There is a stark and medical difference between feelings of sadness and clinical mood disorders such as unipolar depression and bipolar disorders. Both disorders can have a profound on the quality of life of an individual. Often times the two disorders are precipitated by specific events and sometimes they just are, in any event effective diagnostic tools and treatments exist. It is not a hopeless situation in the least. In this paper, I summarize and defined the depression, and bipolar mood disorders. I then go through the symptoms, causes, and treatments of the two disorders by reviewing some of the literature. Finally, I compare and contrast the two disorders and conclude with a review of emerging ideas about the two mood disorders.
Depression is a mood disorder characterized by prolonged feelings of sadness which make everyday interactions and tasks difficult, if not impossible to complete (Mood Disorders, 193). In its most…...
Badssarini, R.J., Vieta, E., Calabresee, J.R., Tohen, M. & Bowden, C.L. (2010). Bipolar Depression: Overview and commentary. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 18(3), pp. 143-157.
Goldberg, J.F., & Harrow, M. (2011). A 15-year prospective follow-up of bipolar affective disorders: comparisons with unipolar nonpsychotic depression. Bipolar disorders, 13(2), pp. 155-163.
Keena, K., Fend, X., Hipwell, A., & Klostermann, S. (2009). Depression begets depression: Comparing the predictive utility of depression and anxiety symptoms to later depression. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 50(9), pp. 1167-1175.
After more persuasive interviewers were brought in -- over the last two weeks of the recruitment period -- the response rates jumped to 72.5% (Dewa, 745).
Results: Using the orld Health Organization's Health and ork Performance Questionnaire the authors showed that those who received treatment for depression "…were significantly more likely to be highly productive" than were workers who had "moderate or [a] severe depressive episodes" but did not receive treatment for depression (Dewa, 743). The negative news associated with this research is that only half of the Canadian workers who indicated some depression on the questionnaire actually agreed to get help.
Discussion: Being an older female greatly increased the odds of being in the highest group in terms of productivity following treatment for depression (Dewa, 747). The authors suggested that females may be more likely to seek help for a depressive disorder than males, which may have skewed the data…...
mlaWorks Cited
Birnbaum, Howard C., Cremieux, Pierre Y., Greenberg, Paul E., and Kessler, Ronald C. (2000).
Management of Major Depression in the Workplace. Disease Management and Health
Outcomes. 7(3), 163-171.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Depression. Retrieved May 9, 2012, from .
Depression and Family
Depression is a very serious condition which can have some surprising effects on those who are experiencing this mental state. Depression is often looked upon as a negative consequence of the human condition as it sends a message to the world that life is not worth living and the zest and appeal of all that life has to offer is not available for that person experiencing depressed moods.
The purpose of this essays is to examine the topic of depression and how this condition's secondary effects are very significant. This essay will argue that not only does depression cause the acute and noticeable signs most commonly associated with the mental state, but also that depression may be the cause of other physical ailments. Additionally, this essay will examine how depression affects those closest to the one suffering and what steps can be taken to help prevent the secondary effects…...
Iowa State University (2009, January 6). Early Family Depression Has Lasting Effects On Teens, Young Adults. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 4, 2013, from / releases/2008/12/081223172743.htm
Kenny, T. (2012) Depression. Patient, 19 July 2013. Retrieved from
Marano, H. (2002). When Depression Hurts. Psychology Today, 1 July 2002. Retrieved from
The National Institute of Mental Health (nd). What is Depression? Viewed 3 Nov 2013. Retrieved from
Depression, Diabetes and Obesity
This is a case study on a 58-year-old male, Mr. H.Y. who worked at a supermarket and is now retired. He has a supportive wife who works full time and children who are all independent .He has a history of smoking, but quit 10 years ago and drinks alcohol twice a week. He is obese and a known case of diabetes for one year. He has gained 8 kg over the past four months, his blood glucose levels are uncontrolled. He denies feeling sad but doesn't like to take part in activities he once enjoyed, he feels tired and lethargic after doing any work, his sleep pattern is also disturbed. His drug history reveals that he is taking glyburide and multi-vitamins. He has scored 14 on his PHQ-9 score which indicates moderate depression. The patient has been diagnosed with depressive disorder not otherwise specified (DSM IV 311).
