Dessert Essays (Examples)

193+ documents containing “dessert”.

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This highlights one of the clearest philosophical drawbacks for a correctional focus which is geared toward incapacitation. Indeed, we might regard this as an example where 'just desserts' might be an approach affiliated with the overlooked demands of Pittman's case. Particularly, we can see by the language which was used to convict him, the Pittman's case incited an interest in incapacitation based on the sense that his crimes presented a clear threat to society were he not contained. In the case of Pittman, we may make the argument that his crimes are significant enough to warrant the use of incapacitation. However, from a precedent standpoint, it is a disturbing indication of the individual and systemic flexibility given to members of the judiciary to evaluate the viability of trying a minor as an adult. The clear psychological, emotional and experiential differences between developing and developed individuals suggests that there is a….

Room for Dessert

Room for Dessert 1. How do you rate the business plan for RFD? How do you rate the business idea itself? (Use a 1 to 5 scale, 1 being weak and 5 being very strong.)
The business idea is worth 4/5 for the following reasons: From the introduction part of the proposal it is clear that Room for Dessert is enjoying good business and high customer numbers. The administration has a busy time answering phone calls from people seeking to reserve a table and from people placing orders. On the other hand, many business people from surrounding offices are coming in to place order, pick their previously ordered desserts, and to purchase some liquor or backing ingredients. Tourists and shoppers also find RFD a favorite spot. Customers find this spot better in terms of ambience, and cost effectiveness compared to other famous spots like Starbucks.
This business plan seeks to expand the full….

Food Menu Overview

Food Menu and Nutrition
Food Menu Overview

The objective of this study is to create two food menus as follows: (1) one healthy food menu; and (2) one unhealthy food menu, from a local fast food restaurant. Following the creation of these menus, this work will write a nutritional analysis of the meal created, discuss the reaction of the writer to this information and describe how this will affect the food choices of the writer in the future in terms of food choices from fast food restaurants.

The food choices that one makes when dining at fast food restaurants make a great difference in the amount of nutrition received from dining at fast food restaurants as well as the total calories that are consumed and the other factors that make foods either healthy or unhealthy for consumption. One might assume that dining at a fast food restaurant is in general unhealthy in nature….

Dominican Culture

Dominican Culture: An Overview
The Dominican epublic is unique from all other Latin American nations in part because it's heritage relates to Haitian cultural traditions rather than solely Spanish ones, much like the rest of Latin America (Brown & Standish, 1999). In fact, the Dominican epublic received its independence from Haiti not Spain (Brown & Standish, 1999). This is not to say that Spanish colonial influences are not evident in the country; in fact they are widespread, particularly within the realm of architectural structures and art.

The official religion of the Dominican epublic is oman Catholicism (Brown & Standish, 1999:69). More than 90% of the citizens living in this country are oman Catholic. There are other religions prevalent in the country however including Protestantism and the traditional religious system of native Taino Indians, who practice cohoba religious ceremonies and also Gaga, which is the Dominican version of voodooism (Brown & Standish, 1999).….

However, there is a unanimously accepted opinion that the best way to curb this problem is through voluntary actions and consumer education.

Buffet dining another type of restaurant commodity primarily attends clients who are interested in getting economical deals of unlimited quantity and diverse platter of multi-cuisines. The buffets are second on the restaurants hit list, and make considerable business especially in breakfast and dinner platter when families can come and spend time together. Buffets include almost all cuisines, appetizers, salad bars, soups, beverages, seafood and desserts and are instantly served. The variety could be as extensive as 250,000 different meals and snacks served on the buffet table, as at Walt Disney World food-service fantasia everyday (Nation's estaurant news); often food is accompanied by light music or other performing art entertainment. Buffets usually thrive in vacation and tourism spots in tropical areas, islands, and places that draw big crowds due….

products that you have selected, the category in which they fall and the primary target market for each of the products.

The Coca-Cola beverage, produced by the Coca-Cola company of Atlanta, Georgia is sold in more than 200 countries. The Company produces the coca-cola (otherwise called Coke) beverage which is then distributed to licensed international Coca-Cola bottlers. It is perhaps one of the most well-known beverages in the world and is synonymous to the American name. Its category is a carbonated soft drink drunk for pleasure. Its target age group is 18-25 that covers around 40% of its total age segments (Zimbio.)

