Disease Prevention Essays (Examples)

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Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Describe the effective health promotion strategies.

Effective Health Promotion Strategies

Best practice is a concept that has evolved from continuous health service improvement strategies. Lately, the name of the programs has been altered to 'leading practices'. The focus of this paper is to provide realistic strategies that will help decision makers and those who provide health care service. The idea that drives leading practices is hinged on the benefits that emanate from sharing non-proprietary information, apps, ideas and processes in a structured manner. This approach will facilitate faster spread of successful and proven practices and limit the use of guess work in the provision of the service (Organization, 2012).

Involvement of Participants

It is essential to enlist the participation of community members in the process of identification of the needs of the community, planning and implementation; and even the evaluation process. Such involvement allows for a feeling of ownership and….

Transition From Disease Prevention to Health Promotion
Health Promotion

Health issues have been addressed in the past from the perspective of disease prevention rather than focusing on health promotion. Health promotion deals with a wide array of issues that establish the well-being of individuals and society as a whole including policymaking, social factors, health services, individual behavior as well as biology and genetics. These are the determinants of health. (Department of Health and Human Services, 2010).

In 1986 the first International Conference on Health Promotion was held in Ottawa, Canada as a response to the growing concerns and expectations for the improvement of public health throughout the world. The resultant Ottawa Charter defined health promotion as "the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. To reach a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, an individual or group must be able to identify and to realize….

Senior Citizens and the Growing isk of HIV / AIDS
HIV and AIDS are widely recognized as posing a serious challenge to the public health.

Efforts at outreach, dispersal of information and prevention are extensive and have targeted high-risk groups such as sexually active teenagers, minority groups and women.

Outreach has overlooked fastest growing population of HIV / AIDS sufferers in senior citizens

The discussion here is intended to illuminate the dangers posed to this particular demographic both by the condition and by the relative failure of the healthcare community to effectively reach out to this demographic regarding said dangers. In addressing this population and its relationship to the spread of HIV / AIDS, the discussion here will consider the social, cultural, epidemiological and environmental conditions defining the issue.

Several factors will be considered as causes for the growing risk to seniors:

The implications of longer life expectances.

The impact of the advent of male virility drugs.


ResponsesFrom #Response 1My colleague indicates that according to her interpretation of the data presented, middle school problems are on the rise. She further observes that in her school, the most prevalent concerns have been physical fights/confrontations among students and cyberbullying. The latter appears to be problematic in most settings as I have also encountered students who happen to have fallen victim to the same. This could be attributed to the advent of social media. My colleague also indicates that she was surprised by data regarding the prevalence of chronic sadness and hopelessness. This also happens to be the piece of data that surprised me most. I am in agreement with my colleague that this could be triggered by modern way of life where kids no longer engage in diverse outdoor activities and meaningful playground interactions. Life is likely to be dull when a majority of time is spent behind….

The Interplay Between Millennium Development Goals, Sustainable Development Goals, and Communicable DiseasesThe transition from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) marked a significant evolution in the global framework for addressing pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges. Both sets of goals are interrelated and pertinent to the discussion of communicable diseases (Fehling et al., 2013). The prevention, management, and eventual eradication of communicable diseases pivot significantly around these goals. For that reason, this paper discusses the MDGs and SDGs of global health within the context of their interconnectedness.Goals 1 & 2: Eradicating Extreme Hunger and Poverty and Achieving Universal Primary EducationEradicating extreme poverty and hunger is not merely a goal in itself, but it\\\'s also a stepping stone towards broader health outcomes. Extreme poverty often means inadequate access to clean water, sanitation, and healthcare facilities, all of which are crucial in preventing and managing communicable diseases.….

The statistics in the article show that vaccination levels during 2003 were substantially below the objective set for 2010. Various factors may play a role in this phenomenon, including vaccine supply delays and shortages (MMWR, 2005, p. 8).
The article suggests a variety of strategies to help meet the goals set by Healthy People 2010. The benefits of meeting this goal particularly relate to more hours at work and thus greater productivity and a growth in economy, fewer disruptions in essential services, as well as fewer deaths and other complications related to influenza (MMWR, 2005, p. 12). The benefits to the country then relate to the general well-being of the population and its economy.