American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Depressive disorder coding and diagnostic criteria. Retrieved from
American Psychiatric Association. (2010, January 2). Recommended changes in 'depressive disorder not otherwise specified' (code 311). Retrieved from Disorders Work Group/Subdividing the NOS Depressive Dx.2JAN2010.pdf
CDC. (2011). National diabetes fact sheet, 2011. Retrieved from
Ellis, P.M., & Smith, D.A.R. (2002). Treating depression: the beyondblue guidelines for treating depression in primary care. The Medical Journal of Australia, 176(10), 77.
Various intervening and overlapping factors are responsible for their susceptibility to depression. As much a stress-related problems can be zeroed in to blame for prevalence of this illness, nurture and nature play a role in a person's coping abilities. Genetics also contribute to the probability of a person to experience major depression. It does not, however, run in the family, but increases the likelihood of a person to experience major depression if one of his family members have this illness.
Why should caution be taken when prescribing anti-depressants in young people?
Caution should be taken when taking anti-depressants, not just in young people, but all those experiencing major depression. It is not just the side effects that must be noted, but also the adverse drug reactions and abuse potential to these medications. All of these drugs alter metabolism of the body in one way or another and cause side effects that…...
Long, P. (2005). Major Depressive Disorder American Description. Retrieved April 22, 2007, from Internet Mental Health. Website:
Franklin, D. (2003). Major Depression. Retrieved April 22, 2007, from Psychology Information Online. Website:
Caffeine dependency/addiction may contribute to "insomnia, digestive disorders, gastric irritation, headaches, as well as exacerbated PMS symptoms and emotional irritability," (Hunt, 1999) each potential components of depression. To counter the need for a caffeine "fix," gradually introduction decaf as substitute, albeit decaf also has between 2 and 33 milligrams (mg.) caffeine per 8-ounce serving.
Full-strength coffee has 145 to 272 mg.. A person may also substitute herbal drinks or drink peppermint tea.
As excessive caffeine consumption may impair sleep, a necessary practice to counter depression, re-establishing normal sleep patterns after withdrawal from caffeine may prove difficult as a person's body, frequently artificially stimulated " forgets" how to shut down when he/she becomes tired. Capsules of valerian with kava before going to bed may help, however, tinctures with an alcohol base introduce the herb into a person's system more quickly. Herbs, albeit, are to help support a person through the healing process, not…...
Campbell, William G., MD, CCFP, FASAM. (2002). "Addiction: A Disease of Volition Caused by a Cognitive Impairment." The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from
Cell Press (2007, November 9). Enzyme Regulates Brain Pathology Induced by Cocaine, Stress. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 15, 2008, at
Not all physical activity could tackle depression. Researchers at Glasgow University interviewed hundreds of men and women about the types of exercise they engaged in (Templeton 2002). They discovered that housework, unlike vigorous exercise, not only failed to improve the morale of depressed people but also worsened their condition. They found that physical activity performed as paid work had no effect on well-being. There was no improvement in the mood, which was evident with people who walked more than four times a week. They gave a psychological explanation in that housework is a chore, which carries an obligation or something to be done to earn money. This could also explain why 9.3% of UK households now employ domestic helpers (Templeton).
The lack of physical activity has been blamed as a major public health enemy (National Institute on Aging 2000). It contributes to the development of disease and disability. Older people do…...
