Dental Essays (Examples)

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Dental Case Study

Dental Case Study
The patient in the case that is presented is a Latino male just over 13 years old. He has sickle cell anemia, and suffers from an intellectual disability. This paper reviews the case study from a dental health perspective.

hat is sickle cell anemia? The genesis of this disease is found within the abnormal hemoglobin in the blood stream; the red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body change shape when the individual has sickle cell anemia. Hemoglobin S. has the effect of changing the shape of the red blood cells so that they become "…fragile, sickle-shaped" and they bring less oxygen to the tissues of the body (National Library of Medicine). Moreover, the shape of the changed red blood cells means that cells can become "stuck more easily in small blood vessels" and they also break into many pieces which of course reduces the amount of oxygen….

Dental Amalgam

Dental Amalgam: The isks and Alternatives
Some of the most common dental restorative materials currently in use are dental amalgams, but these compounds contain approximately 50% mercury making their use controversial, particularly with young children who may be harmed by long-term exposure. Although there are some viable composite resin alternatives available, dental amalgams with mercury remain the treatment of choice for many practitioners. To determine the current risks and potential alternatives to dental amalgams, this paper provides a review of the relevant peer-reviewed and scholarly literature concerning these issues, followed by a summary of the research and important findings in the conclusion.

eview and Discussion

Dental amalgams are a commonly used dental restorative material, but amalgams contain a number of compounds including mercury (Hg) (Geier, Carmody, Kern & King, 2011). A report from Bradbard (1999) notes that despite the mercury content, dental amalgam has a long track record of use. In this regard,….

Dental Assistance (dental Surgery)
I started out as a dental assistant at 19, then became an instructor, and was promoted to a program director before opening my own teaching program in 2000. I work part time at a community college and teach my dental auxiliary courses on the weekends. In that way, I have an extensive background of practice, reflection, observation, and application that is connected to my job. Since I really have two jobs -- dentistry and teaching -- and the essay wishes me to employ just one, I will focus on the overarching one: dentistry.

Note that these four terms - practice, reflection, observation, and application - represent those used by David Kolb's experiential learning theory and indeed my essay format will be designed according to Kolb's theory so as to best illustrate the contributions of experience to my dentistry background.

Kolb considers experience a source of learning and cites four….

In general, studies of commercial resin matrixes indicate volumetric shrinkage in the curing process as great as seven percent, with most undergoing shrinkage of two or three percent (Seghatol & Durand, 1999).
In dentistry, the comparatively small dimensions of the products composed of polymers and the specific point-load stresses sometimes encountered by dentures magnifies the undesirable effects of even small percentages of incomplete polymerization and volumetric shrinkage. Moreover, dental materials are typically designed to fit with much closer mechanical tolerances than two or three percent if they are expected to perform as designed throughout their intended lifespan (Ashby & Jones, 1996).

Ultimately, even with different compositions of monomers selected for their favorable response to heating, curing dental polymers in commercial microwaves cannot provide a complete solution. Commercial microwaves are universally designed so that their magnetrons cycle on and of instead of emitting a constant flow of microwave energy. For this reason,….

Dental Care
he purpose of rhetoric's is to persuade the reader to accept the authors' point-of-view. o that end, the authors take great pains in constructing their argument with emotion and pathos and certain structural stylistic skills that, he thinks, will best persuade the readers and grab their attention. Certain articles have to be written in a more authoritative tone than others, and other articles may have to be crafted in a more humorous or entertaining style than others depending on the targeted reader.

he authors in question, Laheij and colleagues (2011), seem to have a mixed readership. On the one hand, the gist of their article ("Healthcare-associated viral and bacterial infections in dentistry") is slanted towards the professional dentist where they exhort him or her to focus on dentil hygiene. On the other hand, their article may also be said to have a peripheral impact on the lay reader in terms….