Beato, Christina. (2003). Healthy People 2010: Progress Review Focus Area 14: Immunization and Infectious Diseases. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/about/otheract/hpdata2010/focusareas/fa14-immun.htm

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2005). Prevention and control of influenza: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR….

(Institute of Medicine, 2009)
Strategy 3: Community Food Access - Promote efforts to provide fruits and vegetables in a variety of settings, such as farmers' markets, farm stands, mobile markets, community gardens, and youth-focused gardens. (Institute of Medicine, 2009)

Action Steps: (1) Encourage farmers markets to accept Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) food package vouchers and WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program coupons; and encourage and make it possible for farmers markets to accept Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (or SNAP, formerly the Food Stamp Program) and WIC Program Electronic enefit Transfer (ET) cards by allocating funding for equipment that uses electronic methods of payment; (2) Improve funding for outreach, education, and transportation to encourage use of farmers markets and farm stands by residents of lower-income neighborhoods, and by WIC and SNAP recipients. Introduce or modify land use policies/zoning regulations to promote, expand, and protect potential sites for….

One possible explanation for the differences observed in the studies could be that the strengths of the chlorhexidine solution were different. It could also be that over time more effective techniques have been developed in the application of the solution, as the results do appear to improve over time.
There are limitations to the methodology of the study which are centered on the use of secondary data for analysis. The use of secondary data allows a wider range of data to be gathered from across the U.S. than would be practical from primary data collection which is the reason for the choice in this study. However this puts the control of several variables beyond the researcher. The results of the techniques may have been affected by the application of different individuals, departments and hospitals, all of whom may vary techniques and other factors influencing the success of these techniques. The….

The most common cause is blockage of an artery, usually by a piece of atherosclerotic plaque in one of the brain's main arteries that ahs broken off and gotten stuck "downstream." TIA are also caused by blood clots that originate in the heart, travel to the brain, and become lodged in a small artery there. By definition, the symptoms of a TIA last less than 24 hours, in contrast to the symptoms of a stroke, which last longer -- and are often permanent. (Komaroff, 2006, p. 88)
An individual may have one or more experiences with a TIA, though they may have none, prior to the actual stroke vent, often leading up to it, within a year or more of the stroke event. If these symptoms are noted, and even if they go away an individual should still seek care to begin treatment for medical stroke prevention. Individuals should also….

Alzheimer's Disease currently affects more than four million Americans. Alzheimer's is a disease characterized by the progressive degeneration of areas within the brain, resulting in cognitive and physical decline that will eventually lead to death. It is important to emphasize that Alzheimer's disease (AD) is not a normal part of aging. Although AD typically appears in those over sixty-five, it is a neurodegenerative disease, quite distinct from any aging-related cognitive decline. ecause Alzheimer's is eventually fatal, and because the decline typical of an Alzheimer's patient is so devastating, much research is currently being done to investigate potential treatments. With the elderly population the fastest growing segment of North American society, Alzheimer's threatens to be an even greater health concern in the future decades.
For patients exhibiting mild cognitive impairment, research is being done on ways to slow the disease's progression. The two main thrusts of Alzheimer's research are biological, which seeks….

Preventing Disease

Health Map
The risk of a pandemic disease spreading throughout the globe is higher than it has ever been in the history of the world. The massive population boom and rapid travel methods have combined to demonstrate that germs and diseases are potential weapons against the health and welfare of the population. To help remedy this cause, technology has shown us that, with its proper implementation, it can have a great benefit to those who are designated to protect the population from such threats.

The purpose of this essay is to highlight the importance of surveillance in the fight against such communicable disease outbreaks. To accomplish this task, this essay will detail the benefits and limitations of the surveillance system HealthMap. This essay will discuss how this particular piece of technology contributes to minimizing and eliminating potential threats.


The HealthMap system is recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as….

