse data sets that contain both structured and unstructured data that defy analysis using conventional database management and analytics applications (International Journal of Micrographics & Optical Technology, 2010). ig Data is an area generating much interest in enterprises as this collection of data analysis, aggregation and extraction techniques continue to deliver valuable insights into how companies can become more competitive (Datskovsky, 2013). Structured Query Language (SQL) is a widely accepted approach to querying databases, aggregating and analyzing data and creating useful reports that guide decision making in organizations (Rys, 2011). Enterprise software companies are creating ig Data analytics applications that include….

Stationarity of Data
The panel data stationarity test has a severe size distortion inconsistent with the null hypothesis. Stationary is vague since the mean and variance of the data is not constant. The most appropriate resolution in this case is to merge ailing banks or let strongly financed banks purchase bad debts in accordance with market mechanisms and securitization in Portugal. In view of that, weak banks should be merged or be acquired by stronger banks that appear in the panel data.

Causality Test

The influence of NPL on technical competence is close to zero and not significant. n the other hand, the effect of technical efficiency on loan Loss is positive and significant at 5% level, once more indicating that the causality would run from bank efficiency to non-performing loans. Turning to the allocative efficiency case, the performance is poor and there is no significant response to variation in NPL. Consequently, the….

Visualize Your Data
In defining a system to be used for visualizing case information and also capable of supporting geographic information systems (GIS) crime and incident analysis, standardizing on the ESI ArcGIS Server and its Law Enforcement Data Model would provide a scalable, agile foundation for data visualization and future growth. The components or modules that need to be included in the system include Crime Analysis, Data Fusion/Intelligence Analysis, Community Corrections, COMPSTAT statistics module, esource Management, Process outing and MDT/MDC integration. Taken together these components and ArcGIS Server platform would provide for greater criminal analysis visualization and prediction over time. The use of data visualization in crime prediction and prevention, coupled with pattern and data analysis, has shown to have significant effects on reducing crime in targeted regional and metro areas (Xu, Chen, 2005).

Advantages Of Including A Data Visualization Component

There are many advantages of having a data visualization software platform and….

Newell's Simplified Car-Following Model
Drivers tend to display oscillatory paths that are characterized with cycles of regular acceleration or deceleration because of traffic oscillations. The term traffic oscillations are used to describe the stop-and-go driving situations that are common in overcrowded traffic. Generally, conventional wisdom postulates that traffic oscillations are brought by instabilities in longitudinal car interactions. As a result of increased traffic oscillations, especially in congested traffic, numerous car-following models have been developed and proposed in the recent past. These models have been developed to duplicate oscillations through assumption of probabilistic headways during accelerations. In addition, car following models are the most significant reflections of traffic flow dynamics based on single vehicles. An example of the recently proposed or developed car-following model is the Simplified Car-Following Model by Newell.

The Model's Assumptions

Newell's car-following model is arguably the simplest model that was recently developed as part of the microscopic models whose dynamics….

Neo-looked confused. "Programs hacking programs?" To which the Oracle replied, "At some time, a program was written to govern everything. The only time you see a program is when it's malfunctioning, and needs to be replaced, or exiled." Jack, I know you are new in the IT department, but I can't emphasize enough the need for you to take the Oracle's advice. We want our software, CRM modules, and sales processing databases to function without being seen. We don't need any programs fowling up other programs. I don't want to have to fight any 'vampires' or 'ghost twins' because you have allowed the database data dictionary to get corrupted.

The data dictionary is a tool which keeps the other programs up-to-date, and feeds information to the other querying programs as to what to expect from the data they are receiving. The data dictionary is a separate, and important indexing database….

Community Dementia Care and the Chronic Care Model
nd-Stage Dementia valuation Proposal

Health Promotion Plan for Community nd-Stage Dementia Care: The Chronic Care Model

Health Promotion Plan for Community nd-Stage Dementia Care: The Chronic Care Model.