Dental Care in Ethnic Populations Over 65
Borrell, L.N., Burt, B.A., and Neighbors, H.W. (2004, May). Social Factors and Periodontitis in an Older Population. American Journal Public Health. 94(5), 748 -- 754. PMCID: PMC1448332

This article discusses the relationship between age, ethnicity, socio-economic status, and educational level with respect to oral dental health and particularly focuses on periodontitis. Research and conventional wisdom have long pointed to poorer health outcomes for people with lower socioeconomic status than for people with higher socioeconomic status.

Studies on the differences in received dental care for older individuals -- particularly those aged 65 and older -- indicate that oral health is poorer and dental care less frequent for this population. In this article, the authors evaluate various characteristic for blacks, Hispanics (Mexican-Americans), and whites in these age groups: 50-59 years; 60-69 years, and >70 years. The indicator "Time since last dental visit" is telling: 47.7% of the blacks….

Having a professional to talk to is very important, and a dentist can sometimes be extremely busy and not as available for consultation without making a separate appointment and paying extra. A hygienist generally has a bit more time to talk to patients, and while I would be limited in my duties and my ability to advise patients, I would not be limited in my joy and my encouragement of them. Everyone has a passion for something and I certainly understand those who do not see the fascination with dental hygiene as a career. Not everyone has a desire to stick their hands into people's mouths every day. However, I feel that my calling is to make people want to smile, and this is something that I can do for many of them as a hygienist. There are others ways to try to accomplish the goal of making people….

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is increasingly being recognized as a province of general oral hygiene, making dentists and dental hygienists responsible for recognizing warning signs. HPV is a risk factor for oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma, a form of oral cancer. It may also be a risk factor in other oropharynx diseases, including cancers of the tonsil and tongue (American Dental Association, 2013). As many as 63% of oral cancers diagnosed have been linked to the presence of HPV. Thus, it is imperative for dentists and other oral health practitioners to help prevent the spread of HPV and identify its presence in patients.

Many Americans will test positive for HPV, but symptoms will often go undetected. Moreover, some dentists have resisted taking responsibility for testing or asking patients about their potential exposure to HPV because "in most cases, the body's immune system can fight off the virus -- but the test provides an….

Dental Amalgam

Dental Amalgam
The use of amalgam for dental fillings is nothing new. However, the use is also relatively controversial in some circles. While there are many companies and organizations that discuss the safety of amalgam fillings, there are many more that say these kinds of fillings are dangerous and should not be used. Which option is correct and whether it varies from person to person has to be considered. That is the main reason behind this paper - there is controversy, and until there has been information provided and examined it is hard to come to a conclusion about the use of amalgam in dental fillings. People outside of the dental profession may not be familiar with amalgam, and they may refer to their fillings as "silver" fillings because of their color. Despite the coloration, however, these fillings are not silver and contain many other types of chemicals, including mercury.

In an….

Dental Amalgam: Annotated Bibliograpy
Zara Wali

Hol, P.J., Vamnes, J.S., Gjerdet, N.R., Eide, R., & Isrenn, R. (2001). Dental amalgam and selenium in blood. Environmental Researc, 87(3), 141-146. doi:ttp://

It as been surmised tat Selenium (Se) can protect against mercury (Hg) toxicity in umans tanks to te Hg-Se complex linked to selenoprotein P. In blood. Te study in tis peer-reviewed scientific journal measured Se concentrations in persons wit ealt problems due to dental amalgam fillings. Te Se concentrations of blood samples of 80 study participants were taken over te course of te study. Two groups were studied, one of wic consisted of 21 ealty controls wit amalgam fillings and 20 patients wo claimed symptoms from existing amalgam fillings; te second of wic consisted of 19 ealty controls wit amalgam fillings and 20 symptomatic patients wit te fillings. In te first group te concentration of Se in te blood was lower in a statistically….