Sweetened condensed milk

Condensed milk is cow's milk from which water has been removed. It is most often sold as sweetened condensed milk where sugar is added. Its category is a condensed beverage that is used for inclusion in baking, or can be added to coffee or tea or to….

Andrew Von Hirsch

Just Desserts

Justice is an ambiguous term that refers to a sense of equality and 'fairness'. Social justice refers to the way in which this ideological term is put into practice. At its most basic level, social justice is the way in which a community is governed: the laws, norms and sanctions that are put into place according to the form of government. ith criminal behavior, the issues of safety and moral decision-making become an important component of the debate. If crime is considered an environmentally caused event, as opposed to a personal characteristic and, or, choice, then the type of system is needs to be re-evaluated and reconstructed. The importance of commitment in conventional social control is well established, however, there has recently been an increase in interest and a 'reframing' of many of the core concepts associated with 'the need to settle a score' or punishment. Commitment has come….

The Alignment of Organizational Components, Mission and Strategy at Kraft Foods

Organizational Components

Organizational Design

Key Strategic Controls

Primary Human esource Concerns

Cultural Factors

Alignment of Organizational Components, Mission, and Strategy

Kraft Foods are a major North American Food manufacturer. The firm has a duel mission, to be the best food and beverage firm in North America selling products that people love and becoming the best investment in the industry. To achieve these goals and overcome, the challenges of the past, the firm has developed a new divisional structure based on products to increase the focus on the individual brands. The culture values the employees, and one of the main areas of focus is the &D, with more than 500 staff employed in 2 &D centers. The past culture of Kraft saw innovation associated with failure, this has now been turned around using an approach referred to "positive discontent', where disconnect of the past is used to….

Through acquisitions of Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream and Good Humor-Breyers Ice Cream, the company has grown to dominate the entire frozen desserts market within the U.S. And has a significant share globally as well. All of these competitors however have taken the traditional approach to frozen yogurt, offering only a very limited set of flavors, most often the most popular in their other products to save on costs. There is no product development occurring in any of these companies with regard to developing high energy frozen yogurt for customers to impulse purchase and take with them. Impulse purchasing accounts for 14% of total yearly sales in 2008 and is expected to increase in 2009 as companies seek to create greater levels of buyer activity based on price and availability, looking to overcome the perception of ice cream as a luxury (Gloria, 2008). The competitive landscape of frozen….

Carol Tenny wrote in a recent study that, "Verbs describing psychological states often form passive structures in the English spoken in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania." (Tenny 1998-page 591) She also states that there is no prohibition on verbal passives for non-agentive psych verbs produced by universal grammar principles, but English verbal passives are more felicitous as the verb becomes more eventive.

By speaking in a more verbally passive style, Pittsburghers are quite distinct in their word usage. Pittsburghese includes words that may or may not be recognized in other locales or by people traveling to or through Pittsburgh. ords such as; gesundheit, a word used to express goodwill to a person who has sneezed, or gumband, another word for rubberband are examples of Pittsburghese.

ords that are included in Pittsburghese but are also used throughout the area surrounding Pittsburgh (eastern Ohio and northwest est Virginia) includes; berm, which is the shoulder of the road,….

Marketing eport for Ms. Janet Bradley
Keeping in view the increasing obesity rates in Australia and finding the spicy and high-calorie fast foods as the major reason for it, Ms. Janet Bradley has planned to establish a low-calorie fast food restaurant chain that will serve as an alternative to McDonald's, ed ooster, KFC, and other fast food chains. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the micro and macro environment for the new fast food chain in order to recommend strategies which can help it in becoming successful in the industry. The major micro environmental forces which will impact its business are consumer behaviour, suppliers and intermediaries, publics, and competitors. The buyer behaviour has been analysed using cultural, social, personal, and psychological dimensions -- all having a significant impact on the purchase decisions and preferences of the consumers towards fast food products. The restaurant chain will also take a big impact….

