Depression Disorder Essays (Examples)

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Perhaps the best way to regard the genetic component which predisposes a person to become depressed, generally with the help of his/her environment or a specific set of stress-producing depressive triggers, such as death, bereavement, loss of employment or other major family problem.
Depression affects about 5% of the U.S. population, and has remained steady since 1970, with the exception of women under 45; in this subset of the population, depression rates have doubled in the past three decades. This increase has been offset by reductions in other population subsets, including younger men, older men and older women (Fleischmann, 2000). This increasing prevalence amongst this group suggests that there is a social component to depression which has changed in those women born in the baby boom. While there may be a biochemical origin in those increases, life stresses could also be a contributor. Specifically, during that period more women below….

Depression is a deeply personal issue that many people battle with each year. Persistnt depression categorized as dysthymia can be another more treacherous kind of monster that plagues those suffering from mental illness. While quantitative data can be helpful in determining accuracy in things like treatment and performing studies on medication efficacy, because depression is so personal and pertaining to a persons individual experience and perspective, qualitative research should be included. There can be named several reasons for this, but the main reason is because qualitative research for an examination of a persons unique experience and perspective and identification of underlying themes that can help paint a better picture of the mental disorder. Although there are various kinds of qualitative research designs, the phenomenological study fits with what is needed, which is exploration and discussion of underlying themes through interviews, watching videos, examining research and then making comparisons and deriving meaning….

So, although the reverse of these characteristic is not indicative of depression, their expression within the context of grief suggests the lack of clinical depression.
ith the fundamentals of depression outlined, it is reasonable to wonder why such symptoms and behaviors manifest themselves in certain people and why they do not in others. Many different researchers coming from many different scientific backgrounds -- from psychology to biochemistry -- have investigated the fundamentals of depression, and each have constructed models as to what its underlying causes are. Each of these investigations has attempted to explain the causes and symptoms of depression and has offered treatment possibilities.

The psychological models of depression have focused their attention on failed early attachment, inability to obtain desired rewards, impaired social relations, and distorted thinking." This approach to depression has yielded some valuable information regarding the disorder; yet, much of the results make it unclear as to….

The nature of depression

Depression exists as a regular mental disorder presented in the form of loss of interest, depressed moods, and feelings of low self-worth, guilt, poor concentration and disturbed sleep. The most common symptoms of depression are manifested in the form of anxiety. The problems could become recurrent or chronic, leading to notable impairments in a person to become responsible. When it reaches its worst stage, depression might lead to suicide. Over one million succumb to depression annually. This translates to at least three hundred suicidal deaths per day (Stark, 2010). A single individual who commits suicide motivates twenty more to attempt suicide.

People can suffer from multiple variations of depression. The most significant difference is depression among individuals who do not have or who have a history of maniac episodes. Depressive episodes draw symptoms like loss of interest, increased fatigability and depressed mood. Depending on the severity and….

Depression and Eating Disorders
The eating disorder category in the DSM-IV includes Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and the Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified categories. Peck and Lightsey (2008) note that while the DSM classification symptom is currently the most used system, there has been some debate in the about how to classify people with eating disordered behavior. A viable alternative to the discrete categories used in the DSM is notion of viewing eating disorders along a continuum from having no such behaviors to the severe eating disordered behaviors. In an effort to combine the two methods the self-report Questionnaire for Eating Disorders Diagnosis (QEDD) was developed. The QEDD distinguishes nonsymptomatic individuals (no symptoms) to symptomatic individuals (those that have some symptoms, but do not qualify for a diagnosis to anyone qualifying for an eating disorder diagnosis). Previous research has provided support for this conceptualization by comparing the QEDD with scores on….

A key strength of the study was that it was the first to show that major depression predicts increased risk for developing metabolic syndrome in middle-aged women. One of the key limitations of the study was that it only evaluated the role of depression in middle-aged women and not in men. This limits the external validity of the study. In addition, the use of cross-sectional data, self-reports, or the measurement of depressive symptoms as opposed to clinical depression only provided indirect support for the link between depression and the risk of developing metabolic syndrome.
Although a majority of the research agrees that a clear connection exists between depression and metabolic syndrome, several sources disagree. Hildrum, Mykletun, Midthjell and associates (2008) are a key example of research that does not support the connection between depression and anxiety with metabolic syndrome. This study used a cross sectional study of participants aged 20-89.….

The vey cux of the agument comes to the cental point of censoship -- who must be potected and why must they be potected? Ideas, political, social, o othewise, may be the most dangeous fom of liteatue eve. Fo instance, in 19th centuy autocatic egimes, the ideas of Kal Max, even Voltaie, Locke, and Jeffeson wee seen to be subvesive because they challenged the ode of things, the idea that the monachy should ule by divine ight, and that cetain people had, by manifest destiny, the ight to be moe equal than othes. So, too, do images and vebiage change ove time egading public acceptance. At the tun of the centuy bathing suits coveed almost 90% of the human body, and a day at the beach would've been fa diffeent had some of today's skimpy G-stings o bikinis shown up. Similaly, sexual activity was hinted at fom the ealy….