In 2013 an estimated 5.0 million Americans over the age of 65 suffered from Alzheimer's disease (Alzheimer's Association, 2013). Although the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers dementia/Alzheimer's to be the fifth leading cause of death among adults 65-years of age or older, careful examination of Medicare claims data revealed that dementia is probably right behind cardiovascular disease as the second leading cause of death for this age group (Tinetti et al., 2012). Most of these patients would prefer to die at home, not only because of comfort concerns, but due to the higher quality of care that tends to be provided by informal and paid caregivers in this setting (reviewed by Teno et al.,….



Profitable Growth

Return on nvested Capital

Return on Equity

Only accept strong NPV projects

15% ROC

20% ROE

Simplify the organization structure

Provide an open environment for idea generation and brainstorming

ndustry leading innovation

Update product upgrade cycle. Refresh or introduce a product at least once every two years.

Highest Quality products and services

Higher Gross Margin

nvest heavily in R and D with excess Free Cash Flow

Establish strong customer and brand loyalty

Adopt the net promoter score and customer satisfaction rating survey

4% Market Share growth per year

Rewards programs and partnerships with other service providers

Establish a well recognized brand

Strong brand recognition

Become the number 1 or number 2 rated brand in each product category

nvests heavily in marketing and advertising

Question 2

A major retailer such as Wal-Mart would be best served by using a transactional database. Wal-Mart unlike many other retailers has a strong competitive advantage relative to peers in the industry. t competes primarily based on price and value. As a low cost producer, Wal-Mart….

Data Analysis and Nurses

Sundborg et al. (2012) conducted a quantitative study, which examined the preparedness of nurses to provide care for women who are exposed to intimate partner violence (p.1). The study was carried out on the premise that intimate partner violence (IPV) has significant effect on women's health. Therefore, nurses need adequate preparations to identify such victims and provide suitable interventions. While the study provides significant insights relating to nurses' preparedness in handling such patients, there are some drawbacks associated with it as demonstrated in this critique.
The sample for this study was randomly selected from the 174 primary health care centers that employ approximately 1,200 active nurses in Stockholm County (Sundborg et al., 2012, p.3). Since the sample was selected randomly, a probability sampling method was utilized by the researchers. Every individual in the sampling population had equal chance of being included in the study. The results from this sampling method were….

Data Privacy and Security

ecurity Management Plan
John's Hospital

Privacy of client information is an assurance that every patient wants and this assurance is what the hospital can build patient confidence on. The lack of it therefore may have consequences such as loss of confidence in the hospital, loss of clientele and the emergence of a poor reputation. This paper looks at the t. John's Hospital which has experienced the leakage of confidential information a problem that needs to be addressed. It highlights the steps the hospital must take in its management plan. In the first step, hospital must identify how widespread the problem is and where exactly there are weaknesses in the system. econdly, the hospital's staff must receive adequate training in methods to deal with confidential information especially its destruction. A culture must be developed to deal with this information discreetly. In this same breadth breach must be understood by all staff as far….

The real data from audience ratings comes from the "people meters" that record what the target sample watches, how long the shows are watched, and what is fast-forwarded. In the case of the Nielsen ratings data is sent daily (both live and DV data) and even which family members are watching it. Data is broken down in the demographic age groups and ratings represent what percentage of the nearly 116,000,000 viewers are watching a particular program (a 1.0 rating would mean that one percent or about 1,600,000 viewers were watching a program; Lotz 2007). This is a disadvantage in that samples like this are extremely difficult to make representative of larger target populations.

The reasoning behind audience ratings is that audience ratings are the most obvious indicator of the program's success. However, the actual numbers that networks use to decide if a particular program is a success are not the….

Research data analysis is the process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information, informing conclusions, and supporting decision-making. Data analysis has multiple facets and approaches, encompassing diverse techniques under a variety of names, and is used in different business, science, and social science domains.