Food Safety and Food
PAGES 54 WORDS 10186

Validation of Commercial Baking as an Effective Step to Control/Inactivate Salmonella in Baked Products
Major findings, analysis and conclusions

Description of the baking industry and baking emphasis in the United States.

Purpose and structure of importance

Description of the problem being addressed and its importance to the practice of applied food safety

Process of Consultation

Outline how the client (ABA) will be engaged and carefully define the problem

Identification of key stakeholders

Overview and feedback of findings and results

ecommended actions and dissemination of these recommendations

Plans for implementation and measurement

Major findings. The U.S. had approximately 167,600 baker positions available in 2012 and around 6% of these were self-employed (Bakery business, 2016). Although industry analysts project sustained growth in the U.S. baking industry, this growth will not be on par with other industries (Bakery business, 2016). Currently, the U.S. baking industry is a nearly $310 billion industry that has enjoyed a remarkably safe record for the production of shelf stable….

Hypoglycemia is a condition of low blood sugar, caused by the body's inappropriate metabolism of glucose and insulin. Diabetics who experience temporary hypoglycemia can remedy the problem by ingesting some simple sugars to immediately reintroduce glucose into the bloodstream.
A proper diet for diabetics is one that reduces intake of refined sugars, reduces sodium, and in many cases, helps the person lose weight. Most adults who acquire Type 2 Diabetes have poor lifestyle habits. Type 2 Diabetes is caused by obesity and poor nutrition even if some individuals are at a greater risk for developing the disease. Any person who might be at risk for diabetes should learn proper eating habits as early as possible in their life. Becoming overweight or obese is a difficult process to reverse and may lead to other health problems like heart disease. Persons who are overweight but who are willing to change their eating….

Food History in France

Food History of French Cuisine

What is the geographical location of France and why would it have an affect on the French cuisine? (i.e., what is the weather condition in France and does that play an affect as to why they eat the foods they eat and what foods do they eat mostly?).

The geographic location of France makes it an ideal place for agriculture that can affect cuisine. Why? Because France's climate is mild, and the growing season is long. That means farmers can grow more food throughout the year, and that means that more fresh food is available for cooking and eating all year round. It doesn't often get too cold in France, and in the summer it can get quite warm, which helps food ripen and mature.

The countryside is also fairly level and has good soil, and that helps create a good growing situation, too. If you ever watch….

This is genuine comfort food, rather than processed food or food that is so decadent most customers will not want to eat it more than once of twice.
ho are your competitors?

The primary competitors are other dessert trucks, such as the Treats Truck, Dessert Truck and Sweet Streets. Established NYC bakeries such as Magnolia and Crumbs also have a loyal following which could rival La Duree ("Checking out the marcarella and yoko at the Street Sweets truck," Midtown Lunch, 2009). The Bouchon Bakery is a French bakery famous for its macaroons, as is the Macron Cafe.

How can you stand out from the crowd?

Marketing macaroons as the 'genuine article' from a recipe specific to Paris will be a cornerstone of the marketing. Said David Lebovitz, who lives in France: "I'm also a firm believer in cultural divides; there are some foods from other cultures are best left to their home turf.….

Capital punishment remains one of the most controversial topics in criminal law.  The ethics of the death penalty are complicated.  Many people believe that the death penalty is simply unethical under any circumstances, while others argue that the death penalty is not only ethical, but that it is unethical not to execute certain killers.  The law provides guidance about when it can be applied, but laws vary from country-to-country and, within the United States, there is even tremendous variation in state laws about the death penalty.  Therefore, any essay about the death penalty is expected....

Corporate-Level Strategies of Nestlé


Nestlé, a multinational food and beverage corporation, has consistently employed astute corporate-level strategies to maintain its global dominance. This essay examines various aspects of Nestlé's corporate-level strategies, focusing on market expansion, diversification, and global integration.

Market Expansion

Nestlé has aggressively pursued market expansion strategies to increase its geographical reach and customer base.

Acquisitions: Nestlé has made numerous acquisitions of smaller companies to gain access to new markets, products, and customers. For example, the acquisition of Gerber Products Company in 1984 significantly expanded Nestlé's presence in the baby food market.
Organic Growth: Nestlé also focuses on organic growth by investing....