Depression in Adolescents

Depression in Adolescents
Roughly nine percent of the population - an estimated 18.8 million Americans -- suffers from depressive disorders, illnesses that affect the body as well as the mind.

The effects of depression are magnified in children, who are experiencing depression in greater numbers. An estimated 8.3% of teenagers in the United States are suffering from depression, a significant leap from two decades ago. To compound the problem, researchers like Farmer (2002) found that about 70% of adolescents suffering from depression are unfortunately not receiving adequate treatment.

This paper examines the growing problem of depression among adolescents. The first part of this paper is an overview of teen depression, looking at its causes and contrasting teen depression with depression in adults. The next part then looks at the depressive symptoms among teenagers, contrasting these with the symptoms of depression in adults. In the last part, the paper examines the various approaches that….

Depression in Young and Older Women
Recent research reveals that about one percent of the general population suffers from manic-depression and five percent suffers from major depression during their lives (Simonds, 2001, p. 86). However, the incidence for depression in women is twice as high or more; as many as one in five American women has a history of depression during her lifetime.

Due to the various social and medical problems presented by increasing numbers of women who suffer from depression, this topic is of utmost importance in today's society.

This paper will examine the causes and effects of depression in both young and older women; examine existing medical research for both groups; identify major differences in depression for young and older women; and present a conclusive analysis of observations.

To determine what the causes of depression are in young and older women, and to differentiate between the two groups, I will examine a….

Depression continues to be one of most common medical conditions for the elderly.
Percentages of elderly with the illness

Degree of increase in suicidal tendencies of depressed

Wrong assumption that aging necessitates depression.

Difficulty of healthcare providers in recognizing depression.

Increased tendency toward suicidal tendencies in many depressed.

Other individuals immune to depression and suicide despite life problems.

Individuals may not even recognize their own depression

Myths associated with aging including depression

Symptoms may take months to worsen and show up

Aging individuals should be treated similar to younger patients when seen by doctor.

Depression can mask itself in many ways

Up to family and healthcare providers to be vigilant and notice changes.

With care, individuals can be helped.

Depression ranks as one of the most common medical problems in the elderly. The occurrence of this illness among community-dwelling older individuals ranges from 8 to 15% and among institutionalized individuals, about 30%. Depression is also listed as one of the greatest risk factors for….

Mrs. Smith
The general impression of Mrs. Smith so far are that she is nearing an end-of-life phase: she is becoming weaker, tired, does not feel like going out much, and experiences a general sadness -- though she says she does not feel "sad exactly." Her general mood is pensive, somewhat concerned about her frailty -- definitely concerned about having another fall like she had last year and becoming dependent upon caretakers. Her fears are founded on the experience of friends and just an overall awareness of the fact that she is aging -- now 80 -- and will not be able to live independently forever. This is no doubt causing some slight depression -- which is not uncommon or unusual in seniors at this age (Shulman, 2007). Likewise her gait pattern -- slow, "reduced walking speed, arm swing and vertical head movements" are indicative of "sadness and depression" (Michalak et….

disorder Down's syndrome and the certain ways these individuals are treated in the society. Certain characteristics like their learning ability and their ability to live in the society is emphasized in the paper. Laws and regulations for children with these disorders are also hinted upon. Lastly, the inclusion of these children in the integrated teaching program is discussed.
Down syndrome is a disorder that has been named after John Langdon Down, who was a British physician and he explained this syndrome in the year 1886. Earlier in the 19th century, this condition was clinically described by Jean Etienne Dominique Esquirol in the year 1838 and then by Edouard Seguin in 1844. Dr., Jerome Lejeune identified this syndrome as a chromosome 21 trisomy. This disorder can be diagnosed after as well as before birth through prenatal screening procedures. If such pregnancies are identified, they are often terminated.

According to the CDC estimates,….

depression has been known as a "result when individuals forfeit their personal power." (Depression: Multimedia Sourcebook, p.1) It also has been described in ancient times as "... [an] affliction [that] laid its cause to supernatural intervention, primarily religious in nature. (insworth, p. 48) In the Hindu depression was noted as a struggle between good and evil in which evil would win and "victimize individual humans." (insworth, p.48) In texts from Babylonia and Egypt, gods punished transgressions in the hearts of people and placed on them the depressive curse. The early Hebrew texts allude to the belief that depression in humans reflects the displeasure of Yahweh.
But according to up-to-the-date research, we know that depression is an "innocuous-sounding word... that refers to a potentially disabling illness that affects many but is understood by few." (insworth p.1) Professor Patricia insworth, a leading psychologist on depression, further explains that sufferers often do….

