Education Essays (Examples)

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Teacher education focuses on preparing future educators for the challenges that they will face in the classroom, as well as ensuring that they know curriculum items well enough to teach them to their students. Teacher education prog

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Example Essays

Pages: 6 Words: 1995

Over the last several years, the field of education has been continually changing. This is because the public is demanding greater amounts of accountability. For the Library and Media program, this means that there must be a focus on providing additional resources in an era of declining budgets. The key for dealing with these challenges requires that everyone have a sense of leadership and vision. To fully understand how these objectives can be achieved means looking at: areas for team building, the six column frame work, specific strategies that can be utilized, how this impacts choices for learning and two strategies for dealing with underperforming students. Together, these different elements will highlight how the Library and Media program can address the most critical issues inside the school. ("Impact of No Child Left Behind is Debatable," 2010)

Task 1: Identify three ways that you feel that you can encourage team building throughout…...



Alternative Assessments. (2010). NAGC. Retrieved from: 

Classroom Management. (2012). Hub Pages. Retrieved from: 

Impact of No Child Left Behind is Debatable. (2010). NPR. Retrieved from 

Multipule Intelligence Theory. (2011). PBS. Retrieved from:

Education in the Wake of the Recent
Pages: 6 Words: 2541

In the wake of the recent globalization, education has emerged as one of the most necessary tools for the field. For globalization to be realized on a large scale, the public has to be well conversant in matters concerning education. However, this has come to pass just a mirage, owing to the poor standards of education amongst some sectors of the public. Immigrants have suffered the most, and it is worth to note that most of them are subject to poor conditions of education. In fact, some of them do not receive any education at all. In his book, Rose asserts that the immigrants were struggling in learning the English language as a second language which was necessary in order for them to improve their lifestyles. In his book he wrote on how a boy saw another being hacked to death and now he is not able to learn the…...


Works cited

Ezekiel-Hart, Jessica. "Reflections On Politics And Policies Of Education For Vision 20:2020."European Journal Of Educational Studies 3.2 (2011): 365-374. Education Research Complete. Web. 6 June 2012.

Griswold, Daniel T. Immigration And The Welfare State. CATO Journal. Winter2012, Vol. 32 Issue 1, p159-174. 16p.

Irizarry, Jason G.; Kleyn, Tatyana. Immigration and Education in the "Supposed Land of Opportunity": Youth Perspectives on Living and Learning in the United States. New Educator, v7 n1 p5-26 2011

Rose, Mike. "Lives On The Boundary, The Struggles And Achievements Of America's Unprepared." California English 7.4 (2002): 20. Education Research Complete. Web. 6 June 2012.

Education and National Security Education Is Essential
Pages: 3 Words: 978

Education and National Security
Education is essential for the advancement of our nation as well as our children. A good education gives children the ability to succeed physically, intellectually, and emotionally. The American nation has been labeled as having a threat to national security because of the education system failing to provide the needed learning and skills to know how to protect the nation. The condition of America's education system has become a major issue concerned with the security of the nation and citizens.

There are several core factors causing the education system to fail (Kache, 2012). There is a lack of emphasis on civics for students to learn theoretical and practical aspects of society. The emphasis of civil law, civil code, and the role of the government, as well as the citizen's responsibilities are not enough for national security. Failure to teach foreign language hinders the communication between members of global…...



Duncan, A. (2011, May 25). U.S. Falls In World Education Rankings, Rated Average. Retrieved from Huffington Post: 

Kache, D. (2012, Mar 20). Report calls education a national security issue. Retrieved from CNN: 

Ravitch, D. (2012, June 7). Do our public schools threaten national security? Retrieved from The New York Review of Books: 

Reagan, M. (2010, Apr 4). America's failing education system a threat to national security. Retrieved from Online Athens:

Education and Sociology Over the Last Several
Pages: 5 Words: 1542

Education and Sociology
Over the last several years, the education system has been continually facing a variety of challenges. This is because many schools are lagging behind in academic achievement in comparison with most developed nations. To make matters worse, teachers are not creating an environment that will help students to learn the social skills they need to survive inside the society and the workplace. This makes it harder for them to adapt with various challenges they are facing and how to adjust with them. (Gerwitz)

As a result, sociology plays an important part in determining the quality of education everyone is receiving and the skills they will need to be successful over the long-term. To fully understand the significance of these concepts requires focusing on how this field of study will have a direct impact upon the way students learn and understand the world around them. This will be accomplished by…...