Health Prevention Programs

Health Promotion Lesson Plan
The concept of health promotion is thought of as "the science and art of helping people change their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health" (Dunphy et al., 2011, p 25). Serious heart conditions can be prevented, which is why it is so important to utilize community education techniques in order to help try to warn community members of the complications before they occur. This current lesson plan works to create three separate community lesson plans, based on specific age ranges. The age 18-29 focuses primarily on the use of social media and health advocacy efforts in association with the American Heart Association. For ages 30-49, there is also a focus on these two, combined with more community oriented issues, and for 50-60, there is much more of a focus on financial training along with community organized workshops.

Prevention has become a major issue in healthcare….

A way to better distribute the information that is being taught in the classrooms is also through the community so that the changes are also effecting the parents to the students, as a change on their part as well would be helpful in the battle against obesity. It would be useful to initially target pamphlets, an informational booth or table at grocery stores, where the foundation of the problem lies. It would be effective if information is given before families go grocery shopping so they are more conscious of the items that they are purchasing. Furthermore, information should also be initially presented on TVs, in newspapers and magazines and other mediums that would likely be used in the more low-key and sedentary setting in order to galvanize individuals to get outside. Once outside, in order to sustain the physical activity, it would be nice to have water and juice at….

From the Communicable Disease Prevention and Control Act (Section 27), venereal diseases refer to ailments like gonorrhoea, granuloma, chlamydia, chancroid, syphilis, lymphopathia venereum and inguinale (Public Health Law Research, 2014). Established by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), the California Regulations and Reportable Disease Information Exchange refer to a safe system used for automated disease diagnosis and monitoring. A number of certain conditions and diseases are authorized by State regulations and rules to be stated by laboratories and healthcare providers to the state healthcare agencies. The mission CPDH pursues is the enhancement of the efficacy of surveillance exercises as well as the quick identification of health occurrences amid public via the gathering of timely and up-to-date surveillance information across the State. This provides a platform for reporting as well as collection of health conditions in real time throughout the year. CPDHs and LHDs (or Local Health Departments) are both….

Epidemiology & Disease Prevention and Outcomes1. Which components of the Multicausation Disease Model can communities most effectively impact?In order to effectively address the factors contributing to disease, the World Health Organization recommends the use of a multi-causation disease model. This model takes into account not only biological factors, but also social, economic, and environmental determinants of health (Green et al., 2018). Of these four factors, communities have the most control over social and economic determinants. For example, community members can advocate for better working conditions or improved access to education and healthcare. In addition, they can provide support to those who are struggling with poverty or other socioeconomic challenges. By addressing the social and economic determinants of health, communities can have a significant impact on the overall health of their residents.2. Which level of prevention is most important for better community health outcomes and why?Ultimately, the most important level of….

I. Introduction
A. Thesis Statement: Inequalities in mortality linked to common physical health problems are a pressing issue that requires urgent attention.
B. Background Information on Mortality and Common Physical Health Problems
C. Importance of Addressing Health Inequalities

II. Health Inequalities and Common Physical Health Problems
A. Social Determinants and Health Outcomes
1. Income and Poverty
2. Education and Literacy
3. Access to Healthcare Services
B. Impact of Health Inequalities on Mortality
1. Cardiovascular Disease
2. Cancer
3. Respiratory Disease
4. Diabetes

III. Understanding the Mechanisms of Health Inequalities
A. Socioeconomic Factors
1. Lack of Access to Healthy Food and Physical Activity

1. The role of health informatics in improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs
2. The impact of electronic health records on patient care and safety
3. The use of telehealth and remote monitoring in healthcare delivery
4. The ethical considerations of data sharing and privacy in health informatics
5. The challenges and opportunities of implementing health informatics systems in developing countries
6. The role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in health informatics
7. The future trends of health informatics and the potential impact on healthcare delivery
8. The importance of interoperability and data standardization in health informatics
9. The benefits of using predictive analytics and data-driven....

The role of the advanced practice nurse in creating an informed citizenry that is empowered to advance wellbeing within individuals, families, and communities involves:

1. Education and Advocacy: Advanced practice nurses play a crucial role in educating individuals, families, and communities about health promotion, disease prevention, and self-care practices. They provide evidence-based information and resources to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health.

2. Collaboration and Support: Advanced practice nurses work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals, community organizations, and policymakers to address social determinants of health and promote health equity. They advocate for policies and programs that improve access to....