Barker, J. And C.D. Meletis (2003). Enhancement of exercise performance. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients: The Townsend Letter Group
Camacho, T.C. (2000). Exercise and depression. 4 pages. American Fitness: Aerobics and Fitness Association of America
Gianoulis, T and Ava Rose (2002). Depression. 6 pages. St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture: Gale Group
National Institute on Aging (2000). Exercise: feeling fit for life. 4 pages. Pamphlet. National Institute on Aging: Gale Group
Depression and Teen Violence
Few issues in society transcend all economic, educational, ethnic, gender, intellectual, occupational, political, religious, sexual, and social boundaries. Depression and teen violence are two such issues, impacting every individual as well as society at large, both directly and indirectly. hile the causes and symptoms associated with depression and teen violence are well-known, doctors and researchers have yet to develop and implement a clear, uniform, tried and proven method that would eliminate and/or prevent depression and teen violence. One of the primary reasons depression and teen violence is highly difficult to eliminate and/or prevent is that while depression and teen violence are often intertwined, individuals who suffer from depression may not exhibit symptoms of depression or violent tendencies until it is too late, i.e., until an unexpected, violent school shooting occurs.
This paper analyzes and examines the multitude of issues related to depression and teen violence. Part II outlines…...
mlaWorks Cited
Birmaher, B., Ryan, N.D., Williamson, D.E., et al. (1996). Childhood and Adolescent Depression: A Review of the Past 10 Years. Part 1. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 35(11), 1427-39.
Schaffer, D., Fisher, P., Dulkan, M.K., et al. (1996). The NIMH Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children Version 2.3 (DISC-2.3): Description, Acceptability, Prevalence Rates and Performance in the MECA Study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 35(7), 865-77.
American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Fourth Edition (DSM IV). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. WISQARS (Web-Based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System). Retrieved at On December 4, 2002. .
Even in persons with full-blown depression, such alterations of negative life patterns can be helpful. Although "depression can be treated in a variety of ways," either with antidepressant medications or counseling, "most people benefit from a combination of the two. Some studies have shown that antidepressant drug therapy combined with psychotherapy appears to have better results than either therapy alone. ("Major Depression," 2006, Medline Plus Encyclopedia)
The most common medications include older tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and some newer antidepressant drugs. Tricyclics and MOIS have severe side effects, which tend to cause most therapists to prescribe SSRIs, but even these newer remedies have risks, particularly increasing the danger of suicidal tendencies in children. Therapy can take a variety of forms, including cognitive behavior therapy to minimize negative thinking in the patient, therapy specifically designed to cope with stressful life circumstances, or other forms of…...
mlaWorks Cited
Major Depression." (2006). Medline Plus Encyclopedia. Retrieved 6 Dec 2006 at
Willemse, GRWM, Smit F, Cuijpers P, et al. (2004)."Minimal contact psychotherapy reduces the risk of major depression in people with sub-threshold depression Minimal-contact psychotherapy for sub-threshold depression in primary care -- randomized trial." Br J. Psychiatry. 2004; 185:416-21. Retrieved 6 Dec 2006 at
The failure is rooted in the changing perception of the world and the individual's incomplete sense of place: the new generations in new societies like Australia or America lack a "shared cultural heritage or strong sense of identity" (Eckersley, S16).
Likewise, the spirituality that was of use to people in the medieval age is not of the same use in the modern world. People in America, for example, have ignored the used of spirituality in the treatment of depression, because they fail to see meaning in their suffering (Puchalski, p. 32). The Middle Ages saw a meaning to suffering: "the guiding concept of human potential fulfillment was the same for all medieval persons: salvation in heaven" (Baumeister, 1987, p. 166).
As the modern world became increasingly irreligious, it lost reason for suffering -- which in the religious age was a consequence of sin. Without the answers that religion and spirituality afforded,…...
mlaReference List
American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders:
DSM-II. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 1968 [cited 2008-08-03]. Schizophrenia. p. 36 -- 37, 40.