Works Cited

Gerwitz, Sharon. Understanding Education. Malden: Point Press, 2009. Print.

Kendall, Diana. Sociology in Our Times. Belmont: Wadsworth, 2012. Print.

Education I Support Most of What Robinson
Pages: 4 Words: 1297

I support most of what Robinson is saying that video. The core of his argument is that the education system geared more towards creating workers than thinkers, and that does seem to be the natural outcome of a lot of decisions in the education system. Schools that remove arts, physical education and other such classes to focus on standardized test subjects are being economically motivated to churn out workers. This occurs because it is easier for the education system to measure success with standardized tests, and measuring success represents a way for politicians and those running the education to demonstrate to parents and taxpayers -- stakeholders -- that they are doing their jobs running the education system.

This does call into question the idea of universal public education. On principle, universal public education is a tremendously powerful tool for domestic policy. An educated populace is a successful populace, especially in the…...


Works Cited:

Laursen, E. (2005). Rather than fixing kids -- build positive peer cultures. The Journal of Strength-based Interventions. Vol. 14 (3) 137-143.

Robinson, K. (no date). Changing education paradigms. Dotsub. Retrieved April 22, 2013 from 

Theodoulou, S. (2003). The art of the game: Understanding public policy Wadsworth Publishing.

Zhao, Y. (2006). Are we fixing the wrong things? Educational Leadership. Vol. 63 (4) 28-31.

Education and Empowerment
Pages: 3 Words: 984

Education and Empowerment
Since it became a country, the United States has made it a priority to educate its citizens in order to allow them to progress. The reason for this is that there is an established connection between education level and the potential for social mobility of Americans, a statistic which has been verified in other countries as well. In the United States, there is a concept of the American Dream which says that anyone who is willing to work hard can become socially mobile. This is an unspoken promise given to the citizens by the founding fathers of the nation. According to this dream, even people born in the poorest communities can, through a strong worth ethic, skill, and dedication to their own bettering, will be able to become millionaires. The thing that allows for people to move along the ranks of the social ladder is education and the…...


Works Cited

Colombo, Gary, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle. "Chapter 2: Learning Power: The Myth of Education and Empowerment." Rereading America: Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking and Writing. 8th Ed. Boston: Bedford of St. Martin's, 2010. 109-238. Print.

Education and Learning
Pages: 10 Words: 2706

Education and Learning
There have been a plethora of developments in regards to modern educational systems. Yet at the same time there have many of the same problems that plagued classrooms at the beginning of the last century are still present today. This suggests that there are trends inherent in the world of education that are timeless in nature. However, at the same time the quality of education is increasing rapidly in some instances. There are many examples of new developments that have the potential of bringing a quality of education to people in a demographic that formally didn't have many options in regards to educational choices.

Another trend that was identified is that fact that educational systems have made significant progress, so has the vast material of content that students need to be taught in a modern environment. For example, education in the early twentieth century may have consisted of studies…...


Works Cited

Hancock, L. (2011, September 9). Why Are Finland's Schools Successful. Retrieved from Smithsonian: 

McKinsey & Company. (2010, November 11). How the world's most improved school systems keep getting better. Retrieved from McKinsey & Company:

Snider, J. (2010, December 13). Lessons From Finland's Education System. Retrieved from The Hechinger Report: 

Superintendent of Schools. (1948). The First Fifty Years: Fiftieth Annual Report. The City of New York: Board of Education.