Depression: Not just a Bad Mood
MDD: Not Just Another Bad Mood

The term "Prozac Nation" says a lot. This catch-phrase had begun to describe the current state in the U.S. when cases of clinical depression began blooming and treatment turned to medication as a first response. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, over fourteen million of the adult U.S. population suffers from Major Depressive Disorder. Major Depressive Disorder, or MDD, is the leading cause of disability in people ages 15-44. The average age of onset is 32 (U.S. Department of, 2011.) It is often also found co-occurring with other mental disorders, such as anxiety and substance abuse. Perhaps it is worth taking a closer look at a case example in order to better understand this often debilitating disorder in our times.

Taylor is a 24-year-old single, Jewish female presenting with symptoms of depression. She reports that for the last….

Persons with Emotional Behavior Disorder
Importance of assessment of emotional and behavioral disorders in schools

Identifying and assessing emotional and behavioral disorders in schools (EBD) helps identify and address a number of risky behaviors among youths in good time. Students suffering from EBD experience difficulties when learning, have challenging social relationships, experience depression and anxious moments as well as exhibit inappropriate behaviors. School, administrators usually know these students, as they need a lot of support and different resources to be able to survive in a school environment (Davis, Young, Hardman & Winters, 2011).

Early identification of these problem behaviors help school administrators provide the necessary support students need before the situation gets out of hand or becomes impossible to manage. Even though students at risk of EBD have less severe characteristics and frequency than those already diagnosed, early identification is crucial in improving educational outcomes (Davis, Young, Hardman & Winters, 2011).

Individuals with….

8 Pages
Term Paper


Depression Disorder Psychology-Disorders This Paper

Words: 2762
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Perhaps the best way to regard the genetic component which predisposes a person to become depressed, generally with the help of his/her environment or a specific set of…

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2 Pages


Depression and Dealing With Mental Illness

Words: 693
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Depression is a deeply personal issue that many people battle with each year. Persistnt depression categorized as dysthymia can be another more treacherous kind of monster that plagues those…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Depression Currently Depression Is a

Words: 3040
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

So, although the reverse of these characteristic is not indicative of depression, their expression within the context of grief suggests the lack of clinical depression. ith the fundamentals of…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Depression the Nature of Depression Depression Exists

Words: 1607
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Depression The nature of depression Depression exists as a regular mental disorder presented in the form of loss of interest, depressed moods, and feelings of low self-worth, guilt, poor concentration…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Depression and Eating Disorders the Eating Disorder

Words: 2168
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Depression and Eating Disorders The eating disorder category in the DSM-IV includes Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and the Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified categories. Peck and Lightsey (2008) note that…

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9 Pages
Capstone Project


Depression and Metabolic Syndrome Is

Words: 2340
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

A key strength of the study was that it was the first to show that major depression predicts increased risk for developing metabolic syndrome in middle-aged women. One…

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3 Pages


Depression and Censoring the American

Words: 1444
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The vey cux of the agument comes to the cental point of censoship -- who must be potected and why must they be potected? Ideas, political, social, o…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Depression in Adolescents

Words: 2145
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Depression in Adolescents Roughly nine percent of the population - an estimated 18.8 million Americans -- suffers from depressive disorders, illnesses that affect the body as well as the mind. The…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Depression in the Young or Old Adult Women

Words: 2252
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Depression in Young and Older Women Recent research reveals that about one percent of the general population suffers from manic-depression and five percent suffers from major depression during their lives…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Depression Continues to Be One of Most

Words: 1911
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Depression continues to be one of most common medical conditions for the elderly. Percentages of elderly with the illness Degree of increase in suicidal tendencies of depressed Wrong assumption that aging necessitates…

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3 Pages
Case Study

Medical  (general)

Assisted Living and Depression

Words: 1083
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Mrs. Smith The general impression of Mrs. Smith so far are that she is nearing an end-of-life phase: she is becoming weaker, tired, does not feel like going out much,…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Disorder Down's Syndrome and the Certain Ways

Words: 3241
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

disorder Down's syndrome and the certain ways these individuals are treated in the society. Certain characteristics like their learning ability and their ability to live in the society…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Depression Has Been Known as a Result

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

depression has been known as a "result when individuals forfeit their personal power." (Depression: Multimedia Sourcebook, p.1) It also has been described in ancient times as "...…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Depression Not Just a Bad Mood Mdd

Words: 3261
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Depression: Not just a Bad Mood MDD: Not Just Another Bad Mood The term "Prozac Nation" says a lot. This catch-phrase had begun to describe the current state in the…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Disorder of Emotional Behavioral

Words: 1935
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Persons with Emotional Behavior Disorder Importance of assessment of emotional and behavioral disorders in schools Identifying and assessing emotional and behavioral disorders in schools (EBD) helps identify and address a…

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