Data analysis techniques vary with the type of data, the intended purpose of the analysis, and the user's capabilities and resources. Some techniques have been automated into mechanical processes, but most analysis requires some human intervention.

Data analysis is a process that involves several steps:

1. Data collection: The first step in....

4 Pages


Modeling and Database Design Data Modeling Database

Words: 1317
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Modeling and Database Design Data Modeling Database Design The databases significantly improve organization's ability access, share, apply relevant information. However, wealth data a database, greatly dependent design. Designing a…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Modeling Why Is Data Modeling

Words: 842
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It allows users to analyze data from many different dimensions or angles, categorize it, and summarize the relationships identified. Technically, data mining is the process of finding correlations…

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3 Pages

Information Technology

Database Design for Invoicing using REA Data Model

Words: 770
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

In the contemporary business environment, the accounting profession has undergone a fundamental change, and the traditional accounting systems are no longer adequate to satisfy a recent accounting domain. Thus,…

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38 Pages
Term Paper


Data Warehouse a Strategic Weapon of an Organization

Words: 10375
Length: 38 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Data Warehousing: A Strategic Weapon of an Organization. Within Chapter One, an introduction to the study will be provided. Initially, the overall aims of the research proposal will be discussed.…

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5 Pages
Case Study


Data Warehouse Case Study VF

Words: 1268
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

From Supply Chain Efficiency to Customer Segmentation Focus Because of this focus on supply chain forecasting accuracy and efficiency, the need for capturing very specific customer data becomes critical. The…

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4 Pages

Education - Computers

SQL and Big Data Gaining Greater Insights

Words: 1338
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

SQL and ig Data Gaining greater insights into terabytes of unstructured and structured data organizations have been collecting in many cases for decades across diverse computing and storage platforms…

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3 Pages


Stationarity of Data the Panel Data Stationarity

Words: 920
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Dissertation

Stationarity of Data The panel data stationarity test has a severe size distortion inconsistent with the null hypothesis. Stationary is vague since the mean and variance of the data is…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Visualize Your Data in Defining a System

Words: 636
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Visualize Your Data In defining a system to be used for visualizing case information and also capable of supporting geographic information systems (GIS) crime and incident analysis, standardizing on the…

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5 Pages


Review Simplified Car Following Model by Newell

Words: 1696
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Newell's Simplified Car-Following Model Drivers tend to display oscillatory paths that are characterized with cycles of regular acceleration or deceleration because of traffic oscillations. The term traffic oscillations are used…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Data Dictionary and Database Normalization

Words: 1228
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Dictionaries Neo-looked confused. "Programs hacking programs?" To which the Oracle replied, "At some time, a program was written to govern everything. The only time you see a program is…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Model for Community Palliative Care

Words: 1740
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Community Dementia Care and the Chronic Care Model nd-Stage Dementia valuation Proposal Health Promotion Plan for Community nd-Stage Dementia Care: The Chronic Care Model Health Promotion Plan for Community nd-Stage Dementia Care:…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Data and Retail a Case Study With Amazon

Words: 889
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Measures Targets nitiatives Profitable Growth Return on nvested Capital Return on Equity Only accept strong NPV projects 15% ROC 20% ROE Simplify the organization structure Provide an open environment for idea generation and brainstorming ndustry leading innovation Update product upgrade cycle.…

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3 Pages


Data Analysis and Nurses

Words: 889
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Sundborg et al. (2012) conducted a quantitative study, which examined the preparedness of nurses to provide care for women who are exposed to intimate partner violence (p.1). The study…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Data Privacy and Security

Words: 2026
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ecurity Management Plan John's Hospital Privacy of client information is an assurance that every patient wants and this assurance is what the hospital can build patient confidence on. The lack of…

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5 Pages

Business - Advertising

Theories the Real Data From Audience Ratings

Words: 1583
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Theories The real data from audience ratings comes from the "people meters" that record what the target sample watches, how long the shows are watched, and what is fast-forwarded.…

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