Education Disparity in America
Pages: 6 Words: 2026

Education Disparity in America:
Education has traditionally been regarded as a great equalizer in the United States because of its capability to lift less disadvantaged children and enhancing their probability to succeed as adults. As a great equalizer of conditions in the society, education has been regarded as the balance wheel of America's social machinery. Since the establishment of the first public school in the United States, there has been widespread belief that education would enable children of any class to have a chance of succeeding in life. However, trends in the recent past have indicated the emergence of education disparity between rich and poor children. These trends have been particularly been prevalent in funding between school districts. For instance, Massachusetts, America's best-educated state, has experienced the second-biggest inequality in the past two decades because the poor are losing academic strengths to the rich.

eason the Problem:

Even though the ability of education…...



Baker, B.D., Sciarra, D.G. & Farrie, D. (2010, September). Is School Funding Fair? A National

Report Card. Retrieved October 16, 2013, from

Biddle, B.J. & Berliner, D.C. (2002, May). A Research Synthesis / Unequal School Funding in the United States. Beyond Instructional Leadership, 59(8), 48-59. Retrieved from 

Hursh, D. (2007, September). Exacerbating Inequality: the Failed Promise of the No Child Left

Education Both Woodson 1933 and Howard 2001
Pages: 3 Words: 843

Both Woodson (1933) and Howard (2001) agree that the education system in the United States is inherently biased, and that it does not serve the needs or interests of the African-American community. Blacks are systematically excluded from history and the construction of pedagogy in schools. Furthermore, Woodson (1933) points out that there have been few opportunities for African-Americans to join established professions. The message has been that blacks do not succeed in the professions. There are also few opportunities to apply knowledge to the empowerment of African-American communities, making an education in a white system of little practical value. The entire education system and its structural foundations must change. Woodson argued for a total transformation of education in 1933; Howard argues the same at the start of a new millennium.

"Negroes who have been so long inconvenienced and denied opportunities for development are naturally afraid of anything that sounds like discrimination,"…...



Howard, T.C. (2001). Powerful pedagogy for African-American students.

Woodson, C.G. (1933). History is a weapon. Retrieved online:

Education of Pisa Members vs Economy the
Pages: 4 Words: 1177

The relationship between economic growth and quality of education of PISA member countries 2003 and 2009

Economic Growth vs. The Quality of Education of Pisa Member Countries

One of the most valuable assets for both the present and future generations is "quality education." Its achievement requires a robust commitment from everyone including teachers, governments, parents, as well as the students themselves. Therefore, this urge motivated a number of countries to form and/or participate in PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) through the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development). According to Stephen, Eric and Ludger (2011), the OECD contributes to educational goals via PISA, which monitors the educational results within an approved framework, allowing for legal international comparisons. PISA is an international study assessment of knowledge and skills for 15-year-old students. Additionally, PISA provides information on an assortment of factors, which contribute to the success of students,…...



Claudia, G. & Larry, K. (2008).The race between education and economy. Cambridge, MA:

The Belknap Press of Harvard University.

Norton, G. & Marvin, L. (2004).The education gospel: The economic power of schooling.

Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Education Description of Education Education Is the
Pages: 3 Words: 891

Description of education

Education is the learning and experience that impacts every individual in one way or the other. In fact, better education paves the way for better economic opportunities and this is one of the key areas that results in economic disparities in the society.

Education as a field of sociology is about understanding how different aspects such as public institutions, parental role, society and environment affect the learning abilities of individuals. It concentrates heavily on the role of schools and universities in the modern society (Ballantine & Hammack, 2011).

Education in the field of sociology

In sociology, education is viewed as a means towards better social equality and to overcome many social evils such as poverty. In that context, education is the path for acquiring social status and money. It is also seen as an area where the individual differences in terms of learning abilities is evident. The sociological aspect of education…...



Wells, Gordon. (1999). Dialogic Inquiry: Towards a Sociocultural Practice and Theory of Education. Boston: Cambridge University Press.

Bessant, Judith; Watts, Rob. (2002). Sociology: Australian Connections. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.

Ballantine, Jeanna; Hammack, Floyd. (2011). The Sociology of Education: A Systematic Analysis. New Jersey: Pearson Education.

Andersen, Margaret; Taylor, Francis. (2007). Sociology: Understanding a Diverse Society. Farmington Hills, MI: Cengage Learning.