Baumeister, R. (1987). How the Self Became a Problem: A Psychological Review of Historical Research. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 52(1), 163-176. Retrieved from
Eckersley, R. (1993). Failing a generation: The impact of culture on the health and well-being of youth. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 29, S16-S19. DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1754.1993.tb02254.x
Depression-Effects on the Family
There are few families today that have not been affected by a relative or close associate who suffers or has suffered in the past from depression. During the average life span, more than twenty million Americans will experience or suffer some degree of depression at some point. Moreover, the ratio of families that will be directly affected is one in five (Papolos 3). ith statistics such as these, is it any wonder that there are daily commercials on television touting the latest pharmaceutical mood enhancing drug or that book stores devote entire sections to depression and emotional disorders? Moreover, support groups for those suffering from depression and/or are affected by someone who is, can be found in any community, large and small, across the country. Demitri F. Papolos in "Overcoming Depression" states that "mood disorders are the common cold of major psychiatric illnesses" (Papolos 3). Clinicians have…...
mlaWorks Cited
Depression and Mania." Merck Manual of Medical Information. Simon & Schuster, Inc. 1997;
pp. 438.
Hock, Ellen; Lutz, Wilma J. "Peer rejection in childhood: Effects on maternal depression and behavior problems in toddlers." Journal of Genetic Psychology. June 01, 2001; pp 167. 10-26-2002).;Lib&dtype=0~0&dinst=0&author=Hock%2C+Ellen&title=Peer+rejection+in+childhood%3A++Effects+on+maternal+depression+and+behavior+problems+in+toddlers++&date=06%2D01%2D2001&query=depression%2Deffects+on+the+family&maxdoc=24&idx=19.(accessed
Marchand, Jennifer F.; Hock, Ellen. "The relation of problem behaviors in preschool children to depressive symptoms in mothers and fathers." Volume 159. Journal of Genetic Psychology. September 01, 1998; pp 353. 10-27-2002).;Lib&dtype=0~0&dinst=0&author=Marchand%2C+Jennifer+F%2E&title=The+relation+of+problem+behaviors+in+preschool+children+to+depressivesymptoms+in+mothers+and+fathers%2E++&date=09%2D01%2D1998&query=depression%2Deffects+on+the+family&maxdoc=24&idx=17.(accessed
Depression and Internet Usage
Internet Paradox: A Social Technology That Reduces Social Involvement and Psychological Well-eing?
With the advent of the World Wide Web, a network of computers previously relegated to the world of science, engineering, and business opened to U.S. And international households. y 1998, approximately 40% of all households owned at least one computer and one third of these homes had access to the Internet.
Many sociologists, communication theorists, technologists, and scholars subscribe to the belief that the Internet, in-home computer usage, and widespread availability of virtual access are transforming modern social and economic life.
Problematic to these issues, however, is whether the changes have been beneficial or detrimental; some argue that the Internet is causing social isolation and forcing a break from genuine social relationships, as they "hunker alone over their terminals or communicate with anonymous strangers through a socially impoverished medium."
Others argue that the Internet leads to more and better…...
Attewell, P. & Rule, J. (1984). Computing and organizations: What we know and what we don't know. Communication of the ACM, 27, 1184-1192.
Beniger, J.R. (1987). Personalization of mass media and the growth of pseudo-community. Communication Research, 14, 352-371.
Canary, D.J. & Spitzberg, B.H. (1993). Loneliness and media gratification. Communication Research, 20, 800-821.
Cohen, S. & Wills, T.A. (1985). Stress, social support, and the buffering hypothesis. Psychological Bulletin, 98, 310-357.
Depression & Improper Treatment
Many advances have been made in the healthcare field towards recognizing mental disorders as real and serious conditions. In times past, a mentally unstable person may have been thought to be possessed by demons in extreme cases, or considered to just be a lazy or bad person in more moderate circumstances. While many ignorant people still hold the opinion that people who are depressed should "just get over it" and that people can always choose to stop feeling sad or upset if they simply chose to do so, medical professionals have worked to make it more commonly understood that depression, like many mental disorders, may actually be caused by physical factors such as chemical imbalances. This is a very positive change and incredibly welcomed decision by those who suffer from depression, who can finally find help from professionals without being judged harshly. Many avenues are available to…...