Dental Administration

Dental Administration
The importance of public health dentistry

In the current debate over healthcare, the importance of dental health is often forgotten. However, untreated dental complaints can have a severe impact upon a patient's overall health status. What is tragic about dental health issues is that most can be prevented with proper preventative care. There is a seismic gap between what the profession knows about good health practices and the care it is able to provide, versus the care underserved members of the population are receiving. A 2000 report by the Surgeon General's stated that "while the majority of Americans have adopted safe and effective means of maintaining oral health over the past half century, many experience needless pain and suffering, affecting their overall health and well-being, and exacting financial and social costs that significantly diminish the quality of life" (Why choose a career in public health dentistry, 2011, AAPHD).

As well as….

It is established that proper dental hygiene such as brushing teeth, flossing, drinking fluoridated water, and using a fluoride rinse are helpful, but no studies have been conducted to determine how effective each of these measures actually are. Additionally, there is no current evidence as to the optimal time frame for proper treatment and prevention.
Theoretical Framework / Methodology: This study will require a clinical application with short-term followup. The study would involve introducing a common acidic substance to the participant's mouth. The various groups would then use one of the many recommended methods for reversing the acidity. The control group would do absolutely nothing differently from their normal routine. After the process is complete, enamel measurements would be taken to determine the total amount of breakdown present.

Time Scales: Breakdown takes substantial time, so this study would be optimally done overnight. The participants would be exposed to the substance and….

Dental Oral Candida

This could hardly be seen as a way to lower the healthcare costs of people in this country.
Still, though, it is apparent that something must be done. Healthcare is extremely expensive anymore, and there are more and more people in this country that no longer have health insurance. Because of the lack of insurance that is available to these people, they do not go to the doctor when they really should. As a result, they get sicker until they finally have to go to the emergency room or they end up in the hospital. They certainly cannot pay for these kinds of services any more than they can afford insurance, but hospitalization costs much more than insurance premiums. Since these people cannot pay for the emergency services that they have received, rates for insurance and for procedures must be raised to cover the costs of those that default on….

Dental Care
This part II should include Exegesis about the Economic Justice.

The world is wrestling today -- as it always was, but perhaps it is more noticeable today -- between extremes of progress and stultification, between extremes of poverty and wealth, and between extremes of greed and lassitude. People, on the one hand, are grasping for more, and then you have, on the other hand, people who have the wealth of half the world and keep in their small nook. It is not only countries that are suffering but individuals, too. And the Church, committed to spreading the Word of God and, consequently, committed to world progress, resolves, as is mentioned in the Vatican Pastoral Constitution, to intervene:

In the economic and social realms, too, the dignity and complete vocation of the human person and the welfare of society as a whole are to be respected and promoted. For man are the….

Dental Care in the Future

Experts believe that this is due to overall better care that reduces the need for expensive treatment.
The future of dental care will also expand in the area of cosmetic care. Today, more than ever before in American history people are coming to the dentist for cosmetic care. This can include braces, whitening, bleaching or other procedures that are meant to enhance appearance.

The cosmetic concerns have increased over the years and are projected to continue to increase as the future takes hold.

The technological ability to provide improved cosmetic procedures will be a driving force in the increase in that area of the industry.


As America continues to evolve it becomes evident that the quality of life is improving for the general population. At the turn of last century dental care was something to be tolerated only after the teeth became so infected or rotted out that they could not be saved.….

Without knowing what two scenarios you selected, we cannot help you specifically evaluate the sample size, evaluate the statements for meaningfulness, critically evaluate the statements for statistical significance, or provide an explanation of the implications for social change.  We can, however, provide information to you about how you can make those evaluations.

Understanding how statistics work, especially in the context of science and social science research, is very important.  That is because you can have studies that seemingly show the same results, but actually contain very different information.  One important component of any type of statistic presented is....

One of the most frustrating aspects about the gun violence debate, which is primarily an American debate due to the fact that the United States experiences far greater amounts of gun violence than most other industrialized nations, is that there has been a lack of research into this topic.  The lack of research is not accidental; Congress intentionally froze funding for research into gun violence over 25 years ago, and even enacted prohibitions against doctors and other healthcare workers providing some detailed insights into gun violence.  As a result, when researchers wanted....