We have several options available for an essay on pastry fusion:

1. Research-based essay: This type of essay would include a thorough analysis of the trends, techniques, and ingredients involved in pastry fusion. You could explore the cultural influences on pastries from different regions and how they are combined to create new and creative dishes.

2. Persuasive essay: This type of essay would argue for the benefits of pastry fusion in the culinary world. You could discuss how pastry fusion can lead to unique and exciting flavor combinations, as well as how it allows chefs to showcase their creativity and innovation.

3. Historical....

11 Pages

Criminal Justice

Ohio Corrections Through Just Desserts

Words: 3349
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

This highlights one of the clearest philosophical drawbacks for a correctional focus which is geared toward incapacitation. Indeed, we might regard this as an example where 'just desserts' might…

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3 Pages
Case Study

Case Studies

Room for Dessert

Words: 847
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Room for Dessert 1. How do you rate the business plan for RFD? How do you rate the business idea itself? (Use a 1 to 5 scale, 1 being weak…

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3 Pages


Food Menu Overview

Words: 847
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Food Menu and Nutrition Food Menu Overview The objective of this study is to create two food menus as follows: (1) one healthy food menu; and (2) one unhealthy food menu,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Dominican Culture

Words: 861
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Dominican Culture: An Overview The Dominican epublic is unique from all other Latin American nations in part because it's heritage relates to Haitian cultural traditions rather than solely Spanish ones,…

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3 Pages


Services Offered by Restaurants for

Words: 902
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

However, there is a unanimously accepted opinion that the best way to curb this problem is through voluntary actions and consumer education. BUFFET Buffet dining another type of restaurant commodity…

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4 Pages

Business - Advertising

Products That You Have Selected the Category

Words: 1230
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

products that you have selected, the category in which they fall and the primary target market for each of the products. Coca-Cola The Coca-Cola beverage, produced by the Coca-Cola company…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Andrew Von Hirsch

Words: 1984
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Corrections Just Desserts Justice is an ambiguous term that refers to a sense of equality and 'fairness'. Social justice refers to the way in which this ideological term is put into…

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5 Pages
Case Study

Business - Management

Organizational Components at Kraft

Words: 1753
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

Business The Alignment of Organizational Components, Mission and Strategy at Kraft Foods Organizational Components Organizational Design Key Strategic Controls Primary Human esource Concerns Cultural Factors Alignment of Organizational Components, Mission, and Strategy Kraft Foods are a major…

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5 Pages
Business Plan

Business - Advertising

Business Plan Proposal Business Description

Words: 1291
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Business Plan

Through acquisitions of Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream and Good Humor-Breyers Ice Cream, the company has grown to dominate the entire frozen desserts market within the U.S.…

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14 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Language

Pittsburgh the City of Pittsburgh

Words: 3553
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Carol Tenny wrote in a recent study that, "Verbs describing psychological states often form passive structures in the English spoken in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania." (Tenny 1998-page 591) She also states…

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11 Pages


Marketing Report for Ms Janet Bradley Keeping

Words: 4971
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Marketing eport for Ms. Janet Bradley Keeping in view the increasing obesity rates in Australia and finding the spicy and high-calorie fast foods as the major reason for it, Ms.…

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54 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Applied Operations

Food Safety and Food

Words: 10186
Length: 54 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Validation of Commercial Baking as an Effective Step to Control/Inactivate Salmonella in Baked Products Major findings, analysis and conclusions Description of the baking industry and baking emphasis in the United States. Purpose…

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4 Pages


Nutrition Diabetes Affects About 23

Words: 1281
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Hypoglycemia is a condition of low blood sugar, caused by the body's inappropriate metabolism of glucose and insulin. Diabetics who experience temporary hypoglycemia can remedy the problem by…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Food History in France

Words: 1687
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Culture Food History of French Cuisine What is the geographical location of France and why would it have an affect on the French cuisine? (i.e., what is the weather condition in…

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3 Pages
Marketing Plan


Marketing Plan for La Duree

Words: 1101
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Marketing Plan

This is genuine comfort food, rather than processed food or food that is so decadent most customers will not want to eat it more than once of twice. ho…

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