However, the side effects of drugs, especially in older adults, and the less-than-universal effectiveness of current therapies prompt the continued search for alternate safe treatment interventions. Numerous research studies report the use of psychotherapeutic approaches and compare them to medical therapies. (Mcfarland, 2005)
Medical treatments have been assessed through various studies. Mcfarland, reports on studies on cognitive behavioral therapy. esearch was conducted in hopes that there would be a significant change in coping ability, and significant changes in the older adult's feelings. Cognitive behavior of 102 elderly outpatients with mild to moderate depression is compared. The patients were randomly assigned to one of three groups: 1) desipramine alone, 2) cognitive behavioral therapy alone, or 3) desipramine plus cognitive behavioral therapy for 16-20 therapy sessions. esearch results show that the groups that received desipramine plus cognitive behavioral therapy showed greater improvement than the groups taking medication alone, whereas the group receiving…...
Cox, C. (1993). The Frail Elderly: Problems, Needs, and Community Responses. Westport, CT: Auburn House Paperback.
D'Mello, D.A. (2003). 1 Epidemiology of Late-Life Depression. In Depression in Later Life: A Multidisciplinary Psychiatric Approach, Ellison, J.M. & Verma, S. (Eds.) (pp. 1-26). New York: Marcel Dekker.
Mcfarland, K. (2005). Battling Late-Life Depression: Short-Term Psychotheraphy for Depression in Older Adults -- a Review of Evidence-Based Studies since 2000. Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association, 8(4), 20+.
Elderly Depression
A person with depression must have at least five of nine symptoms in the DSM-IV-T for two weeks. There are many theories of the causes of depression:
(1.) Psychoanalytic theories - internal conflicts and a low self-image leading to anger turned inward.
(2.) Behavioral theories - disruptions of normal reinforcement patterns brought on by stressors.
(3.) Cognitive theories - cognitive distortions and/or cognitive errors and a person's mistaken underlying assumptions.
(4.) Humanistic theories - a slavish concern with expectations and values from others leads away from genuineness and wholeness in the person.
(5.) Biopsychosocial models - psychological, biological, and social factors play a role in depression. An outgrowth is the diathesis -- stress model that asserts that depression occurs as a result of a preexisting vulnerability (diathesis) triggered by stressful life events. The diathesis can be biological, psychological, or both.
(6.) Biological models - an imbalance of neurotransmitters (serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine).
esearch on depression has favored…...
Barlow, DH (2000). Unraveling the mysteries of anxiety and its disorders from the perspective of emotion theory. American Psychologist, 55, 1247 -- 1263.
Barrios, C., Chaudhry, T.A., & Goodnick, P.J. (2001). Rapid cycling bipolar disorder. Expert Opinions on Pharmacotherapy, 2 (12), 1963 -- 1973.
Lauber, C., Falcato, L., Nordt, C., & Rossler, W. (2003). Lay beliefs about causes of depression. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 108 (418), 96 -- 99.
O'Rourke, J.A., Scharf, J.M., Yu, D., & Pauls, D.L. (2009). The genetics of Tourette Syndrome: A review. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 67(6), 533-545.
You might want to start out with information on postnatal (postpartum) depression in general, talk about some of the symptoms, and mention that it\'s not only for women. Men often struggle with that kind of depression, but it\'s not something that\'s talked about very much - the focus is almost always on the mother. You could talk not only about the symptoms, but what fathers should do if they find themselves in that situation and how (and where) they can get help. More research is needed on the subject, along with more awareness that it even exists at all.....
The client generally expects to receive a diagnosis, but also to be given information that will help him or her address current and past issues in order to move forward in life. There could be a very specific problem the client is having, or it might be an overarching feeling or problem, like depression or anxiety. Therapists expect clients to focus on the treatment options and advice they are given, and to take the relationship seriously. If clients are not willing to put in the work it takes to get better, it is very difficult for a therapist to actually....
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