I. Introduction
A. Brief explanation of infectious diseases
B. Brief explanation of lifestyle diseases

II. Infectious Diseases
A. Definition and characteristics
1. Caused by pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi
2. Transmitted through direct contact, contaminated food or water, or vectors

B. Common examples
1. Influenza
2. Tuberculosis
3. Malaria

C. Prevention and control
1. Vaccinations
2. Good hygiene practices
3. Public health measures

III. Lifestyle Diseases
A. Definition and characteristics
1. Chronic diseases caused by unhealthy lifestyle choices
2. Develop over time due to factors such as poor diet, lack of exercise, and smoking

B. Common examples
1. Cardiovascular diseases (heart disease, stroke)
2. Type 2 diabetes
3. Obesity

C. Prevention and management
1. Healthy diet and nutrition
2. Regular physical activity
3. Smoking....

4 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Analyzing Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

Words: 1654
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Describe the effective health promotion strategies. Effective Health Promotion Strategies Best practice is a concept that has evolved from continuous health service improvement strategies. Lately, the name…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Transition From Disease Prevention to Health Promotion

Words: 718
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Transition From Disease Prevention to Health Promotion Health Promotion Health issues have been addressed in the past from the perspective of disease prevention rather than focusing on health promotion. Health promotion…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Global Health Human Diversity and Disease Prevention

Words: 2780
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Senior Citizens and the Growing isk of HIV / AIDS HIV and AIDS are widely recognized as posing a serious challenge to the public health. Efforts at outreach, dispersal of information…

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2 Pages


Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

Words: 527
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

ResponsesFrom #Response 1My colleague indicates that according to her interpretation of the data presented, middle school problems are on the rise. She further observes that in her school, the…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Disease Prevention in the Realm of Global Health

Words: 1745
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Interplay Between Millennium Development Goals, Sustainable Development Goals, and Communicable DiseasesThe transition from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) marked a significant evolution…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Prevention and Control of Influenza

Words: 391
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The statistics in the article show that vaccination levels during 2003 were substantially below the objective set for 2010. Various factors may play a role in this phenomenon,…

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14 Pages

Business - Miscellaneous

Prevention of Childhood Obesity in

Words: 3571
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Thesis

(Institute of Medicine, 2009) Strategy 3: Community Food Access - Promote efforts to provide fruits and vegetables in a variety of settings, such as farmers' markets, farm stands, mobile…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Prevention of Central Line Infections

Words: 3055
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

One possible explanation for the differences observed in the studies could be that the strengths of the chlorhexidine solution were different. It could also be that over time…

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5 Pages


Stroke Prevention Prevalence in U S

Words: 1822
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

The most common cause is blockage of an artery, usually by a piece of atherosclerotic plaque in one of the brain's main arteries that ahs broken off and…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Alzheimer's Disease Currently Affects More Than Four

Words: 2553
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Alzheimer's Disease currently affects more than four million Americans. Alzheimer's is a disease characterized by the progressive degeneration of areas within the brain, resulting in cognitive and physical decline…

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3 Pages


Preventing Disease

Words: 757
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Health Map The risk of a pandemic disease spreading throughout the globe is higher than it has ever been in the history of the world. The massive population boom and…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Health Prevention Programs

Words: 2666
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Health Promotion Lesson Plan The concept of health promotion is thought of as "the science and art of helping people change their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Miscellaneous

Public Awareness and Human Diseases

Words: 2069
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A way to better distribute the information that is being taught in the classrooms is also through the community so that the changes are also effecting the parents to…

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3 Pages


Sexually Transmitted Diseases and how Automated disease diagnosis and monitoring can help

Words: 1916
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

From the Communicable Disease Prevention and Control Act (Section 27), venereal diseases refer to ailments like gonorrhoea, granuloma, chlamydia, chancroid, syphilis, lymphopathia venereum and inguinale (Public Health Law Research,…

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1 Pages
Research Paper


Multi Causation Disease Model Uses

Words: 392
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Epidemiology & Disease Prevention and Outcomes1. Which components of the Multicausation Disease Model can communities most effectively impact?In order to effectively address the factors contributing to disease, the World…

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