Guns should be banned for a variety of reasons. One of the primary reasons is the high number of gun-related deaths and injuries that occur each year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were over 39,000 deaths from firearms in the United States in 2019. This includes deaths from homicide, suicide, and unintentional shootings.

In addition to the loss of life, the presence of guns also contributes to an increase in violence and crime. Studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between the availability of firearms and the rate of violent crime. Countries with strict....

3 Pages
Case Study

Health - Nursing

Dental Case Study

Words: 991
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Dental Case Study The patient in the case that is presented is a Latino male just over 13 years old. He has sickle cell anemia, and suffers from an intellectual…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Dental Amalgam

Words: 2014
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Dental Amalgam: The isks and Alternatives Some of the most common dental restorative materials currently in use are dental amalgams, but these compounds contain approximately 50% mercury making their use…

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8 Pages

Business - Management

Dental Assistance Dental Surgery I Started Out

Words: 2712
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Dental Assistance (dental Surgery) I started out as a dental assistant at 19, then became an instructor, and was promoted to a program director before opening my own teaching program…

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8 Pages

Health - Nursing

Dental Technology - Microwave Acceleration

Words: 2045
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

In general, studies of commercial resin matrixes indicate volumetric shrinkage in the curing process as great as seven percent, with most undergoing shrinkage of two or three percent…

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7 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Dental Care the Purpose of Rhetoric's Is

Words: 2095
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Dental Care he purpose of rhetoric's is to persuade the reader to accept the authors' point-of-view. o that end, the authors take great pains in constructing their argument with emotion…

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2 Pages


Dental Care in Ethnic Populations Over 65

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Dental Care in Ethnic Populations Over 65 Borrell, L.N., Burt, B.A., and Neighbors, H.W. (2004, May). Social Factors and Periodontitis in an Older Population. American Journal Public Health. 94(5), 748…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Dental Hygiene Letter of Interest

Words: 736
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Having a professional to talk to is very important, and a dentist can sometimes be extremely busy and not as available for consultation without making a separate appointment…

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2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Dental Human Papillomavirus HPV Is Increasingly Being

Words: 629
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Dental Human papillomavirus (HPV) is increasingly being recognized as a province of general oral hygiene, making dentists and dental hygienists responsible for recognizing warning signs. HPV is a risk factor…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Dental Amalgam

Words: 3716
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Dental Amalgam The use of amalgam for dental fillings is nothing new. However, the use is also relatively controversial in some circles. While there are many companies and organizations that…

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2 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Dental Amalgam Annotated Bib

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Dental Amalgam: Annotated Bibliograpy Zara Wali Hol, P.J., Vamnes, J.S., Gjerdet, N.R., Eide, R., & Isrenn, R. (2001). Dental amalgam and selenium in blood. Environmental Researc, 87(3), 141-146. doi:ttp:// It as been…

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2 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete


Dental Administration

Words: 691
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

Dental Administration The importance of public health dentistry In the current debate over healthcare, the importance of dental health is often forgotten. However, untreated dental complaints can have a severe impact…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal

Health - Nursing

Dental Erosion Is the Slow

Words: 510
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

It is established that proper dental hygiene such as brushing teeth, flossing, drinking fluoridated water, and using a fluoride rinse are helpful, but no studies have been conducted…

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20 Pages
Term Paper


Dental Oral Candida

Words: 6332
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This could hardly be seen as a way to lower the healthcare costs of people in this country. Still, though, it is apparent that something must be done. Healthcare…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Dental Care This Part II Should Include

Words: 1740
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Dental Care This part II should include Exegesis about the Economic Justice. The world is wrestling today -- as it always was, but perhaps it is more noticeable today -- between…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Dental Care in the Future

Words: 1623
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Experts believe that this is due to overall better care that reduces the need for expensive treatment. The future of dental care will also expand in the area of…

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