Education Pedagogy Lesson Plan Title of the
Pages: 10 Words: 3214

Education Pedagogy Lesson Plan
Title of the lesson plan: Integrating English as a second language with food recipe lessons

Class Level: Intermediate or advanced Age Level: Teen-agers to adults

Location / country/city/region:

Estimated Time of the Lesson: 75 minutes

Number of Students: effective for small group activity -- 10-15 or less

The students should understand the format used in making simple recipe.

The students should be capable to reading and following the directions used in making a simple recipe.

The students will be capable of explaining the directions of making a simple recipe to another student.

The students will participate in a hands-on experience of conducting a simple cooking lesson.

The students will experience a new type of food from other cultures


Pictures illustrating simple recipes from newspapers and magazines

Computer projectors

Example of a recipe for overhead for illustration

Packaged food items with simple recipes labeled on the back puffy recipe on wall chart for students to use during the cooking lesson



Learning/Teaching Activities:





Farrell, T.S.C. (2002). Lesson planning. In J.C. Richards and W.A. Renandya (Eds.),

Methodology in language teaching: An anthology of current practice (pp. 30 -- 39). New

York: Cambridge University Press.

Farrell, T.S.C. (2008). Classroom Management. Alexandria, VA: TESOL Publications.

Education Is the Creation of the Whole
Pages: 1 Words: 336

Education is the creation of the whole person through a synthesis of ideas. My evolving definition of education includes a rigorous investigation of classical liberal arts paradigms from Aristotle to Freud and everything in between. Through a synoptic reading of diverse texts during my course of study, I will be able to offer suggestions on curriculum design and modification. However, my focus will be on Western and European perspectives and points-of-view. This is largely because I feel we should draw heavily on the culture in which we are already immersed; self-understanding begins with an understanding of context, place, and space. The hallmark of my research will be the content of humanitarian disciplines and especially the status of religious studies in a liberal arts program. If religious studies do have a place in modern academics, then the question of how religion should be taught is of particular significance. The debate over…...

Education Part 6 Learner Outcome
Pages: 6 Words: 1597

When this phase is complete, the assessment phase can begin.
Step 7: Assessment

Assessment will occur on two basic levels: informal and formal. Informal assessment will occur during the group work process, where each group is assessed for its ability to cooperate and learn from each other. A value out of 10 is assigned for each group, where higher values denote a higher level of cooperation.

Formal assessment will occur in two phases: by means of a class presentation and by means of written assessment. When all groups have finished their tasks, groups have the opportunity to present their documents orally to the class. Each group assigns a "speaker," who reads the document. Students are allowed to ask questions to clarify the information. The teacher then assigns a grade according to the number of clarifying questions asked and the general reactions of the rest of the class. This value, along with the…...



Myers, M. (2010). Your Fourth-Grader and Technology. Retrieved from:

Education Gender Effect' in College
Pages: 2 Words: 499

When applied to the "real world" one might even suggest that the ways in which women learn are more likely to be used realistically than the way in which men learn. Thus, this test can be questioned. Does it really measure knowledge, or just the way that college education tends to present evaluations, and does this suggest that while women perform poorly on academic evaluations, they perform well on applicability tests.

In what ways does technology advance or hinder the learning of students of different socioeconomic backgrounds? Are students of a higher socioeconomic background helped by technology in education because they are familiar with the technology? Likewise, are those of a lower socioeconomic background hindered?

How does the classroom of students with wide age gaps compare to the classroom of students with relatively low age gaps?

Do classrooms with great age diversity show higher rates of retention or lower rates of retention?


plan a seminar on developing the needs of educational tourism for young ones?
Words: 143

Educational tourism for young people is a great topic. Unfortunately, many educational tourism destinations are too focused on adults. To plan a seminar on developing the needs of this type of tourism for the younger crowd, it would be important to reach out to educational tourism locations either in the local area or even nationwide. Asking them to come and talk to the participants could create a seminar that's highly valuable and also showcase the need for change. Additionally, you can create a seminar that's designed more as a focus group, where people who are concerned about the lack of....

Words: 93


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